Saturday, March 22, 2014

Right Wing Alert: Sally Kern Equates Disagreeing With Her With 'Stoning' God

Sally Kern Equates Disagreeing With Her With 'Stoning' God

                                            Sally Kern, Oklahoma's right wing's favorite Daughter.

Here are several of her right-wing fanaticism at the Oklahoma legislature.  Here's a video wanting the OK Legislature to protect students creating imaginary weapons, guns included:

All of this proves to me is that Oklahoma needs to enter the 21st century, not back to the Dark Ages or Jim Crow!

At least the good people of North Carolina rose up to protest the right-wing Dark Ages policies of Gov. Pat McCrory.  The Tar Heels ain't having any of that nonsense! They will not go back to the days of Jessie Helms.  No way!

How come the people of Oklahoma aren't protesting against Governor Mary Fallin, Rep. Sally Kern, RamZPaul, Sen. Inhofe, etc.?  When are they going to get a comeuppance?

Georgia, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Alabama had their Moral Mondays.  Why not Oklahoma?  Why not my home state, Ohio?  We, too, have a governor that is just as repressive as Fallin and McCrory.  

What are your thoughts?

White House: Drudge Telling Lies!

No agitation without an approval.

The White House fires back at the conservative agitator for promoting a phony story.

That Guy Who Throws Shit On The Wall has an official Twitter page where he actually goes online to vent about the latest things going through his reclusive life.

The White House communication director Jesse Lee responds back in a way that agitates the conservatives.

Of course, he's now waiting on the first death threat that comes down. Because of course, he's a government official and threatening anyone who works for the president is a THREE DEGREE FELONY.

Because you're not allowed to threaten government officials.

Of course the conservative agitator loves the drama because later that day, he tweeted:

Politifact which check pundits and government officials made a call on this little spat.

Pundifact is a website that focuses solely on misinformation from those in the media. They said that the website threw a wrench in the daily ritual of the White House press briefing. That’s when reporters pepper White House spokesman Jay Carney with questions. That Guy gave top billing to an item in the Weekly Standard, posted by online editor Daniel Halper.

In Halper’s article, the headline said it all: "Reporter: WH press secretary gets questions from reporters before press briefing: It’s just a show."

Halper didn’t write too much more. Mainly, he inserted a video of a reporter from an Arizona CBS affiliate talking about what she learned on her visit to the White House.

The reporter, Catherine Anaya, said Carney told her that the questions correspondents ask "are provided to him in advance. So then he knows what he's going to be answering and sometimes those correspondents and reporters also have those answers printed in front of them."

They said That Guy Who Throws Shit To The Wall gave top billing to the claim that the daily White House press briefings are "just a show," with questions submitted and answered in advance.

That claim relied on the report of a television anchor in Arizona. But the website did all it could to make the statement go viral. Accountability applies as much to spreading information, especially for a website as popular as the website, as it does to the journalist who wrote the article.

The reporter behind Halper’s article now says she made a mistake and really doesn’t know what happens in the briefings. She was considering asking a question about a local issue and wanted to know if it would be appropriate to ask at the regular press briefing. She opted to save the question for her interview with Obama.

According to Carney and the reporters whom he faces daily, this scenario in no way matches up with their experiences.

Halper took a shaky report and drew a strong conclusion without proof. That Guy Who Throws Shit To The Wall put that claim on steroids. We rate this statement Pants on Fire.

So the racist right's favorite son can't tell the truth?

Ain't this ironic.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Mom Gave Tot A Lil' Drank Got Locked Up!

MTV won't give this teen mom a show. The teen and her few years older aunt gave a little toddler a few shots and may face time in the iron college for this reckless decision.

Mom of the year got her child drunk.

When will you learn not to put the drank in the sippy cup?

The child's mother, 17-year-old Shadreon Jefferson, and the victim's aunt, 24-year-old Shamara Batiste, were both charged with felony child endangerment, according to ABC 13.

The little girl, only 1 year old, was rushed to a Houston hospital on Feb. 8 after she was dropped off at her father's home. The father called authorities when he noticed the girl's eyes rolling into the back of her head, according to court documents. When authorities arrived, they said she was unresponsive, moaning and vomiting.

At the hospital, doctors said the child had a blood alcohol content of 0.268, more than three times the legal limit for adults, according to KHOU. The child suffered acute alcohol poisoning.

A motive for the crime wasn't immediately clear.

While Jefferson was sleeping, Batiste allegedly gave the child a vodka mixer. According to a criminal complaint, Batiste admitted that the baby drank about six shots of vodka before falling asleep. The child was apparently swaying and smelled of alcohol at the hospital.

On Wednesday, State District Judge Ryan Patrick signed a protective order keeping the women from the child after Jefferson was arraigned, the Houston Chronicle reported.

“I see them every day and the baby is good, know what I’m saying?" neighbor Dante Montgomery told KHOU. "Taken care of, they always feed and take care of them. If they did give [her] vodka, they deserve the punishment they’re getting, but like I say, I can’t believe that they did it."

The child is now in the care of her maternal grandmother after spending four days in the hospital.

Jefferson is free on a $10,000 bail, but authorities are still seeking out Batiste.


Thursday, March 20, 2014

Obama: [At Least] I Wasn't Punked On TV Like Bill O'Reilly!

O'Loofus gets his facts wrong as usual.

The Loserville agitator would slam President Barack Obama for making a last ditch effort to promote the American Care Act. He would compare this event to the 19th Century president Abraham Lincoln.

Well the president decided to aim a 3-point shot at the conservative agiator.

O'Loofus (aka Bill O'Reilly) is the number one news agitator. His show The O'Loofus Factor, is the prime time king in ratings. That along with Undermine Report with Bret Beier are the only outlets President Barack Obama gone to during his ongoing war with Loserville.

The arm chair generals are pissed that Russian Federation president Vladimir Putin took control of Ukraine's Crimea, a former state that became an independent autonomy under Russian control.

The racist right and their allies believe that the world is coming to an end because the president is cutting back on military forces. After a long wary war in Afghanistan, we're closing it out with all the troops coming home.
Obama believes Loserville is the communication arm of the Republican Party.

The neo-con racists are doing the fives (what, who, why, where and how). They want the president to do more than impose sanctions on Russia. They want the president to do something other than go on Between Two Ferns.

They were pissed that the president went to a mock interview with actor Zach Galifianakis to plug the ACA.

O'Loofus struck hard on the president by saying "....for a president under intense scrutiny they do a comedy show raises some questions. First of all, I don't really have a problem with it in general but I think the timing hurts Mr. Obama, the timing continues to be problematic and Putin is clearly testing the President.

It looks like Putin believes the President is a light weight with a comedy video counter that? I'm just asking. Here's the most important thing the Affordable Healthcare Act is dubious to say the least. And using a comedic Web site to enroll people is a little bit desperate, don't you think? I mean I'm all for PR and if Carney wanted to go on Funny Or Die, fine but the President of the United States?

All I can tell is you Abe Lincoln would not have done it. There comes a point when serious times call for serious action. We're a divided nation which Talking Points believes is in decline. Mr. Obama is quick, has a good sense of humor. Those are assets.
Stephen Colbert punks Loserville quite often.
But he needs to be aware. He needs to be aware of how his enemies perceive him because I believe the testing of America is just getting started."

O'Loofus believes that the interview was demeaning and an embarrassment to the office.

President Barack Obama responds back to the criticism.

"First of all, if you read back on Lincoln, he loved telling the occasional bawdy joke, and, you know, being out among regular folks."


The Colbert Report
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Anti-Gay Bigot Fred Phelps Passes Away!

One more right wing extremist bites the dust.

That doesn't stop the Westboro Baptist Church from protesting at funerals of those in the LGBT community, suicidal teens and military officers who died in battle.

Although they've lost a leader, a father and social conservative, the anti-gay Phelps family will at least get a moment of clarity.

In his 84 years, Fred Phelps and his family have protested the funerals of what they've called an all out war against traditional marriage. They believe the "gay agenda" has ruined America.

So the Phelps family would congregate upon nearby roads near schools or funeral homes to rally for GOD.

They would say GOD HATES FAGS or GOD HATES AMERICA every time they've shown up at an event.

While some may agree with their sick views, others have taken them to task.
Margie Phelps and Shirley Phelps-Roper.
While they protest their anti-gay bigotry, the counterprotesters would often block their attempts. Some of these attempts have gotten violent when family members rush the Phelps family.

Phelps and his followers frequently picketed various events, such as military funerals, gay pride gatherings, high-profile political gatherings, university commencement ceremonies, performances of The Laramie Project, mainstream Christian gatherings and concerts with which he had no affiliation, arguing it was their sacred duty to warn others of God's anger, leading a group of motorcycle riders to form the Patriot Guard Riders to provide a non-violent, volunteer buffer between the protesters and mourners.

Of course, the racist right would love to tag this nutjob to the Democratic Party. Although he's was a perennial candidate for higher office, Phelps would make it no secret he's no fan of the Democrats.

Meghan Roper, the granddaughter of Fred Phelps left.
He tried to run for the U.S. Senate as a social conservative.

He was known for the slogans that he and his ministry used against people he deemed 'sinful'; his church is built around a core of anti-homosexual theology, with many of their activities stemming from the slogan "God hates fags", which remains the name of the group's main website. Gay rights supporters denounced him as a producer of anti-gay propaganda and violence-inspiring hate speech.

The church is considered a hate group and monitored by the Anti-Defamation League and Southern Poverty Law Center.

He takes pride in one victory during his pathetic life/ He managed to win a Supreme Court case in which he and his family protested the funeral of fallen solider, Marine Lance Corporal Matthew A. Snyder.

Synder who died in combat in Iraq on March 3, 2006.

The Snyder family sued Fred Phelps for defamation, invasion of privacy, and intentional infliction of emotional distress.

On October 31, 2007, WBC, Fred Phelps and his two daughters, Shirley Phelps-Roper and Rebekah Phelps-Davis, were found liable for invasion of privacy and intentional infliction of emotional distress. A federal jury awarded Snyder's father $2.9 million in compensatory damages, then later added a decision to award $6 million in punitive damages for invasion of privacy and an additional $2 million for causing emotional distress (a total of $10.9 million).

The organization said it would not change its message because of the verdict.
Bitter to the end, Fred Phelps became a maytr of the racist right.
The lawsuit named Albert Snyder, father of Matthew Snyder, as the plaintiff and Fred W. Phelps, Sr.; Westboro Baptist Church, Inc.; Rebekah Phelps-Davis; and Shirley Phelps-Roper as defendants, alleging that they were responsible for publishing defamatory information about the Snyder family on the Internet, including statements that Albert and his wife had "raised [Matthew] for the devil" and taught him "to defy his Creator, to divorce, and to commit adultery". Other statements denounced them for raising their son Catholic. Snyder further complained the defendants had intruded upon and staged protests at his son's funeral. The claims of invasion of privacy and defamation arising from comments posted about Snyder on the Westboro website were dismissed on First Amendment grounds, but the case proceeded to trial on the remaining three counts.

An appeal by WBC was heard on September 24, 2009. The federal appeals court ruled in favor of Phelps and Westboro Baptist Church, stating that their picket near the funeral of LCpl Matthew A. Snyder is protected speech and did not violate the privacy of the service member's family, reversing the lower court's $5 million judgment. On March 30, 2010, the federal appeals court ordered Albert Snyder to pay the court costs for the Westboro Baptist Church, an amount totaling $16,510.
The Phelps family would protest at funerals of dead soldiers.
A writ of certiorari was granted on an appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States, and the oral argument for the case took place on October 6, 2010. Margie Phelps, one of Fred Phelps' children, represented the Westboro Baptist Church.[

The Court ruled in favor of Phelps in an 8–1 decision, holding that their speech related to a public issue, and was disseminated on a public sidewalk.

Phelps had long been estranged from family members who left the Westboro Baptist Church. One of those family members, son Nathan, reported that Phelps was in very poor health and receiving hospice care.
Nathan said that Phelps had been excommunicated from the church in August 2013.

The church's official website said in response that membership status is private and did not confirm or deny the excommunication.

Phelps died of natural causes shortly before midnight on March 19.

Phelps' daughter Shirley has stated that a funeral for her father will not be held because Westboro does not "worship the dead."

White Extremist Rally Flopped In Cincy!

Extremism continues in America.

There are over 1,100 active hate groups in the United States. The far right extremism is so unprecedented its almost scary.

In Cincinnati, a White extremist wanted to gather his fellow brethren for a Worldwide White Pride March.

White extremist Kyle Hunt wanted to have thousands of proud White men appear at this rally.

They took their rally to the streets of the Cincinnati suburb of Florence, Kentucky.

Unfortunately, 10 people showed up to this event.

According to the website, The White Man March is scheduled for the third Saturday of every month and involves coordinated pro-white activity around the world. The purpose is to spread information through activism, but also to make a statement that White people are united in their love for their race and in their opposition to its destruction.

Non-white groups such as La Raza have monthly marches and gatherings with many thousands of participants, while groups advocating for White interests remain relatively silent or hidden from the public. One of the major goals of the White Man March is to demonstrate that pro-White people are able to form a unified front and participate in large-scale action simultaneously, which will send a powerful message to our supporters, our enemies, and those of our race who are still on the fence. We also seek to set a precedent that other pro-white organizations can follow in the future.
White extremist Kyle Hunt.

They're goal was to expect thousands of people to participate in one way or another. White extremists were encouraging people to start networking together now to coordinate local events or to join up with larger regional events. If there are only a few people in a location, they can hang up a banner, hand out fliers, and strike up conversations. If there are more than a few people, they could organize a lightning march (a non-violent flash mob) to make a statement and then disperse before any anti-white protesters or police show up.

The Cincinnati Enquirer reports that the group displayed a banner that read: "Diversity=white genocide."

Robert Ransdell of Florence said he organized the rally in concert with the White Man March, an international event scheduled for Saturday.

"We are here promoting white interests and encouraging others to stand up for people advocating for the white majority just like the minorities are encouraged to do," Ransdell told the Enquirer.

The rally, which drew about 10 people, ran from 10:30 a.m. to about 1 p.m. just off I-71/75 at the Turfway Road exit.

The mission of the White Man March is to spread information through activism, but also to make a statement that white people are united in their love for their race and in their opposition to its destruction, according to its website

"As far as anyone in opposition, I would say it is 2014. That is one thing you guys love to say, 'it is 2014, how can these racists be out here?' Well, it is 2014. It has been six or seven decades since white people stood up for themselves and it is about time we start doing so," Ransdell said.

The Kentucky State Conference of the NAACP saw nothing wrong with the group protesting but it did object to their message.
Education is seriously lacking here.

"We would disagree vehemently with their stance regarding minority rights. The mission of the NAACP is for equal rights for everyone whether red, yellow, black or white. We do not differentiate. We have never protested for anything but equality. I'm not sure if this group is for that," Raoul Cunningham, president of the Kentucky State Conference of the NAACP, said Saturday.

"Diversity is inclusive of everyone," Cunningham added. "Those individuals do not have a clue as to what the meaning of diversity is."

Ransdell has organized other protests in Greater Cincinnati, including a 2012 one in North College Hill after a group of black teens attacked a white man. Last year he was removed from a meeting in Park Hills.

Take discretion in viewing this video.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Black Women Acting Out In A Restaurant Goes Viral!

Some ignorant people act fight inside an Ohio restaurant.

Once that hit the social webs, here comes the racist right to make their case about "us Black folk" acting like animals in their establishments.

Forget that many Whites have acted out in restaurants and venues. For the racist right,  it's only Blacks that folks who are the criminals. Ask White extremists such as that asshat Colin Flaherty. He obsesses over social norms in Black America.

He wrote White Girl Bleeds Alot, a book worries the junk food media ignores criminal acts by "us Black folk".

A restaurant is cleaning up after four women fought inside. These women are probably banned for life after this incident.
Flaherty is a compulsive agitator. He is the rallying call for all White extremists. He plugs his facts and reports onto the conservative blog World Nut Daily. The website promotes controversial themes such as this "Black on everyone" violence.

Again, Flaherty really digs out of his ass to find those nuggets. Then he throws his poo at the masses saying that "ah ha, I got proof".

Any event regardless will be certified agitation.

According to him and many in the racist right, we're "natural born criminals" and the president is the "commander-and-chief of racism".

The Dayton Daily News couldn't help itself. They really want to lose the title of being called a "liberal" rag by its conservative readers. The newspaper reports four Black women acting out in a restaurant and that lovely camera is there to capture the whole thing.

Police arrested the four women and two juveniles Monday night after responding to complaints about a fight inside Elsa's on the Border restaurant in Dayton.

Erinn Smith, Airika Taylor, Shabree Andrews and Melissa Taylor got the bologna sandwiches at the Montgomery County lockup. These four women acted like animals in a Mexican restaurant. The pictures come courtesy of It will cost them $500 to have their images removed from this website.  
The adults taken into custody were Shabree Andrews, 24, Airika Taylor, 32, Erinn Smith, 31, and Melissa Taylor, 30. Andrews, Smith and Airika Taylor were arrested on assault, criminal damaging and disorderly conduct charges. Melissa Taylor was arrested on a disorderly conduct charge.

According to the police report, officers received a call around 10:20 p.m. that stated, "Two groups are fighting and throwing objects at each other" at Elsa's at 1227 Wilmington Ave. When police arrived at the restaurant, they saw a group of women leaving the building. Soon after, the women re-entered the restaurant and began yelling at another group that was inside. Police separated the two groups.

One of the women told police that she and her family had been eating dinner when an argument broke out with a table of women sitting nearby.
White extremist Colin Flaherty turd flips over Black crime.
According to witnesses, Andrews stood on the table yelling and, at one point, threw an unknown object at someone's head.

A fight broke out between both parties with plates, silverware, food and glassware being thrown. Police noted several tables were overturned and food and broken glass were all over the floor. They also said a chicken wing and multiple quesadillas were stuck to the wall.

The restaurant manager told police that many customers left the restaurant when the fight broke out, fearing for their safety.

While police were taking the women into custody, Melissa Taylor began yelling obscenities at officers about her sister going to jail, according to the report. She was also arrested.

All the women were taken to Montgomery County lockup.


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