Sunday, June 19, 2016

The Definition Of Irony!

Man gunned down while sharing his life on social media.


It's easy to purchase a firearm without any questions. The inept Republican-controlled Congress refuses to act in the wake of senseless gun tragedies. House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) are total failures as leaders.

They fear the NRA more than the victims of gun violence. They rather try to blame the president for gun violence and terrorist attacks.

Gun sales are up everytime there's a mass shooting. The Orlando massacre is officially a week in.

While the junk food media zeros in on Orlando, other areas in the United States have seen a spike in gun violence.

Between March and September, it starts to get warmer. Gun violence begins usually around late March when the people shed their coats and embrace the sun. On sunny days, gun violence increases.

People with access to firearms can use them on anyone. A bullet doesn't care what it hits. It's always going to hit a target.

Chicago is well on its way to another deadly summer. The mass shootings in the third largest city is a contribution towards domestic terrorism. Gang violence is terrorism as well. The Chicago Police are releasing the name of the victim. They say he had ties to domestic terrorists.

A man was shot in the head and chest at point blank range while he was sharing his life on social media. He was livestreaming on Facebook when a person comes out of nowhere and pops him within seconds.

As the man drops, you hear the screams of people while the camera is rolling.

Antonio Perkins became an internet sensation for all the wrong reasons. He was gunned down while filming with his friends in Chicago's North Lawn District.

The 14-minute video featured the man hanging out when six minutes later, gun shots were heard. Antonio drops to the ground and people start screaming. The shooting happened in the dusk hours so it's hard to capture the suspects on the video.

Facebook expressed its condolences to the family of Antonio Perkins and told the junk food media that the video had to be pulled because it violated the terms of service.

Social media has taken off as of lately. An Islamic State follower murdered two French cops and posts it on social media. Then a group of teen livestreamed on Periscope a girl being raped in Ohio.

Even some of the victims of the Orlando massacre filmed the event for video clicks. Instead of exiting the building some would film the guy gunning down innocent victims.

Now like all concern trolls, conservatives automatically blame someone else other than the shooter.

No outrage over the Ohio woman and man who livestreamed the rape of a girl.
To conservatives he's just another dead NIGGER who probably deserved his own death.
Already a hour since the video went viral, the word vomit of Obama and #BlackLivesMatter came up. Since President Barack Obama has a home in Chicago and the #BlackLivesMatter focuses on police reform, according to conservatives, they attack the cops and ignore Black on whatever crime.

Of course, the conservatives lie about the president and the movement. The president is actively talking about gun violence and Chicago. The #BlackLivesMatter movement hasn't ignored gun violence. They are having a gathering today in the wake of this senseless tragedy.

And it will be ignored by the junk food media. Once it splashes on The Drudge Report, WorldNetDaily or Colin Flaherty's shithole, it's covered only for the fact it was a Black man being killed and Obama doesn't care.

To the conservative trolls, it's just another dead NIGGER from CHICONGO!

Wondering if the boy who was killed by an alligator became a pissing match between conservatives who send their condolences to the family of the boy while chastising the family of another boy who gotten into a zoo enclosure and was dragged by a gorilla.

No one seems to point out that the man was enjoying life when this cold hearted killer murdered him with no remorse.

World News Today send our condolences to the family of Antonio Perkins.

No Apple Picking In Ohio!

Trump calls for boycott of APPLE after they dropped the endorsement of the Republican Convention.

Apple CEO Tim Cook said that the brand isn't going to be a part of the Republican National Convention. This comes as blow to the Republican Party's outreach to individuals.

Republicans fear they could lose the Congress if Donald Trump continues on with the divisive rhetoric. In July 18-21, the Republican National Convention will in Cleveland, Ohio and Donald Trump will accept the nomination for the party. Many Republicans fear that Trump could damage the brand for a generation. His attacks on fellow Republicans and those who distance themselves from him has made the party lose confidence in their chances.

The Color of Change is hoping that companies see Donald Trump as the bigot he is. They want national brands to back out of sponsoring the event.

Walmart and Coca-Cola both backed out of both conventions.

The distancing from Trump is a sign of problems awaiting the party. The party's far right politicos and agitators are driving the party off the cliff.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Scott Baio: Obama's Career Worst Than Mine!

Washed up actor Scott Baio is a canceled sitcom. He's going after the president for not saying "radical Islam". Saying he supports terrorism.

Washed up celebrity Scott Baio calls President Barack Obama a terrorist.

You may remember Baio who played Chachi from Happy Days and Charles from Charles in Charge.

No, you don't!

Well here's some real shit going on! Baio is a big time Republican. He's certainly in the tank for Donald Trump. He's pretty damn sure about the president being a sympathizer towards the Islamic State.

The washed up celebrity went on Fox Business Network to give his two cents on the Orlando massacre.

Baio kept calling "Lester" for some reason—that Obama is either dumb, a Muslim, or a Muslim sympathizer. "I don't think he's dumb," Baio clarified. The erstwhile Bob Loblaw also wondered if Obama's secret goal is to “totally eliminate the United States as it was created and founded and the way it is now?”

Baio was in the news sometime ago. He posted on social media a racist tweet about First Lady Michelle Obama. He said that he was snubbed by Hollywood after this. Many in the industry pretty much wiped him like toilet paper and flushed him down the toilet.

Of course the president doesn't mince words when it comes to fighting terrorism. He said that the Republican Party and their conservative allies have often used their tongues instead of brains.

Calling the threat "radical Islam" isn't going to make the threat go away. Yet, Republicans and conservative agitators (i.e. Softball Hannity) would waste their time blaming the 1.6 billion worshippers of the Muslim faith.

Baio is a piece of shit. He seriously believes the first Black president is a "MUSLIM".

Damn shame that Baio isn't hiding in an Indiana trailer park like his former co-star Erin Moran.

Here's the list of washed up celebrity Trump supporters.

Silk and Diamond (Lynnette Hardaway and Rochelle Richardson)
Dennis Rodman
Scott Baio
Wayne Newton
Kid Rock
Ted Nugent
Mike Tyson
Bobby Knight
Tila Tequila
Hulk Hogan
Kristie Alley
Gary Busey
Jon Voight
Terrell Owens
Jerry Lewis
Willie Robertson
Azealia Banks

And the list will keep on growing and it might be another episode of Celebrity Apprentice.

Wonder what the conservatives are going to complain about once Obama's out of office?

Texas School Faces Lawsuit After Girl Got Roped!

Would you want your child to have a rope around their neck and the school saying that this was a playful accident?

In Texas, there was a shocking incident that occurred in Waco. A young Black girl was roped by three White boys and they tried to drag her around. Now the parents are shocked by this event and are planning on suing the school for negligence.

Now the little girl got a scar that's so noticeable, the law is getting involved in this.

Live Oak Classical School is being sued for a $3 million in damages for allowing this to happen.

The New York Times report that the school is denying that race was a factor to this incident.

Lawyers for the girl, who is identified in court papers filed on Monday only as K.P., said evidence suggested that race played a role in the episode, which occurred during an overnight outing in April by students from the Live Oak Classical School in Waco. The girl was 12 at the time.

But while lawyers for the girl and the school agree that something happened to the student, they disagree about virtually everything else — whether what occurred had been a deliberate act, the severity of her injuries, who was to blame and if race was a motivation.

The girl’s mother, Sandy Rougely, said in an interview on Thursday that she thought her daughter was wearing a necklace when she first saw her after the trip. She said when she learned that the marks had been caused by a rope, “that just tore me into pieces.”

“It looked like somebody ripped my daughter’s neck off and stitched it back together,” Rougely said. The marks are still visible, she added.

Rougely said she took her daughter to an emergency room, where she was treated for severe rope burns, and the police were called.

Lawyers for both sides said the Blanco County Sheriff’s Office was investigating. Sheriff’s officials could not immediately be reached.

According to the lawsuit, the girl had transferred in 2014 from a public school to Live Oak, which has about 400 students in junior kindergarten through 12th grade and affirms the principles of Christianity. It is made up predominantly of white children, the suit says. Rougely said her daughter had a partial scholarship to attend the $7,000-a-year school.

The girl had been flourishing in fifth grade, the suit said, but in sixth grade, she reported that her classmates would not talk to her and physically bullied her. She was pushed to the ground, and a classmate kicked and shoved her when a teacher was not looking, court papers said. Rougely said school officials blamed her daughter, and when the mother met with administrators and counselors, she felt rebuffed.

It was against this backdrop that the girl and 21 other students went on the trip to a bucolic property near Johnson City, TX., for an end-of-year school trip on April 28.

The lawsuit said the episode occurred at a swing: a disc-shape basket hanging from a tree with a separate rope that the children pulled to lift the swing higher. The girl said she had been pulling on the rope but then became tired and stood to the side. She then felt the rope around her neck, and she was “violently jerked” to the ground.

“When it got around my neck, no one helped me, so I had to pull it off by myself,” she said in an interview with The Dallas Morning News.

We Haven't Forgotten The Massacre In Charleston!

Innocence lost on this day. The Charleston massacre marks a milestone.

It's been one year since the tragic mass shooting at the Mother Emanuel AME church in Charleston, South Carolina. On this day, a terrorist would enter the predominantly Black church and massacre nine worshipers. One included a pastor who was a state senator.

Now we're in the first week since the massacre in Orlando and yet nothing has changed on the gun issue.

Every mass shooting in the United States sparks a rise in gun sales. The NRA and Republican lawmakers continue to push the good guy with a gun narrative. It's a pathetic way to ignore the real issue facing our country.


Terrorist find it very easy to acquire firearms. They know that Republicans are weak on legislation to stop them. They openly encourage potential madmen to find straw buyers and lapse laws.

Even in the wake of the Orlando tragedy, we skirted past the previous murderer. This guy lived in North Carolina and had deep seated hatred towards Black people. He told his friend that he's going to start a race war. The friend thought he was joking. Turns out he wasn't and he carried out the massacre on a Wednesday night while church as doing nightly service.

The terrorist managed to escape. He managed to make it to North Carolina before he nabbed by the law.

Now this terrorist is facing federal hate crime and state murder charges. The feds proposed the Death Card if he's found guilty of all nine counts of murder.

This terrorist is innocent until proven guilty.

The one thing good that came out this situation was the remove of the losing flag from the state house grounds. The terrorist had posted on social media his love for the losing flag. It took a lot of pressure from the junk food media to make the losing flag history last year. #BlackLivesMatter, the NAACP, President Barack Obama, and the world forced Republican governor Nikki Haley to denounce the losing flag.

In July, the flag went down. It spread like wildfire. The flag was removed from many institutions and state houses.
No remorse.
To this day, the issues of gun violence are often met with little or no action from the Republican controlled Congress. Ever since the first shooting under the president's watch, Congress has been slow on getting legislation through.

Hopefully, this could spark the flame to kick the Republicans back to the minority.

As a majority, they have wasted too much time trying to stop the president. The president has been all to nice to the Republican majority and the NRA. He gave them all they wanted and yet they haven't done nothing for him.

Mass shootings are an everyday thing here in the United States.

Mind you if the shootings in Charleston, Umpqua Community College, San Bernardino and now Orlando doesn't spark discussion on gun control, what will?

How about a member of Congress being shot! Oops, Gabby Giffords was shot at point blank range.

Giffords barely survived a shooting in the head. She is permanently disabled. She was a staunch gun supporter but after this, she turned into one of the leading voices in the gun control movement.

Nothing changed that day! Nothing has changed so far. It's already being ignored now that the victims are being buried. What happens next? Another mass shooting....or perhaps an animal attacking a child.

World News Today continue to cover the Orlando shooting.

I made it back to Ohio. I was in Niagara Falls and Toronto. I also made a few stops in Buffalo, Cleveland, Akron and Columbus, Ohio.

I am been on an Instagram fixation. I have posted a bunch of pictures of my travels. If you want to like my pictures visit my profile page.

Friday, June 17, 2016

The Toast Is Bern!

Bernie Sanders is out. Although he is still a contender in the race, the junk food media is done with him.

Bernie Sanders is done. Although he's still a candidate for president his coverage by the junk food media is waning down. It has been a bitter Democratic primary. Republicans were hoping Sanders would beat Clinton forcing a contested convention in Philadelphia.

Sanders said that he will continue on to Philadelphia and voice anger at the Democratic Party's chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz  (D-FL) and the super delegates. His campaign claims the party rigged the system for Hillary Clinton.

Many in the junk food media believe the fault solely lies on  Sanders, not Clinton.

You remember "We don't give a damn about your emails!"

That killed him. It shows that he wasn't willing to fight.

Sanders was tempted by his supporters to go after her with the emails and Benghazi. The Republican talking points were about Bill Clinton's affairs and The Clinton Foundation taking donations from hostile nations.

He was too nice. He was inconsistent. He was too old.

His loss in the final primary should be enough to say, "It's time to get out."

Hillary Clinton won the District of Columbia Democratic primary and sealed the deal with a blowout win in California.

Yesterday Sanders delivered a message to his supporters asking them to stay focused on defeating the Republican Donald Trump.

The livesteam was carried briefly on some cable news channels but it was largely ignored because he wasn't conceding from the race.

Like with failed presidential candidates Sens. Ted Cruz  (R-TX) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) with Donald Trump, Sanders holds off endorsing Clinton.

What happens next?

Will his supporters rally behind Clinton?

Old Fart McCain Blames Obama For Orlando Massacre!

That old fart is facing an insurgent candidate in the Republican primary. He is going "maverick" again. Even his old running mate is considering endorsing his rival.

Sen. John McCain  (R-AZ) is the failed 2008 Republican presidential candidate.

The old fart is still bitter about the landslide. He is hoping to secure brownie points with Arizona voters by saying President Barack Obama allowed the Orlando massacre to happen.

The reason to why he blames Obama for this: because the president ended the war in Iraq.

The Republicans are inept. The Republicans would rather focus on distractions such as blaming the president for the acts of a terrorist.

McCain is pathetic warhawk who thinks bombing people is the best way to fighting terrorism.

Lindsey Graham and McCain are senile and they will waste taxpayer dollars sending bombs over the Islamic State.

Kelli Ward is winning support from the conservatives and she hopes to knock the 81 year old senator off his perch.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

The Republican Controlled Congress Is Inept!

Sen. Chris Murphy  (D-CT) laid into the Republicans yesterday on their inept actions in the wake of the terrorist attack in Orlando in which this cat laid into 50 people in aneed act of hate against the LGBT community.

Unlike the worthless filibusters from failed presidential candidates Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) this one really gets the ball rolling on gun control. This issue has been ignored with prayers and silence. The distraction from Republicans and their conservative agitating allies is the tired "Obama is taking your guns excuse" to rile up gun buyers.

President Barack Obama has said that these mass shootings have gotten out of hand. Why would we continue to have those with mental issues and possible terrorists obtain these powerful weapons?

The calls for a semi automatic weapons ban will likely go nowhere with this inept Congress.

Republicans and Donald Trump are looking forward to distancing themselves from gun control. They already made the focus on "radical Islam" and the president being "weak" on terrorism because he doesn't say it.

Republicans are really unpopular right now. With Trump as their leader, the party is going to likely suffer in the polls. Trump's rhetoric isn't helpful at all.

He doubles down on calling the president a terrorist sympathizer.

Conservative attack the president for calling for an assault weapons ban, saying Islam isn't the enemy and telling Americans that the LGBT community is loved.

If the good guy had a gun while the bad guy was shooting is a pathetic argument. It's likely the gunman or the law would shoot you knowing that you have a gun. It doesn't matter to the law if you a concealed carry, they see you as a threat. Also you could miss and shoot a hostage or an innocent victim. You could be charged with a crime.

World News Today continues to cover the Orlando massacre.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Gawker Sinks!

Gawker feuds with Hulk Hogan and libertarian billionaire.

Gawker vows to continue on.

Gawker is in an all-out war with Hulk Hogan, the former wrestler who was fired out the cannon last year after he made inflammatory comments about Black people. With no money, he decides to team up with the co-founder of PayPal to take Gawker to court.

The Florida court found Gawker guilty of privacy violations and was ordered to pay up.

Gawker doesn't make that much money. So Gawker goes belly up. Gawker CEO Nick Denton said the company would appeal the verdict. Three months after the verdict, Gawker filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection and put itself up for sale

The wrestler successfully sued the media titian for $207 million after his sex tape of him was released to the public.
Hulkster fixing to body slam Gawker.
The wrestler was also going after Gawker when his racist rants were released to the public.

Peter Thiel, a co-founder of PayPal, has spent about $10 million to help the wrestler Hulk Hogan sue Gawker. Thiel was publicly outed by Gawker after they did an expose about leaders in the anti-gay movement being secretly gay.

Gawker is going to fight against Thiel. The billionaire is being called-out for being a hypocrite.

Thiel is a Libertarian and supports the Republican Party. He does support the freedom of the press but just not Gawker. Since Gawker put his business out there, he decides to make it a personal mission to take them down.

Disney's Tick-Tock Snatch A Boy!

Orlando deals with another tragedy. A toddler got snatched by an alligator.

The wife of the terrorist who killed 50 at Pulse is under federal watch for not tipping the law.

Many witnesses say that the terrorist was either gay or bisexual. The terrorist was on social media trying to find a date. Some of the club goers said that the terrorist was a regular at gay nightclubs.

Four of the deceased worked at Universal Studios theme park.

Orlando is the hub of magic. The magic is diminishing.

The city of Orlando and Walt Disney World both express sorrow for the family of a 2 year old boy who was snatched up by an alligator.

The boy was wading near the Seven Seas Lagoon when a 7 foot alligator took him under.

Trappers says that alligators see food regardless of what it is.

Disney posted "NO SWIMMING SIGNS" near the lagoon. There were no alligator warning signs.

The father was in the water trying to grab the alligator but the animal is way too powerful to drop the boy.

Once the alligator grab something, its likely to decapitated the prey.
Florida alligators are dangerous in populated areas. People go near these animals. Alligators are fast on land and deadly in the water.
A few weeks ago in Lakeland, trappers nabbed an alligator spotted with a human torso. The victim was not identified at the time. It has become a bigger problem now that an invasive Nile crocodile population affects the Florida alligator population.

Orange County sheriff Jerry Demings has to now deal with another horrific tragedy.

I happened to notice that the junk food media isn't looking into the criminal record of the father or mother. Is there going to be criminal charges for the family for allowing their child go into the water when it said not to.

Remember the boy at the Cincinnati Zoo being grabbed by a gorilla. The junk food media was attacking the mother for allowing her son get into the enclosure and father (who wasn't there) for having minor criminal history.

World News Today send our condolences to the family of the toddler.

We continue to cover the Orlando massacre and the death of Christina Grimmie.

Obama: All This Talk About "Radical Islam" Is Nonsense From Yapping Agitators!

Today, President Barack Obama addressed the junk food media. He said that he will be heading to Orlando to talk to mayor Buddy Dyer and the victims of the horrific mass shooting.

He also wanted to get a few things off his chest. He was pissed at Congress delaying his nominees (i.e. Supreme Court and Counter-terrorism finance analysis). He hammered Republicans for wasting taxpayer money stalling his nominees and failing to act on mass shooting tragedies.

And one thing that I happened to catch was the slick diss on conservatives complaining about the president not saying "radical Islam" and complaining about him "ignoring the threat".

Obama isn't mincing words. He said that Republicans and conservatives play political games. The term "radical Islam" doesn't stop terrorism.
Obama didn't mince words when he clapped.

I am so happy President Barack Obama hit back at Donald Trump, Matt Drudge, that old fart Rush Limbaugh, Fox News and Softball Hannity.

In the previous interviews on Fox News, many agitators have ripped the president for not saying "radical Islam". I posted my thoughts on this controversy.

Saying "radical Islam" isn't fighting terrorism. It's a divisive phrase that could inspire the Islamic State to recruit more Americans to their cause.

The president is very clear that he's fighting terrorism not Islam. And he let Trump and the Republicans have it.

“What exactly would using this label accomplish? What exactly would it change? Would it make ISIL less committed to try to kill Americans? Would it bring in more allies? Is there a military strategy that is served by this?”

“The answer is none of the above. Calling a threat by a different name does not make it go away.”

Obama stood firm. “Not once has an adviser of mine said, ‘Man, if we really use that phrase, we’re gonna turn this whole thing around.’ Not once,” he said.

Most of these terrorists were American-born citizens. They had access to firearms and were legally able to do so.
Trump is about play catch with Softball Hannity. Trump will address the president's diss on him.
Obama questioned whether Trump would eventually resort to treating Muslim Americans differently as well, possibly subjecting them to extra surveillance or discriminating against them based on their religion.

“Where does this stop?” he asked.

“Do Republican officials actually agree with this?” Obama continued, directly challenging Republican leadership to take a stand against Trump’s toxic proposals.

Circling back to his rejection of the term “radical Islam,” the president warned against rhetoric and policies that make Muslim Americans feel like they are constantly under suspicion.

“We have gone through moments in our history before when we acted out of fear, and we came to regret it,” he said.

The Republican presumptive nominee decides to take a moment from bitching to celebrate his birthday today.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Michu Mescaros Passed Away!

Michu Mescaros passed away. He portrays the iconic sitcom character ALF.

You know I grew up in the 1980s watching the comedy ALF. You may have not seen him in the flesh but he was the man who played ALF.

Michu Mescaros passed away at the age of 76. He was the man who dressed in the ALF costume. Meszaros was standing at the height of 2 feet 9 inches tall.

He was found unresponsive in his Los Angeles home about a week ago by his manager. He spent days in a coma.

A GoFundMe page was launched to pay with his funeral expenses. He was born in Hungary. He performed in the circus before heading to television. He was billed the "smallest man in the world" as he worked in the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus in the 1970s.

He had opportunities to perform with the late Michael Jackson.

He got to opportunity to play the role of ALF when the shots required ALF to move around the home.
You look so delicious!
They wanted to give the impression of ALF being not only a puppet but an actual living being.

ALF (born Gordon Shumway) is a friendly and sarcastic extraterrestrial who left his dying planet of Melmac to find a new home. He crash landed in California in the home of The Tanners.

The Tanners would keep ALF in hiding. ALF would often create havoc around the home by trying to fix things. He would often hide in the kitchen away from the noisy Ochmoneks. They would often try to call the feds on the Tanners. ALF would often devise a plan to keep him and the family safe from the feds.

ALF would often find interest in the food, watching television, and sneaking out of the house much to dismay of Willie Tanner. He would often eat the food knowing that the Tanners banned him from eating the family cat.
ALF was one of the country's most memorable sitcoms.
The show was created by Paul Fusco who also voiced ALF. The show was on for nearly four years and went through 4 seasons. It also had two animated sitcoms and a TV movie.

Word on the street, Sony is working on an ALF motion picture movie.

ALF is an iconic show. The show was prime around the 1980s. NBC had led the during the 1980s with The Cosby Show, A Different World, ALF, and Family Ties dominated the network.

World News Today send our condolences to the family of Michu Mescaros.


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