Thursday, February 23, 2017

Dirty Cop Faces Manslaughter Of Retired Librarian!

Retired librarian was murdered by an inept cop in a training session.

Some years ago, a woman who was practicing in defensive training was bucked by a cop who failed to check the firearm.

Now he's facing charges as well as the police chief.

Punta Gorda officer Lee Coel was charged with the felony manslaughter for firing the shot that killed 73-year old Mary Knowlton during a academy's "shoot/don't shoot" exercise. Coel was placed in the Charlotte County lockup and later released on bail.

Cop faces some serious heat for failed stunt.
Chief Tom Lewis was also charged for culpable negligence, a high misdemeanor. Lewis was place in the freezer pending the city's decision to either fire him out the cannon or hand him some major discipline.

Mary was trying to do defensive training in the case of robbery when Coel was coming in wearing a hoodie and mask. He failed to check his holster for blanks. He had grabbed the holster with live rounds.

His attorney, Jerry Berry said that the officer is regretful to the incident. However, he was surprised that the state would charge him for this. He didn't know that the firearm was live.

Something tells me that he wasn't trained properly or he's trying to invent a cop out. He's actually placing his idiocy on the chief of police and the victim.

The family of Mary Knowlton settled with $2 million with the city.

The attorney is confident that the charges will be thrown out.  He said, "once we can present our side of the case and additional facts that [prosecutors] might not know about, we're comfortable that the case will be dismissed or a jury will find him not guilty."

Coel could face 60 years in the iron college if found guilty. He is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Alan Colmes Passed Away!

Alan Colmes passed away today. He was the former co-host of Hannity & Colmes. He often duked it out with the most annoying conservative agitator in the junk food media, Sean "Softball" Hannity.

Just in. The progressives lost a voice in their movement. Fox News contributor and talk radio agitator Alan Colmes passed away. It was trending on social media today.

The former co-host of Hannity & Colmes passed away today at age 66. For the time being, his show is on. The Alan Colmes Show is on weeknights from 6pm - 9pm on syndication. It's a part of the Fox News Radio Network.

The last time I heard Colmes on radio, he said that he's taking a moment away from radio. He said that he would be returning back to radio as soon as possible. During the time he had guest hosts on his show. They couldn't tell the audience his situation, but they promised he would return as soon as possible.

He's been off the air since December 30.

Colmes was the counterbalance to Sean "Softball" Hannity, the most annoying conservative agitator in the junk food media. The agitators were often duking it out on many issues.

Many of his critics complained that Colmes was too soft on conservatives and wouldn't stand up to Softball Hannity, the boisterous and bombastic agitator. Colmes often dismissed this as just being fair to all his guests. He wasn't afraid to call out conservatives and liberals for going in the wrong direction.
Stephen Colbert's most famous moment was getting Alan Colmes on his program to do a skit. Colmes who resigned from Hannity & Colmes found a place with Colbert (at least for one day).

He was staunchly anti-Trump. He made it known on his radio show.

Hannity had leaked some knowledge of Colmes on his right wing carnival earlier this month. He was showing despair and sadness about cancer treatment.

Hannity said that Colmes was "one of the nicest, kindest, and most generous people" he's ever worked for.

Colmes had cancer.

Colmes was married to Jocelyn Crowley, the sister of Monica Crowley, one of Trump's failed picks for his national security team. His former colleagues hit social media to remark about how Colmes made an impact in their lives.

He will be missed by me personally. I had often called the radio show.

His staff will never filter calls. He would often take some of the most outrageous callers. And in his radio graffiti, he would often allow one sentence at the end of his show.

This comes shortly after learning that Fox News and Fox Business host Brenda Buttner passing away at the age of 56.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Trump Wants The Feds In The Restroom!

Trump puts the breaks on gender equality.

Fuhrer Donald J. Trump just issued an executive order to eliminate the Obama order allowing transgender students equal access to the restrooms. 

Aided by Betsy DeVos and Jeff Sessions, the fuhrer swiftly enacted rules that roll back a rule that barred schools from discriminating against transgender students.

In May, President Barack Obama, the Department of Education and Justice issued guidance mandating that any school that receives federal money must treat a student's gender identity as his or her sex. 

In a tense meeting, DeVos was against it at the time. Trump warned her "get in line or get the fuck on." Sessions pushed her to do so because if both departments were on board, then the Obama executive order could be repealed. 

In a statement, DeVos considered protections for all students including gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer students. 

The LGBTQ community is pissed. They believe that Trump and his cronies spat on the graves of the civil rights leaders he claimed he truly embraces. 

Trump's destructive policies will hurt our country. His rhetoric will hurt people.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Breitbart Severed Its Achilles Heel!

Breitbart lost its key man. The gay white extremist Milo Yiannopoulos is fired out the cannon. The Breitbart News website is still facing an ad dry. 

He was riding on the wave of popularity. He was the most visible member of this White extremism called the alt-right. Now, Milo Yiannopoulos is a broken man. The openly gay British agitator found himself fired out the cannon over at Breitbart.

While he said he formally quit the white extremist website, the bosses were so angry they wanted him gone, yesterday.

A video from Jay Rogan surfaced. Yiannopoulos said on the podcast that he was a victim of sexual abuse. But he found it enjoyable that his abuser opened his legs and eyes to his homosexuality.

He advocated for men to take advantage of boys. He thought that boys who were gay should experience the joys he's gotten.

Now the conservatives are distancing themselves from him because of it. The comments make it seem like Yiannopoulos is pedophile for little boys. He is a goddamn flaming troll and he was the unofficial leader of the Trump Youth Associates.

The Trumpster was defending him when he was banned from UC Berkeley. Fuhrer Donald J. Trump and many Republicans were planning on passing laws that strip public universities of fundings if they advocate "political correctness" boycotts against controversial speakers.

The white extremist's defense of pedophilia doomed him. I mean he was even boycotted from the Conservative Political Action Conference. He was a headliner and it was pulled at last minute.

Trump is going to appear at the event on Friday.

"Breitbart News has stood by me when others caved. They have allowed me to carry conservative and libertarian ideas to communities that would otherwise never had heard them. They have been a significant factor in my success. I'm grateful for that freedom and for the friendship I forged there," said Yiannopoulos.

"It would be wrong to allow my poor choice of words to detract from my colleagues' important reporting."

He added that he's doesn't really support sexual abuse of any children.

"I am a gay man and a child abuse victim.  I would like to restate my utter disgust at adults who sexually abuse minors. I am horrified by pedophilia and I have devoted large portions of my career as a journalist to exposing child abusers".

Yiannopoulos has spoke on venturing into other outlets. He said that his words were regretful and hoped that his followers would forgive him.


If we can take down Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Breitbart News, Michael Flynn, Roger Ailes, Michael Savage and Milo Yiannopoulos, what about Alex Jones, Tomi Lahren, Matt Drudge, Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter and Sean "Softball" Hannity?

Tim Hortons/Burger King Buys Popeyes!

Popeyes is a part of the Burger King/Tim Hortons chain.

Tim Hortons, the coffee and bakery company that owns Burger King just bought Popeyes Chicken & Biscuits from Louisiana's Kitchen. The deal was inked at $1.8 billion and it marks a huge achievement for Restaurant Brands International's CEO Daniel Schwartz. Congress will approve the merger and it will make Popeyes a part of a triad of fast food giants.

"We look forward to taking an already strong brand and accelerating its pace of growth and opening new restaurants in the U.S. and around the world," said Schwartz.

The company was founded by the late NHL great is very popular in Canada and the United States.

The acquisition of Popeyes by Tim Hortons signal that the franchise is about to expand bigly!

Popeyes CEO Cheryl Bachelder said the deal "has observed our success and seen the opportunity for exceptional future unit growth in the U.S. and around the world."

Popeyes is serving at 2,000 locations.

Popeyes biggest competitor is Yum! Brands. The company has stake in KFC, Taco Bell, Little Sheep, Pizza Hut, A&W Root Beer Stands, WingStreet, East Dawning and Long John Silvers.

Trump Runs On Black!

Trump visit the National Museum of African American History to address issues in the Black community.

The most polarizing leader in modern times visit the National Museum of African American History in Washington, DC.

Fuhrer Donald J. Trump was joined by controversial figures like his wife Melania, his daughter Ivanka, Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, his wife Sue, conservative agitator Alveda King, Trump aide/former reality television agitator Omarosa Manigualt, Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) and the newly crowned Housing and Urban Development Secretary, Dr. Ben Carson. They had an opportunity to visit a Black history museum from the looking glass.

Trump delivers a message to the Black community.

"This building is about love. We have to have people come in who are going to love the country, not people that are going to harm the country. I think a lot of people agree with me on that."

While he was touring the museum, he also issued an executive memo redirecting the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency to round up undocumented immigrants. He also issued another decree to prevent immigrants from seven Muslim majority countries entering the country.

He wants to let the Black community to know that he really truly cares about the plight of his fellow Americans.

"I pledge to do everything I can to continue that promise of freedom for African Americans and for every American," said Trump,.

"The tour is a meaningful reminder of why we have to fight bigotry, intolerance and hatred in all of its very ugly form."

Fuhrer Donald J. Trump's rhetoric could get someone killed. Now that he's the leader of the United States, white extremists are given the greenlight to cause havoc towards people of color.

Towards people who don't worship a Christian god.

Towards those who don't love a person of a same gender.

Towards those who speak a language different than English.

Towards those who feel the need to protest injustices against humanity, the environment and the world.

Trump's tour of African American history is a photo op. He has no idea of the real issues facing Black America.

He doesn't understand that Black America wants accountability for police officers who murder unarmed people of color. He doesn't understand that Black America wants to have affordable healthcare, decent schools, better paying jobs, and acknowledgement. What Trump and his cronies fail at getting is that their whole worldview is formed on the backs of racism.

Trump isn't a friend of Black America. He's not even a close acquaintance.


Breitbart Is Ad Dry!

Grab your wallet and fight against Breitbart.

How can a mainstream website go without ad revenue?

The website best known for shilling for fuhrer Donald J. Trump is facing a global backlash.

Breitbart has been on the offensive. They have taken the narrative to "fight back" against leftists who want to silence them. The website is home to the gay white extremist Milo Yiannopoulos, former baseball pitcher Curt Schilling, and Trump advisor Steven K. Bannon. Each of these agitators have ties to White extremists. And now they're paying the price for it.

The company is rattled by the recent drop of advertising.

Buzzfeed reports that one of the world's biggest ad-buying networks, Omnicom, has instructed its staff to pull advertising from the website on behalf of its biggest clients.

The website founded by the late conservative agitator Andrew Breitbart became the market for all things White extremist. Many of the stories often featured on the website are fringe and kookspiracy in nature.

Omnicon got an internal memo saying that many of the global industries like McDonald's, Kellogg's, Apple, Unilever, Walmart and Google cited social media activists Sleeping Giants as a reason to pull.

According to the article, Breitbart losing its ad revenue on the grounds of racism.

"Although the content [on Breitbart] is pretty unpalatable for most, it isn't illegal or prohibited by most exchanges such as Google's [Google Display Network]."

"Many of our global clients have already requested that we block this sit on our activity."

In layman's terms, Breitbart is being blacklisted. Having click bait is good, but having ad revenue for it would be a whole lot profitable.

Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, Breitbart and Milo Yiannopoulos have been labeled "too controversial" for advertisers. They constantly suffered major losses in syndication, ad revenue and popularity,

If it's possible could progressive activism target Sean "Softball" Hannity, Alex Jones, Matt Drudge, Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter, and Tomi Lahren's advertisers?

Old Fart Limbaugh: Obama Got Everything Cause Of Race!

The old fart Rush Limbaugh blames Obama for Trump's failures.

You gotta love this....

The guy who used the four words, "I hope he fails" once again knocks Barack Obama for fuhrer Donald J. Trump's woes.

The 66 year old agitator is losing his audience and advertising. He hasn't been "cool" as he claims himself to be. He's a repulsive agitator who built his empire on the "-isms."

iHeartMedia which owns Premiere Radio Networks, downgraded his salary after he saw his ad revenue dry up after he took pot shots at activist Sandra Fluke.

Rush Limbaugh goes to Fox News Sunday to address how he feels now since Republicans took control of the Congress, the White House and state governorships.

He makes this bold claim that Obama got everything he wanted while in office because of his skin color.

In the first term, he managed to get two Supreme Court nominees, the successful raid to get Osama bin Laden, a Nobel Peace Prize and worldwide recognition for the fact he broke ground as the first African American president. His signature healthcare law is still active and his policies got the country out of a recession.

During the first term, Limbaugh and others were dog whistling. They worked up a frenzy over his race, his policies, his name and his agenda. Of course, his rhetoric gave rise to the Tea Party movement.

The movement took control of the House of Representatives and nearly the Senate. It made the remaining six years of Obama's term hectic. He couldn't get his third Supreme Court nominee confirmed with Republicans obstructing his agenda.

Now as Trump is seeing his agenda get rattled, Limbaugh returns to the canard of blaming Obama for the failures of Republicans.

Fuhrer Donald J. Trump begins his second month in office with dismal job approval. And to folks like this old fart Limbaugh, it's all the fault of Obama and the junk food media.

Nice try, jackass!

Limbaugh, Matt Drudge, Bill O'Reilly and Sean "Softball" Hannity toss salad for the Republican Party.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Expect More: Anti-Semitism On The Rise!

A Jewish cemetery was vandalized by---an extremist

The rhetoric from fuhrer Donald J. Trump will get someone hurt. I mean for the leader of this country to call the junk food media the "enemy", it kind of sounds like a dictator. I mean what ever happened to changing the channel?

Did you know that Islamic mosque and Jewish temples were vandalized and terrorized by extremists?

A suburban St. Louis cemetery was the site of vandalism.

Authorities are investigating whether this is a deliberate hate crime attack on a Jewish cemetery in University City.

Over 100 headstones were reportedly damaged and police have not confirmed that this act of vandalism is a hate crime.

Eleven Jewish centers were targets of death threats, bomb threats, and potential fire bombings.

Now extremists are embolden by the fuhrer's victory.

Many events involving non Islamic extremism sat on deaf ears at the White House.

Gay White Extremist Has An Achilles Heel!

He best describes himself.

Milo Yiannopoulos is a notorious white extremist who writes for far-right blog Breitbart. He is becoming a mainstream figure in the age of Fuhrer Donald J. Trump. The British born agitator is openly gay and has such disdain for the LGBTQ community. He considers transgender individuals as "it" and regards Black leaders as ignorant. He often dismisses critics as losers.

Wherever he goes, he brings controversy.

He was supposed to be releasing a book called Dangerous. It was pulled last minute by Simon & Schuster. He was a scheduled speaker at the Conservative Political Action Conference. That invite was pulled this evening.

These entities pulled because of his interest in pedophilia.

A video surfaced on social media. Joe Rogan, a comedian and libertarian agitator got the white extremist to open up about his sexuality.

He talks about his sexual encounter with a priest when he was 17 years old. He said that he wouldn't care if men and boys as young as 13 years old have sexual encounters. He said it's a "coming of age" for a boy to discover his sexuality.

"In the homosexual world, particularly, some of those relationships between younger boys and older men -- the sort of "coming of age" relationship -- those relationships in which those older men help those young boys discover who they are and give them security and safety and provide them with love and a reliable, sort of rock, where they can't speak to their parents," said Yiannopoulos.

It seems like the white extremist finally took a hit --- in the wallet.

He is one of the most polarizing figures in this White extremist movement called the alt-right.

Breitbart was influential in helping fuhrer Donald J. Trump win the election.

Breitbart, The Drudge Report and Sean "Softball" Hannity parrot this alt-right bullshit. Yiannopoulos embraces this with sequins.

He was notorious for getting his supporters to racially harass comedian Leslie Jones. He was banned from Twitter for that. He is well on his way to be banned from all of social media.

Yiannopoulos, Richard Spenser, Steven Bannon, David Clarke, Paul Joseph Watson, David Duke, Chuck Johnson, James O'Keefe, Tila Tequila, Alex Jones, Brittany and Nicole Pettibone are notable figures of the alt-right.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Trump Tells A Tale Of A Swedish Terrorist Attack That Never Happened!

Another alternative fact was spewed by fuhrer Donald J. Trump. He said Sweden experience major attacks since it took in Syrian refugees.

Fuhrer Donald J. Trump was doing a rally in Florida and told the crowd a story of a terrorist attack in Sweden. On Saturday, Trump was trying to built a coalition of support around his "Muslim Ban".

He is retooling his executive order that banned travelers and asylum seekers from seven Muslim majority nations. That order drew controversy and became a rally call for American Muslims to denounce the Trump decision.

He said to his audience: "You look at what's happening in Germany, you look at what's happening in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this. Sweden. They took in large numbers. They're having problems like they never thought possible."

So this comment quickly hit social media. It was roundly criticized by those here and of course in the country of Sweden.

Many believe that Trump refuses to read daily briefings and intelligence reports.

When asked about the Swedish attack, he said that he heard it from Fox News.

GMA Having "TMI" With Michael Strahan!

If these walls could talk.

One of the biggest media shockers of 2016 was the announcement of former football star/actor/celebrity agitator Michael Strahan leaving the co-hosting duties over at  Live!

The news shocked his co-host Kelly Ripa. She wasn't even aware of Strahan's objectives.

He was then a part-time contributor to GMA (Good Morning America). He was looking to expand his career with ABC News. He wanted to get the spotlight by getting a spot with Robin Roberts and George Stephanopoulos.

After his announcement he would set his departure in late August. The news made Ripa very angry. She took a leave of absence citing it as a "pre-scheduled" vacation. When she returned she quickly addressed the decision and said that she will continue the show regardless. By that time, the tension was so heated behind the scenes, Strahan said that two more weeks and he's done with Live!

Since the abrupt exit, Ripa and Strahan no longer talk to one another.

Now we're coming halfway into Strahan's full time duties as a co-host on GMA. And it's been said that he's regretting the decision to join the team.

Getting up early is one thing. However, when he's not doing GMA, he also has obligations to ABC to host the $100,000 Pyramid and Fox NFL Sunday. It's becoming more harder for him to achieve his goals as a father and entertainer.

And it seems to be some tension going on behind the scenes at GMA. There's apparently a feud brewing between Strahan and Robin Roberts.

Although the two dismissed this as gossip, the two were in a heated exchange back in January.

There were photographs of the two looking awfully tense. I mean some of the images give the impression that there's an argument going on and the two aren't on the same page.

But a representative said that they were discussing who's going to win the Superbowl and whether Serena or Venus Williams will carry another tennis victory.

Also rumors going around that Strahan is trying to get his old gig back at Live! They said that he's begging for the spot. As a reporter for ABC News, he's barred from promoting products and endorsements. He can't promote anything of his own without getting approval from higher ups.

Strahan held 15 years with the New York Giants. During his time with the Giants he managed to win a Superbowl championship as a tight defensive end. He was a record setting sacker on the field. He also is a two time Daytime Emmy Award winner.


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