Showing posts with label conservative outrage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label conservative outrage. Show all posts

Monday, June 27, 2016

Jesse Williams: Just Because We're Magic Doesn't Mean We're Not Real!

Jesse Williams passionate speech on Blackness goes viral.

Jesse Williams plays Avery Jackson on the Shonda Rhimes medical drama Grey's Anatomy. He's a passionate supporter of the #BlackLivesMatter movement. And today, he couldn't be more prouder of the group and their place in history.

He accepted the BET Humanitarian Award on Sunday.

Williams delivered a passionate speech about how the junk food media reacts towards Black America. He addressed the recent high profile police incident that killed unarmed Black citizens.

He also singles out the situations at the Cincinnati Zoo and Walt Disney World as an example to how the junk food media reacts towards it.

Peace peace. Thank you, Debra. Thank you, BET. Thank you Nate Parker, Harry and Debbie Allen for participating in that.

Before we get into it, I just want to say I brought my parents out tonight. I just want to thank them for being here, for teaching me to focus on comprehension over career, and that they make sure I learn what the schools were afraid to teach us. And also thank my amazing wife for changing my life. 

Now this award - this is not for me. This is for the real organizers all over the country. The activists, the civil rights attorneys, the struggling parents, the families, the teachers, the students, that are realizing that a system built to divide and impoverish and destroy us cannot stand if we do. It's kind of basic mathematics, the more we learn about who we are and how we got here, the more we will mobilize. Now this is also in particular for the black women, in particular, who have spent their lifetimes dedicated to nurturing everyone before themselves. We can and will do better for you. 

Now what we've been doing is looking at the data and we know that police somehow manage to de-escalate, disarm and not kill white people every day. So what's going to happen is we are going to have equal rights and justice in our own country or we will restructure their function and ours.

Yesterday would’ve been young Tamir Rice’s 14th birthday, so I don’t want to hear anymore about how far we’ve come when paid public servants can pull a drive-by on a 12-year-old playing alone in a park in broad daylight, killing him on television then going home to make a sandwich. Tell Rekia Boyd how it’s so much better to live in 2012 than 1612 or 1712. Tell that to Eric Garner. Tell that to Sandra Bland. Tell that to Darrien Hunt.

Now the thing is though, all of us in here getting money, that alone isn’t going to stop this. Now dedicating our lives to get money just to give it right back for someone’s brand on our body, when we spent centuries praying with brands on our bodies and now we pray to get paid for brands on our bodies.

There has been no war that we have not fought and died on the front lines of. There has been no job we haven't done, there's been no tax they haven't levied against us, and we've paid all of them. But freedom is somehow always conditional here, 'You’re free,’ they keep telling us, ‘But she would’ve been alive if she hadn’t acted so… free'.

Freedom is always coming in the hereafter, but, you know what though, the hereafter is a hustle. And let's get a couple of things straight, just a little sidenote, the burden of the brutalized is not to comfort the bystander. That's not our job, stop with all that. If you have a critique for the resistance, our resistance, then you better have an established record of critique of our oppression. If you have no interest in equal rights for black people than do not make suggestions to those who do. Sit down.

We’ve been floating this country on credit for centuries, and we’re done watching and waiting while this invention called whiteness uses and abuses us, burying black people out of sight and out of mind, while extracting our culture, our dollars, our entertainment like oil, black gold, ghettoizing and demeaning our creations then stealing them, gentrifying our genius and then trying us on like costumes before discarding our bodies like rinds of strange fruit. The thing is, just because we’re magic, doesn’t mean we’re not real.

Thank you.

This passionate speech has went viral and it's expected that conservatives will laud the speech as "anti-cop", "racist" or "anti-White". And the concern trolls will say that Black leaders don't care about violence in Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, etc.

Justin Timberlake caught some flack after being touched by Williams' speech.

Timberlake posted on social media to praise Williams. It kind of backfired.

He got some serious flack from fans and critics for not understanding that he is part of the problem.

He responded back to his critics.

He soon would apologize for his choice of words.

This speech has gotten so much attention I bet you money, some agitator will mention it.

Watch the video.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Saying "Radical Islam" Isn't Fighting Terrorism!

Clearly the president had enough of addressing mass shootings under his watch. He believes that Congress is willing to have these tragedies continue because of the inept actions to pass gun control. Republicans and some Democrats are willing to sell their souls to the NRA and gun lobbyists.

If I say "radical Islam", would it make me more vigilant against a terrorist?

The folks over at Fox News are once again polarizing the debate over terrorism.

The junk food media is once again jumping to conclusions over how an American Muslim man (mind you) managed to pull off one of the most deadliest mass shootings in U.S. history. This act of terrorism once again sparks feverish debate over terrorism, gun violence and the need to blame others for the acts of the shooter.

The death count is at 50. It will likely rise and it will be coverage wall-to-wall by the agitators in the junk food media.

Again, the lawmakers offer their prayers to the victims. They offer no resolution to stopping the constant gun violence in the United States. All they are going to do is wait until the junk food media chases the next shiny coin.

Oh, there's the kookspiracy nuts who believe the victims and their families are crisis actors.
Orlando's mayor Buddy Dyer and police chief John Mina access the casualties.
Cause once the cameras are gone, what's left?





Pain is real.






This tragedy hasn't stop the notion of hypotheticals. As the facts are pouring in, the junk food media starts to peak into the terrorist and his background. The FBI and Florida authorities are spearheading an investigation into how such a tragedy has occurred.
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL) address the junk food media.
And as usual, the finger pointing of blame once again takes flight.

The family of this terrorist will likely get death threats. The anti-gay group Westboro Baptist Church will be there in protest. Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL) and The Council of American Islamic Relations is asking the public to not succumb to the fears of terrorism. They urge the public to say something if they notice patterns that aren't normal.

As expected, conservatives, Republican lawmakers and Donald Trump have already spoken the divisive rhetoric. They have claim that "Islamic Extremism" and "radical Islam" is more of a threat to the United States than the daily occurence of mass shootings. I just got off watching Fox News agitators saying the president "refusing" to say "radical Islam".

Again, what the fuck is saying radical Islam going to do?

It's not going to bring back the lives lost in this senseless tragedy.
The SWAT crashed the wall of the bar. 
It's just going to make the Islamic State, al Qaeda and other groups more inspired to recruit people to their cause. Because if you're depressed, having feeling of rejection, taunted by bullies and spurned by a job or relationship: You're a ticking time bomb.

Mass shootings happen every freaking month. It's unfortunate that this one makes the news. All you need are the ingredients of inciting fear and phobias.

The father said that the terrorist was angry over men kissing in public. He was upset over gay marriage and men having public display of affection. He also made threats to his co-workers.

He also had express support for an American born man who became a suicide bomber in Syria.

Omar Meteen was under the federal watch. He express support for the Islamic State, a group that many in the world see as a global terrorist organization. He called the law telling them "I'm gonna leave a message!" He said that he pledges support to the Islamic State. I'm guessing so he can get name recognition for his callous act.
Ron Harper, FBI head for Central Florida with police chief John Mina and Orange County sheriff Jerry Demings (behind Harper) are doing a presser.
They are by far the most thirstiest organization. The United States and its allies have tried to stop them, but they're getting stronger.

He left his name in the history books. The junk food media will forever note that Meteen as the most deadliest shooter in American history. And he won't be the last. 

His terroristic act caused the deaths of many. 

It's unfortunate that our living and breathing will never cease to amaze me. The court of public opinion will never die. With phobias coming out in the open, Donald Trump may use this tragedy as an excuse to promote his bigoted causes.

Republicans claim they're more stronger on terrorism. 
A callous act of violence.
They only muscle Republicans flex in the fight against terrorism is their tongues. They are tongue tied with divisive rhetoric and racism. Instead of trying to stop gun violence, they openly encourage more guns in the streets. Republicans rather take away the Second Amendment from Blacks, Hispanics and Muslims. 

The right to bear arms was legal for this terrorist. If the 51 Republicans and 4 Democrats would have taken the time to support the Toomey-Manchin bill, things would have been done.

Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA) and Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) had tried to pass a stricter background check law and it was voted down by most Republicans and four Democrats (one being minority leader Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV)). 

FBI foils copycat from carrying out terrorist attack.
Then Republican lawmakers want to profile Muslims, #BlackLivesMatter and immigrants. They want to build border walls and fences through Mexico and even Canada. 

They want to use the military to engage in war with the Islamic State. They would spend millions of dollars and the lives of those willing to serve for a winless war.

President Barack Obama has constantly pushed for stronger gun control measures. It's often ignored by the rhetoric of Republicans saying "now it's not the time to polarize" nonsense. 

The president and Vice President Joe Biden have canceled their plans for the time being.

President Barack Obama was expecting to campaign with Democratic presumptive nominee Hillary Clinton in Green Bay, Wisconsin.

James Howell was arrested in Los Angeles today. A potential act of terrorism was averted. The Indiana man was plotting to attack the LA Pride parade. The man was apprehended after being tipped by the law on his motives. The FBI and Los Angeles County sheriff are looking into if this terrorist has ties to the Islamic State.

Lieutenant Governor of Texas Dan Patrick is under fire for posting on social media his thoughts on the shooting. He's got involved in the transgender bathroom controversy by saying that Texas doesn't need the government money and called for independence from the tyrant Obama. 

Here's the Republican presumptive nominee on social media.

Trump's divisive rhetoric isn't productive. It's basically licking his chop knowing that he has the advantage to use this against Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama. After all, not saying "radical Islam" is grounds for Obama to resign in disgrace.

Some of the victims and survivors have spoken to the junk food media to express sorrow.

It's not weakness to cry! Our friends in the LGBT and the Muslim community are grieving. 

We don't know the names of the victims. We don't know if they were Black, White, Hispanic, Latino, woman, straight, gay, transgender or Muslim. 

What we know is that the victims were many and it's tragic. World News Today send our condolences to the families of the victims lost in this horrible tragedy. Also send our condolences to the family of Christina Grimmie. 

The entertainer was gunned down in Orlando after signing autographs at a concert. This event happened a day before this.

The terrorist Kevin James Loibl killed himself after being cornered by the law.

Saturday, June 04, 2016

Conservative Outrage Over Michelle Obama's Commencement Speech!

Michelle Obama gave students a hard reality and conservatives go bananas.

As President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama deliver their final commencement address to inspiring minds, conservatives once again get livid over the harsh truths of America.

Our friends over at Addicting Info got the screenshot of a comment section from a linked article.

The Drudge Report posted the link to The Politico yesterday this story.

Michelle Obama Trashes Trump At Commencement Speech...

Yeah, Mrs. Obama did throw shade at the Republican billionaire for his divisive comments about her husband. She offered a scathing, barely veiled critique of Donald Trump on Friday as she delivered her final commencement address as first lady, warning graduates of City College in New York that while their diverse backgrounds are to be celebrated, they should beware of those who "build up walls to keep people out."

"They seem to view our diversity as a threat to be contained rather than as a resource to be tapped," Obama said. "They tell us to be afraid of those who are different, to be suspicious of those with whom we disagree. They act as if name-calling is an acceptable substitute for thoughtful debate. As if anger and intolerance should be our default state rather than optimism and openness that have always been the engine of our progress."

"No, uh-uh," she continued, to applause. "Our greatness has always come from people who expect nothing and take nothing for granted, folks who work hard for what they have and then reach back and help others after them. That is your story, graduates, and that is the story of your families. And it’s the story of my family, too.”

The story of the U.S., the first lady continued, is one of "the son of Polish immigrants named Jonas Salk who toiled for years in a lab until he discovered a vaccine that saved countless lives. It’s the story of the son of Jamaican immigrants named Colin Powell who became a four-star general, secretary of state, and a role model for young people across the country."

"And graduates, it’s the story that I witness every single day when I wake up in a house that was built by slaves, and I watch my daughters, two beautiful black young women head off to school waving goodbye to their father, the president of the United States, the son of a man from Kenya who came here to America for the same reasons as many of you: to get an education and improve his prospects in life," she remarked.

While the United States' founders "never could have imagined this day," Obama said, "all of you are very much the fruits of their vision."

Here's what Addicting Info captured. Note, if this stuff was sent to RacistGetFired, they could find out where they work and maybe get them fired.

These people are Donald Trump's supporters. Sad pathetic morons. Racist ignorant trolls.

The Obamas' paid homage to the greatest. The White House issued a statement reflecting on their time with boxing great Muhammad Ali.

Wednesday, June 01, 2016

Monkey Business!

Gorilla was killed after grabbing boy. International outrage aimed at the Cincinnati Zoo and the parents of the boy.

I've ignored this because I wanted no part of this. I was heartbroken about the death of a gorilla being killed at the world famous Cincinnati Zoo. International backlash has sparked calls for arresting the parents.

The network that devotes its time to giving Donald Trump all access is now outing the family of the boy who got into the gorilla enclosure at the Cincinnati Zoo.

The family of the boy who got into the enclosure got death threats after outrage over the killing of 17 year old Harambe. Of course, I found out why?

They were Black. 

The network devoted to trashing #BlackLivesMatter went on to discussing the controversy. 

Raw Story picked up on the father of the boy. Deonne Dickerson was mentioned by Fox News as having a "lengthy criminal record". Deonne wasn't at the zoo but the very mention of his background is surely dog whistle. 
michelle gregg, michelle gregg cincinnati, michelle gregg gorilla, michelle gregg cincinnati zoo, michelle gregg facebook, michelle gregg photos, michelle gregg harambe
The parents of the boy who got into a gorilla enclosure got death threats. Trolls started playing the racial blame game.
The network scrubbed the fact that Deonne changed his life around, Like all parents, he was shocked and scared that his son ended up in this situation. He and mother Michelle Gregg both express sorrow for the gorilla being killed by zoo officials. No one wanted this happen. It was an accident.

The junk food media is slamming the parents and the zoo for the death. The Cincinnati Police and Hamilton County sheriff is investigating if charges should be filed.

Read the article from Shaun King. He notes that the media's obsession with the race of the child and parents is a disgrace. He said that other victims of animal attacks at zoos were ignored. Race didn't become a matter when the victim was killed.

World News Today send our condolences to Harambe. Silverback gorillas are critically endangered species.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Conservative Outrage Over Obama Giving Unemployed Workers Overtime Pay!

Job approval is on the rise.

Looks like President Barack Obama bitch slapped the unproductive Congress again.

And it seems like the Republicans and conservatives are having another temper tantrum over this.

The president signed an executive order today signaling that effective December 1, 2016, any worker who is making less than $47,000 a year in wage earnings will be eligible for overtime pay. only 7% of the working force gets overtime pay. Most Americans agree with this idea. Salaried workers will be eligible for overtime.

Cue the conservative outrage.

The unproductive Congress didn't pass any legislation that would help the middle class. The minimum wage hasn't been risen in ten years. If the Congress would have passed legislation that would adjust the cost of living to match the wages earned, things would be better for the working class.

The Republicans sit on their high horses complaining about the economy being in the tank. They complain that the working class isn't working under Obama. And in the same breathe, they don't want to pass any laws to make life better for the middle class.

The Department of Labor is finalizing a rule to update overtime protections so they can help millions more Americans.  The final rule, which takes effect on December 1, 2016, doubles the salary threshold—from $23,660 to $47,476 per year—under which most salaried workers are guaranteed overtime (hourly workers are generally guaranteed overtime pay regardless of their earnings level).  Additionally, this new level will be automatically updated every three years to ensure that workers continue to earn the pay they deserve.

Increasing overtime protections is another step in the President’s effort to grow and strengthen the middle class by raising Americans’ wages.  This extra income will not only mean a better life for American families impacted by overtime protections, but will boost our economy across the board as these families spend their hard-earned wages.

This new rule takes into account input from 270,000 public comments and extensive outreach meetings with employers, business associations, small businesses, workers, worker advocates, non-profit organizations, educational institutions, and state and local government representatives.  It will:

Raise the salary threshold from $23,660 to $47,476 a year, or from $455 to $913 a week.  This doubles the current salary threshold while being responsive to public comments regarding regional variations in income by setting the salary threshold at the 40th percentile of full-time salaried workers in the lowest income Census region (currently the South).  Tying the salary threshold to the lowest-wage region of the country has strong historical precedent in previous rulemakings.

Raise Americans’ wages by an estimated $12 billion over the next 10 years, with an average increase of $1.2 billion annually.  At the same time, employers retain considerable flexibility in how they comply with the new rule, such as increasing salaries to at least the new threshold to keep positions that are primarily executive, administrative, or professional exempt from overtime pay; paying overtime for hours worked in excess of 40 in a week; or reducing overtime hours.

Extend overtime protections to 4.2 million additional workers who are not currently eligible for overtime under federal law.  Others who may already be eligible for overtime will also benefit as the higher salary threshold will serve as a useful bright line test for workers—and their employers—to understand whether they are eligible for overtime.  The number of workers in each state who will benefit from the rule can be found HERE.

Update the salary threshold every three years.  The updates will ensure the threshold is maintained at the 40th percentile of full-time salaried workers in the lowest income region of the country.  Based on projections of wage growth, the threshold is expected to rise to more than $51,000 with the first update on January 1, 2020.

Raise the “highly compensated employee” threshold – from $100,000 to $134,004 – above which only a minimal showing is needed to demonstrate an employee is not eligible for overtime.  This upper threshold was designed to ease the burden on employers in identifying overtime eligible employees since it is more likely that workers earning above this high salary level perform the types of job duties that would exempt them from overtime requirements.

Respond to employers’ concerns by making no changes to the “duties test” and allowing bonuses and incentive payments to count toward up to 10 percent of the new salary level.  Workers earning more than the salary threshold are still subject to the duties test to determine eligibility for overtime.  In their comments to the proposed rule, employers argued that changing the duties test would be difficult and costly to implement, and the final rule leaves the existing duties test in place.  Additionally, for the first time, employers will be able to count bonuses and commissions toward as much as 10 percent of the salary threshold.

It seems like Republicans rather see you work your ass off for little or no overtime pay. It seems like Donald Trump will probably speak out against it. It's likely Bernie Sanders will not mention this huge news to his trolls. It seems like Hillary Clinton will credit her husband for allowing Obama to come up with this idea.

Again, the Congress is unproductive. The three candidates running for president are too polarizing.

The opinions of most lawmakers is extremely low.

Conservatives are getting outraged over the most trivial things.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Conservative Outrage Driven By Obama's Visit To Hiroshima!

Conservatives are worked up over President Barack Obama's anticipated visit to Hiroshima, Japan.

Barack Obama will be the first president to visit the Hiroshima bombing site. This historic visit is to advocate for a nuclear free world and remind the public the impact of wars.

Obama's visit to Japan isn't marred without controversy. 

Cue the conservative outrage. 

According to conservatives, Obama's visit to Hiroshima is an apology tour. Given the last time they were outraged, Obama met with Raul Castro. 

And of course, how can we not forget the time they got riled up over the president being nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize in his first nine months.

The White House has said the United States does not owe Japan a formal apology for using the atomic bomb in August 1945. Instead, officials say the visit will serve as a reminder the terrible destruction that nuclear weapons can inflict.

CNN reports that "He will not revisit the decision to use the atomic bomb at the end of World War II," Ben Rhodes, Obama's deputy national security adviser, wrote on Medium Tuesday. "Instead, he will offer a forward-looking vision focused on our shared future."
President Barack Obama with Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe
Rhodes said Obama would deliver remarks on nuclear non-proliferation -- a central tenet of the 
President's foreign policy -- during the stop in Hiroshima, which is scheduled for May 27. That agenda hasn't always proved popular. The nuclear deal brokered between Iran and western powers is derided by Republicans, and the presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump has suggested that countries like Japan and South Korea should have access to nuclear weapons. Obama called that idea dangerous, and said it reflected Trump's ignorance of foreign affairs.

The White House said Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe would accompany Obama on the stop, which comes after a meeting of the Group of 7 in Ise-Shima.

In Hiroshima, Obama will tour the Peace Memorial Park, constructed atop the busy commercial district obliterated by the bomb. Earlier this year, Secretary of State John Kerry became the highest-ranking U.S. official to pay respects at the site, and hinted that Obama would soon make his own visit.

"The President and his team will make this visit knowing that the open recognition of history is essential to understanding our shared past, the forces that shape the world we live in today, and the future that we seek for our children and grandchildren," Rhodes wrote.

The United States entered World World II in 1941 after the Japanese done a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. 

World War II was one of the most deadliest acts of aggression in world history.

Franklin D. Roosevelt was tempted to drop the atomic bomb on Japan after this attack. He would die in office and his predecessor Harry S. Truman went ahead and ordered bomb drop on two major cities in Japan.

The bombings killed 218,000 people. It led to Japan surrendering to the Allied Forces. 

Monday, May 09, 2016

Conservative Outrage Over Facebook Dropping The Right!

Facebook faces a slew of conservative outrage over its viral content.

Conservatives are totally pissed that the world's largest social media website decided to play politics in the trending section. Many stories that favor conservatives aren't trending and an ex-Facebook worker is "exposing" the shadiness of the social media.

Of course, these are the very same conservatives who want to the private sector to thrive. Well the last time I've checked, Facebook is a private company.

Gizmodo, the technology news agitator broke the news and conservatives are none too happy that Mark Zuckerberg isn't being "friends" with them.

According to the ex-worker, Facebook would routinely suppress news stories of interest of conservative readers from the social network's "trending" news section.

Stories about the CPAC gathering, perennial loser Mitt Romney, Rand Paul and other conservative topics weren't trending. It had to passed around by the site's users.

Conservatives are now crying that Facebook has liberal bias.

Facebook denies any political bias.

Topics that conservative constantly bring up are: Benghazi, Clinton in jail, Lois Lerner (former IRS official), Obamacare, radical Islam, Obama's not American, Obama's a Muslim, Ted Cruz, and Chris Kyle. They were shoved aside.

Given how social media has helped Barack Obama become the president, conservatives have long whined that the media is against them. It helps them win votes.

Regardless, Facebook can do whatever it wants. It's not in the business of pandering to hateful rhetoric from the likes of Breitbart News or The Drudge Report. It doesn't need to read racial slurs or groups devoted to hating on someone's race, gender, sexuality, religion, nationality, political, economic and social standings. It's not in the business of allowing trolls dictate content.

Conservatives are blowing steam. Because if they really wanted to end their Facebook accounts, they wouldn't even touch Freedombook, formerly known as Reaganbook: The Facebook for Patriots.

Sunday, May 01, 2016

Which "Ring" Ted?

Lying Ted fights with Iron Mike.

Desperation for Lyin' Ted.

On GOP Sundays, Ted Cruz is asked about his struggling campaign, his running mate and the potential for his political rival becoming the nominee.

Of course, Cruz goes right into his scripted attacks and deceptive lies. Not laying out one single thing that could help his supporters and the rest of us.

Cruz touts around the endorsements from Indiana's governor Mike Pence. Pence said that he'll vote for Cruz on Tuesday. He believes that the right candidate is the Texas senator. But he also said that he's fond of Trump and the passion of voters in his state.

Cruz brought Carly Fiorina out the dustbin to help him as a running mate. He made the announcement on Tuesday and many in the junk food media said that the former HP executive and perennial candidate was a bad move. She struggled and didn't take off. Cruz brushed off the criticisms and said that Barack Obama picked Joe Biden and Biden ran twice for president. Fiorina said that it's key to have people rally around Cruz because if they nominate Trump, the Republican Party will be destroyed.
Tyson considers Trump a friend.
And now he throws Iron Mike into the mix. Ted Cruz decided to get into the ring with Mike Tyson. Cruz is hammering Trump on the endorsement from Tyson.

Mike Tyson was served in a rape case of Desiree Washington in the 1990s. The former boxer spent time in the iron college for it.

Cruz decided to play the race card by bringing up the "scary Black guy". Tyson was reckless during the 1990s.

The former boxer is a friend of Trump. He said that Trump would be a "great president".

Trump believes the victim was playing games and set Tyson up. Trump defended Tyson in the 1990s when he was being accused of the violent act.

Cruz think it's pathetic for Trump to embrace a "convicted rapist".

The Texas senator hopes to win the state of Indiana to stop Donald Trump from winning the nomination. He is so far struggling in the polls and Republicans are starting to warm to the bombastic reality star and business mogul.

Again I don't condone Mike Tyson's antics. Tyson will forever be labeled a rapist. He is a TIER II sex offender.

The Cruz campaign using Tyson as a weapon is "dog whistle".

By no means, I will support or vote for Donald J. Trump.

Trump has tapped into the anger of White Americans frustrated with a Black president. The Republican will cause friction with global allies and embarrass our country.

I believe that Tyson is trying to redeem himself. The past events that forever tarnished his legacy. The felonious assault on Robin Givens, the DUIs, the driving reckless charges, the weed and blow, blowing money fast, the beatdown of motorists in Maryland, the tattoo on his face, the rape charge, failing the teaching of Islam, having his daughter dying on a treadmill and biting off Evander Holyfield's ear are ugly reminders of Tyson's past.
Ted Cruz's feud with Hannity over for now! He and Carly Fiorina did a taping for the annoying conservative agitator at a rally in Indianapolis. Hannity like an asshole put the interview on Friday. His program on Fridays are pre-taped and barely bringing in viewers. That's why his ass was demoted to 10pm.
I do not condone any actions of Mike Tyson. He's admits that alcohol, drugs and fame drove him to these situations. He admits he's bipolar. Those are not reasonable excuses for the former boxer.

Rape sticks like a sore thumb.

Like having the endorsement from David Duke, Trump's political rivals will use it against him.

Although Cruz is playing all the cards from the bottom deck, his accusations towards Trump are reminders of how sexism is very much a part of his campaign.

He may trumpet the endorsements of Sarah Palin, Ann Coulter and Kirstie Alley. But these woman think that concerns of sexism are imaginary thoughts by feminist lesbians.




By the way, Trump also got another controversial endorsement. He got the backing of former Indiana Hoosiers coach Bobby Knight. He would be the coach who had temper tantrums at his basketball team and throw chairs on the court.

And Ted Cruz made a stupid mistake while in Bloomington. He said that basketball hoops are "rings". That's a mistake that may come back to bite him in the.....well you know!

Conservative Outrage Over Larry Wilmore's "My N***a" Obama!

I guess they didn't get it. On the conservative Craiglist, you see CNN's Don Lemon raising the third digit at the harsh jokes Larry Wilmore threw at the network and especially him.

“America's finest black journalists in the house. Don Lemon is here, too!”

Wilmore is the host of Comedy Central's The Nightly Show. He talks passionately about issues in Black America with a twist.

Wilmore sealed the deal. Brutally honest and right to the point. The White House Correspondents' Dinner was the final event that President Barack Obama will attend.

In his final year, the president gets one more opportunity to jab the press.

And then the comedian gets an opportunity to go after the president and the press.

Cue the conservative outrage.

Okay, Larry Wilmore was good. I mean he was really good! He brutally hit the junk food media so hard there were jeers from some. He had the most hard line jokes on Fox News, CNN and MSNBC.
Wilmore goes after conservatives when they complain about President Barack Obama using the race card.
When the comedian said that's "my Nigga" Obama, the audience gasped and of course conservatives lashed out as usual. They also got riled up over the joke where he called Ben Carson a jiggaboo.

“Your hair is so white, it tried to punch me at a Trump rally,” Wilmore joked. “The president’s hair is so white it keeps saying ‘All Lives Matter.’” Then, he added, “All I’m saying is that in less than eight years, Mr. President, you've busted two time-honored stereotypes, black does crack, and apparently once you go black, it looks like we are going back. Thanks, Ben Carson.”

He made fun of Wolf Blitzer's The Situation Room and how the CNN projection board and clock was too much.

He made fun of Fox News and their obsession with trying stifle #BlackLivesMatter. He also clowned on the network for being riled up over Black leaders and Harriet Tubman being on the $20 bill.
Obama drops the mic like a boss.
He made fun of MSNBC having Black hosts shafted around. In the wake of Melissa Harris-Perry and Al Sharpton drama, he mentions Chris Hayes and Lawrence O'Donnell's frustration with the network pre-empting their shows.

You know that Todd Sternes went ballistic over this. Breitbart went nuts. Conservatives were screaming racism when Wilmore went there.

I mean going there is a part of comedy.

Wilmore skerred Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. He didn't have much to say about John Kasich.


Wilmore saying NIGGA wasn't racism. Wilmore isn't racist.

Conservatives aren't funny. Well Donald Trump is funny because he's extremely stupid and ignorant.

Wilmore ends the ceremony on a high note. If you missed the ball, you can view it again on the White House website or YouTube.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Ted Cruz Feuds With Sean Hannity!

Ted Cruz is feuding with Sean Hannity. Hannity admits he gives softball interviews to Republicans.

Many in the junk food media say that the likelihood of Ted Cruz and John Kasich winning the Republican nomination is highly doubtful. Donald Trump's victory in New York pretty much stopped the momentum of both Cruz and Kasich.

Many Republicans are starting to warm up to Trump.

Cruz and Kasich vow to win the nomination and they are willing to take this to the Republican Convention.

Cruz and his staff are pretty upset with the junk food media giving Trump all this airtime. They had enough of the "all access" treatment from the world's most annoying conservative agitator to ever have a radio and/or television program. Ted Cruz had told his staff that he's done with Sean Hannity.

Hannity is the most annoying agitator in the junk food media. He is a Republican ass-kisser and a huge concern troll.

But that's my opinion. I want to know your opinion in this poll.

Is Sean Hannity The Most Annoying Agitator In The Junk Food Media?

Hell yeah! He is the biggest ass kisser for the Republican Party. His radio and television shows are terrible. All that screaming and interrupting people is very annoying. He can't go a day without bringing up Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton's name.
No way. Sean delivers the news to those who would never get it from the rest of the junk food media. He at least admits he wants Republicans to win. The rest of the junk food media is either in the tank for Democrats. He is fair to all Republican candidates.

According to the Cruz campaign, he seriously believes that Donald Trump's biggest supporters on the right are Laura Ingraham, The Drudge Report and Hannity.

Cruz got into a heated argument with Hannity. The video was posted on Hannity's official YouTube page.

Hannity admits to giving softball interviews to Donald Trump and Ted Cruz got fed up with the Texas senator talking in circles over his "voter-less" victories in Colorado and Wyoming.

Hannity even went as far to tell Cruz to stop deflecting the questions.

Media Matters for America got a portion of the transcript of the exchange.

SEAN HANNITY: I think the number one question on the minds of Republicans right now is what is going on with the delegates. For example, if you can explain to people that your campaign, that you have every right within the rules, to talk to candidates that are pledged on a first ballot, to Candidate A or Candidate C, you being Candidate B, and that -- tell us what that process is. You are assuming this is going to the convention, you told me that in the last two interviews. So as part of that, you’re hoping to get to a second ballot. In other words, in a second ballot people that support Donald Trump or John Kasich or Marco Rubio, if those delegates are still relevant, can then switch their votes. So you are in the process of talking to delegates and it seems to be very extensive. Can you explain to people what's going on?

TED CRUZ: Sean, with all respect, that's not what people are concerned about. I'm campaigning every day, people are concerned about bringing jobs back to America. People are concerned about raising wages. People are concerned about getting the federal government off the backs of small businesses, and people are concerned about beating Hillary. And the media loves to obsess about process, this process, and this whining from the Trump campaign, it's all silly. It's very, very simple --

HANNITY: Senator, I'm -- hang on a second, I'm on social media with millions of people. I have 550 radio stations, and I have the top rated cable show in my hour, all across the board. And I am telling you that people are telling me that they find this whole process confusing. You know, I can read the articles, for example, about -- you know, people want to know about what actually happened in Georgia this weekend, where people that have, I guess, on the first ballot are going to Donald Trump, but representatives of yours talked to them, and are persuading them to vote for you on a second ballot. That is an important question, because I think most of people would like to know how this works, and I'm really am asking you more than a process question. It's an integrity of the election question, and everybody's asking me this question. So I'm giving you an opportunity to explain it.

CRUZ: Sean, the only people asking this question are the hardcore Donald Trump supporters.

HANNITY: Why do you -- but senator, why do you do this? Every single time I -- no, you gotta stop. Every time I have you on the air, and I ask a legitimate question, you try to throw this in my face. I'm getting sick of it. I've had you on more than any other candidate, on radio and TV. So if I ask you senator, a legitimate question that would explain to the audience, why wouldn't you just answer it?

CRUZ: Sean, can I answer your question without being interrupted?

HANNITY: Go ahead.

CRUZ: In the last three weeks, there have been five elections in five states. Utah, North Dakota, WIsconsin, Colorado, Wyoming. We've won all five, over 1.3 million people voted in those five states, we won all five. All of this noise and complaining and whining has come from the Trump campaign, because they don't like the fact that they've lost five elections in a row, that Republicans are uniting behind our campaign, so they are screaming on Drudge, and it's getting echoed, this notion of voterless election. It is nonsense that they are making it up. Over 1.3 million people voted, we won landslides in all five. Now, there is a second component beyond the elections, which is the individual delegates are elected by the people. Donald Trump's campaign does not know how to organize on the grassroots.

The interview went viral and it's gotten so much attention. Hannity defended his interview with Cruz.

Hannity said that Cruz comes off as angry and desperate. Hannity respects Cruz as a champion of conservative causes, but even Hannity admits that Cruz has no chance of winning the nomination without stealing it in a contested convention. Hannity constantly tells his gullible audience that he's given more airtime to Republican candidates because he believes that they are infinitely better than Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders.

If you ask me, I believe Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and The Drudge Report will help the Democrats win the White House. Because of these entities, Barack Obama clobbered John McCain and perennial loser Mitt Romney in two landslides.

Hannity believes that Republicans failed in taking out Obama. Hannity seriously believes that Obama's "associations" to Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers and Al Sharpton should have defeated him.

Hannity believes that Hillary Clinton would be heading to federal time out for having classified emails on her secured personal server.

I believe that Hannity's days at Fox News are numbered. I predict that Sean Hannity will be fired out the cannon in 2017 if the Democrat nominee wins the White House.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Conservative Outrage Over Mother Moses Being On $20!

Harriet Tubman is going to be honored on the $20 U.S. bill. Conservatives act a fool when the news broke.

The conservatives are going bananas over the announcement of Harriet Tubman being featured on the $20 U.S. dollar.

U.S. Secretary of Treasury Jack Lew decided that the time is now. He decided to scrap the idea of having Alexander Hamilton replaced on the $10 U.S. dollar. He decided that it's time to replace Old Hickory.

She will replace Andrew Jackson. The denomination is the most commonly bartered currency in the United States.

The changes were announced Wednesday by the Treasury as part of a historic overhaul of U.S. currency aimed at addressing America’s legacy of slavery and gender inequality.

Cue the conservative outrage.

The bile is so unbelieveable. The trolls underneath the bandwidth bridge makes the Republican Party look really bad. Matter of fact, Republicans face a huge deficit in rounding up minority voters.

These are the Donald Trump voters. These are the people glued to Rush Limbaugh, Fox News and The Drudge Report. These are the people who may be your friends, co-workers or your neighbors.

And they seem to be clueless on American history.

Pathetic Republicans and their hateful ass agenda.

Mother Moses fought hard for the freedom of all. She deserves the honor of being on American currency.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Bill De Blasio Had To Check Himself Before He's Destroy Hillary's Self!

I didn't know the lingo but I guess conservatives are crying racism at New York City's mayor Bill de Blasio and Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

de Blasio endorsed Clinton for president. He's been squaring off with the racist dick of the NYPD police union Patrick Lynch. The union prez has spotters watch de Blasio's move. Rudy Giuliani and many other Republican operatives are trying to derail the progressive agenda of de Blasio.
Bad timing.
At an event, Clinton and a Black performer heard a joke from de Blasio. He mentions the word "CP Time".

"I just have to say thanks for the endorsement, Bill. Took you long enough,” Clinton told her former campaign manager.

"Sorry, Hillary, I was running on C.P. time," de Blasio replied to gasps from the crowd.

As Raw Story explains, "C. P. time," or "colored people time," refers to "the stereotype that African Americans generally tell as a reason for being late to an event or a traditionally black event not beginning on time.”

The performer joked "I don't like jokes like that, Bill", and I guess that's what took off to the social webs.

I guess when you say that, you're offending Black performers. After all, "we'z colored folks!"

Bill de Blasio is married to a Black woman by the way.

This latest event is another attempt at "guilty by association" and the unfortunate political "gaffes" that political agitators harp on.

Wednesday, April 06, 2016

Azealia Banks: Sarah Palin's A** Outta Be Raped!

The rapper tangles with the agitator!
The queens of mean tangle with one another. It came to an offensive posting by controversial rapper/model Azealia Banks taking aim at the verbal garbage Sarah Palin spewed in Wisconsin.

Palin said that "real Americans" shouldn't apologize for the horrendous acts of the founders. She basically involuntarily said in an opinion piece that "slavery was justified".

Banks didn't appreciate that. Seeing that she follow politics, she struck Palin hard.

The rapper said that Palin should be gang raped by a group of Black men. That shot across the social media got the conservatives riled up. Conservative outrage poured into the social media.

Mama Grizzly isn't pleased about the offensive shot and she threatened to sue.

Banks got an earful from her publicist and media agitators. She was forced to own up and apologize for posting such an offensive tweet. The rapper said that she doesn't condone rape on anyone.

Note: Palin is the former governor of Alaska and supporter of GOP frontrunner Donald Trump.

Banks is a supporter of Bernie Sanders. She was previously a supporter of Trump.

Banks follows politics very closely. She complained that conservatives are ignorant assholes. She said conservative agitators like that old fart Rush Limbaugh and Matt Drudge can eat a dick.



Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Conservative Outrage Over Rappers Dissing Trump!

A song that goes after controversial Republican candidate goes viral. The group made it specifically for the most unrepentant media whore in the presidential race. Once it made it to the conservative Craigslist, it goes viral and attracts attention from some of the finger wagging agitators.

The most annoying conservative agitator to have radio show, television, blog and access to Republican candidates is concern trolling hip-hop music once again. And he's telling the public that they're freedom of dissent should have them thrown in the iron college.

Instead of calling him Sean Hannity, we should could him, Nannity! Nannity, the whiniest man on the planet. A wannabe that shouldn't have been. He's trying to be like the old farts Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh. He's parroting talking point and name dropping asshole.

On the radio show and television program, Nannity complains about some sucker MCs dissing Donald Trump. He believes that the teens should get a visit from the Secret Service for saying "fuck Trump" and "don't come to Baltimore".
Comedian makes a mock rap going after Trump and conservatives go bananas over it.
The song Choppas in the a Trumk for Donald Trump (CIT4DT) were performed by comedians, Dooley, Tlow and Lor Roger.

Of course, they're not really threatening a presidential candidate. But since it's rap music and it has explicit lyrics, conservatives are outraged over it.

The song's threats of violence against Trump were not literal or even serious.

"We didn't mean no harm by it," Ibrahim said. "We don't got no damn chopper! My religion says don't even kill. I wouldn't kill an innocent fly."

Abdel Ibrahim (Dooley's) popularity online has grown in a short time. (He started posting videos about a year ago, he said.) His Twitter, Instagram and Facebook accounts each have more than 60,000 followers. A fan-uploaded compilation of his comedy clips has garnered nearly 350,000 views since late February.
Finger wagging asshole complains about rappers dissing Trump. He defended a washed up rocker who once threatened violence on Democratic candidates. 

The "CIT4DT" video has more 200,000 views on the popular video blog Other widely viewed social media accounts like The Shade Room and DJ Akademik’s Instagram page have also shared the song. Then the conservative Craigslist posted it later that day.

The performer was totally pissed about Donald Trump's ban on Muslims coming into the United States. He said that Trump's rhetoric is dividing everyone and it's "fair game" to go after him.

Trump and Snoop Dogg
The song began as a 28-second video upload on March 15, when Ibrahim and his friends performed it live in a car and filmed the footage for Twitter. It included an unprintable hashtag denouncing Trump, and has earned more than 11,000 retweets.

The quick success led Dooley to ask, “Rt if you think we should make [it] into a real song?” On Sunday, the finished version and video were online. Ibrahim said this would be his first and only rap song.

When asked whom he'd like to see as the next president, Ibrahim said Bernie Sanders was "cool."

"To be honest, I just want a good person," he said. "I don't really pay attention to it. I just be hearing all of the stuff Trump be saying."

Trump suggested that his supporters take action against protesters. The agitators of the right often ignored the violence that occurs at these events. The junk food media is covering it and we're noticing.

Note: Nannity defended his buddy Uncle Ted when he said onstage that he's put a couple rounds in Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, then Democratic candidates running for president in 2008. Ted Nugent to this day still advocates violence against Obama and those who support him.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Conservative Outrage Over Woulda, Shoulda, Coulda!

Conservatives complain about the president being at a baseball game in Cuba and not in Washington watching the events happening in Belgium. The Obamas and Raul Castro (right) enjoy a Tampa Bay Rays game.

The tongue is the only muscle that Republicans use when it comes to fighting terrorism. 

If saying divisive statements, profiling groups and threatening unknown assailants is the key to stopping terrorism, then I think we're doomed. It wouldn't make sense for the president to stop what he's doing to show up in Belgium. He would be a distraction and it won't accomplish nothing.

The president already ordered law enforcement agencies to aid Belgium. He is working with the State Department to find out if any Americans are hurt during the Brussels attack.

It didn't happen in the United States. It could happen. I mean the "NICE GUY" is the most dangerous person to have a firearm and an explosive device. If it happened in the United States, he would immediately head back home to handle the situation.

Conservative outrage over the president being in Cuba and Argentina than rushing back to Washington, DC for a terrorist attack in Belgium.

See many in the junk food media already saw it coming. They knew the conservative agitators would waste no time attacking President Barack Obama for not acting tough on terrorism.

In a historical visit to the island nation of Cuba, the president address the junk food media. Obama hopes to repair the relations to the Communist nation that the U.S. considered an enemy for over 50 years.

The president watched a baseball game. The Tampa Bay Rays got an opportunity to play a baseball game with the Cubans as a part of an American-Cuban exhibition game.

All three GOP presidential candidates condemned the president's moves this morning.

'President Obama is spending his time going to baseball games with the Castros,' said Sen. Ted Cruz, who is running for the Republican nomination for president, according to reporting from ABC News' Rick Klein.

Cruz, who is half-Cuban, had already come out against the Obama family's historic trip to Cuba this week, but the fact that the president's schedule will stay intact after the attacks was more salt on the wound.

Ted Cruz immediately went into this rant about the president not saying "radial Islam".
Attacks in Belgium kills nearly 50 people.
Cruz believed that if the feds and local law enforcement agencies would profile Muslims, then none of this stuff could happen in the United States.

Ohio Gov. John Kasich, also running for president, soon chimed in making a similar demand.

'The president must return home immediately and get to work with our allies to respond with strength against the enemies of the west,' Kasich wrote.

Not to be outdone, GOP frontrunner Donald Trump soon chimed in.

'President Obama looks and sounds so ridiculous making his speech in Cuba, especially in the shadows of Brussels. He is being treated badly!' The Donald tweeted.

Donald Trump said that he was right on the Brussels attack. He called the president pathetic for not stopping his Cuban trip to return back to the United States. Trump once called Brussels a "hellhole" for it's diverse population which happens to include Muslims and immigrants from Syria.

Conservatives agitators in the junk food media were screaming out the anal cavities watching the president doing the wave at the baseball game.

See what the conservative fail to understand is that if we fear terrorism, they will win. Terrorists want to disrupt lives of people. We already know that. This stuff existed since.

What angers me is the fact that 324 million people should just stop what we're doing because a tragedy occurred in a foreign country.


Desperate Ted Cruz now calls for profiling of American Muslims.
President Obama spoke today by phone with Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel to offer his condolences on behalf of the American people following today’s horrific terrorist attacks in Brussels. The President reaffirmed the steadfast support of the United States for Belgium, and offered any assistance necessary in investigating these attacks and bringing those responsible to justice. The President reiterated that the United States stands together with the people of Belgium, as well as NATO and the European Union, and once again pledged the full cooperation and support of the United States in our shared commitment to defeat the scourge of terrorism.

World News Today send our condolences to those lost in this senseless tragedy.


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