Showing posts with label Sandy Hook shooting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sandy Hook shooting. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Republicans Filibuster Reality!

Breakfast with frenemies. Senator Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky, Minority Leader) will join Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) in filibustering gun control proposals by the Democrats.

The Sandy Hook shooting is one of the worst tragedies in the United States. A 20-year old man White Extremist with mental issue went into an elementary school in nearby Newtown, Connecticut and killed 20 children and six adults.

The gunman ended up killing himself. Before he went on his murderous rampage, the gunman killed his mother. The mother owned a handful of firearms and had political views that match the current crop of Republican politicos.

Over 100 days since the horrible tragedy in December 2012. President Barack Obama promised that in his second term, he will get reasonable gun control passed.

The promise he made to those families of gun violence is variable. During his first term, President Barack Obama heard about the rampant gang violence in his hometown of Chicago. He witnessed the shootings in Tucson, Arizona in which six were killed and it critically injured Gabrielle Giffords, a three term Democratic congresswoman.

President Barack Obama heard of the shootings in Wisconsin in which a gunman killed seven Sikh worshipers. He heard about the shooting at Fort Hood in which a Master Sargent went on a murderous spree killing his fellow members of the U.S. Army.

The president heard about the shootings in Chardon, Ohio. The shooting in Sanford, Florida. The shooting in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The shooting in Aurora, Colorado in which a mentally challenged individual went into a movie theater at the premiere of Batman: The Dark Knight Rises and killed 14 moviegoers.
Senator Marco Rubio (R-Florida) is a rising star among the Republican faithful. He's getting presidential buzz along with Kentucky senator Rand Paul.
Each of these events carried us to the reality that firearm laws are too relaxed. The United States leads in murders by firearms. Over 10,000 lives were lost to firearm violence post Sandy Hook.

The president is flexing his muscle. He is taking the families of the Sandy Hook victims to Washington, DC to lobby for strict background checks alongside a ban on high power firearms and continuous magazine clips.

The only thing standing in the president's way is Congress. The Republicans and some Democrats threaten to derail the measure. The Republican leader, Senator Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) will join Senators Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Jim Inhofe (R-Oklahoma), Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) and Marco Rubio (R-Florida) in filibustering any measure that applies to firearm restriction.

California senator Dianne Feinstein, a gun crime victim warns of more problems ahead if the Senate can't pass reasonable gun control measures.
Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) is a far right politician who continues to obstruct progress.
Democratic leader Senator Harry Reid (D-Nevada) fears the Democratic majority may be lost if legislation was passed in the middle of a U.S. midterm. The Republicans are licking their chops and hoping that the NRA can generate a strong outreach to get the Democrats out of Congressional power.

Reid had threaten members of the Senate to stop filibustering legislation. He's reconsidering the cloture process. Many of the president's allies single out Republican obstruction as the cause of the economic crisis and it's paying off.

The conservative senators Joe Manchin (D-West Virginia) and Republican Pat Toomey (R-Pennsylvania) are working on their own proposals that may get ball moving. I am guessing the Republicans will filibuster their ideas as well.

Right now, the president is frustrated with Republicans. He's getting tired of his nominees being stalled, and legislation not being passed. The House is controlled by Republicans and it's leader House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio.

If the U.S. Senate passes a bill, it's either killed by the House. If the U.S. House of Representatives passes a bill, it's killed by the Senate. The chances of a grand bargain on gun control, immigration reform, the budget and taxes are slim. The Republicans signal filibuster on every proposal made President Barack Obama.

The proposals by President Barack Obama also attracted ire of Independent senator from Vermont Bernie Sanders and some Democratic lawmakers.

The Republican Party is filibustering reality. The Majority Leader Harry Reid is warning senators that the overplay of filibustering will result in reform.

But to the tone deaf Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, it's their only way to winning the debate. Hopefully, this obstruction will bring a negative effect upon the American people.

The American people are so tired of Congress right now, if the election was held today, it's likely the Republicans would lose their hold on the House of Representatives. The Democrats would lose a few senators. Mostly in the South and Mountain West (i.e. Mary Landrieu (D-Louisiana), Max Baucus (D-Montana) and the open seats by Tim Johnson (D-South Dakota) and Jay Rockafeller (D-West Virginia)).

Monday, April 01, 2013

Shame On Us!

President Barack Obama is getting pissed with Congress and the National Rifle Association's attempts to curb gun control. The Sandy Hook shooting was a terrible tragedy in 2012. Yet, the gun lobbyists and conservative agitators have managed to scare White ignorance into buying more firearms.


President Barack Obama's second term promise was to get reasonable gun control passed. So far, Republicans and conservative Democrats have halted any discussion about an assault weapons ban and strict background check proposal by Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-California).

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada) and about twelve Democratic senators from the West and South are fearing the onslaught of Republicans and the National Rifle Association.

Mary Landrieu, Mark Pryor, Mark Warner, Heidi Heinkamp, Max Baucus, Joe Manchin, Mark Udall, Tom Udall, Kay Hagan, Tim Johnson, Jon Tester and Jay Rockfeller are wobbly on gun control.
President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden meet the mothers of children lost to gun violence.
Even though the Democrats have a majority in the Senate, the Republicans signal a filibuster threat once again to stall progress. It's being led once again by the "whack-a-doodle" posse of Rand Paul, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio. All but Cruz are thinking about jumping into the political fray in 2016.

It's been over 100 days since Sandy Hook and yet, we haven't managed to pass one bill that involves reasonable gun control. More lives were lost since that tragic day.

President Barack Obama is right. It's a shame that we are so driven by firearms.

No one is taking firearms. All the president wants is to have reasonable gun control in the wake of a tragedy.

How many more tragedies must we have before these idiots in Washington pass a law?

Monday, March 25, 2013

Jim Carrey Is Back In Color!

Actor Jim Carrey goes after the National Rifle Association and legendary actor/former president of the gun lobby Charlton Heston with a parody video.

Jim Carrey is a Canadian-American actor/comedian who is best known for his wild and crazy antics in most movies. Ranked one of the funniest entertainers, Carrey keeps the entertainment going!

He starred in the 1990s sketch comedy In Living Color with Keanan Ivory Wayans and his siblings, Damon, Kim, Marlon and Shawn. Carrey performed with the likes of Jamie Foxx, Jennifer Lopez and Chris Rock.

Carrey gets back into his old sketch comedy days by parodying Hee Haw, the country music themed comedy sketch show.

Recently, Carrey gotten the ire of the conservative media recently.

He mocked Charlton Heston's famous "[My] Cold Dead Hands" speech.

Watch the video here:

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Ohio Teen Sentenced For 2012 High School Massacre! [NSFW]

No remorse for mass shooter being sentenced. T.J. Lane, 18 will spend the remainder of his life in the iron college.
While on hiatus from blogging, in February 2012, a terrible thing happened in the village of Chardon, Ohio.

The little town which is 30 miles from Cleveland, Ohio was the center of a horrible tragedy. A deranged teen named T.J. Lane went on a rampage at his high school. He committed a mass shooting on his fellow classmates.

Many of his former classmates described the teen as a "sociopath" who had tendencies to harm others. 

Three male students died within the two days following the incident. Two other students were hospitalized: one of whom sustained several serious injuries requiring extensive rehabilitation, the other with a minor injury. The seriously injured victim will be in a wheelchair for life. A sixth student sustained a superficial wound.

Tj Lane
I know what I was doing! - T.J. Lane gives victim's families a parting shot.
The weapon Lane used in the shooting was a .22 caliber handgun. At an initial court hearing, the prosecutor revealed that he admitted to shooting 10 rounds of ammunition from the gun during the shooting, which began in the school cafeteria at approximately 7:30 a.m., shortly after school began. Although Lane told police that he did not know the victims and that they were chosen randomly, witnesses stated that it appeared he targeted a specific student and the group he was sitting with in the cafeteria.

This was the first mass shooting in 2012, post Gabrielle Giffords. This launched into numerous shootings. Aurora, Colorado, the Wisconsin Sikh Temple, Clackamas Town Center, Chicago gang violence, Sandy Hook, and Christopher Dorner all came into the spotlight since the shooting.
The shooter was sentenced to three life sentences. 
Madman's paradise!
While the families expressed their sorrow, T.J. Lane basically rolled his eyes, and gave the family the finger.

He basically was in the court with a white t-shirt with the words KILLER on it. 

He was basically doesn't give a know!

We here at Journal de la Reyna send our condolences to the families of this horrible massacre. Justice was served to this heartless monster and hopefully he regret that day he pulled the trigger.

He'll be spending his life in the iron college being someone's girlfriend!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Obama: The American People Deserve A Vote!

The State of The Union.

President Barack Obama delivers his State of The Union address.

It tackles his second term agenda. The agenda covers issues that focus on the middle class. The president lays the groundwork for new proposals to get America working again. He also announced a plan to help young children maintain an education and opportunities to enter college or the job force without hurdles.

The president also acknowledge the issue with minimum wage. He urges Congress to raise the wage amount to $9.00 an hour.

The president tackled immigration reform.

The president tackled gun control.

The president acknowledges voting rights.

The president acknowledges climate change.

The president tackled bipartisanship and urged Congress to pass his job's bill that he presented last year.

The president acknowledge the shooting tragedies that happen to make the news.

The excerpts include:

“A growing economy that creates good, middle-class jobs – that must be the North Star that guides our efforts,” Obama will say. “Every day, we should ask ourselves three questions as a nation: How do we attract more jobs to our shores? How do we equip our people with the skills needed to do those jobs? And how do we make sure that hard work leads to a decent living?”

“Tonight, I’ll lay out additional proposals that are fully paid for and fully consistent with the budget framework both parties agreed to just 18 months ago,” he will say. “Let me repeat – nothing I’m proposing tonight should increase our deficit by a single dime. It’s not a bigger government we need, but a smarter government that sets priorities and invests in broad-based growth.”

A growing economy that creates good, middle-class jobs – that must be the North Star that guides our efforts. Every day, we should ask ourselves three questions as a nation: How do we attract more jobs to our shores? How do we equip our people with the skills needed to do those jobs? And how do we make sure that hard work leads to a decent living?”

“Tonight, I’ll lay out additional proposals that are fully paid for and fully consistent with the budget framework both parties agreed to just 18 months ago. Let me repeat – nothing I’m proposing tonight should increase our deficit by a single dime. It’s not a bigger government we need, but a smarter government that sets priorities and invests in broad-based growth.”

You can listen to the full State of The Union Address.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Don't Like A Gov't Policy: SCREAM HITLER!

Sean Hannity, the guy responsible for President Barack Obama winning reelection.

The agitators of the media are fighting the 20th Century yet again! Still stuck on memories of 80 years ago and not the present day! Wishing they could return to the days when all the presidents were of one color!

Once again the media is showing the world that it only takes a few rants to rake in the profits!

It's not news or informative talk! It's pure name calling and vindictive actions among a bunch of bitter losers.

The gun control debate is very contentious!

Those in the media are taking an advancement of payment for who could outcrazy one another.

Talking Points Memo, a liberal investigative blog put together a collection of Fox News personalities and the controversial agitator Sean Hannity running on the HITLER meme.

President Barack Obama issue executive orders to curbing gun violence post Sandy Hook. These orders have the National Rifle Association and Republicans in a frenzy. They're calling the president's actions treasonous, impeachable and downright tyrannical. Some of these people on these networks compare the president to Hitler, Mao, Stalin, and Hussein.

Say if I could say something three thousand times and generate a talk point, would have my own talk show on a cable news channel?

I've mention Sean Hannity and Matt Drudge frequently on this blog. These two are the most annoying members of the conservative media. They've played every card from the bottom of the deck.

I want them to continue to hurt the Republican Party. Because of these two men, the president won reelection and set the course for an aggressive agenda. President Barack Obama had enough of the Republican obstruction and he's willing to box them in with issues they've agreed on in the past.

Sean Hannity's ratings are falling. He's still a reigning in at 1.2 million viewers a night but the competitor from the rival network MSNBC is catching up. Rachel Maddow, the liberal agitator of the network is bring more informative talk and the partisan rancor.

I've stated this last year, that Rachel Maddow will surpass Sean Hannity in ratings by the late of 2013.

It's going to happen soon.

Sean Hannity's right wing carnival of agitation celebrates four years on the air now. Long past the days of him and liberal agitator Alan Colmes, the Hannity show allows Dick Morris, Michelle Malkin, Jesse Lee Peterson, Brent Bozell, Ann Coulter, Karl Rove, and numerous other right wing agitators go H.A.M. on the president and his allies in the progressive movement.

It's working in the network's favor. With a second term of President Barack Obama, Fox News is working harder to stay relevant. They're waiting for a controversy that could lead to impeachment. Fox News is considered conservative. Fox News will continue to create controversies when there's no need for them. They will give Republicans and conservative agitators a voice on their network. After all, some of these conservative agitators are banned from the mainstream news outlets for controversial statements.

The cable news racket is looking for success in the second term.

MSNBC is considered liberal by most viewers watching. The network will continue to find agitators who favor the president and hate the Republicans.

CNN is caught in the middle but most look upon it a liberal. Anderson Cooper, Piers Morgan, Don Lemon, Soledad O'Brien and other commentators make the case for rancor from both the left and the right.

Talking Points Memo reports that if you have been watching Fox News in recent weeks, you will have heard a lot of discussion about Hitler. Guests have been lining up to equate the gun legislation proposed by President Obama with Hitler, Nazis and 1930s Germany in general.

Since the Sandy Hook shooting, Fox guests have been among the loudest voices saying that any new restrictions will decimate the Second Amendment and lead to government oppression not seen since Hitler, Mao or Stalin.

If you seriously believe that President Barack Obama is Adolf Hitler, you're out of the mainstream.

Barack Obama was elected twice in two landslide elections. He is the first Black president and one of the world's favored leaders. Hitler's governance was compared by most Western nations as a dictatorship based on the totalitarian and autocratic ideology. He was a dictator who wanted a supremacy of Europe. Hitler's supremacist and racially motivated policies resulted in the deaths of an estimated 50 million people during World War II, including 6 million Jews and 5 million "non-Aryans" whose systematic extermination was ordered by him and his close subordinates. Hitler never took guns. He ordered his military to use them in a global wipeout.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Gun Appreciation Day!

A man carrying an assault rifle in a Utah JC Penny. Photo: Screenshot via ABC 4 in Salt Lake City.

The Raw Story reports that in Salt Lake City, the talk of the town was a man carrying a semi-automatic AR 15 inside the mall. He was photographed at the JCPenny store making a purchase and the cause of the concern among shoppers. Although people shown concern about the man, under Utah law it's legal to carry into a mall as long as the firearm isn't "loaded".

The woman who took the photo that got the most attention said it happened on Wednesday, just four hours after President Barack Obama announced a series of executive orders relating to firearms.

This individual wanted to show his "appreciation" for his firearm.

Of course, if he would snap..............!

The man is Joseph Kelley and he's 22-years old and a former military officer. He and probably thousands of others will flock to the town square showing their arms and dedication to the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

I forgot to mention this.

Earlier this month, a man who became famous for training firearm usage on YouTube was killed in an apparent murder.

Keith Ratliff, 32 was murdered by a single gun shot. He created the YouTube channel FPSRussia and it pulls over a billion views. The website shows how to operate firearms and archery. Ratcliff was a resident of Carnsvillle, Georgia, and the local authorities are searching for those involved.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Nice Try, Drudge!

Drudge using Hitler again! When will they ever get past the 20th Century?

The American left should "out" this fool and expose this bum ass right wing agitator for what he is?

Once again, the race-baiter blows his dog whistle straight outta of his anal cavity!

Here's some obvious questions!
  • When will the Republicans and conservatives drop the 20th Century fear tactics?
  • When will the Republicans and conservatives realize that the NIGGERIZATION of President Barack Obama will energize the Black and Hispanic/Latino voters?
  • When will the Republicans and conservative understand that President Barack Obama laid out the traps and they're falling into them?
  • Did President Barack Obama put the Republicans in a trap by exposing them for their ridiculous culture war?
The liberals need to create more than just a Huffington Post. They really need to get politically dirty in the second term. The Republicans actually believe that President Barack Obama is tearing them apart from the inside. I agree with this! There has never been such obstruction to the progressive agenda of the first Black president. Alot of the obstruction is due to the non-sequestered racism within the Republican Party.

I mean I know that President Barack Obama keeps a cool head on most issues, but it's getting frustrating for me and probably hundreds of others who are tired of blatant profit rage from those in the conservative media!

Matt Drudge, Tucker Carlson, Michael Savage, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Michelle Malkin Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh enjoy making millions off of profit rage!

I am tired of these Republican political novices like Senators John McCain (Arizona), Linsday Graham (South Carolina), Rand Paul (Kentucky), Mitch McConnell (Kentucky) Marco Rubio (Florida), Representatives Louie Gohmert (Texas), Steve King (Iowa), Steve Stockman (Texas), Eric Cantor (Virginia), John Boehner (Ohio), Darrell Issa (California) and Michele Bachmann (Minnesota) rushing to the camera trying to outcrazy one another.
So having kids stand near the president is what Hitler done in the Great War? 
And tonight there's word that Republicans are frustrated over the president's executive orders enacted to curb gun violence. Senator Rand Paul makes the snide comment about the president being a "king".

Another Republican congressman from the state of Florida wants to throw around impeachment. Congressman Trey Radel (R-Florida) is throwing his testicular attitude around thinking that it may be necessary for the Congress to draft articles of impeachment.

Tonight on the race-baiter's page comparisons to Hitler and Lenin. Long and gone 20th Century leaders who the United States considered enemies of humanity.

Under the titles

FLASHBACK: Tyrants Who Have Used Children As Props....

CBS's Schieffer Likens Obama Taking on NRA to 'Defeating the Nazis'...

Knowing that the race-baiter is a reformist Jewish guy, it's almost sad that he would resort to this underhanded nonsense for a little bit of clicks and profit from them.

Matt Drudge and the rest of the conservative agitating media doesn't give a fuck about you!

His job as with the rest is to create a hostile environment in which a political enemy is drawn by the numerous comparisons and blatant rousing! This rousing in turn paints a political opponent as a enemy!

These individuals make up the low information voters that Rush Limbaugh, Neal Boortz and Bill O'Reilly love to talk about while collecting millions off of the profit rage!

Here's some pictures of past presidents with children and members of families.

Now tell me if this if this sounds like a dictator?

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Obama: We Can't Benefit From Ignorance!

President Barack Obama issues executive orders on the gun control. He will present his proposals to Congress. It's going to be a contentious fight with Republicans and the National Rifle Association.

From the Huffington Post, The New York Times and Associated Press, the president enacted gun control proposals by executive order.

The proposal, which comes at the end of a month-long review process spearheaded by Vice President Joe Biden, is broken down into four key subsections: law enforcement, the availability of dangerous firearms and ammunition, school safety and mental health.

In an effort to touch on all four of those elements, the president recommended requiring criminal background checks for all gun sales; reinstating the assault weapons ban; restoring a 10-round limit on ammunition magazines; eliminating armor-piercing bullets; providing mental health services in schools; allocating funds to hire more police officers; and instituting a federal gun trafficking statute, among other policies. The cost of the package, senior officials estimated, would be roughly $500 million, some of which could come from already budgeted funds.

Because these recommendations require congressional approval, the administration is supplementing its proposal with 23 executive actions that will be taken immediately. Those actions include requiring federal agencies to hand over relevant data for a background check system; providing law enforcement officials, first responders and school officials with better training for active shooting situations; directing the Centers for Disease Control to research the causes and prevention of gun violence; and many more.

"I intend to use whatever weight this office holds to make them a reality," said the president, speaking about his full set of recommendations. "If there's even one life that can be saved, then we've got an obligation to try."

The approach is so sweeping that what would have otherwise been a headline-grabbing announcement received second billing. The president on Wednesday will nominate Byron Todd Jones, the acting director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, to take over the post permanently.

In total, the proposal goes beyond what most gun control advocates were hoping for at the start of Biden's review process, during which he held 22 different meetings with 229 different organizations and 31 elected officials.

"This is a monumental moment. It's a long time coming and we're thrilled the president's putting the full weight of his office behind this," said Josh Horowitz, executive director of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence. "We're ready to push this thing through."

But putting together ideas is the easy part. Selling them on the Hill will take a bit of legislative craft.

The president goes into the forum with determination that he can get this done!

"I will put everything I've got into this and so will Joe [Biden]. But I tell you, the only way we can change is if the American people demand it," said Obama. "We are going to need voices in those areas and congressional districts where the tradition of gun ownership is strong."

"It can't just be the usual suspects," he continued. "This will not happen unless the American people demand it."

The gun-rights lobby has already signaled that it will try to block the administration's effort. A spokesman for the National Rifle Association did not immediately respond to requests for comment on the president's proposal. But the organization has already harshly criticized the Obama administration for overreach.

Ronald Reagan once wrote in the New York Times that he supported the Brady Gun Law. The 40th President Of The United States survived a near assassination. He was shot by John Hinckley, a man with mental issues and obsession with actress/director Jodie Foster.
President Ronald Reagan survived a point blank shooting by John Hinkley in 1981. The president was in Washington when the WHITE terrorist shot him. Reagan's press secretary at the time Jim Brady was severely injured and was left paralyzed.
Shot in March 1981, Ronald Reagan revisits it in the 1991 piece. He stated that 10 years ago a deranged young man standing among reporters and photographers shot a policeman, a Secret Service agent, my press secretary and me on a Washington sidewalk.

I was lucky. The bullet that hit me bounced off a rib and lodged in my lung, an inch from my heart. It was a very close call. Twice they could not find my pulse. But the bullet's missing my heart, the skill of the doctors and nurses at George Washington University Hospital and the steadfast support of my wife, Nancy, saved my life.

Jim Brady, my press secretary, who was standing next to me, wasn't as lucky. A bullet entered the left side of his forehead, near his eye, and passed through the right side of his brain before it exited. The skills of the George Washington University medical team, plus his amazing determination and the grit and spirit of his wife, Sarah, pulled Jim through. His recovery has been remarkable, but he still lives with physical pain every day and must spend much of his time in a wheelchair.
Victims of gun violence. The families of victims lost to the Sandy Hook tragedy in 2012.
Thomas Delahanty, a Washington police officer, took a bullet in his neck. It ricocheted off his spinal cord. Nerve damage to his left arm forced his retirement in November 1981.

Tim McCarthy, a Secret Service agent, was shot in the chest and suffered a lacerated liver. He recovered and returned to duty.

Still, four lives were changed forever, and all by a Saturday-night special -- a cheaply made .22 caliber pistol -- purchased in a Dallas pawnshop by a young man with a history of mental disturbance.

This nightmare might never have happened if legislation that is before Congress now -- the Brady bill -- had been law back in 1981.
Named for Jim Brady, this legislation would establish a national seven-day waiting period before a handgun purchaser could take delivery. It would allow local law enforcement officials to do background checks for criminal records or known histories of mental disturbances. Those with such records would be prohibited from buying the handguns.

The current gaps among states, those that have waiting periods report some success. California, which has a 15-day waiting period that I supported and signed into law while Governor, stopped nearly 1,800 prohibited handgun sales in 1989. New Jersey has had a permit-to-purchase system for more than two decades. During that time, according to the state police, more than 10,000 convicted felons have been caught trying to buy handguns.

Every year, an average of 9,200 Americans are murdered by handguns, according to Department of Justice statistics. This does not include suicides or the tens of thousands of robberies, rapes and assaults committed with handguns.

This level of violence must be stopped. Sarah and Jim Brady are working hard to do that, and I say more power to them. If the passage of the Brady bill were to result in a reduction of only 10 or 15 percent of those numbers (and it could be a good deal greater), it would be well worth making it the law of the land.

President Barack Obama heard the call of the American nation and he decided to work on getting things done! With the power of his pen, the president signed off executive orders to make law enforcement and those in the health industry to look into individuals with mental issues.

The proposal would instead affect the future production and sale of military-style weapons or high-capacity magazines.

"We are not going to go after existing stock of weapons or magazines," said a senior administration official. "We are going to limit it to the manufacturing of assault weapons and clips going forward."

The White House nevertheless insists that its package of proposals has teeth. It would provide law enforcement with the mechanisms needed to go after the illegal transfer of weapons and help prevent those weapons from falling into the wrong hands. It would also stem the use of military-style weapons -- the White House says its proposal would improve on the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban, which was riddled with loopholes -- and give schools and communities resources to address violence when it occurs.
President Barack Obama promised swift action to curb gun violence in the United States. He meets with survivor and gun control advocate Jim Brady.
The question, in some respects, is not what's missing from the set of ideas, but what took the administration so long to get to this point.

"It is not as though we had this whole policy paper sitting on the shelf somewhere," said a senior administration official. "[We worked] 24/7 for the past month. And we met with a lot of groups and we learned a lot of ideas that came as a result of this process. We tried to be as comprehensive as possible. We are hoping that as the process goes on and as the debate goes on, we might come up with some other ideas."

The president also knocked the Republican and Democratic members of Congress still focused on getting "A" ratings from the NRA. The members of Congress who vote against gun control usually are embraced by the NRA.

The president also makes note of the gridlock in Congress and urged the American people to demand representatives and senators to get things done on gun control.

The president also endorsed the NRA's idea of having more school resources and guards in the nation schools. The NRA has maintained that any proposals regardless of what the president does they'll oppose.

Given the opportunity to look into the entertainment industry (i.e. video games, rap music, rock music, movies, television, blogs), the president noted that educators and those who study health in children should look out for warning signs of violence. Also as a parent, the president also noted that no parent wants to lose a child whether at Newtown's Sandy Hook, the Clackamas Town Center, a place of worship such as the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin, the Aurora movie shooting, or the streets of Chicago.

This issue is developing and we here at Journal de la Reyna will keep you informed about the latest news in the president's proposals and the debate over gun control in Congress.

NRA Got The Ringing In Their Ears!

The president will deliver his proposals to the nation today and it's going to have some major gridlock in Congress. President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden will address a group of survivors and their children. The one thing that's riled up the conservatives is the fact the president is using children in his speech to the nation.

The National Rifle Association didn't waste much time to attack the president.

The first thing they've gone after was his children.

Now seriously, he's the freaking President of The United States!

He happens to be the first Black president in a very toxic political environment.

If one thing hasn't soaked in these heads is the fact that many Americans want stricter gun laws! They want the mentally insane and disturbed to not own firearms! They want to close gun show loophole! They want to have reasonable solutions to gun control! That may include limiting how many rounds go into a magazine!

Then these extremists rush to grab more guns! It's almost a shame that even though gun sales are up, Republicans and their conservative allies will spook the Elmer Fudds into believing that Big Ear Jungle Bunny is coming for their guns.
Take a shot at the children of President Barack Obama! - National Rifle Association
The NRA has the nerve to call the president an "ELITIST". Coded language perhaps?

The dog whistle was blowing constantly over four years of President Barack Obama's term.

Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) has the nerve to call President Barack Obama a "KING".

Congressman Steve Stockman (R-Texas) threatens impeachment for proposals and executive orders.

Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Michael Savage, Sean Hannity, and Mark Levin are urging succession on their radio show.

The National Rifle Association is one of the oldest gun rights group. They have over 4 million members and have an operating lobbying arm. Many traditionally RED states have members who advocate for lax gun laws. They scare up fundraising whenever a Democratic president is in office. President Barack Obama is the first Black president to serve under such hostile political warfare.

The NRA and conservative agitators will scream for their gun rights! They want gun rights for WHITE MEN only! GUN CONTROL for BLACKS, HISPANICS/LATINOS, and MUSLIMS!

Monday, January 14, 2013

How The GOP Could Lose An Election!

Republican douche Congressman Steve Stockman (R-Texas) threatens impeachment if President Barack Obama brings forth gun control proposals and an executive order.

Taking on an incumbent who won overwhelmingly against the culture warriors of the Republican Party. Whereas Republicans and their conservative allies once again float impeachment because of a policy disagreement.

In the time of a tragedy, we as nation should stand together. But unfortunately in times of a tragedy, the American public wants political action. Yet political opposition seems to linger around.

President Barack Obama and the Republicans are going to have moment in the ring! The president will introduce proposals for reasonable gun control.

The conservatives are screaming for impeachment and treason when it's necessary!

It's almost funny that the Democratic Party were tempted and it backfired. It never occurred to me that for every thing former President George W. Bush done since he's been in office for eight years, it never merited articles of impeachment. I mean Hurricane Katrina, September 11, 2001, torture memos, firing of U.S. Attorneys, former Vice President Dick Cheney shooting a man in the face, Iraqi war, Valarie Plame, and the Downing Street memo are just another made-up scandal caused by the Democrats and the so-called liberal media.

While it's been a full month since the Sandy Hook shooting and seven months since Aurora, the American media is looking for a controversy to gin up ratings and political fights in Congress.

President Barack Obama does his press conference this morning and gave his ultimatum to the Republicans on the debt ceiling and gun control. He warned them that if Congress fails at accomplishing passage of legislation, then he'll enact an executive order.

This lit up the conservative media. Talk of succession and impeachment flows through the online extremist community. Threats of death and violence seems to crawl through the political threshold as well.

Congressman Steve Stockman (R-Texas), is throwing the "IMPEACH OBAMA" meme!

It's being posted on The Drudge Report as well as Rush Limbaugh saying that the president treats opposition to gun control as an enemy. These two agitators in the conservative media are the Republican Party's last hope for a political comeback!

Yeah right!

They'll just keep push them further to the right!

This buffoon Stockman once held a seat in the late 1990s. He served one term as a congressman. Now over 15 years later, this Republican idiot wants to throw around "I gotta make the news" crap!

“The White House’s recent announcement they will use executive orders and executive actions to infringe on our constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms is an unconstitutional and unconscionable attack on the very founding principles of this republic,” Stockman said.

“The President’s actions are an existential threat to this nation. The right of the people to keep and bear arms is what has kept this nation free and secure for over 200 years.”

The Constitution’s Second Amendment permitting citizens to keep and bear arms provides the citizenry the “means to defend themselves against tyranny,” Stockman said. “Any proposal to abuse executive power and infringe upon gun rights must be repelled with the stiffest legislative force possible.”

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Tactical Douchery!

Tactical Response CEO James Yeager

Douche gun trainer/business owner threatens people online over gun control!

There you have it! Another reason to hate Republicans and their conservative allies.

Okay, this was getting play on Angry Black Lady Chronicles, The Raw Story and Balloon Juice, and I happen to click on it and seen a bald middle aged man throwing up his feces to the wall hoping it will stick.

The douche, James Yeager clicked on either InfoWars or The Drudge Report for his latest rant about how President Barack Obama is.............Whatever!

It's another WHITE EXTREMIST who felt the need to vent off about the proposals ensuring that another mass shooting is going to happen if laws were enacted. Thank you President Barack Obama for doing whatever you can!

Seriously, we to take a look into the gun culture.

The National Rifle Association, talk radio and the conservative blogs are blazed up with thoughts of Hitler dancing in their bandwidths and credit cards being maxed out for the last semi-automatic firearm from Walmart. They're screaming: "OBAMA COMIN' FOR THE GUNS" over and over until the next irrational extremist carries out a mass shooting in the middle of a town.

While they're open to taking away firearms from Blacks, Hispanics and Muslims, the WHITE EXTREMIST in the conservative media is more concerned about that "BIG EARED JUNGLE BUNNY" coming for their guns. They rooting for the minorities to kill one another, because doesn't meddle in their daily routine. But just when you have a shooting in a suburban school or a place of business, it's always conservatives rushing to say that's it wasn't the gun's fault, it's the person. Okay trying to have their ice cream, pie and cake and then eat it too.

Tactical Response based out of Big Sandy, Tennessee is a facility that trains firearm user the proper way to carry a firearm. Unfortunately, the CEO, Douche Yeager will not have his license for awhile.

His rant went viral and it was turned over the the Tennessee Department of Homeland Security and the lit up the internet over the First and Second Amendment, once again.

The Raw Story obtained portions of the douche's epic rant:

“Vice President [Joe] Biden is asking the president to bypass Congress and use executive privilege, executive order to ban assault rifles and to impose stricter gun control,”

“Fuck that.”

“I’m telling you that if that happens, it’s going to spark a civil war, and I’ll be glad to fire the first shot. I’m not putting up with it. You shouldn't put up with it. And I need all you patriots to start thinking about what you’re going to do, load your damn mags, make sure your rifle’s clean, pack a backpack with some food in it and get ready to fight.”

“I’m not fucking putting up with this. I’m not letting my country be ruled by a dictator. I’m not letting anybody take my guns! If it goes one inch further, I’m going to start killing people.”

Now would you like to have this guy in your home with children?

That rant made it clear that Yeager processed "material likelihood of risk of harm to the public".

“The number one priority for our department is to ensure the public’s safety. Mr. Yeager’s comments were irresponsible, dangerous, and deserved our immediate attention. Due to our concern, as well as that of law enforcement, his handgun permit was suspended immediately.

We have notified Mr. Yeager about the suspension today via e-mail. He will receive an official notification of his suspension through the mail,” Commissioner Bill Gibbons said.

Social media once again plays in the fall of another idiot!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Conspiracy Linked!

Alex Jones is profiting off the phony outrage. The conspiracy theorist who sparked controversy this week is becoming more mainstream. The Drudge Report is now linking his websites as source for anti-Obama rhetoric.

Since this week's epic battle against British tabloid journalist Piers Morgan, the American media is now wondering "WHO THE HELL IS ALEX JONES"?

It comes as no surprise for years, that the Austin, Texas native has a fixture of the internet for some time.

My late friend, Thomas Harper was a conservative. He was involved in politics and conspiracy theories. He died in 2009, shortly after Barack Obama took the oath of office.

As military veteran, Tom listened to talk radio and was inspired by the rhetoric of Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Neal Boortz, Michael Savage and others. He would click on websites such as WorldNetDaily, Townhall and Alex Jones' PrisonPlanet and InfoWars website. He used to email me the latest information about the New World Order, Project for New American Century, Operation Northwoods, and Bohemian Grove, a private resort outside of San Francisco. Tom used to have an obsession with the 9/11 attacks. He read information from PrisonPlanet that determines that the attacks were conspired by the federal government to force us into war. 

Tom was a huge fan of Alex Jones.

Tom was supporter of perennial loser and cult following politician Ron Paul. The fringe themes promoted by the former Texas congressman about small government, legalizing marijuana, end the Federal Reserve were inspirations for libertarian minded Americans frustrated with the government overreach by then President George W. Bush and later President Barack Obama.

Tom inspired me to follow politics. At one time, I was a supporter of Ron Paul. I was influenced by the libertarian views of limited government, legalizing of sin (drugs, prostitution, and gambling) and Paul's swift demands of ending wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Many Americans were frustrated with President George W. Bush handling of the economy, the wars and of national crisis. It gave easy way for then Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama to enter the race. The epic battle for the Democratic nomination pitted liberals against the moderates. Moderates wanted Clinton and liberals wanted Obama. Republicans on the other hand were hoping the field wasn't going to be riding the coattails of Bush.

Drudge promotes Alex Jones conspiracies.
Libertarians were mad that the media refused to cover fringe candidates Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich and their campaigns. These individuals were the choose of stoners, anti-war activists and the mind your own business crowd.

Barack Obama happened to be the goldmine for conservatives. Ever since he took office, conservative books sell reasonably well. Talk radio ratings spiked up. Fox News ratings became very successful during the first years of the president. Conservative groups were gathering new members. The National Rifle Association brags about his new memberships during the president's first years. Everything was on the table.

Alex Jones profited reasonably well with his conspiracy themed anti-government jobs.

Tom followed politics closely especially when it came to the media blackout of Ron Paul. Many activists were upset with Fox News in particular, a friendly ally to the Republican Party shunning Ron Paul, Mike Huckabee and Tom Tancrando. 

Tom believe the media was corrupt and they were hiding an agenda and Alex Jones was the "only source" for the truth.

Alex Jones is American talk radio host, actor and filmmaker. His syndicated news/talk show The Alex Jones Show, based in Austin, Texas, airs via the Genesis Communication Network on over 70 AM, FM, and shortwave radio stations across the United States and on the Internet. 

Mainstream sources have described Jones as a conservative  and as a right-wing conspiracy theorist.

Jones sees himself as a libertarian, and rejects being described as a right-winger. He has also called himself a paleoconservative and an "aggressive constitutionalist". Jones has been the center of many controversies such as the one surrounding his actions and statements about gun control after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, and has accused the US government of being involved in the Oklahoma City bombing and September 11 attacks.

The radio show is a mixture of conspiracy, politics and survival prepping. The term "prepper" is commonly used when you're listening to his program. Jones sells products such as survival kits and prepared dry foods.
Alex Jones issues a photo of himself confronting TSA workers at an airport. 
Guest included: perennial loser Ron Paul, right wing extremist Pat Buchanan, troubled actor Charlie Sheen, liberal agitator Alan Colmes, anti-war libertarian Adam Kokesh, atheist conspiracy writer Noam Chomsky, ex-wrestler/governor and conspiracy theorist Jesse Ventura were on the show.

Alex Jones has been interviewed on talk shows such as Piers Morgan Tonight, The Alan Colmes Show, The Stephanie Miller Show, and The Glenn Beck Program. Each agitator mentioned has distanced themselves from Jones. 

The Drudge Report is notorious for allowing racial themed stories to occupy its page. Most of the Drudge linked articles comes from either Breitbart, Twitchy and InfoWars. 

Matt Drudge maintains his news agitating website 24/7 with stories that target President Barack Obama.

Most of the news stories that are linked through the Drudge Report attracts some of the most extreme members of society.

No matter how the story is found, a Drudge imprint is a buzz worthy story for him. He takes pride in his work.

Drudge openly endorses stories that appeal to White supremacists, radical Christian fundamentalists, and ill-informed conservatives who all have a bone to pick against President Barack Obama. Those ill-informed conservatives are usually the birthers who refuse to believe the president's citizenship or hostile conservatives who believe the President Barack Obama is a Communist.
Shedding crocodile tears.
Some conservatives think the president is an idiot. Of course, these are the people who couldn't finish a complete sentence. Conservatives can thank Drudge when he finds pictures of President Barack Obama and use them in negative light.

Read some of the comment section online. Anything that is linked through the Drudge Report usually has a word salad that involves President Barack Obama. 

There's thousands of conspiracy kooks believing that President Barack Obama is the "trojan horse" to a secretive government.

Drudge links up birther stories to his website. Most of these comes from Alex Jones and his affiliates.

One of the leading voice of the birther movement, Alex Jones is praised by those in the conservative media when he brings to light "questionable" theories of the president's birth certificate. 

Richard Poplawski
In the latest attempt to profit of the birth certificate controversy, he made a movie called the Obama Deception. When it comes to trying to bring anti-gun, anti-government issues into the limelight., Jones is there bringing the bullhorn. The Southern Poverty Law Center, a Civil Rights organization has noted that the ranting of Alex Jones inspires militia groups and white supremacists. 

The Sandy Hook shooting was the tipping point to lax gun laws. The president and Vice President Joe Biden are looking for reasonable solutions for gun control. The NRA and many others were against it and they'll fight this tooth and nail.

Jones rise came from the perennial petitions on the White House website demanding seceding from the United States, arresting NBC News anchor David Gregory and deporting Piers Morgan. 

Jones continues to agitate the extremism by allowing himself to get worked up over things he knows aren't true or he can't control.

A Black entertainer, rapper, actor, sport figure, politician, criminal or immigrant was the fixture of InfoWars and The Drudge Report. Stories about race-riots and the president looking out for his "brothas" were features extremists took very seriously.

He refuses to take responsibility for the actions inspired by his over-the-top rants.

In 2009, Richard Poplawski, a self-proclaimed White supremacist got into a heated argument with his mother over a dog urinating on the floor. Poplawski threatens his mother with a firearm and she calls the police. As the police arrive, the man opened fired on the police. A mentally disturbed individual with a firearm was a mixture for trouble. Poplawski had previously enlisted in the United States Marine Corps, but he was discharged from boot camp after throwing a food tray at a drill instructor.

Mark Potok, a representative of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) which had reviewed Poplawski's internet postings, stated that "he believed the Jews were coming, the Jews controlled society, you know, we're all under the thumb of Zionists and so on."A report by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) stated that Poplawski had expressed frustration that "not enough attention was being focused on the evil of Jews."

Poplawski was a member of Stormfront, a white supremacist website, where he was a frequent visitor and poster. Poplawski had reportedly posted a picture of his tattoo, a "deliberately Americanized version of the iron eagle" to the website, as well as a link to a YouTube video of Congressman Ron Paul discussing with Fox News host Glenn Beck the rumored existence of FEMA-managed concentration camps.

Poplawski last logged into Stormfront at 3:32 a.m. Saturday, only hours before the shootings.

Poplawski also frequently visited and occasionally posted on Alex Jones' Infowars website. One of his frustrations with the site, though, was that it supposedly didn't focus enough on the nefarious roles played by Jews in all these conspiracies. "For being such huge players in the endgame," he observed in a March 29, 2009 posting to Infowars, "too many 'infowarriors' are surprisingly unfamiliar with the Zionists."

Among Poplawski's "last few links from MySpace" were a Meyer Briggs personality test, and a psychotherapy chart.

Edward Perkovic, a friend of Poplawski, said the gunman feared "the Obama gun ban that's on the way" and "didn't like our rights being infringed upon". Perkovic also stated that Poplawski "didn't like the Zionists controlling the media and controlling, you know, our freedom of speech" and that "He didn't like the control of the guns that was about to happen. He believed everything our forefathers put before us and thought that it was being distorted." Another longtime friend, Aaron Vire, said that Poplawski feared President Obama was going to take away his rights.

Poplawski posted that he believed that "the federal government, mainstream media, and banking system in these United States are strongly under the influence of -- if not completely controlled by -- Zionist interest. An economic collapse of the financial system is inevitable, bringing with it some degree of civil unrest if not outright balkanization of the continental US, civil/revolutionary/racial war . . . This collapse is likely engineered by the elite Jewish powers that be in order to make for a power and asset grab."
Militia groups are preppers for the great "race war!" White supremacists recruit former police officers, military officers and young people who feel like they're without a home. Extremism is on the rise in the country and the reelection of President Barack Obama fuels their rage. Gun sales are up because of phobias of the president taking the guns!
In March 2009, Poplawski wrote on a white supremacist website that "ZOG (Zionist-occupied government) is... One can read the list of significant persons in government and in major corporations and see who is pulling the strings. One can observe the policies and final products and should walk away with little doubt there is Zionist occupation and -- after some further research & critical thinking -- will discover their insidious intentions."

Poplawski was injured after he attacked the three officers. In 2010, the man was sentenced to death for the killing of Pittsburgh Officers Eric G. Kelly, Stephen J. Mayhle, and Paul J. Sciullo, II.

Alex Jones blames the government for inspiring him to commit such an act.

The conspiracy theorist and WHITE EXTREMIST Alex Jones hasn't made this issue any better.

The president is looking for a stricter background check and restrictions to high capacity magazines for automatic weapons.

The NRA isn't supporting any regulations to firearms. Conservatives are rallying what little power they have. And of course, Alex Jones makes the whole bunch look like a bunch of idiots. Not to mention they're looking more like RACISTS.

Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Unbelievable: Drudge Compares White House Gun Control Proposals To Hitler!

Drudge does it again! (Thanks to Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs)


Why do these agitators resort to the 20th Century for their pathetic attacks on President Barack Obama?

The Drudge Report, InfoWars and numerous others now compare the president's proposals to gun control, a theme of Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin.

Really, the 113th Congress starts off with a single digit approval rating. The Public Policy Poll states that Congress job approval is at 9%. The Gallup Poll has Congress at 15% job approval.

The Sandy Hook and Aurora tragedies of last year have spark feverish pitch for reasonable gun control.

The president's second term agenda is to act on it. The president has ordered a review on it and has Vice President Joe Biden at the helm. The vice president will meet with members of the Brady Campaign and New York mayor Michael Bloomberg. Later this week, the vice president will meet the members of the National Rifle Association and Institute for Legislative Action.

Matt Drudge is a controversial blogger who founded the Drudge Report. The conservative agitator is best known for pushing forth the sex scandal involving former president Bill Clinton and his intern Monica Lewinsky. The conservative media looks at The Drudge Report for stories that appeal to their radical causes. Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and perennial loser Mitt Romney relied on the website during the 2012 U.S. Presidential Elections.

Andrew Breitbart, the late conservative agitator who died in February 2012 was a protege of the reclusive Drudge. He assisted in carrying stories that had racial themes to them. Breitbart is credited to helping push more mainstream stories on the website. Breitbart carried on with his own websites before his death.

Arianna Huffington, Rob Redding, Tucker Carlson, and Glenn Beck created their own versions news agitating websites.

Arianna Huffington, a socialite and blogger created The Huffington Post, a progressive-leaning blog. Her blog is the largest of the news agitation.

Rob Redding, a Black talk radio host and former writer for the Washington Post created the Redding News Review, a website that covers issues involving the Black community. He promotes himself as an independent voice that refuses to follow suit into the respective political parties.

Tucker Carlson was known agitator in the conservative media. He started off from CNN Crossfire. In 2004, CNN ended the program and left Carlson to explore other areas. In 2007, Carlson hosted his own program on MSNBC for a brief period. The network purged most of its conservative agitators with exception to Joe Scarborough. Carlson soon emerges on Fox News and promotes his own website called The Daily Caller, a counterbalance to the Huffington Post, according to his staff. The website is frequently mentioned by The Drudge Report.

Glenn Beck, the controversial talk show host was let go from his duties on HLN and Fox News. Without a network home, Beck decided to create his own network. It first started with his news agitating website The Blaze. The blog is catered to centralizing a movement of Tea Party principles and libertarianism. The Blaze expanded to television and through satellite provider Dish Network.

Conservatives are unhinged extremists. They have no principles. They harbor themselves in racism, sexism, homophobia, Islamophobia, and extreme nationalism. Their principles will doom this nation.

Drudge is certainly going to attract attention for this splash. It's already being mentioned by conservative talk radio, right now!

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Extremist Wants To Deport Piers Morgan!

Alex Jones is fired up! Worried about the end of days! But yet he manages to turn a profit!

Conspiracy kook Alex Jones made himself look like a fool in front of tabloid journalist Piers Morgan. Of course, his gullible audience will say that he mopped the floor with Morgan. It would be funny if not sad that to make yourself a part of the news, you would get into a shouting match for ratings. Great tactic Piers Morgan. You may be a worthy competitor to agitators Sean Hannity and Rachel Maddow

It's the talk of the nation: gun control!

Since the Sandy Hook shooting, many Americans are now turning to Washington, DC for swift action on gun control. The National Rifle Association, Gun Owner's Association, Republicans and their conservative allies in the media are trying to hyperbole everything into the blame.
Alex Jones confronts Piers Morgan. The exchange was contentious.
The NRA blames President Barack Obama, the entertainment industry (i.e. video games, hip-hop music, movies, television programs, etc.) and gun control advocates for Sandy Hook. The NRA thinks its reasonable to have armed guards in America's schools.

The United Kingdom has strict gun control laws and less violence in number to domestic attacks by firearms.

Piers Morgan makes no bones about gun control. He's gotten into shouting matches with firearm supporters and it's riled them up! Morgan got into it with WHITE EXTREMIST Larry Pratt of the Gun Owner's Association. That lit up the internet and got PrisonPlanet/InfoWars/radio host Alex Jones ribbed.

Jones and his advocates took to the White House petition website to demand that Morgan be sent back to the United Kingdom (hereby banning him for speaking out against the Second Amendment of the Bill Of Rights).

Jones is no stranger to agitation. He's hated by both the left and right as a kook. While he's promoting the end of days, Jones is selling survivor kits and food preparation meals. The fool is a "prepper" and "Christian Identity" extremist. The Southern Poverty Law Center and Anti-Defamation League calls him an agitator of the "right wing extremism". His commentary and website promotes the 9/11 and birther conspiracies.
Little Green Footballs founder Charles Johnson, disassociated himself from the conservative movement after numerous racial attacks on President Barack Obama and the Black community from the likes of Matt Drudge, Michelle Malkin and Alex Jones. These three agitators were instrumental in posting stories about racial unrest. Little Green Footballs was once a conservative website, it leans liberal now!
The Drudge Report has put forth stories on the website about potential "racial unrest" in the nation due to the reelection of President Barack Obama. During the 2012 U.S. Elections, Alex Jones and his allies were posting stories about Black violence in urban areas. Matt Drudge was tipped off and it landed on his website.

It wouldn't be worth my time to explain this character. He's shady.

Jones would count himself as an agitator of the conservative media.

The man who wants Piers Morgan deported for advocating gun control faced off with the CNN host on Morgan's show Monday night, denouncing Morgan as "a hatchet man of the New World Order" and warning of a new American revolution.

Radio talk show host Alex Jones backed a petition on the White House website calling on Morgan, a British citizen, to be deported "for his effort to undermine the Bill of Rights and for exploiting his position as a national network television host to stage attacks against the rights of American citizens."

Alex Jones: "The Republic will rise again when you attempt to take our guns"

"We did (this) to point out that this is globalism, and the megabanks that control the planet and brag they have taken over in Bloomberg, AP, Reuters, you name it -- brag they're going to get our guns as well," said Jones, who said his show is carried on 140 U.S. stations.

Morgan has been outspoken in calling for restrictions of semi-automatic rifles like the kind used in last year's mass killings in Newtown, Connecticut, and Aurora, Colorado. But Jones said the U.S. Constitution's guarantee of a right to bear arms "isn't there for duck hunting. It's there to protect us from tyrannical government and street thugs."

"Hitler took the guns. Stalin took the guns. Mao took the guns. Fidel Castro took the guns. Hugo Chavez took the guns. And I'm here to tell you, 1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms," Jones shouted.

This is a portion of CNN's Piers Morgan Tonight in which he engages with Alex Jones.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Arrest The Media!

David Gregory shows NRA spokesperson Wayne LaPierre a magazine clip. The conservative extremists are demanding for David Gregory to be charged with a crime. The DC police are investigating if the NBC host violated the law.

Conservative Extremist agitating continues online and in the mainstream. The gun debate continues to rile up the advocates for control and supporters for rights.

The National Rifle Association and Gun Owners of America had a media blitz and it only drew more controversy.

President of the NRA, David Keene was on CBS's Face The Nation to defend the gun rights organization.

NRA spokesperson Wayne LaPierre went on NBC's Meet The Press.

President of GAO, Larry Pratt goes on Piers Morgan on CNN and later The Bill Cunningham Live On Sunday Night Program.

Each of them defended the firearms and blame the entertainment industry. Each of them singled out President Barack Obama, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-California), the Brady Gun Control advocates and of course the mainstream media for politicizing regulations on firearms.
David Keene with Bob Schieffer.

Last Friday, the NRA responded to the Sandy Hook tragedy and the mounting criticism. LaPierre demanded that the Congress take action by having armed guards in America's schools. He pointed out that mental illness, video games like Mortal Kombat, Grand Theft Auto, Kindergarten Killer, and Resident Evil are corrupting the minds of sick individuals and the media for mention the name of the killer at Sandy Hook Elementary.

David Keene goes on Face The Nation and argues with host Bob Schieffer over the notion to reinstate a law that bans assault weapons.

Unsurprisingly, he came out swinging against tighter laws on guns.

"We will continue to oppose a ban on semiautomatic weapons," he said. ""These aren't military weapons," Keene continued. "If we equipped our army with the AR-15, we'd be beaten by every Third World - you know, every Third World dictatorship in the country. Military weapons are fully automatic weapons, and that's illegal. You don't get those. That's not what we're talking about."

Host Bob Schieffer asked Keene if he thought NRA's policies were at least partially responsible for the recent gun violence.

"We don't think they have," he said. "We're living in a country, a free country, where people have a right to express their Second Amendment rights."

When Schieffer said that it's easier to get a gun in the United States than a driver's license, Keene responded, "There' s a difference between a driver's license, driving is a privilege, and owning a firearm, which is a constitutional right."
Piers Morgan slams WHITE EXTREMIST Larry Pratt over gun laws.
"I'm not saying that every mental patient is a potential killer. I'm not saying that everybody that watches a video is a potential killer. That's not true. But neither is, everybody who owns a gun is a potential killer," he said."The fact that something is misused, whether it's a baseball bat, or the mass killing in a Chinese school with an axe and a knife, doesn't mean that you ban baseball bats, axes and knives or guns."

LaPierre's presser flopped. Many in the media were angered by his contentious blaming of others. He didn't get to the point of why should Americans own high capacity firearms such as the one used in Sandy Hook and recently Wesbter, New York.  The media hammered him for being more focused on guns than those who were lost. So in order to get clarification, he appears on Meet The Press with David Gregory.

Gregory criticized the NRA for allowing their blind support of more firearms! He tried to press him on what could the NRA do to prevent mass shootings, LaPierre dodged it. He held up a magazine clip from a high powered firearm. Asking him what could he do to prevent those from entering the hands of possible shooters.

LaPierre continues to distract the issue and the interview ended on a sour note.

Well here in the online world, The Daily Caller and numerous other conservative extremist websites balk on David Gregory breaking the law. I guess in the District Of Columbia, it's against the law to have possession of a high powered magazine clip. Washington, DC Metro police are aware of requests made by NBC News to hold a magazine clip, but it was denied at first. It was later confirmed that Gregory had permission from the ATF and local authorities. Although this matter is an open investigation, it's probably not likely that Gregory will get charge with a crime.

The commentator used an empty magazine clip as a prop to describe to the audience how a high capacity clip works inside a firearm.

Gun Owners of America president Larry Pratt on the other hand got his ass handed to him by British tabloid journalist Piers Morgan. The CNN host interviewed the WHITE EXTREMIST over the past week. Piers Morgan, a longtime advocate of new gun laws, has spoken out strongly in favor of gun control and the two got into it. Pratt went on to argue that gun laws promoted violence because people are unable to defend themselves, and said that gun bans in other countries have not affected violent crime rates.

Morgan said that was not true, and could not hold himself back. “You’re an unbelievably stupid man, aren’t you?” he said.

“It seems to me you are morally obtuse,” Pratt calmly responded. “You seem to prefer being a victim to being able to prevail over the criminal element. I don’t know why you want to be the criminal’s friend.”

“What a ridiculous argument," Morgan shot back. "You have absolutely no coherent argument. You don’t actually give a damn about the gun murder rate in America.”

The conservative extremists are fumed up! Alex Jones and his paranoid freaks of the internet went to the White House petition website demanding that Morgan should be deported for attacking Second Amendment. The petition is over 75,000 signatures as of today.

Quick summary of the Second Amendment:

As passed by the Congress: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

As ratified by the States and authenticated by Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of State:
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

This is how WHITE TERRORISTS act. In their sick minds, they think they're protected from criticism. They put on this phony "patriotism" act to defend the indefensible. They don't understand the real message to the Second Amendment. All they know is that the amendment gives them a right to bear arms. All they understand is that if they can have the freedom to be the racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic, condescending idiots, it's perfect fine with them. But how dare those dirty, race baiting, no job having, liberal hippies want laws to take our guns.

If you happen to be a White guy, you're entitled to have a firearm. But say if you're either a Black, Hispanic or even a Muslim, you have no business owning a firearm according to those in the extremist media.

You wonder why they always attack hip-hop music?

You wonder why they want all the "illegals" to depaorted?

You always wonder why they call Muslims terrorists?

Republicans and their allies in the conservative movement harbor bigotry towards a person's race, gender, sexuality, religion, nationality, political and economic standings.


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