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Drudge using Hitler again! When will they ever get past the 20th Century? |
The American left should "out" this fool and expose this bum ass right wing agitator for what he is?
Once again, the race-baiter blows his dog whistle straight outta of his anal cavity!
Here's some obvious questions!
- When will the Republicans and conservatives drop the 20th Century fear tactics?
- When will the Republicans and conservatives realize that the NIGGERIZATION of President Barack Obama will energize the Black and Hispanic/Latino voters?
- When will the Republicans and conservative understand that President Barack Obama laid out the traps and they're falling into them?
- Did President Barack Obama put the Republicans in a trap by exposing them for their ridiculous culture war?
I mean I know that President Barack Obama keeps a cool head on most issues, but it's getting frustrating for me and probably hundreds of others who are tired of blatant profit rage from those in the conservative media!
Matt Drudge, Tucker Carlson, Michael Savage, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Michelle Malkin Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh enjoy making millions off of profit rage!
I am tired of these Republican political novices like Senators John McCain (Arizona), Linsday Graham (South Carolina), Rand Paul (Kentucky), Mitch McConnell (Kentucky) Marco Rubio (Florida), Representatives Louie Gohmert (Texas), Steve King (Iowa), Steve Stockman (Texas), Eric Cantor (Virginia), John Boehner (Ohio), Darrell Issa (California) and Michele Bachmann (Minnesota) rushing to the camera trying to outcrazy one another.
So having kids stand near the president is what Hitler done in the Great War? |
Another Republican congressman from the state of Florida wants to throw around impeachment. Congressman Trey Radel (R-Florida) is throwing his testicular attitude around thinking that it may be necessary for the Congress to draft articles of impeachment.
Tonight on the race-baiter's page comparisons to Hitler and Lenin. Long and gone 20th Century leaders who the United States considered enemies of humanity.
Under the titles
FLASHBACK: Tyrants Who Have Used Children As Props....
CBS's Schieffer Likens Obama Taking on NRA to 'Defeating the Nazis'...
Knowing that the race-baiter is a reformist Jewish guy, it's almost sad that he would resort to this underhanded nonsense for a little bit of clicks and profit from them.
Matt Drudge and the rest of the conservative agitating media doesn't give a fuck about you!
His job as with the rest is to create a hostile environment in which a political enemy is drawn by the numerous comparisons and blatant rousing! This rousing in turn paints a political opponent as a enemy!
These individuals make up the low information voters that Rush Limbaugh, Neal Boortz and Bill O'Reilly love to talk about while collecting millions off of the profit rage!
Here's some pictures of past presidents with children and members of families.
Now tell me if this if this sounds like a dictator?
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