Showing posts with label Oklahoma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oklahoma. Show all posts

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Right Wing Alert: Sally Kern Equates Disagreeing With Her With 'Stoning' God

Sally Kern Equates Disagreeing With Her With 'Stoning' God

                                            Sally Kern, Oklahoma's right wing's favorite Daughter.

Here are several of her right-wing fanaticism at the Oklahoma legislature.  Here's a video wanting the OK Legislature to protect students creating imaginary weapons, guns included:

All of this proves to me is that Oklahoma needs to enter the 21st century, not back to the Dark Ages or Jim Crow!

At least the good people of North Carolina rose up to protest the right-wing Dark Ages policies of Gov. Pat McCrory.  The Tar Heels ain't having any of that nonsense! They will not go back to the days of Jessie Helms.  No way!

How come the people of Oklahoma aren't protesting against Governor Mary Fallin, Rep. Sally Kern, RamZPaul, Sen. Inhofe, etc.?  When are they going to get a comeuppance?

Georgia, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Alabama had their Moral Mondays.  Why not Oklahoma?  Why not my home state, Ohio?  We, too, have a governor that is just as repressive as Fallin and McCrory.  

What are your thoughts?

Monday, February 10, 2014

The Tea Party Supports Ignorant Oklahoma Bar Owner!

Proud Republican Gary James openly discriminates against people in his restaurant who he perceives as "liberal" or "gay". This is the Tea Party Movement's favorite son.

Americans Against The Tea Party is my new favorite website.

It's openly critical of the Republicans and their allies in the conservative movement. They have tracked the most outrageous elements of America's most hostile critics of President Barack Obama.

A few days ago, me and S. Baldwin talked about the issue with this Enid, Oklahoma restaurant openly discriminating against minorities, those in the LGBT community and the disabled.

The owner Gary James is a proud Republican and supporter of the Tea Party Movement.

He feels that it's his "god given right" to be hateful to those who support his views. And even though he has the right to be hateful, his business will be impacted when it goes viral.

It seems like the impact has made it to the social networks.

Some gay activists want "revenge" on the bigot. So what do they do?

They give "favorable" reviews.
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It's a damn shame that even in America we still have this stuff going on. It's perfectly fine to be hateful, but should you even have a business or a microphone?

Friday, February 07, 2014

Oklahoma Residents Keep This Racist Bar Open!

Enid, Oklahoma restaurant has a history of racial discrimination.

S. Baldwin had posted earlier about this Oklahoma restaurant owner who is running his mouth straight out of his ass. This jackass is getting national attention after he turned away one of his longtime customers after he spotted him in a wheelchair.

Remarkable that we have this nonsense in America.

The Tea Party and Republicans are individuals who are constantly wrapping their asses around American flag in defense of these silly culture wars.

The Republicans and their allies in the conservative movement are reactionary bigots. These bigots harbor hatred of minorities, the lower class, the middle class, the working class, independent women, Muslims and the LGBT community.

The Republicans and their allies in the conservative movement have issues a person's with race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, political and economic standings.
Oklahoma voters elect bigots like Jim Bridenstine to office to push these ridiculous culture wars against President Barack Obama. The state of Oklahoma is most Republican friendly state in America.
The Republicans are determined to defeat the president at any cost.

The Republicans and their conservative allies are the racist, sexist, Islamophobic, homophobic, condescending, pain inducing morons that the Democrats and liberals paint them out to be.

Congressman Jim Bridenstine, a Republican lawmaker from the Tulsa area openly allowed a constituent to threaten President Barack Obama. This controversy came forth after video leaked this week showing the constituent saying that Americans should "executed" the "son of a bitch!"

"A public figure cannot control what people say in open meetings," Bridenstine said in a statement released by his office.

"I obviously did not condone and I do not approve of grossly inappropriate language. It is outrageous that irresponsible parties would attribute another person's reckless remarks to me."

In the video that appears on YouTube, a town hall participant says: "Obama is not [my] president as far as I'm concerned. He should be executed as an enemy combatant."

The jackass owns a restaurant in Enid. The establishment is now getting heat after one of its patrons posted a pretty strong message on social media about discrimination.

The restaurant and bar has been open for more than four decades and carries quite the reputation.

Gary James, owner of Gary’s Chicaros, said, “I’ve been in business 44 years, I think I can spot a freak or a faggot.”
A good member of the Tea Party Movement.
He added, “I don’t deal with these people walking down the street with no jobs on welfare.”

James said, “If I reached over there and slapped the sh** out of you, you should be offended. But to call someone a ‘chink’ or someone call me a bigot, that doesn't bother me.”

Now, a wave of comments on Facebook claim James refuses to serve African-Americans, Hispanics and people with disabilities, like Matt Gard.

Gard said, “He doesn’t like certain people of race, color, ethnicity.”

Gard was a regular at Gary’s Chicaros restaurant for years.

He said he turned a blind eye to the owner’s choice of customers, until recently.

Gard said, “Now, he tried to find a weak excuse not to let me in with my wheelchair or the weak excuse of having loud people with me.”

After getting turned away for a steak dinner, Gard said it’s about his disability.

James claimed that’s just not the case.

James said “He created an issue. You only have one time here. You create an issue, you’re out forever.”
This is what goes on in the Midwest and the South. White conservatives are driven to madness. White extremism is on the rise in America.
Gard and at least 140 others posted on a Facebook page that said James’ attitude has crossed the line to discrimination.

Even the business’ t-shirt is viewed as offensive.

The shirt features derogatory slogans against homosexuals, it has the N-word on the front and threatens violence against Muslims, minorities and Democrats.

James said he is proud to wear that shirt.

He said, “I really don’t want gays around. Any man that would compromise his own body would compromise anything.”

Gard said, “The people who still go back and patronize his business are condoning his behavior in how he treats others.”

James said, “Well if you work, you own a business, pay your taxes, you’re more than welcome here. If you’re on welfare, stay at home and spend my money, there.”

Strong words in a small town where no one has challenged his business practices.

The Office of Civil Rights Enforcement is a division of the Oklahoma Attorney General’s Office which investigates cases of discrimination in employment, housing, and public accommodation based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability and age.

If you feel that you are the victim of civil rights discrimination, you are asked to contact the Oklahoma Attorney General’s office.

Oklahoma Restaurant Owner Won't Serve "Freaks, F*ggots, Disabled" Or Tho...

Trigger Warning:  The language is demeaning and hateful.  It's not surprising from a state that has a reputation of being unfriendly to Blacks, women, and gays.  It produces bigots such as RamZPaul and David Yeagley, whom I had several run-ins with several years back.

Here's the story from The Raw Story:

A restaurant outside of Oklahoma City is facing criticism after its outspoken owner made a series of inflammatory comments after one of his former customers, who is disabled, complained that he’d been banned from the establishment.
Matt Gard claims that the owner of Gary’s Chicaros restaurant, Gary James, banned him from the restaurant because of his wheelchair. James, however, says otherwise: “He created an issue. You only have one time here. You create an issue, you’re out forever.”
Gard claims that’s just “a weak excuse,” and that James’s real problem with him is that he’s on disability.
James doesn’t deny that he thinks some people shouldn’t patronize his restaurant. “Well if you work, you own a business, pay your taxes, you’re more than welcome here,” he told KFOR. “If you’re on welfare, stay at home and spend my money, there. I don’t deal with these people walking down the street with no jobs on welfare.”
Gard also claims that James has routinely turned away customers for decades. “He doesn’t like certain people of race, color, ethnicity,” Gard said of James.
James told KFOR that he’s owned Gary’s Chicaros for 44 years, so he “think[s] I can spot a freak or a f*ggot.”
The restaurant’s official t-shirt makes it clear that a “f*ggot” isn’t welcome in James’s establishment. It features that word, the N-word, and threatens violence against Muslims, Democrats, and members of many minority groups.
James says he is “proud” to wear the shirt: “I really don’t want gays around. Any man that would compromise his own body would compromise anything.”

Maybe Oklahoma needs a Moral Monday to protest against racist attitudes of its citizens.


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