Showing posts with label Muslim. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Muslim. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Tragedy In Istanbul: Suicide Bombing!

Suicide bombing at Istanbul's Ataturk International Airport.

The junk food media is covering the massacre at Istanbul Ataturk International Airport. The Turkish authorities and the American authorities are investigating the incident. The attack happened around 10pm overnight and the causalities are great. We don't know if any Americans or Western nationals were among the dead.

The Islamic State hasn't claimed responsibility but it's likely their involvement.

Turkey had been the victim of several terrorist attacks in 2016. There were two bombings in January and March of this year. Then there were a few incidents in June.

Some of these events could have been sponsored by the Kurdistan Freedom Falcons or the Kurdistan Worker's Party (PKK) but the groups aren't saying much.

Two men approached the X-ray scanners at a security checkpoint and opened fire. They were fired upon by the law and then when they got them on the ground, they pushed a button on their collars and "BOOM" the room goes into dark.

The terrorist killed themselves and three people in the vicinity.

There could be over 100 people killed in this event. So far the death toll is in the double digits.

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (media called ISIS) is the terrorist group de jour. They are the most brutal group past al Qaeda. The terrorist organization has been actively recruiting Western members to their group.

The event was captured on social media. A video posted on Twitter shows a view from a camera inside the airport terminal. A few dozen people are walking around and then a bright flash and fireball erupted in the background.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Prime Minister Binali Yildrim both express sorrow and anger tonight. They believe that individuals involved will be nabbed quickly.

The airport is closed. The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration and the FBI are on the ground.

President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, and Secretary of State John Kerry have also send their condolences to the victims. They promise that the event will merit in a response from NATO.

It was clearly an act of terror.  Facebook activates the "I AM SAFE" function. Has it been activated for the most recent attacks besides Istanbul and Orlando?

Will the conservatives blame President Barack Obama for not saying "radical Islam" or "ignoring the threat"?

Let me say this with no remorse, saying "radical Islam" isn't fighting terrorism. It's just divisive and ignorant upon the conservatives to say that. If they really want to fight terrorism, they need to first understand what drives them to terrorism.

The U.S. Congress needs to pass comprehensive background checks and an assault weapons ban to keep terrorists and mentally insane from obtaining firearms. They need to also keep military grade explosives out the reach of non-military officials.

It won't be long before the suicide bombers come into our airports. And of course, the U.S. Congress will allow it to happen because they don't want the "needless" regulations.

World News Today send our condolences to the victims of this senseless tragedy.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

No Apple Picking In Ohio!

Trump calls for boycott of APPLE after they dropped the endorsement of the Republican Convention.

Apple CEO Tim Cook said that the brand isn't going to be a part of the Republican National Convention. This comes as blow to the Republican Party's outreach to individuals.

Republicans fear they could lose the Congress if Donald Trump continues on with the divisive rhetoric. In July 18-21, the Republican National Convention will in Cleveland, Ohio and Donald Trump will accept the nomination for the party. Many Republicans fear that Trump could damage the brand for a generation. His attacks on fellow Republicans and those who distance themselves from him has made the party lose confidence in their chances.

The Color of Change is hoping that companies see Donald Trump as the bigot he is. They want national brands to back out of sponsoring the event.

Walmart and Coca-Cola both backed out of both conventions.

The distancing from Trump is a sign of problems awaiting the party. The party's far right politicos and agitators are driving the party off the cliff.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Scott Baio: Obama's Career Worst Than Mine!

Washed up actor Scott Baio is a canceled sitcom. He's going after the president for not saying "radical Islam". Saying he supports terrorism.

Washed up celebrity Scott Baio calls President Barack Obama a terrorist.

You may remember Baio who played Chachi from Happy Days and Charles from Charles in Charge.

No, you don't!

Well here's some real shit going on! Baio is a big time Republican. He's certainly in the tank for Donald Trump. He's pretty damn sure about the president being a sympathizer towards the Islamic State.

The washed up celebrity went on Fox Business Network to give his two cents on the Orlando massacre.

Baio kept calling "Lester" for some reason—that Obama is either dumb, a Muslim, or a Muslim sympathizer. "I don't think he's dumb," Baio clarified. The erstwhile Bob Loblaw also wondered if Obama's secret goal is to “totally eliminate the United States as it was created and founded and the way it is now?”

Baio was in the news sometime ago. He posted on social media a racist tweet about First Lady Michelle Obama. He said that he was snubbed by Hollywood after this. Many in the industry pretty much wiped him like toilet paper and flushed him down the toilet.

Of course the president doesn't mince words when it comes to fighting terrorism. He said that the Republican Party and their conservative allies have often used their tongues instead of brains.

Calling the threat "radical Islam" isn't going to make the threat go away. Yet, Republicans and conservative agitators (i.e. Softball Hannity) would waste their time blaming the 1.6 billion worshippers of the Muslim faith.

Baio is a piece of shit. He seriously believes the first Black president is a "MUSLIM".

Damn shame that Baio isn't hiding in an Indiana trailer park like his former co-star Erin Moran.

Here's the list of washed up celebrity Trump supporters.

Silk and Diamond (Lynnette Hardaway and Rochelle Richardson)
Dennis Rodman
Scott Baio
Wayne Newton
Kid Rock
Ted Nugent
Mike Tyson
Bobby Knight
Tila Tequila
Hulk Hogan
Kristie Alley
Gary Busey
Jon Voight
Terrell Owens
Jerry Lewis
Willie Robertson
Azealia Banks

And the list will keep on growing and it might be another episode of Celebrity Apprentice.

Wonder what the conservatives are going to complain about once Obama's out of office?

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Obama: All This Talk About "Radical Islam" Is Nonsense From Yapping Agitators!

Today, President Barack Obama addressed the junk food media. He said that he will be heading to Orlando to talk to mayor Buddy Dyer and the victims of the horrific mass shooting.

He also wanted to get a few things off his chest. He was pissed at Congress delaying his nominees (i.e. Supreme Court and Counter-terrorism finance analysis). He hammered Republicans for wasting taxpayer money stalling his nominees and failing to act on mass shooting tragedies.

And one thing that I happened to catch was the slick diss on conservatives complaining about the president not saying "radical Islam" and complaining about him "ignoring the threat".

Obama isn't mincing words. He said that Republicans and conservatives play political games. The term "radical Islam" doesn't stop terrorism.
Obama didn't mince words when he clapped.

I am so happy President Barack Obama hit back at Donald Trump, Matt Drudge, that old fart Rush Limbaugh, Fox News and Softball Hannity.

In the previous interviews on Fox News, many agitators have ripped the president for not saying "radical Islam". I posted my thoughts on this controversy.

Saying "radical Islam" isn't fighting terrorism. It's a divisive phrase that could inspire the Islamic State to recruit more Americans to their cause.

The president is very clear that he's fighting terrorism not Islam. And he let Trump and the Republicans have it.

“What exactly would using this label accomplish? What exactly would it change? Would it make ISIL less committed to try to kill Americans? Would it bring in more allies? Is there a military strategy that is served by this?”

“The answer is none of the above. Calling a threat by a different name does not make it go away.”

Obama stood firm. “Not once has an adviser of mine said, ‘Man, if we really use that phrase, we’re gonna turn this whole thing around.’ Not once,” he said.

Most of these terrorists were American-born citizens. They had access to firearms and were legally able to do so.
Trump is about play catch with Softball Hannity. Trump will address the president's diss on him.
Obama questioned whether Trump would eventually resort to treating Muslim Americans differently as well, possibly subjecting them to extra surveillance or discriminating against them based on their religion.

“Where does this stop?” he asked.

“Do Republican officials actually agree with this?” Obama continued, directly challenging Republican leadership to take a stand against Trump’s toxic proposals.

Circling back to his rejection of the term “radical Islam,” the president warned against rhetoric and policies that make Muslim Americans feel like they are constantly under suspicion.

“We have gone through moments in our history before when we acted out of fear, and we came to regret it,” he said.

The Republican presumptive nominee decides to take a moment from bitching to celebrate his birthday today.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Saying "Radical Islam" Isn't Fighting Terrorism!

Clearly the president had enough of addressing mass shootings under his watch. He believes that Congress is willing to have these tragedies continue because of the inept actions to pass gun control. Republicans and some Democrats are willing to sell their souls to the NRA and gun lobbyists.

If I say "radical Islam", would it make me more vigilant against a terrorist?

The folks over at Fox News are once again polarizing the debate over terrorism.

The junk food media is once again jumping to conclusions over how an American Muslim man (mind you) managed to pull off one of the most deadliest mass shootings in U.S. history. This act of terrorism once again sparks feverish debate over terrorism, gun violence and the need to blame others for the acts of the shooter.

The death count is at 50. It will likely rise and it will be coverage wall-to-wall by the agitators in the junk food media.

Again, the lawmakers offer their prayers to the victims. They offer no resolution to stopping the constant gun violence in the United States. All they are going to do is wait until the junk food media chases the next shiny coin.

Oh, there's the kookspiracy nuts who believe the victims and their families are crisis actors.
Orlando's mayor Buddy Dyer and police chief John Mina access the casualties.
Cause once the cameras are gone, what's left?





Pain is real.






This tragedy hasn't stop the notion of hypotheticals. As the facts are pouring in, the junk food media starts to peak into the terrorist and his background. The FBI and Florida authorities are spearheading an investigation into how such a tragedy has occurred.
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL) address the junk food media.
And as usual, the finger pointing of blame once again takes flight.

The family of this terrorist will likely get death threats. The anti-gay group Westboro Baptist Church will be there in protest. Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL) and The Council of American Islamic Relations is asking the public to not succumb to the fears of terrorism. They urge the public to say something if they notice patterns that aren't normal.

As expected, conservatives, Republican lawmakers and Donald Trump have already spoken the divisive rhetoric. They have claim that "Islamic Extremism" and "radical Islam" is more of a threat to the United States than the daily occurence of mass shootings. I just got off watching Fox News agitators saying the president "refusing" to say "radical Islam".

Again, what the fuck is saying radical Islam going to do?

It's not going to bring back the lives lost in this senseless tragedy.
The SWAT crashed the wall of the bar. 
It's just going to make the Islamic State, al Qaeda and other groups more inspired to recruit people to their cause. Because if you're depressed, having feeling of rejection, taunted by bullies and spurned by a job or relationship: You're a ticking time bomb.

Mass shootings happen every freaking month. It's unfortunate that this one makes the news. All you need are the ingredients of inciting fear and phobias.

The father said that the terrorist was angry over men kissing in public. He was upset over gay marriage and men having public display of affection. He also made threats to his co-workers.

He also had express support for an American born man who became a suicide bomber in Syria.

Omar Meteen was under the federal watch. He express support for the Islamic State, a group that many in the world see as a global terrorist organization. He called the law telling them "I'm gonna leave a message!" He said that he pledges support to the Islamic State. I'm guessing so he can get name recognition for his callous act.
Ron Harper, FBI head for Central Florida with police chief John Mina and Orange County sheriff Jerry Demings (behind Harper) are doing a presser.
They are by far the most thirstiest organization. The United States and its allies have tried to stop them, but they're getting stronger.

He left his name in the history books. The junk food media will forever note that Meteen as the most deadliest shooter in American history. And he won't be the last. 

His terroristic act caused the deaths of many. 

It's unfortunate that our living and breathing will never cease to amaze me. The court of public opinion will never die. With phobias coming out in the open, Donald Trump may use this tragedy as an excuse to promote his bigoted causes.

Republicans claim they're more stronger on terrorism. 
A callous act of violence.
They only muscle Republicans flex in the fight against terrorism is their tongues. They are tongue tied with divisive rhetoric and racism. Instead of trying to stop gun violence, they openly encourage more guns in the streets. Republicans rather take away the Second Amendment from Blacks, Hispanics and Muslims. 

The right to bear arms was legal for this terrorist. If the 51 Republicans and 4 Democrats would have taken the time to support the Toomey-Manchin bill, things would have been done.

Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA) and Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) had tried to pass a stricter background check law and it was voted down by most Republicans and four Democrats (one being minority leader Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV)). 

FBI foils copycat from carrying out terrorist attack.
Then Republican lawmakers want to profile Muslims, #BlackLivesMatter and immigrants. They want to build border walls and fences through Mexico and even Canada. 

They want to use the military to engage in war with the Islamic State. They would spend millions of dollars and the lives of those willing to serve for a winless war.

President Barack Obama has constantly pushed for stronger gun control measures. It's often ignored by the rhetoric of Republicans saying "now it's not the time to polarize" nonsense. 

The president and Vice President Joe Biden have canceled their plans for the time being.

President Barack Obama was expecting to campaign with Democratic presumptive nominee Hillary Clinton in Green Bay, Wisconsin.

James Howell was arrested in Los Angeles today. A potential act of terrorism was averted. The Indiana man was plotting to attack the LA Pride parade. The man was apprehended after being tipped by the law on his motives. The FBI and Los Angeles County sheriff are looking into if this terrorist has ties to the Islamic State.

Lieutenant Governor of Texas Dan Patrick is under fire for posting on social media his thoughts on the shooting. He's got involved in the transgender bathroom controversy by saying that Texas doesn't need the government money and called for independence from the tyrant Obama. 

Here's the Republican presumptive nominee on social media.

Trump's divisive rhetoric isn't productive. It's basically licking his chop knowing that he has the advantage to use this against Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama. After all, not saying "radical Islam" is grounds for Obama to resign in disgrace.

Some of the victims and survivors have spoken to the junk food media to express sorrow.

It's not weakness to cry! Our friends in the LGBT and the Muslim community are grieving. 

We don't know the names of the victims. We don't know if they were Black, White, Hispanic, Latino, woman, straight, gay, transgender or Muslim. 

What we know is that the victims were many and it's tragic. World News Today send our condolences to the families of the victims lost in this horrible tragedy. Also send our condolences to the family of Christina Grimmie. 

The entertainer was gunned down in Orlando after signing autographs at a concert. This event happened a day before this.

The terrorist Kevin James Loibl killed himself after being cornered by the law.

Blame Game: Orlando Mass Shooting Is Terrorism!

Normal guy. The nice guy is the most dangerous person to ever have a firearm. This terrorist managed to carry out one of the most deadliest mass shootings in U.S. history.

President Barack Obama is going to speak to the nation today to address the shooting in Orlando.

Rick Scott will address the state of Florida in the coming hour.

Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have issues statements to the tragedy.

The president and the nation is gripped with a mass shooting tragedy that ended with over 50 people being killed. This is the most deadliest shooting in U.S. history. The death toll could rise.

This beats the Virginia Tech tragedy. The 2007 terrorist attack was committed on the campus of Virginia Tech. The terrorist Seung-Hui Cho had killed 32 people before he killed himself.

Rep. Peter King (R-NY) had already went on his soapbox about profiling Muslims.

The agitators will automatically blame Muslims and the LGBT community for this. They will blame the president for this.

Omar Mateen, a 29 year old Florida man committed a mass shooting at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando. He was strapped with an automatic assault rifle, a handgun and a possible explosive device.

He struck at the club during closing hours. He started shooting at victims standing in line and in the parking lot. An off duty officer returned fire and and the terrorist shoot at him. The Orlando Police came to stop the threat.

The terrorist went into the club and started popping off. The SWAT had tried to calm him down, but he says he's turned up. The terrorist end up killing more inside the club. The club is indefinitely closed.

The father of the terrorist is shocked. He said that his son wasn't keen on gay couples and never reacted the way he did. His family issued statements condemning their son's actions.
Pulse is indefinitely closed.
At a time when gun violence is on the rise, our inept leaders in Congress will "send their prayers" to the victims and say that now it's not the time for politicizing a tragedy.

Conservative and liberal agitators will find reasons to justify either strawman arguments, hypotheticals and blaming others for the acts of a person.

It's becoming a norm that mass shootings are happening in the United States.

Last mass shootings that made the news were the San Bernardino and Umpqua Community College tragedies.

World News Today send our condolences to the victims of this senseless tragedy. We also send our condolences to the family of Christina Grimmie. She was killed by a terrorist while she was signing autographs.

Still Happening: Mass Shooting Tragedy In Orlando!

Mass shooting in a Orlando nightclub will polarize debate over gun violence and terrorism. This will likely spark more hate crimes against those who are Black, Hispanic, Muslim or LGBT.










A mass shooting in America and the inept Republican-controlled Congress will not do anything to control this. They will find ways to blame President Barack Obama for every mass tragedy in the country. Donald Trump will rile up his bigoted supporters into committing violent acts against Muslims, Blacks, Hispanics, immigrants and those in the LGBT community.

For the conservative agitators, it's not the right time to polarize a mass shooting event. Yet they enjoy polarizing the if "everyone has a gun" nonsense. They already are planning on blaming either #BlackLivesMatter, Muslims, liberals, the National Rifle Association, Democrats, Republicans or the president for the actions of a person.

Mental health care reform is often floated but nothing is done about it.

Some people know about the motives of the terrorist. They're either afraid of the terrorist or they don't snitch.

Background checks are universally approved by the public but the Republican controlled Congress refuse to pass any laws that they claim inflict the Second Amendment. They won't stop people who may be on the radar for potential attacks.

Okay the blame game. Here's a poll!

Mass shooting at a nightclub in Orlando. The suspect was killed. Who takes the blame for this tragedy?

Barack Obama
LGBT Community
The Junk Food Media
The Shooter
Survey Maker

In Orlando, major casualties were lost to a senseless act of violence by a terrorist who opened fire on a nightclub. This happened early morning and it's another event where President Barack Obama, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders will have to address. The NRA will of course spin this as another example of gun grab politics.

The Associated Press confirms that the terrorist was known as Omar Nir Seddique Mateen. The terrorist was a twenty-something year old man who was bucked by the police. The terrorist was armed with an assault rifle, a handgun and a "device" that could have been a suicide vest, but that's not confirmed. The terrorist started shooting in the people standing in line and around the parking lot.
Mass shooter could have had ties to terrorism.
He also shot at police officers before fleeing into the club to take hostages. The police talked to the terrorist urging him to surrender. He said that he'll blow the place up and there's no turning back. He's turned up!

The Pulse nightclub is a popular gay club in the Orlando area.

The shooting happened between the hours of closing and it was unnoticed until the music stopped.

More than 100 people were inside the club when this went off. The city is on lockdown as of right now. They are expecting a mass causality intake from the wounded, the grieving families and the dead.

About 5am, SWAT finally took out the terrorist. The chief John Mina says that this is one of the worst events he's seen in his career as a lawman. He said this is a domestic "lone wolf" terrorist.

Mayor Buddy Dyer speaks to the press that this act of violence is horrific.

Florida governor Rick Scott has talked to the president on the shooting. President Barack Obama said that he promises that federal authorities will work to find out the motives.

The Orlando County sheriff Jerry Demings also said, "This is an incident, as I see it, that we certainly classify as a domestic terrorist attack.

The law said that we shouldn't jump to conclusions and rush to judgement in this.

The outpouring of sympathy is coming from those in the LGBT community. Of course, religious leaders are urging the public to stay vigilant. The Muslim community is getting ready for a potential backlash from extremists.

The FBI and Associated Press confirms the terrorist grew up in Fort Pierce and his family lives in Port St. Lucie County. His parents are from Afghanistan. He is an American born man who was considered the "nice guy" by most accounts. Nobody expected this. They figured the terrorist had a nice job, family and a relationship. Somehow he snapped and caused great harm to others.

He may have ties to the Islamic State, but that's not confirmed yet.

Here we go again!

The divisive phrase "radical Islam" will come up yet again. No mentions of the constant mass shootings in the United States. All we'll hear for the next three weeks from conservative agitators is Donald Trump is strong on terrorism by banning Muslims entering the United States. You will heard the word vomit of the president refusing to say "radical Islam" because he's one of them.  You will hear the constant hand ringing about Hillary Clinton's emails and Benghazi.

We will hear the talk of profiling Muslims, Blacks and Hispanics because they're violent, don't you know!

This will spook White folks. Since this tragedy killed many people who were either gay, straight or bisexual, the conservatives will be so anxious to blame the victims for their deaths. They hate the LGBT community so for conservatives, it's divine intervention.

It comes no less than 24 hours of the shooting in Orlando that claimed the life of entertainer Christina Grimmie. The terrorist who killed Grimmie was identified as 27 year old Kevin James Loibl from St. Petersburg. The terrorist didn't know the victim.

A man was arrested on Friday  for threatening worshiping Muslims. In North Carolina, a U.S. Army reserve officer named Russell Thomas Langford threatened to run over people at the Masjid Al Madina. He also threatened a chaplin superior who is a practicing Muslim.

The Orlando Police, the ATF, the FBI, Florida state authorities will join the Homeland Security chief Jeh Johnson in finding out how this terrorist managed to carry out this attack.

Saying prayers to the family will not bring back the victims or the shooter.

Staying at home and avoiding large gatherings is giving into terrorism.

Calling this "radical Islam" isn't going to bring back the lives lost in this nightclub shooting.

Saying that a good guy with a gun is a pathetic excuse. One of the good guys with a gun is fighting for his life. The terrorist shot at the law and injured one of them.

Saying that profiling Muslims, banning gay marriage and blaming people other than the shooter could create copycat attacks.

Jumping to conclusions will not solve problems. It's time for Congress to act. It's time to pass a reasonable gun control or a strong background check on firearms. It's time to end the straw purchasing of firearms.

The Islamic State and al Qaeda are a threat. But if the terrorist was inspired by these groups, then it's likely going to continue and its up to Americans to be vigilant in the wake of this.

Republicans flex the only muscle they have in the fight against terrorism. It's their tongues and it's usually tied with rhetoric that doesn't help America.

World News Today send our condolences to the victims of this senseless tragedy. Also our condolences to the family of Christina Grimmie.

Saturday, June 04, 2016

BREAKING: The Greatest Passed Away!

May peace be with Ali...

Muhammad Ali passed away at the age of 74. The Associated Press confirms the American boxing legend died of pneumonia and complications from Parkinson's disease. President Barack Obama was notified of Ali's death tonight.

Ali who was considered the greatest boxer of all time fought through racism, his personal struggles, his conversation to Islam and Parkinson's disease.

Beloved by many for being fast on his feet, fast on his fists and fast on his wits.

Legally known as Cassius Clay, Ali converted to being a Muslim through the Nation of Islam. He rejected his birth name after an awakening. He and his family grew up being in a strict Baptist family.

Ali rejected the Christian teachings on grounds of violence and intolerance. He chose Islam as a spiritual path to happiness. He stood firm in those beliefs and it riled up people.

He won an Olympic medal for boxing. When he returns to the United States, he saw racism in his hometown of Louisville, Kentucky.

It was said that he threw his medal in the Ohio River.

He was arrested for dodging the draft. He was opposed to the Vietnam War. He believed that he shouldn't fight for White imperialism. He was stripped of his World Boxing Association championship. It took three years for him to win the right back into the ring.

His bouts with George Foreman, Smokin Joe Frazier and the career win against Sonny Liston made him a legend. The most iconic image of Ali was the one where he took on Sonny Liston and knuckled him in a first round bout.

He was born in Jan. 17, 1942 in a segregated South. He started his career as a boxer when he got his bicycle stolen at age 12.

He won a Gold medal in Rome at age 18. He defeated Polish boxer Zbigniew Pietrzykowski in a light heavyweight final.

Regarded as the most charismatic sportsman of the modern generation, Ali kept his victories on top and his critics at the bottom. He was the first boxer to win the world heavyweight title three times.

He retired in 1981 with a record of 56-5 with 37 knockouts.

He was known as the most recognizable person on the planet. Outpouring of sympathy is coming from politicos, celebrities and athletes worldwide.

Me and S. Baldwin thank Muhammad Ali. May peace be with you and the spiritual Allah. Ali told us to stand up and fight for what's good for the world. He was never afraid to speak his mind. He never let the critics weigh him down with the negativity. He fought the battles and came out forever a champion.

World News Today send our condolences to the family of Muhammad Ali.

I will continue to post more on this story as soon I get info....

Friday, June 03, 2016

Muhammad Ali In Dire Straits!

Muhammad Ali not doing well.

The family confirms that legendary boxer and activist Muhammad Ali is at a Phoenix hospital being treated for respiratory failure. The family confirms that it's not looking good.

At first check, many thought it's a mild illness. Turns out to be worst than expected.

The Evening Standard reports that being placed on life support as the family prepares for the wake.

He is said to be suffering respiratory issues that are reportedly complicated by the Parkinson’s disease that was diagnosed in the 1980s.

But two people close to the former heavyweight champion have said that Ali’s condition is concerning to his family members.

A source told the Mirror: “Like in the ring, Ali is a fighter on the ward. Doctors are working to regulate his breathing put it is being hampered by his Parkinson’s.

“His children are all extremely concerned and dropped everything to be with him. They fear the worst.

“Ali is everything to them and there are worried his problems are worse than first feared.”

The sources have reportedly declined to be identified because they were not speaking on behalf of Ali’s family.

Bob Gunnell, Ali’s spokesman, said in a statement on Thursday that the former heavyweight champion was in a “fair” condition and a brief hospital stay was expected.

Mr Gunnell said in an email Friday there was no update on Ali's condition.

Dr Abraham Lieberman, the boxer’s long term Parkinson’s doctor, declined to comment any further on Ali’s condition when contacted by the Associated Press.

He said: “I can’t really say much more than what’s in the papers.”

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Bayan Zehlif: My Yearbook Labeled Me "ISIS"!

California high school doing damage control after a teen saw her photo with "ISIS" labeled on it.

A young teen in a California was humiliated by her high school after her yearbook labeled her "ISIS".

She was identified as "Isis Phillips" in the Los Osos High School yearbook. She isn't buying the excuse of the misprint. She's thinking it's a deliberate attempted at attack her for being a Muslim.

"I am extremely saddened, disgusted, hurt, and embarrassed that the Los Osos High School yearbook was able to get away with this," Bayan Zehlif writes in a Facebook post. "Apparently I am 'Isis' in the yearbook. The school reached out to me and had the audacity to say that this was a typo. I beg to differ, let's be real."

The school district superintendent tells the Los Angeles Times that there is another student named Isis at the school, and that both families have been contacted. An investigation is underway. "If they find that a student acted irresponsibly and intentionally, [the] administration will take appropriate actions," he says.
Bayan Zehlif.
Zehlif and her family have spoken to the LA office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, per NBC Los Angeles. In a statement, CAIR says it's concerned "about a possible bias motive," adding "no student should have to face the humiliation of being associated with a group as reprehensible as ISIS." On Friday, per the Times, the school handed out 287 of the yearbooks to seniors.

No more yearbooks will be distributed until the error is corrected, and students who got a copy have been asked to return it. "We should have checked each name carefully in the book and we had no intention to create this misunderstanding," the yearbook staff tweeted. "It is our fault and this is absolutely inexcusable on our part."

Is this "Making America Great Again"?

A young woman being called ISIS because she's a Muslim. If Donald Trump had his way, he would tell her to stop whining, it's the freedom of speech.

World News Today hope the best for Bayan Zehlif. We hope she can overcome the bigotry and ignorance plaguing her school and the election.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Lindsay Lohan Begs For Attention!

Troubled celebrity found Allah!

From A-list celebrity to D-list. The troubled entertainer is about to fail at another feat, Islam.

I am certainly wondering when this will last! Lindsay Lohan announced that she's converting to Islam after seeing the sunrise.

Lohan has a record of failure.

Lohan has been a troubled celebrity since the mid-2000s. She tried and failed at music. She's been partying hard. Drinking booze, smoking the weed, snorting the snow and shooting the arm candy.

She's dated men and women. She's broken too many hearts.

Many in Hollywood have said that she's extremely difficult to work with.

Now she's blackballed.

Lohan was a household name when she played in the Tina Fey's produced movie Mean Girls.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Ohio Father And His Boys Rite Of Passage Riles Up The Law!

Dad's way of teaching children about the dangers of inviting strangers into the house backfired and the junk food media is covering this. The Westlake Police are investigating whether they may charge the father and his friend for causing a panic.

The sons were acting a fool. Bilal Abdul Mani, the father wanted to set his two sons straight.

Dad told his friend to head over to his home once the boys came home from school. The friend was supposed to state that their dad owed some money and he wants in to settle the score.

 According to police, the friend wanted to stop the role play when it was obvious the boys were scared, but the father wanted him to continue.

"I wanted to make sure that they did the right thing when I'm not at home. Me being a single parent, I need them to do the right thing," said the father.
Dad caused a panic and he may face criminal charges.
Police say, feeling threatened, the boys ran upstairs, locked themselves into a room, climbed out of a window onto the garage roof, then jumped down and ran to a neighbor's house to call police.

Abdul Mani says he thought his youngest son saw his car parked outside and thought he knew it was a setup.

The father says he came in a back door and listened to the ordeal in the basement, but by the time he could run upstairs, his sons had already run to the second floor and escaped from the house.

Police commend the boys for how they got away and escaped to safety.

"It was a lesson that I was trying to teach, that went bad," said Bilal Abdul Mani.

A terrified 16-year old Westlake boy called 911 around 4:00 p.m. Thursday, saying a man was threatening him and his 14-year old brother at their home on Pineview Drive.

If charged for any criminal act, the father is innocent until proven guilty.

Friday, April 01, 2016

Now Who Are The Real Terrorists?

A woman has the right to wear a hijab. 

When conservative agitators bemoan about the rise of "radical Islam", their gullible audience sponges it up and run with it. They want Muslims to stand up and denounce terrorism.

Muslims across the world denounce the brutal and senseless acts of terrorism.

The Belgium attacks has sparked another rise in Islamophobia in the United States. The conservative agitators, Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, and John Kasich continue to push their narrow minded goal to profile Muslims.

Donald Trump called for a ban on Muslims who travel overseas.

Ted Cruz wants law enforcement to profile Muslim neighborhoods.

John Kasich believes that President Barack Obama would do the tango then take on radical Islam. His state of Ohio will refuse refugees from Syria and causalities of war.

A young woman who was studying for cosmetology was attacked by a man with a knife. This terrorist slashes the woman's face causing a deep laceration on her face.

The young woman was a Muslim and she was a student at the Make-Up Designory.

The attack was random and the suspect wasn't named yet. But he will face a court date. He will face aggravated assault and attempted murder charges. It could be a federal hate crime charge.

The attack started by the terrorist calling the young woman a "TERRORIST".

The attack comes amid a rise in violent attacks against residents in New York. These attacks risen to a record 20 percent since last year.

Mayor Bill de Blasio vows to curb this amid tensions with the NYPD. Patrick Lynch of the Patrolman's Benevolent Association Union has been a contributing factor to tension between residents and the law.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Three Muslim Men Murdered In Cold Blood! Not A Peep From The Junk Food Media!

Three young men were murdered in cold blood. The junk food media calls it a local story. The men were Muslim-Americans.


It happens in my own backyard. I mean there was a shooting in Dayton, Ohio. A pastor was gunned down by his own family member. The terrorist was arrested without any incident.

A Virginia officer who was sworn to duty one day earlier was gunned down in Woodbridge. The terrorist was an Army staff sergeant who had clearance at the Pentagon. The terrorist murdered his wife after a domestic dispute. The suspect was arrested without any incident.

Now as expected, the agitators in the junk food media are going to discuss these tragedies. I mean it's common that the first thing that comes up is the fact the terrorists were "NICE GUYS". 

The terrorists had run-ins with law enforcement or never had a criminal history. The terrorists were experiencing some issue. It could have been a dispute between family, friends or community.

These shootings have gotten major attention in the junk food media.

Well in Fort Wayne, Indiana, the city is mourning the death of three men who were killed execution style. These three Muslim-American men were murdered in a neighborhood a few miles from downtown.

The Muslim-American community and many religious leaders are upset that the junk food media isn't spotlighting this horrible tragedy.

The shooting on Lewis Street in Fort Wayne didn't get notice until now!
This incident happened on Wednesday night. This was before the Republican debate and the Kalamazoo terrorist shooting on Thursday. Kalamazoo is 123 miles from Fort Wayne.

Fort Wayne's public safety director Rusty York told a local ABC affiliate, 21 Alive, that there was “no reason to believe this was any type of hate crime, or focused because of their religion or their nationality whatsoever.”

He even noted that the house, rented out by a landlord who lives elsewhere, had become a place where young men of African descent often got together for parties.

The Fort Wayne Police Department did not offer The Huffington Post any additional comment about the suspected motive on Sunday.

Hamzah Sharif, the imam of the Islamic Center of Fort Wayne, did not mention a possible motive in a Facebook message about the young men’s funeral. He instead lauded the presence of the town’s other communities of faith at the service.

“All of [the] Fort Wayne community showed unity and solidarity against violence and stood together to pray for the three young men along with their families,” Sharif wrote.

Ahmed Abdelmageed, director of experiential education at Manchester University’s college of pharmacy in Fort Wayne, acknowledged that the deaths were an especially painful blow for Muslims, but warned against assuming it was a hate crime.

“‘Execution Style’ and the word ‘Muslim’ have certainly been forever ingrained in the minds of American Muslims and they trigger painful images of 3 beautiful souls lost for simply being Muslim,” Abdelmageed wrote on Facebook. “I caution however that the reason does not appear to be related to them being Muslim.”
The Klan is on the rise. The anti-Black, anti-Immigrant and anti-Muslim rhetoric from Republicans has become recruitment tools for White extremists.
But the incident comes amid a wave of anti-Muslim incidents in the wake of the November terror attack in Paris, increasing the possibility that the triple killing was motivated by prejudice.

Some people, many of them other Muslims, took to social media to question law enforcement’s contention that the crime was unrelated to the Islamic faith of the victims, and to call for an investigation of the killings as a hate crime.

The victims Mohamed Taha Omar, Adam K. Mekki and Muhannad A. Tairab were found in a house with slugs in their heads.

The Fort Wayne Police and the FBI are certain this event wasn't a "gang related situation". They don't know if its either a "hate crime" a "murder-suicide" or a "terrorist attack".

What we know, it's a mass shooting and I don't know who the shooter was! The FBI is actively searching for the persons involved in this horrible tragedy.

Hence forth the blame game.

Who deserves the blame in the death of three Muslim men killed in Indiana?

Barack Obama
The Shooter
None Of These Above
personality test

Obviously I know what happens when I place a poll together. I expect someone to blame entities other than the shooter. The shooter deserves the blame for this.

The junk food media doesn't often cover every controversy and selective outrage is noted among the latest topics de jour.

World News Today send our condolences to the families of Mohamed Taha Omar, Adam K. Mekki and Muhannad A. Tairab.

Friday, February 12, 2016

The Law Puts Down A Man With A Machete! Was It Terrorism?

The Columbus Police and the FBI are assuring that this incident was isolated but do fear the potential for a copycat could occur. Homeland Security secretary Jeh Johnson and U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch have been notified about the situation and are dispatching anti-terror analysis into the city.

What do they knew about the suspect Mohamed Barry who launched an attack at a Mediterranean restaurant?

Was he inspired by the Islamic State?

Anyway, the whole ordeal is getting MAD play on the conservative agitating websites. It's no surprise that the right will launch into the Blame Obama For This Situation Game.

What went down was this guy who was armed with a machete entering the Nazareth Restaurant and Deli.

If you don't say something, you advocate for these incidents to happen!

No one knows what goes on in the mind of the mentally insane.

The man entered the restaurant and engaged conversation with a few employees. At first he purchased a meal and left. About 30 minutes later, he returns to launch into a carnage.

He had stabbed some of the people and they were seriously injured. Some could survive their injuries.

The man tried to flee into towards Easton. He was stopped at the intersection of Morse and Steltzer.
A man storms the restaurant and attacks people with a machete.
When confronted he would ram into a cruiser and a few cars before his car would be damaged so badly it couldn't move. As the officers ordered the man to drop his weapon, he refused the order and they put the slugs in him.

Barry was pronounced dead at the local hospital. He was of Somali decent. He was being tailed by the feds after his friends and family said he acted differently. He was the "NICE GUY" who owned a Mercedes-Benz and worked a decent job. He had minor run-ins with the law. No potential threat until he traveled overseas.

He traveled to the Dubai in the United Arab Emirates for a vacation. But he may have strayed course into a place where he may have been inspired by extremism.

Barry's actions are the signs of potential "lone wolf" attacks that the Islamic State inspire its followers to commit. They want the followers to go after the soft targets. The soft targets could be a restaurant, a nightclub, a gas station, a school or mall. Those are places where a potential terror threat could occur.

Wednesday, February 03, 2016

Conservative Outrage: Behind The Mosque!

President Barack Obama meets with religious leaders at the Islamic Society of Baltimore.

President Barack Obama spoke at a mosque today. This is the first time a sitting president ever visited a mosque.

The Washington Post reports that the historic 45-minute speech at a large, suburban Baltimore mosque was attended by some of the country's most prominent Muslims. In what appeared to be a counter to the rise in Islamophobia, Obama celebrated the long history of Muslim achievement in American life from sports to architecture and described Muslims as Cub Scouts, soldiers and parents, pointing out the mother of the pre-med college student who introduced him at the podium.

"There are voices who are constantly claiming you have to choose between your identities…. Do not believe them…. You fit in here. Right here. You're right where you belong. You're part of America, too," Obama said, his volume rising as he said he was speaking in particular at that moment to young Muslim Americans. "You're not Muslim or American, you're Muslim and American. And don't grow cynical."

The speech was one of several almost back-to-back, high-profile Obama addresses to U.S. faith communities, talks he seems to be using to focus on religious tolerance during an election season where faith often comes up in fiery contexts. One week ago he spoke at the Israeli Embassy, saying the impulse to stigmatize people of other faiths is "deep within us." On Thursday he will address one of the most high-profile evangelical events, the National Prayer Breakfast.
One of the biggest voices spewing anti-Muslim rhetoric.
Obama's comments come at a time when the country is furiously debating what constitutes religious freedom and who has the right to proclaim it: Is it for the Muslim refugee from Syria? The conservative Christian baker or photographer who can't in good conscience participate in gay weddings? The Orthodox Jewish private schools seeking funding? His comments Thursday will likely be closely watched.

Of course, in his last year, there's no rest in pissing conservatives off. Regardless of what Obama does, these conservatives will bitch about it.

It's pathetic. He's going all the way in pissing these guys off.

Obama already issued executive orders when it comes to firearms. The Iranian nuclear deal is active and the country is removing its nuclear stockpile. He rejected the KeystoneXL pipeline. He is "feeling good" about a potential Supreme Court ruling on his executive order on immigration. He and Vice President Joe Biden have spoken to Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton on how to address Republicans and their relentless bitching.

Obama also acknowledges his achievements and failures as president. He said that he wished he could have gotten firearm safety laws passed when he had a minor super-majority in Congress.

He also says that conservatives would be "out of business" once he leaves. They'll have nothing to bitch about.

If a Republican gets into the White House and a disaster happens, you should already know that conservatives will blame Obama for it. Conservatives refuse to blame Republicans for inept leadership.

I'm sorry. They do blame Republicans. But not the way I see it. They believe that compromise and bipartisanship is bad. They refuse to acknowledge cultural shifts in the country. They're still living in the 20th Century with Ronald Reagan and tactical fear mongering.

Who's the real extremists?

I believe its the agitators in the junk food media who bitch and bemoan about President Barack Obama in their latest phony outrage.

Wondering how much outrage will conservatives have knowing the day after the election, Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton or an establishment Republican winning the general election.

So far, Republicans managed to piss off almost everyone including their own base. It seems so disorganized and so intrusive when it comes to the right to choice, right to press and right to religion.
The trio of Islamophobia: Brigitte Gabriel, Thomas McInerny and Pam Geller.
Conservatives are so obsessed with the word vomit de jour, "radical Islam".

Obama warned Republicans to stop using the term. He believes that their ignorance could legitimize the terrorists and inspire more hate crimes against Muslims.

They're complaining about the poor. They're trying to use 20th Century tactics when it comes to socialism. And they're blow the dog whistle when they're attacking Blacks, Hispanics, immigrants, and Muslims. The fear mongering and finger pointing is getting old and extremely tiring.

They refuse to acknowledge the Republican Party becoming more Whiter and isolated. Yeah, they may have Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio running. The Rainbow Coalition of Extremism isn't going to work.

White extremists hate them. They don't want a politically correct candidate.


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