Showing posts with label Carly Fiorina. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Carly Fiorina. Show all posts

Thursday, February 04, 2016

Dems The Debate Too!

Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton duke it out once again.

The Democratic debate is on MSNBC and the two candidates are taking off the gloves and I can say that it's pretty damn hostile. What turned out to be a friendly disagreement now becomes a battle royale.

Rachel Maddow and Chuck Todd get to instigate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton go after each other.

In the New Hampshire polls, Sanders is leading the polls. In the beginning Hillary Clinton was riding high in the polls. Sanders managed to either tie or run extremely competitive with her in the key states.

Iowa Caucus ended up with Clinton barely beating Sanders.

While the Republicans are having their civil war between Donald Trump, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), the Democrats are fighting it out.

This comes right after the CNN Townhall that was on yesterday. I didn't watch it.

Obviously the Democrats have cautious thoughts about their candidates. The field isn't strong.

It's so divided. The older generation and working class Democrats support Hillary Clinton. The young, White liberals and college educated support Sanders. The Black, Hispanic and LGBT vote is divided over who to choose.

So I am going to give you a poll.

Who Won This Debate?

Bernie Sanders Smoked Hillary Clinton.
Hillary Clinton Trashed Bernie Sanders.
Republicans Gonna Crush Them.
Someone Watching MSNBC.
There's Too Many Damn Debates.
Poll Maker

Wednesday, February 03, 2016

Inspector Gadget Self-Destructs!

Wowzers, he had a turd in his trousers.

Rick Santorum, the most lamest candidate besides Martin O'Malley is reportedly bowing out tonight.

The former Pennsylvania senator and former 2012 Iowa Caucus "winner" couldn't squeeze enough people into that truck he drove across the 99 counties of the state.

Rick Santorum is by far the only candidate outside of Ted Cruz to champion on pro-life, anti-gay, and anti-immigrant stances.

Santorum like Mike Huckabee were perennial candidates who seriously believed they could win. If they couldn't beat the 2008 and 2012 nominees, they should have not ran in the first place.

And this candidate self destructs.
He is expected to make the announcement Wednesday night and will endorse a candidate.

Santorum won the 2012 Iowa caucuses and ended that race with the second-most number of delegates to eventually GOP nominee the perennial loser himself, Mitt Romney. But he was unable to capture any momentum this year, despite extensive barnstorming efforts in Iowa.

He is the third Republican presidential candidate to drop out after Monday's caucuses. Mike Huckabee ended his campaign that night, and Rand Paul suspended his campaign Wednesday morning.

Remember some time ago, Santorum (or I refer to as Son of Boredom) once said that he doesn't want to make Black lives better. He also said that President Barack a "government nig-guh". He caught himself before he said NIGGER.

He won't be missed.

Ran'd Away!

Will the state of Kentucky forgive him?

Republican senator Rand Paul will exit the race after the disappointing results from the Iowa Caucus.

The high profile senator who ran on his father Ron Paul's libertarian policies struggled throughout the whole campaign. He was on the verge of exiting the race when he was sent to the kiddie table back a month ago. He may have made the mistake of ditching the debate and whining too much.

"It's been an incredible honor to run a principled campaign for the White House," Paul said in a statement. "Today, I will end where I began, ready and willing to fight for the cause of liberty.

Paul finished fifth in Monday's Iowa caucuses with 4.5 percent of the vote, behind rivals Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, Marco Rubio and Ben Carson.

Paul campaigned on defending liberty and shrinking the federal government’s influence in the United States and abroad.

Since announcing his candidacy on April 7, 2015, in Louisville, Kentucky, Paul was unsuccessful in breaking single digits in national polls.
Pathetic Rand Paul will exit presidential race. He will focus on getting reelected to the senate.
The man who was dubbed “The Most Interesting Man in Politics” by Time magazine in 2014 wasn’t able to capture the electorate’s attention, even in states like New Hampshire where his libertarian positions have broader appeal.

Paul, 53, was one of the earliest and strongest voices against GOP front-runner Trump on or off the debate stage, calling the billionaire real estate mogul from New York everything from a “fake conservative” to a “delusional narcissist.” He even compared Trump to “Gollum,” the antagonist in “The Lord of the Rings.”

Paul’s campaign focused on gaining grassroots momentum among younger, first-time voters and college students.

Back home in Kentucky, Paul will be gearing up for a re-election campaign where he will be facing off against the Democratic mayor of Lexington, Jim Gray.

See Donald Trump let the cat out of the bag. He says that he can't run for president and then make running for senate a runner's up bid.

Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Carson Cries Over Cruz Winning! Accused Him Of Playing "Dirty"!

Carson should understand that opportunists will do anything to win. Cruz proved that by winning the Iowa Caucus.

No sign of getting out yet, but clearly Ben Carson is on his last breathe. The Republican candidate finished in a distant fourth place in the Iowa Caucus.

The Carson campaign slammed Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and his campaign for playing dirty politics.

The Cruz campaign posting a flyer saying that Carson suspended his campaign.

Cruz surrogates on Monday night circulated a CNN report that Carson would be going to Florida and Washington, D.C. after the caucuses instead of immediately decamping to New Hampshire, as is customary.

Carson criticized that move, characterizing the gossip as "dirty tricks" that had cost him the caucus.

Cruz's camp called the information-spreading "fair game," but conceded that they should have updated people once Carson's camp clarified that he was staying in the race and going back to Florida simply to grab a change of clothes.

Cruz would immediately come out and somewhat apologize to Carson.

Last night when our political team saw the CNN post saying Dr. Carson was not carrying on to New Hampshire and South Carolina, our campaign updated the grassroots leaders just as we would with any breaking news story. That’s fair game.

What the team should have done is send around the follow-up statement from the Carson campaign clarifying that he was indeed staying in the race when that came out.

That was a mistake from our end, and for that I apologize to Dr. Carson.

Bern 'N Hills!

No easy road for Hillary Clinton. The Bern is hot!

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Hillary Clinton ended up in a tie in yesterday's Iowa Caucus. The Democratic candidates both ended up having 49.9% and 49.6% respectively. Clinton carried 700 (23) delegates and Sanders 695 (21). Some of the precincts were decided on coin flips.

The Democratic caucus is totally different from the Republican caucus. The delegates for the Democrats are split between candidates. Republicans are distributed through proportional.

Assuring that this will be a bitter Democratic primary. The Republicans on the other hand have Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) as their winner of the Iowa Caucus.

Sanders who is clearly a threat to Clinton is vowing to shake up the establishment. Sanders is a Democratic Socialist. He is a progressive and a very nice guy. He hasn't got the endorsements of fellow senators and Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL), DNC chairwoman wants him out.

The young Democrats are not having it. They came out for Bernie and it seems like I can say that this is a "victory" for both Clinton and Sanders.

But the bad blood is already there. The Sanders supporters booed Clinton, and Republicans rivals.

You got liberal agitators Stephanie Miller, Thom Hartmann, Bill Press, Alan Colmes and Leslie Marshal all debating over who's got it in the bag. Their callers are threatening boycotting the Democratic candidate if its not theirs.

A civil war is mounting between Schultz and Rep. Tulisi Gabbard (D-HI). Gabbard, a conservative Democrat is trying to focus on issues that Republican bark over. Schultz and Gabbard sparred over the debate schedule and how to distribute delegates. Gabbard was banned from the first debate after she appeared on MSNBC to bitch about Schultz.

Also noted, former Maryland governor Martin O'Malley dropped out. He only managed to win a measly 8 state committed delegates.

The agitators in the junk food media (i.e. Drudge, old fart Limbaugh, and that annoying conservative agitator Sean Hannity) have called Sanders a curmudgeon.

And yet, Cruz and rival Donald Trump aren't!

Well it's off to New Hampshire. The Republicans have a last stand here. Jeb Bush, John Kasich, Chris Christie and Marco Rubio have a last stand here. If they fail at winning against Cruz or Trump, it's over for them.

It's over for Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, Rick Santorum, and Jim Gilmore.

Clinton and Sanders will appear on CNN tonight to do a town hall. They will have the gloves off when this happens.

Monday, February 01, 2016

Cruz'n To Victory!

Republicans picks Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) in the Iowa Caucus.

Rafael Edward Cruz is the front runner. Shake ups in the elections as well.

As reported the results are in and one bombastic voice in the insurgency won the Iowa Caucus.

Congratulations to Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) for pulling off a victory in Iowa. The Iowa Caucus results are in and of course, many hardline conservatives are happy that Cruz pulled an upset against Donald Trump in the most bitterly fought race for the nomination.

The Canadian American politico beat back an onslaught of attacks from Trump, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and Jeb Bush.

Overall, Rubio did well. He pulled a few points behind Trump. This third place victory assures that Rubio is in it for the long run. Also reported Democratic candidate Martin O'Malley and Republican candidate Mike Huckabee are out of the race. The two were polling so fucking low, it was totally a waste of time for them running given the atmosphere.

Rand Paul, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, John Kasich, Chris Christie, Rick Santorum and Jim Gilmore might want to exit the stage as soon as possible.

Trump's boycott of that right wing network during the final lap may have been a mistake on his part.

But never one to give up, Trump is pressing on to New Hampshire hoping to knock Cruz off his perch.

Cruz on the other hand is now proven to the Republicans he's no loser. His extreme rhetoric proven to be a success. He's at the forefront of repeal the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). He said that he would "carpet bomb" the hell out of Islamic State. He said that the "Washington Cartel" will hate him even more now that he's won.

And now, he's got the title of being the front runner in this race.

O'Malley who had a struggling campaign was fighting for more debates and more airtime. Unfortunately the race focused on ex-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT).

So far, we have no clear winner in the Democratic race but it's a razor thin and a tough call.

Sanders is appealing to young voters. Clinton is appealing to older voters and working class Democrats.

This will be decided as soon as possible. We'll keep you posted on the results.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Why Bother?

Empty suits with empty thoughts.

This is an epic train wreck. Even without the main front runner, the seven on stage were a hot mess.

Who Won The Debate?

Donald Trump (By Attending His Own Rally)
Ted Cruz
Marco Rubio
Jeb Bush
John Kasich
Chris Christie
Ben Carson
Rand Paul
Mike Huckabee
Carly Fiorina
Jim Gilmore
Rick Santorum
Poll Maker

The seventh debate is on that right wing network. This debate featured Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, John Kasich, Chris Christie, and Rand Paul. It also had its undercard debate. It featured Mike Huckabee, Carly Fiorina, Rick Santorum, and Jim Gilmore.

What was missing was Donald Trump. Trump skipped the debate. The right wing network sparked a huge feud with Trump after he said that he felt Megyn "The Outrage Princess" treated him badly. Roger Ailes sent an inappropriate statement and it lead to Trump skipping it.

He went to Drake University to hold a rally. Santorum and Huckabee went to the rally in protest of being sent to the kiddie table. Trump asked for standing ovations for Santorum and Huckabee.

Trump is raising money to the veterans groups. He said that he's pretty confident that he won the debate even though he's not in attendance.

I am wasting my time listening already to the candidates tongue lash President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, liberalism, Bernie Sanders, and Trump.

Trump's rally had protesters from the left and right interrupting him.

Okay, I am seriously so done with these pathetic debates. The Republicans are clueless and ignorant.

Donald Trump despite not appearing at the debate is leading strong in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina. Trump's controversial rhetoric is still a favorite among Republicans. He may be the true insurgent candidate. The establishment failed at stopping him at the gate. He's too strong and I fear the halo is over this guy's head.

I am serious. These candidates have no real plan to combat terrorism. The candidates have only one muscle to flex when handling terrorism. It's their goddamn tongues. 

Rand Paul, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio refuse to give President Obama the authorization to go to war. You seriously believe that Democrats will give them an opportunity to get things done when they've blocked Obama.

Chris Christie and John Kasich brag too damn much about their inept leadership in New Jersey and Ohio. Christie is tanking in the polls. The bridge scandal and the recent handling of the monster snowstorm hit him hard. He's look upon an opportunist in his own state. He won't win his own state if he ran against Sanders or Clinton.

Kasich is facing scrutiny over the SB-5 law and the state prosecutors not handling the John Crawford and Tamir Rice situation. Kasich wouldn't win his own state if he ran against Clinton.

Jim Gilmore, Rick Santorum, Mike Huckabee and Carly Fiorina are perennial candidates and they're born losers. They have no chance given the toxic environment created by Trump and Cruz.

Ben Carson need to hang it up after the Iowa Caucus and New Hampshire primary. He was on fire until they realized that he's such a bore. Matter of fact, Bush is a bigger bore because Republicans are tired of the Bush dynasty muscling its way into the White House. They hate the Clintons and Obamas like crazy, but Bush is not a legacy many Republicans talk about. Jeb Bush spends more than most of these candidates and still not breaking past fifth and sixth place. He's not his dad or brother. He's a milquetoast.

So if you're watching the debate or the rally good luck on it.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Trump Skips Over The Fox!

Image: Trump Polls Twitter Followers: Should I Skip Fox Debate?
Ratings will take a hit. Trump skips the right wing network's debate.

Late word that Donald Trump is skipping the debate. Trump said he'll be fine.

If he showed up to the debate he would have appeared with Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Chris Christie, Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, John Kasich and the crybaby Rand Paul.

Paul cried his way back to the main stage. He was throwing a hissy fit when he was banished to the kiddie table. He decided to not attend the previous debate.

The kiddie table debate will now include Jim Gilmore. He will join Rick Santorum, Mike Huckabee and Carly Fiorina for the kiddie table.

He believes that Megyn "The Outrage Princess" will try to bait him with questions that may come off as a bias.

Will it hurt him with the supporters?

Already, Cruz, Paul, Carson, Christie and Bush went after him for not showing up.

On the AM agitators, I've heard the old fart Limbaugh and that Ratface Mark Levin go after Trump for saying he can be a deal maker with Democrats. They fear that his comments may have sealed his fate. Last week Megyn hosted a bunch of conservative agitators who denounced Trump as a viable candidate. That set Trump off. He swore on his grave that if Megyn was the moderator, he would not attend.

He stood by his word.

That annoying conservative agitator Sean Hannity has been so far the biggest cheerleader for Donald Trump. I haven't heard much out of him yet. But on his right wing carnival he probably will address this issue. He is no fan of Megyn "The Outrage Princess" Kelly. After all Kelly took the spot he's occupied for 15 years.

Trump released a statement.

As someone who wrote of the best-selling business books of all time, The Art of the Deal, who has build an incredible company, including some of the most valuable and iconic assets in the world, and as someone who has a person net worth of many billions of dollars, Mr. Trump knows a bad deal when he sees one. Fox News is making tens of millions of dollars on debates, and setting ratings records (the highest in history), where as in previous years they were low-rated afterthoughts.

Unlike the very stupid, highly incompetent people running our country into the ground, Mr. Trump knows when to walk away. Roger Ailes and Fox News think they can toy with him, but Mr. Trump doesn't play games.

There have been six debates, and according to all online debate polls including Drudge, Slate, Time Magazine and many others, Mr. Trump has won all of them, in particular the last one. Whereas he has always been a job creator and not a debater, he nevertheless truly enjoys the debating process - and it has been very good for him, bot in polls and popularity.

He will not be participating in the Fox News debate and instead host an event in Iowa to raise money for the Veterans and Wounded Warriors, who have been treated so horribly by our all talk, no action politicians. Like running for office as an extremely successful person, this takes guts and it is the kind mentality our country needs in order to Make America Great Again.

Seriously, Trump has been a ratings cash cow for the agitators. That right wing network enjoyed a ratings bump because of his appearances.

Trump is clearly leading in the national polls but post-tantrum we'll see if he finally took a hit for all the outrageous and bona fide crazy.

Besides Trump and Paul. Back in 2007, then Sen. Barack Obama and Sen. Hillary Clinton along with John Edwards, and Bill Richardson decided to skip that network's Democratic debate in Nevada.

Ailes made an inappropriate comment about Obama. The Obama campaign said that they've had enough of the ignorance. They were skipping the debate. It didn't hurt him in the polls. Matter of fact, it helped him win the election.

Trump's bombastic rhetoric earned him the endorsements of Jerry Falwell, Jr., the president of Liberty University and Joe Arpaio, the controversial sheriff of Maricopa County, Arizona.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Group Behind Planned Parenthood "Sting" Videos Indicted!

White extremist behind the Planned Parenthood undercover videos got served. David Daleiden and his female partner were indicted after they entered Planned Parenthood on false pretenses. They recorded confidential information in an attempt to target the group as nefarious in women's health.

The inept lawmakers in Congress continue this baseless attack on the family planning organization Planned Parenthood. The conservatives want Republicans to defund the organization because of videos that recorded executives saying that they would sell baby parts for a Lamborghini.

David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt will have a day in court. They face an indictment in Harris County, Texas for entering Planned Parenthood and trying to tampering with a governmental record.

They are innocent until proven guilty. These morons went into Planned Parenthood with hidden cameras as a phony group. They wore hidden cameras on their glasses and recorded members of Planned Parenthood explaining what they do for the health of women. They edited the videos to make it seem like they're advocating genocide of babies.

The Houston Chronicle reports that the probe began after the Center for Medical Progress, an anti-abortion group run by Daleiden, released footage of the Houston clinic as part of a series of videos showing Planned Parenthood officials casually discussing the methods and costs of preserving fetal tissue for scientific research. That prompted allegations that the organization was profiting off of tissue -- an allegation that was never proven -- and sparked calls for an investigation from Gov. Greg Abbott, Attorney General Ken Paxton and others.

The Center for Medical Progress did not immediately return a message seeking comment Monday.

In the beginning Daleiden was "game on" when the organization threatened a lawsuit against him.

Now he and his partner may face 20 in the iron college and legal repercussions from employees who were fired out the cannon.

Planned Parenthood alleged that Daleiden and others used aliases, obtained fake government I.D.s, and formed a fake tissue procurement company in an effort to gain access to private areas and record private conversations to be deceptively edited to create a false impression.

The second indictment for Daleiden suggests that the grand jury found that he went too far in trying to get Planned Parenthood to admit to selling tissue. The crime, a class A misdemeanor is committed if a person intentionally offers to buy or offers to sell a human organ, including fetal tissue. If convicted, the maximum punishment is a year in jail.
Vindication from Cecile Richards. 
Planned Parenthood and the Human Rights Campaign endorsed Hillary Clinton for president.

That angered Bernie Sanders. He denounced the Planned Parenthood and HRC as establishment.

Sen. Sanders (I-VT) is running neck and neck against Clinton in this bitterly fought race for the Democratic nomination. He attracts more crowds than Clinton and hopes he can bring Democrats into his fold.

Sanders is a democratic socialist. He is a progressive who believes that the status quo is hurting the middle class. He believes that electing Clinton, Martin O'Malley and the Republicans would continue the bottom to top economics that caused the economy to crash.

Sanders supports Obama's policies and wants to do more for the country.

He knows that Republican and Democrats are trying to make the case that "socialism" is scary.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

You Betcha, I'm Palling Around With The Donald!

Donald Trump won the Tea Party Queen's support.

The former Alaskan governor Sarah Palin emerges from obscurity to endorse the controversial reality television star and business mogul Donald Trump.

She was the former vice presidential nominee for the John McCain campaign in 2008.

It comes as no surprise that Trump said that he would find a place for Palin in his administration if he was elected the president. Palin is a longtime supporter of Trump, and even backed his controversial call for a "complete shutdown" of Muslims entering the United States. Back in August, Palin raved about the businessman, praising him for "crushing it in the polls."

Matter of fact, this comes a huge blow to Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) who is neck and neck with Trump.

Cruz wasn't thrilled about the endorsement.

She was the one who helped Cruz and fellow candidate Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) win their bids in the U.S. Senate.

Iowa's Republican governor Terry Branstad also went forth to slam Cruz because he voted against ethanol subsidiaries that fuels Iowa's economy.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Duh Bait!

ted cruz
These seven men represent the Party of Stupid!

The right wing business network hosts another debate with the Idiot Seven (plus Tedious Three).

Rand Paul had a temper tantrum and decided to not attend this debate cause he was demoted to the kiddie table.

The kiddie table debate was held earlier with Rick Santorum, Carly Fiorina and Mike Huckabee.

Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, John Kasich, Chris Christie and Ben Carson stand on the floor of the North Charleston Coliseum to debate foreign policy, the economy and what they think they can do as the President of the United States.

Get ready for another two hours of yawn, name dropping, muscle flexing, and showboating.

Expect issues about Cruz's birthplace, Trump's Muslim comments, Rubio's boots, Kasich's Ohio bragging, Bush's bro's stand on terrorism, Carson's buddy Armstrong Williams and Christie's Obama hugs to come up.

Expect Obama/Clinton obsession will to be front and center in the kiddie and main debate.

I am not going to give you a play by play about this debate.
gop debate
This may be the end of the road for these three.
Their whining and complaining will help President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Matter of fact, I hope they'll mention Bernie Sanders in this name dropping, showboating, temper tantrum and think I would do nonsense.

I'm going to cut to the chase.

I find it ridiculous that the Republicans would stoop to such lows to gain votes. I mean in the primaries they actually believe that people are interested in them. You can't just win only one group of people. You need a lot of people. Trump, Cruz, and the rest of them done a fine job of kicking every group out of the Republican except the angry White people.

It seems like they're living in that bubble like perennial loser Mitt Romney.

Who won this train wreck?

Donald Trump
Ted Cruz
Marco Rubio
Ben Carson
Chris Christie
Jeb Bush
John Kasich
Carly Fiorina
Mike Huckabee
Rick Santorum
Poll Maker

And once again, I am going to be blunt about these debates. If Barack Obama was able to run for reelection, I would bet you money, he would mop the floor with each Republican candidate standing on that stage.

Monday, January 11, 2016

"Whiny" Paul Likely On His Way Out!

Paul boycotts the Republican debate. Many figure that this could be the end of the road for him.

The Kentucky senator will eventually bow out soon. Rand Paul is pretty upset. He's having a hissy fit. He failed to make the cut on the main stage. He and Carly Fiorina will head to the kiddie table. The right wing business network have announced who's going to participate in the first debate of the year.

Donald Trump, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), Ben Carson, Chris Christie, Jeb Bush and John Kasich are going to be on stage.

Rand Paul, Carly Fiorina, Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum are heading to the kiddie table.

Paul declared that he will not participate with the "little people" at the kiddie table.

"I'll be taking my campaign directly to New Hampshire and Iowa. I'm not going to be in South Carolina," Paul said during an interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer. "I think it's a mistake to try to exclude me from the national debate."

This could be the end of the road for the libertarian-leaning Republican.

Paul faces a possible mutiny from the Republicans. He has declared his intentions on running for U.S. Senate as well as Republican nominee. In Kentucky, he allowed to run for president as well as senate.

Rubio declared he is retiring from the senate. In Florida, you can't appear twice on a ballot.

Trump knocked Cruz, Rubio, Paul and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) for being senators who have no accomplishments. He said they're part of the ineptness that created his huge lead.

Rubio Hot On Their Heels!

Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio getting slammed for wearing women's boots.

The Florida senator is in a make or break campaign. As he is retiring from the U.S. Senate, Marco Rubio is hoping to become the Republican nominee in this bitter race against front runner Donald Trump.

Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) are getting the most attention and it's smoothing out the remaining candidates in the race.

Rubio and New Jersey governor Chris Christie are giving up on Iowa and focusing on New Hampshire and Nevada. They need a strong victory in order to continue on.

Unfortunately Republican operatives are working behind the scenes to stop Rubio, Cruz and Trump.

They fear that these candidates would spell turmoil at the national convention.

Trump is by far the most concerning to the Republican establishment. They believe his rhetoric could cost them an election. Trump and Cruz (also Ben Carson and Marco Rubio) would turn off Blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, moderates and independents.

Carly Fiorina welcomes Marco Rubio to her boots and heels.
So far, many Republicans are zeroing in on the fact that Rubio has missed 60% of his senate votes since he's declared his intentions to run. Rubio has dismissed theses accusations by saying that he doesn't want to be in the senate no more. Many are calling for him to resign.

He makes a salary of $174,000.

But what really got him is the fact he wore women's boots.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), Carly Fiorina, and others mocked Rubio for wearing them.

Fiorina offer Rubio a pair of her boots and heels for him.

Rubio says "who cares!"

What's more important! The direction of the country under Barack Obama (and Hillary Clinton) or my boots?

Rubio slammed Sean Penn for doing an interview with Joaquin "El Capo" Guzman.

The junk food media zoomed in on his boots with a high heel. They never seen a presidential candidate wearing high heel boots before. Matter of fact, they were mocking him.

The actual shoes are Cuban heel boots. Men wore shoes like that.

Mike Myers, who played Austin Powers wore the shoes.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Odd Dork Out!

The road ends for George...

Former New York governor George Pataki is throwing in the towel. The junk food media is reporting that the lower tier bum is bowing out the race.

Pataki who kept finding himself at the bottom tier debates told his staffers and the handful of supporters that he can't run without the $$$$$$$$.

Considered an establishment candidate, Pataki who was governor of New York for three terms decided to run for the White House. His ill fated bid for president was destined for destruction. He couldn't pull up from < 0.3 in the polls.

He is the tallest person in the race.

His departure assures that if there's another kiddie table debate, Rand Paul, Carly Fiorina, John Kasich, Jeb Bush and Mike Huckabee will likely find a place there.
Helga Pataki, the lovable school bully who punches Brainy in the face. 
So now that Pataki dropped out the race, there's only how many left?

Donald Trump
Ted Cruz
Marco Rubio
Ben Carson
Jeb Bush
Carly Fiorina
Chris Christie
Mike Huckabee
John Kasich
Rand Paul
Rick Santorum
Jim Gilmore

Any thought to the Pataki dropping out the race?

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Carson Doing Surgery On His Campaign Staff!

Could it be over for Ben Carson?

It seems like Dr. Ben Carson reached his peak. 

Papa Smurf realized that something, something! Something, something just ain't right! 

The Republican candidate has taken a nosedive. He's now in the single digits while the new flavor of the month Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) rose to the second spot. The Carson campaign had suffered some major setbacks after the three previous debates. Carson is pretty novice on foreign policy.

The Paris and San Bernardino tragedies brought the issue of terrorism to the forefront. 

Carson is also got a lot of holes in his wallet and pocket. He's spent most of the $$$$$$$$ he's earned during the campaign.

Now Carson is ready to do another brain surgery on his staffers. His campaign manager may be the first sucker fired out the cannon.

With less than six weeks til the Iowa Caucus, Carson has to do some serious rebounding or else take an "L" and move on.

Carson's buddy conservative agitator Armstrong Williams assures that "everything is good" and "you have nothing to worry about". But many political insiders believe Carson may eventually bow out. 

The Republican insurgents are giving the establishment a headache. They believe the overheated rhetoric could turn away potential voters. 

The candidates have taken this hard right stance on most issues. 

Saturday, December 19, 2015

D-Bait III!

The ABC News Democratic debate.

The ABC Democratic debate is on tonight. In the small town of Goffstown, New Hampshire, the Democrats come to a crowded auditorium to watch three candidates duke it out over the issues facing America.

  • Hillary Clinton: Former First Lady of the United States, former U.S. Senator from New York, former Secretary of State under President Barack Obama, author, and lawyer.
  • Bernie Sanders: Current U.S. Senator from Vermont, former U.S. Representative, former mayor of Burlington, activist, author, and lawyer.
  • Martin O'Malley: Former governor of Maryland and former mayor of Baltimore, former city councilman and lawyer.

The debate will be moderated by ABC News Tonight host David Muir and chief global affairs correspondent Martha Raddatz. The Saint Anselm College is the sponsoring host for the debates.

The issues discussed tonight focused on terrorism, gun control, the economy, the Obama legacy, climate change, foreign policy and tuition for college students.

Many issues discussed may include: #BlackLivesMatter, Planned Parenthood, heroin, infrastructure. and Wall Street regulations.

And like with the Republican debate, I won't give you a play-by-play on what was said.

I know that the junk food media will already bias it for Hillary Clinton. The ratings will be between 6.6 million to 10 million viewers. The Republicans are trolling the candidates. The conservative agitators won't have an opportunity to go after the most controversial statements. They're on vacation and they'll return shortly after the New Year.

Republicans like Donald Trump, Ben Carson and Ted Cruz will nitpick every statement from Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. They will not worry about Martin O'Malley. He's scoring extremely low.

The field is weak. The Democrats have a feud within it's ranks. They believe that the chairwoman is pushing for Hillary Clinton to win. It may cause a brokered party convention. The Republicans have a worst situation. There's still 14 candidates and no clear front runner other than Donald Trump. Trump's persona may cause the Republican infighting. and a brokered party convention
I didn't get a chance to hear the first part of the debate. For two reasons. I was busy. I didn't really have much care for it. It's not like the Republican debate. The Democrats aren't wack-a-doodles.

But their chairwoman is. Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D-FL) has placed the debate on poor viewership nights. The Friday and Saturday night debates were expected to be low rated.

Bernie Sanders, Martin O'Malley and the former contenders complained that the debates were biased to Hillary Clinton.

Again, I kind of wish Barack Obama would run for a third term. If it wasn't for the 22nd Amendment limiting terms for the president, Obama would slaughter every candidate running.

If I had to choose between a Republican and a Democrat running for president.

I would put my chips on Marco Rubio and Bernie Sanders.

But if all things are predicted as I count my coins, I think Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

Two polarizing figures who's getting heavy media coverage. Candidates who earn more than the average working man or woman. Candidates who say shit to win shit.

I am not inspired by any Democrat or Republican running for president. Nonetheless, I rather have a rational leader than a bombastic leader. So if you make the decision on who can be the right candidate, that's left up to the voters.

On this debate, who won. Take our poll.

Who won the Democratic Debate?
Bernie Sanders
Hillary Clinton
Martin O'Malley
Nobody. The Republicans Have Better Ideas.
Quiz Maker

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The Fifth Wheel: The Republican/ISIS Debate!

Republicans play the ISIS drinking game at the fifth debate.

CNN gets the pleasure to host the last Republican debate of the year. The candidates meet in Las Vegas to figure out how to solve our nation's problems. Matter of fact, I believe the rhetoric spoken by the Republicans are the reasons to why we have these problems.

The Venetian Casino Resort hosts the debate.

What the Republicans have on their minds, terrorism. The strongest muscle the Republicans have to fight terrorism is their tongues. The Republicans have no real strategy to combat terrorism. They have thoughts on sending more troops into Iraq and Syria. They really don't have a clue to why these groups exists.

Already the polarizing topic of addressing how to handle a faceless enemy became the talking point for the candidates.

I promise you that I will not give you play by play of what these clowns said.

Let's go ahead and start.





The kiddie table went ahead and went forth to start off talking about the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. The words of ISIS will be mentioned alot in this debate.

Linsdey Graham, George Pataki, Rick Santorum and Mike Huckabee.
The low poll Republicans. 
Donald Trump, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, John Kasich and Rand Paul.

Jim Gilmore once again banned from the debates. He scored lower than Graham and Santorum.

The candidates supports the Muslim ban. They just don't accept the fact that Donald Trump said it.

I didn't want to waste my time worrying about what was said. They all believe Obama's policies domestically and international failed. They believe Hillary Clinton deliberately allowed Americans to die. They want to beat the fuck out of the Islamic State. They want to take away freedoms from Americans and immigrants in order protect the country. They want to religious tests in the country.

They want to take away the First Amendment rights of individuals who have opinions in favor of the extremists. They seriously have support for meddling in the social media of people who have an ounce of support for the Islamic State's fight against the West.

They think Obamacare is a disaster (an epic disaster, quote Donald Trump). They believe Benjamin Netanyahu, King Abdullah II, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi and Vladimir Putin are leaders Republicans gush over.


Who Won The CNN Republican Debate?



Who Won The CNN "Kiddie" Republican Debate?

Poll Maker

Now I want you to know that 15 candidates running for one nomination is pretty dysfunctional. The Republicans really don't have a clear front runner. Trump and Cruz are too polarizing for the party.

Expect the Republicans to have a brokered party. I can imagine that Trump and Carson are tired of the politics and Republican concern trolling.

Rand Paul was really lucky. He was spared the kiddie table. He was so pouty throughout the debate.

And I am done. I don't want to bore you with the nonsense. Give you an opportunity to poll on who actually won this train wreck.


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