Empty suits with empty thoughts. |
This is an epic train wreck. Even without the main front runner, the seven on stage were a hot mess.

Who Won The Debate?
The seventh debate is on that right wing network. This debate featured Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, John Kasich, Chris Christie, and Rand Paul. It also had its undercard debate. It featured Mike Huckabee, Carly Fiorina, Rick Santorum, and Jim Gilmore.
What was missing was Donald Trump. Trump skipped the debate. The right wing network sparked a huge feud with Trump after he said that he felt Megyn "The Outrage Princess" treated him badly. Roger Ailes sent an inappropriate statement and it lead to Trump skipping it.
He went to Drake University to hold a rally. Santorum and Huckabee went to the rally in protest of being sent to the kiddie table. Trump asked for standing ovations for Santorum and Huckabee.
Trump is raising money to the veterans groups. He said that he's pretty confident that he won the debate even though he's not in attendance.
I am wasting my time listening already to the candidates tongue lash President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, liberalism, Bernie Sanders, and Trump.
Trump's rally had protesters from the left and right interrupting him.
Okay, I am seriously so done with these pathetic debates. The Republicans are clueless and ignorant.
Donald Trump despite not appearing at the debate is leading strong in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina. Trump's controversial rhetoric is still a favorite among Republicans. He may be the true insurgent candidate. The establishment failed at stopping him at the gate. He's too strong and I fear the halo is over this guy's head.
I am serious. These candidates have no real plan to combat terrorism. The candidates have only one muscle to flex when handling terrorism. It's their goddamn tongues.
Rand Paul, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio refuse to give President Obama the authorization to go to war. You seriously believe that Democrats will give them an opportunity to get things done when they've blocked Obama.
Chris Christie and John Kasich brag too damn much about their inept leadership in New Jersey and Ohio. Christie is tanking in the polls. The bridge scandal and the recent handling of the monster snowstorm hit him hard. He's look upon an opportunist in his own state. He won't win his own state if he ran against Sanders or Clinton.
Kasich is facing scrutiny over the SB-5 law and the state prosecutors not handling the John Crawford and Tamir Rice situation. Kasich wouldn't win his own state if he ran against Clinton.
Jim Gilmore, Rick Santorum, Mike Huckabee and Carly Fiorina are perennial candidates and they're born losers. They have no chance given the toxic environment created by Trump and Cruz.
Ben Carson need to hang it up after the Iowa Caucus and New Hampshire primary. He was on fire until they realized that he's such a bore. Matter of fact, Bush is a bigger bore because Republicans are tired of the Bush dynasty muscling its way into the White House. They hate the Clintons and Obamas like crazy, but Bush is not a legacy many Republicans talk about. Jeb Bush spends more than most of these candidates and still not breaking past fifth and sixth place. He's not his dad or brother. He's a milquetoast.
So if you're watching the debate or the rally good luck on it.
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