Showing posts with label CNN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CNN. Show all posts

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Now They're Complaining About A Pillow!

Conservatives whine about Hillary Clinton using a pillow. The issue is a part of the Clinton health conspiracy.

Now conservatives are crying about a damn pillow position.

CNN's Reliable Sources host Brian Stelter is calling out The Drudge Report and Sean "Softball" Hannity for advocating the kookspiracy theories about Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton's health.

What circulated around the internet was pictures of Clinton sitting with a pillow on her back.

And now the lunatics are saying that her health is declining.

The Clinton campaign said that that Donald Trump and his surrogates like Softball Hannity and Drudge are kookspiracy peddlers.

Remember Trump, Softball Hannity and internet creeper Matt Drudge were pushing the birth certificate controversy. Now they're "healthers".

Clinton's official doctor, Dr. Lisa Bardack who became a focal point of the issue. Some internet website claimed that they obtained documents from Bardack saying that Clinton's health is declining.

The doctor quickly fired back saying that the information being sent out is false. She said that Clinton is fit to be the president.

Clinton's health concerns became a focus of conservative ire. They have been on this kick about her health ever since the concussion and fainting spell she had in 2012.
Conservatives claim that Clinton's health is on the decline.
Jennifer Palmieri said it best, "Donald Trump, Roger Stone, The Drudge Report and Sean Hannity are parroting lies based on fabricated documents sparked by Stone and his right wing allies. Hillary Clinton released a detailed medical record showing her to be in excellent health plus her personal tax returns since 1977, while Trump has failed to provide the public with the most basic financial information disclosed by every major candidate in the last 40 years. It's time for him to stop using shameful distractions to hide his own record."

Since the report, Softball Hannity amped up his attacks on Stelter. He called him a "pipsqueak" and said that he had his ass so far up Obama and Clinton's ass. He spent a portion of his radio show and television show going after Stelter.

Donald Trump had another interview with Softball Hannity. He host wackadoodles Newt Gingrich, Rudy Giuliani and David Clarke once again to discuss Obama, Clinton, #BlackLivesMatter, and the junk food media.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Trump Speaks To Blacks From The Suburbs!

Donald Trump talks to the Blacks with a teleprompter speech written by Roger Ailes, Rudy Giuliani, David Clarke, Jr., Bill O'Reilly and Sean "Softball" Hannity.

It was revealed that Paul Manafort was fired out the cannon yesterday. Trump hired Stephen K. Bannon, the CEO of Breitbart News and Kellyanne Conaway as his campaign managers. Two divisive agitators running his campaign sounds about right.

In the city of West Bend, Wisconsin, Trump tells his nearly White audience about his concerns about Milwaukee in the aftermath of a fatal police shooting of a Black male by the law. It lead to a night of unrest. 

Mind you that Trump spoke in a city roughly 45 miles from Milwaukee and he had the nerve to mention that city specifically in his speech.

"I'm asking for the vote of every African-American citizen struggling in our country today who wants a different and much better future," Trump said.

"It's time for our society to address some honest and very, very difficult truths," Trump said. "The Democratic Party has failed and betrayed the African-American community. Democratic crime policies, education policies and economic policies have produced only more crime, more broken homes and more poverty."
Two divisive figures: Milwaukee County sheriff David Clarke, Jr. and Republican nominee Donald J. Trump.
He ticked off statistics on crime, poverty and education that have plagued Milwaukee, which he said was a city run by Democrats "decade after decade."

"To every voter in Milwaukee, to every voter living in the inner city or every forgotten stretch of our society, I'm running to offer you a much better future, a much better job," Trump said.

Conservatives lick their chops when the riot happened. They have once again try to play on the fears of a Black uprising.  

Sylville Smith was an armed suspect who fled after a traffic stop. He was killed after refusing an order. Now what is missing is the body camera, the name of the officer and the reason why he used deadly force. This incident sparked the night of unrest. Wisconsin is an open carry state. Sylville had run-ins with the law but no time served in the iron college. The officer is in the freezer.

Trump places the blame of economic woes on the Democrats. His appeals to Blacks hasn't really moved the needle on support. Only 1% of Blacks support Trump for president.

"The problem in our poorest communities is not that there are too many police, it's there are not enough police," Trump said. He added that Clinton gave a supportive nod to "those peddling the narrative of cops as a racist force in our society." He said they "share directly in the responsibility for the unrest in Milwaukee and many other places within our country."

Trump is so freaking condescending.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Never Stops: Possible Mass Shooting At Mall In Raleigh!

Possible mass shooting at North Carolina mall

Just in: An active shooter at a Raleigh, North Carolina mall. No word on casualties but a large police and emergency presence is there in the area.

What could be the motivations of this terrorist?

Could the terrorist been inspired by the Islamic State?

Could the terrorist's motives been inspired by the death of Kouren Thomas?

Could the terrorist been inspired by a loss of job, relationship, or spurn by service?

Could the terrorist been a person with mental illness?

What could motivate a mass shooter?

Well I have an easy answer. Easy access to firearms. Congress continues to avoid passing comprehensive gun control laws that could prevent many of these tragedies to happen.

Sure you can't prevent ever mass shooting in the world. If we have the laws to stop these military style firearms from reaching the hands of domestic terrorists, then it could change the dynamic of mass shootings.

Anyway, what I know so far is that the Crabtree Valley Mall is on lockdown after were reports of an active shooter in the facility. Officials at the mall have gave no reason to the why the building was ordered a lockdown.

If the mass shooting involved more than five people, the junk food media will talk about it non-stop for the next two or three weeks. The agitators will come to Raleigh, North Carolina and post outside the mall or a designated area for the junk food media. They will hear from residents, victims and survivors of the tragedy.

You will hear comments about how this incident carries forth since the last incident. You will hear about other mass shootings that didn't make the news but finally got recognition.

Republican governor Pat McCrory and President Barack Obama will be notified of this. Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC) and Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC) will respond. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton will issue statements.

The blame game will once again begin.

If the shooter was a Muslim, you've hear cries of "Radical Islam" and President Barack Obama not doing anything to stop it. They will say that refugees from Syria and Iraq are the reasons to why this happened. They will blame the entire Muslim community for this. They will say that Muslims won't condemn terrorism. Conservative agitators and Donald Trump will lick their chops about this being a Muslim. They don't care if the terrorist is American born. As long as it's a Muslim, they will have their "I told you so moment".

If the shooter was a Black male, obviously Black Lives Matter and President Barack Obama will be blamed. Conservatives will say the terrorist had probably got riled up by cops killing unarmed Black people. They will play concern troll and bemoan about gun violence in the Black community or Black on whatever crime. Racial asshats Matt Drudge and Colin Flaherty will use this narrative to get unwanted attention to his blog or YouTube page. Softball Hannity will chant the repeated chants "Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon" or play the endless loop from a protest rally.

If the shooter was a Hispanic, obviously the cries of illegal immigration and closing the U.S.-Mexican border will be brought up. Conservatives will rehash the old canard that President Barack Obama is "soft on the border" and he will allow immigrants and refugees into the country in massive numbers. It will be once again played on Fox News or AM agitator programs about how Obama is responsible for the mass shooting since the terrorist is an illegal immigrant. If he was American born but had parents who were immigrants, you're going to hear or read nonsense from bigots who believe that if you're family came here illegally, they need to go back to their own country and take you along with them.

If the shooter was a White guy. Conservatives will claim he's a liberal Democrat. Obviously, they don't want to be blamed for every mass shooting in the country. But whenever it's revealed that the terrorist had some form of connection to Republican causes, the conservatives will deflect from the subject to say that Democrats are likely the ones who harbor racial angst towards people. They will rehash narratives about how the shooter was a registered Democrat by looking up old records. Some of the stuff is not confirmed or verified but once it hits Gateway Pundit, Breitbart News, InfoWars and GotNews, conservatives take it as fact.

Now if the victims or survivors speak to the junk food media, some will call them crisis actors. I don't understand why people are so driven to making accusations about people they don't even know personally. You don't know what happened! If a mass shooting occurred in your area, you're going to panic. You're going to have a moment that will be forever etched in memory. You might see traumatic things like a person dying right in front of you. Calling a victim a "crisis actor" is ridiculous. But given the freedom of speech and the constant cynicism of fellow Americans, expect this come forth.

Another thing that annoys me, is the price of fame. Obviously some will whip out their camera phones to record the events. Is it worth your life to do such dangerous things for click bait?

Some of the early videos show a bunch of shoppers exiting the mall en masse.

But it's obvious if this is either a mass shooting or a domestic shooting, the facts are clear, the shooter is a terrorist. It's not because of his skin color, nationality, religion or political motivations.

It's the fact that he would ruin the lives of others because of rejection. I don't care what his life was, he sure as hell didn't value the lives of others.

More developments as they happen.

Friday, August 05, 2016

Summertime Switch!

The President and First Daughter Sasha Obama in Martha's Vineyard.

President Barack Obama is 55 year old. His job approval is high and he's confident that his soon to be predecessor will carry his legacy forward. Obama hopes that Hillary Clinton will be the next President of the United States.

You know the president goes on his last vacation for the summer recess. He gave his last presser at the Pentagon. He was asked about the presidential campaign. He said that he's not going to waste anymore time on the situation between Hillary Clinton and the other guy. He said that the other guy is "unfit to be the President of the United States."

He also announced that his daughters were on the move as well. Malia Obama was spotted at Lollapalooza with her friends. Sasha was spotted at a restaurant in Martha's Vineyard. She is currently working there serving residents at a local seafood shack.
Her name is Natasha and she's here to serve. Don't worry about the guys in the back, they just here to keep her company. The first daughter Sasha Obama is working at a seafood shack in Martha's Vineyard.

So far, Republican Donald Trump and running mate Mike Pence have slipped and the party is very concerned that the damage is done.

Here's some news that going to make Trump even more nervous. The jobs report for the month of July has shown a strong bump in the hiring. Over 255,000 jobs were clocked in.

The U.S. unemployment rate will remain at 4.9 percent.

Now as always, you hear the lies and half-truths of the American labor force.

Example: 95 million people aren't working.

The United States population as of today is 322 million. That would be less than 1/3 of the U.S. population.

The reasons to why conservatives ignore the real reasons for 95 million people not working.






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The good news is that people are looking for jobs and it's plentiful. The bad news is that the labor participation rate is stalling at 62.8 percent. That means people who gave up looking for jobs is still high.

The good news is that hourly rates have risen. The bad news is that the cost of living will likely go up as well. The first signs of an adjustment is the soda. If you purchased a soft drink at a gas station and it was previously $1.69 and soon it would be $1.89. It would be a 10 percent jump in the price of the drink.

Despite what the naysayers say, we're looking good.

Happy Birthday Mr. Obama. You, Michelle and the daughters will be sorely missed.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Raising Kaine!

It's raining Kaine!

Hillary Clinton's running mate is Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA). He was the former governor of Virginia and Democratic Party chairman. He was formerly the mayor of Richmond.

"I'm thrilled to share this news: I've chosen Tim Kaine as my running mate," Clinton said to the email. "Tim is a lifelong fighter for progressive causes and one of the most qualified vice presidential candidates in our nation's history."

She added, "I've have the privilege of seeing two presidents and two vice presidents up close. I want a vice president who can be my partner in bringing this country together. I want someone who will be able to give me their best advice, look me in the eye, and tell me they disagree with me when they do," said Clinton.

Clinton's pick will rile up liberals. They were hoping that her pick would be more progressive.

Alas it's not. Many progressives are pissed that Clinton would pick a candidate who is in favor of deregulating the banks.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) was a formidable opponent. He forced Clinton to the left on many issues that the base supports. Kaine isn't 100% progressive. He's about 75% at best on the progressive level.

Sanders said back in May.

"I would hope, if I am not the nominee, that the vice-presidential candidate will not be from Wall Street, will be somebody who has a history of standing up and fighting for working families, taking on the drug companies whose greed is doing so much harm, taking on Wall Street, taking on corporate America, and fighting for a government that works for all of us, not just the 1%."

He will bring his A-game to a campaign that needs some major boost. Clinton's pick will be the attack dog against Donald Trump and his running mate Mike Pence.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Pondering Thoughts!

Iconic photo of a woman standing in the face of Baton Rouge Swat officers.

Some random thoughts in the wake of the Dallas police shootings. We seen the reactions from both sides of this debate. And one network is there to make the divide even wider.

In the picture, Ieshia Evans, a resident of Baton Rouge got international attention after she stood firm while the Baton Rouge Swat tried to arrest her and the protesters.

President Barack Obama hosted a town hall on ABC, Thursday. The President and the People was a good sit down. The president had to confront the families of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile and the lieutenant governor of Texas, Dan Patrick.

The daughter of Eric Garner, Erica was none too happy about the sitdown. She blamed ABC for not giving her an opportunity to ask the president a question. Her father was brutally taken down by the law and died of a heart attack. The cop who performed a choke hold was not indicted and it sparked protests. A terrorist went to New York to buck two NYPD officers in the wake of this.

D.L. Hughley called out the Fox News and CNN in the past for advocating racism. He went on The Kelly File with Megyn Kelly and they got into it.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxson and Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) had nothing nice to say about the president's speech in Dallas. They believe that the president and Black Lives Matter were responsible for the acts of that terrorist who ambushed five officers in a sniper attack.

Alton Sterling's son went to the junk food media to denounce the conservative lies about his father being affiliated with gangs. He was very emotional when his mother read a statement to the press about how her husband was brutally murdered by two cops while on the ground.

On Friday he was buried. The family held a large funeral and called upon the state and federal government to pass police reform.

DeRay McKesson, the founder of ProjectZero and spokesman for Black Lives Matter was arrested in Baton Rouge. He was detained for two days after he was cited for walking in the street. Of course, he was to appear on CBS's Face The Nation but was detained at the present time.

Fox News is the panderer of extremism. The network, its reporters, commentators, and its boss Roger Ailes have mastered the art of painting the opposition as the enemy.

#BlackLivesMatter is once again in the network's crosshairs and its working overtime to discredit the group and those who support it.

America's most annoying (and possibly hated) conservative agitator Sean "Softball" Hannity along with fellow agitators Bill O'Reilly, Megyn Kelly, Greta Van Susteren have been on the opposite end of a real issue that's bubbled to the surface.

Black America feels like there's no justice when it comes to law enforcement.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Dallas Heals With Obama And Bush!

The tragic mass shooting in Dallas ended the president's visit to the European Union. He was working on the aftermath of the United Kingdom's exit from the 27 nations. Prime Minister David Cameron will end his term on Wednesday and Theresa May will be sworn in.

He abruptly headed to Texas on Tuesday to talk to the mayor of Dallas and governor of Texas.

He also called upon the former president and vice president to accompany him to this memorial.
PHOTO: Former President George W. Bush, first lady Michelle Obama and President Barack Obama stand during an interfaith memorial service at the Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center in Dallas, July 12, 2016, in Dallas.
Pres. Obama and former Bush both attend the memorial.
The president had to address grieving families over 14 times since.

President Barack Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama were accompanied with Vice President Joe Biden, Dr. Jill Biden, George W. Bush and Laura Bush for the memorial service of the fallen officers of Friday's mass shooting.

The former president and current president both asked for calm and peace in the wake of racial tensions.

Also Dallas mayor Mike Rawlings and police chief David Brown had an opportunity to speak to the nation as well.

A moment in history where America came together.

Of course, Republicans and the conservative agitators will find some outrage over the speech. They will suggest that Obama attacks cops and whites.

Like the president said, the agitators and politicians retreat to their corners with the same old rhetoric that keeps America divided.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Champagne Papi Mixing It In Guwop's Kitchen!

Gucci Mane (left) is working with Drake on a collaboration album. Producers Zaytoven and Mike Will Made It are featured with the two entertainers.

Is there going to be another What A Time To Be Alive in the works?

Mega producer Zaytoven confirms that he, Mike Will Made It, Southside (Sizzle), Metro Boomin' and 40 Shahib are working with Drake and the slimmer Gucci Mane.

Drake has proven to be the "Golden Child". He and Future released the joint mixtape and it immediately went to Number 1 on Billboard. It became Future's second major release in the top ten.

It sparked the major hits, Jumpman, Big Rings and Digital Dash.

Drake's Views album is still the Number 1 album on Billboard's top album releases. It sold 5 million and streamed over 40 million times. The album doesn't have any collaborations from Cash Money or Young Money.

Views is pretty much the top selling album of the year.

Gucci Mane also said that he will release Everybody's Looking on July 22 through APPLE Music.

The War of Meek-Drizzy was in the news last year.

Around this time, Drake was being called out by Meek Mill over having a ghostwriter. The rapper went to social media to blast the Canadian rapper for being "soft" and "having people writing his lyrics".

Drake wasted no time responding to Meek. He laid two hammers on the rapper. Charged Up and Back 2 Back destroyed Meek's credibility and left memes.

Gucci Mane served a 35 month bid in the federal time out for having weapons under disability. He managed to skirt 20 years in federal time out. He was busted in 2013 for binging on cocaine and alcohol. He would go through the streets of Atlanta acting erratically with a firearm.

He would be admitted to the hospital before being taken into custody.

Upon his release from time out, he was issued a bracelet and ordered to serve at least five years of supervised in-house. He can't cause no federal or state criminality or he'll head back for the remaining.

Also there's a mild controversy still trending with Guwop. He's being called a clone. This happened to be float around about the rapper's dramatic weight loss.

He lost 80 lbs and doesn't look like the normal. People are saying he's not Gucci because of the infamous ice cream tattoo on his face. The tattoo is clearly on his face.

This issue even made to the CIA.

Wednesday, July 06, 2016

The Cash Fever!

Back up again and I am guessing Americans will shelve a little bit of money for a chance at being a billionaire.

It's happened again! The lottery is back up again.

The Multi-State Lottery Association is happy to announce that the Mega Millions jackpot is over half a billion. The $1 game is played on Tuesday and Fridays.

The matrix is 1:75 with the Mega Ball 1:15. Out of 75 numbers and 15 Mega Balls, you can become an instant millionaire (or billionaire).

You can also have an opportunity to make the amount bigger if you chose the Multiplier. The Multiplier can be an "X" amount ball you can win up to 5 times the amount for a ticket if you select the Multiplier option.

A Mega Million matrix chart (courtesy of the Oklahoma Lottery Commission).

I won't tell you what the current jackpot is. It will go up without notice and based on ticket sales, it will probably reach $1 billion by draw time. It will bring attention to stores where lines are long, the purchase of ticket sales could be over $500 and people predicting what they'll do with that amount of money.

Check it, if you are playing remember the rules of the game. You must be 18 years old or older to play in the state that offer lottery games. Some states may require you to be 21 years old or older.

You are responsible for your Multi-State Lottery Game purchase. Mega Millions, Powerball and MUSL games cannot be canceled. So if the cashier or you make a mistake in the purchase, you are responsible for paying for it.

You must write your name on the back of the lottery game. I always recommend you take a picture of the ticket(s) purchased. If you happen to win the ticket, you can go to the regional lottery commission to acknowledge that you're in possession of the winning ticket. The state lottery commission can determine where you purchased your ticket. The lottery retailer identification number is printed on any ticket sold at a participating location.

If you lose your ticket at least you have evidence in case a thief would cash in your winnings. Some states classify a stolen ticket as a felony grand theft that could be punishable up to no less than 10 years.

If you purchase a ticket in a neighboring state, you must return to the state you purchased the ticket.

Example: I went into an Ohio retailer to purchase a Mega Millions ticket and headed home. I found out that I won $500 dollars. I went into my local gas station in Kansas to cash my ticket and the clerk said that he can't do it because it's not the Kansas Lottery approved ticket. Now I have to either mail the ticket or head back to Ohio to claim my prize.

If you win the Mega Millions, make sure you have a clear head. The rush will get you. This will change your life. You can be rich in one minute, poor in less than 10 years. You must confirm that you have the ticket by going to your state lottery's website or the official Mega Millions website.

You can also get a smart app from the Apple App Store or Google Play.  Your state's lottery offers a way to beat the long lines. You can plug your numbers on the app and get the code to print the game through either a terminal or a vending machine.

It also gives you options on how to check a winning ticket.

Cancel your social media and limit your phone and email intakes. Don't post on Facebook you hit the lottery because it's a giveaway for a person to find your location and rob you of your properties.

In some states you can be anonymous when claiming a huge prize.

You must also hire a qualified lottery attorney who specializes in handling large sums, will in testament, power of attorney and financial handling of assets.

Do not get eager to spend on stupid trends or expensive items. Use the winnings to pay off debts, child support, spousal support, college loans, car loans, home loans, apartment bills, credit cards, and fines issued by a state. Keep your own savings in tact just in case you might lose a majority of your winnings due to a debt.

Understand that the lottery will change you. You will become more cautious about the people around you. You might win new friends or requests for marriage (if you're single).

Have fun and play responsibly. If you have a gambling problem, there are agencies sponsored by the state's lottery commission that could help you find ways to curb the need to win!

Read my honest opinions on the lottery here. If you have any ideas or solutions post them in the comments section.

Gretchen Carlson: Fox News Is Not Only "Sexist" But It Is GOP Propaganda!

Gretchen Carlson sues the Fox.

Looks like Gretchen Carlson is no longer on the right leaning network. Fox News let her go over the past two weeks. It seems to be some bad blood on her way out.

Carlson filed a federal lawsuit against Fox News and FOX Entertainment CEO Roger Ailes alleging wrongful termination, hostile work environment and sexual harassment.

The news is a bombshell. After all, the Fox News Channel is obsessed with Bill Clinton's alleged affairs and it's no surprise that Roger Ailes has a thing for blonde women.

Jon Stewart called it right. Carlson was playing dumb to keep her job.

Carlson who was the host of The Real Story at 2pm was absent for the last few weeks and it started to grab the attention of the junk food media. I mean she held that spot for two years after leaving the couch.

She was the co-host of Fox & Friends from 2006 to 2013 with those two pinheads Steve Doocy and Brian Kilmeade. She got the gig after E.D. Hill was booted off the couch. Carlson was soon replaced with Elisabeth Hasselbeck who took over in 2013 and left the network in 2015.

Ainsley Earhardt is the current blonde on the couch.

In the lawsuit, Carlson says that her 11 years on the network were miserable. She was getting condescending treatment from Ailes after she complained about the antics behind the camera.

She says that Steve Doocy and Brian Kilmeade just couldn't keep their mouths closed when they saw a female anchor walking around in a tight mini skirt. They basically were treating female guests and co-hosts like sluts.

Ailes basically shrugged it off and offered a night on him. She said that Ailes wanted to have a sexaul relationship with her after she complained about them pinheads.

I've noticed this sometime ago when I did have cable. Doocy did act like an ass around Carlson.

In the lawsuit, she said that Doocy engaged in a "pattern and practice of severe and pervasive sexual harassment" that included "mocking her during commercial breaks, shunning off air, refusing to engage with her on air, belittling her contributions to the show."
Damn, it's getting ugly over at The Avenue of Americas.
It might also be noted that Alisyn Camerota left the network to join CNN. It might also be noted that Elisabeth Hasselbeck said that she rather spend time with her family. Did they feel some type of way too?

Wondering how Megyn Kelly got her primetime gig?

Did she have to do something to get something?

Oh, the gossip around the tree is Roger Ailes. It was said that Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is sitting on a bombshell story about Roger Ailes and Bill O'Reilly. He bailed on Fox News during his feud with Kelly. Trump had talked to Ailes and Rupert Murdoch in the past and they seem to be making nice for the time being.

It's also noted that Ed Henry is probably off Fox News too. He was caught in his own sexual harassment scandal. Henry was dogging on Hillary Clinton about them goddamn emails.

Fox is running this narrative that Hillary Clinton got away with not being indicted on misuse of emails. Republicans have now called for investigations into the FBI and their handling of the case.

Tuesday, July 05, 2016

Thunder Clapped: Kevin Durant Leaves OKC!

Moving to Oakland. Kevin Durant shocks the NBA by announcing he will join The Golden State Warriors.

Thunder clap.....

NBA's Kevin Durant decides to take his talents over to the Golden State.

Durant will join the 2014-15 NBA Champions The Golden State Warriors causing a ripple effect in his former home of Oklahoma City.

He wrote on The Player's Tribune his thoughts on the decision.

This has been by far the most challenging few weeks in my professional life. I understood cognitively that I was facing a crossroads in my evolution as a player and as a man, and that it came with exceptionally difficult choices. What I didn't truly understand, however, was the range of emotion I would feel during this process.
Fans throw the lighter fluid on Kevin Durant's jersey.
The primary mandate I had for myself in the making this decision was to have it based on the potential for my growth as a player- as that has always steered me in the right direction. But I am also at a point in my life where it is of equal importance to find an opportunity that encourages my evolutions as a man: moving out of my comfort zone to a new city and community which offers the greatest potential for my contribution and personal growth. With this in mind, I have decided that I am going to join the Golden State Warriors.

The Warriors are the Oklahoma City Thunder's arch rival. The fans were shocked about this decision.

Fans are shocked about this news. Durant's move almost certainly takes the Thunder out the running for being in the NBA finals.

Warriors Draymond Green gave a special shout out to Durant. He welcomes him to the Splash.

And the fans decide to burn the legacy...

Anyway, if you're a fan of Kevin Durant, how would this move affect you?

Stephen A. Smith, the sports agitator who openly said Blacks should support Republicans is good friends with Softball Hannity. He got heated....

Monday, July 04, 2016

Conservative Outrage Over Clinton Not Going To The Big House!

Conservatives are outrage over an agitator's claim that Clinton might not be indicted on a crime.

Like the Republican-led Benghazi committee, the "scandal" of the century was just smoke and mirrors. The Republicans and the conservative agitators in the junk food media are screaming outrage over the FBI conducting the interview with Democratic presumptive nominee Hillary Clinton.

Clinton, who is currently under investigation for allegedly holding classified information her personal server instead of a government server might get off without an indictment. A CNN reporter made a social media post about it.

Cue the conservative outrage.

The conservatives are screaming corruption now that the FBI's findings say that Clinton didn't misuse her server to leak classified information.

CNN's Evan Perez got the ball rolling by saying his "sources" are convinced that Clinton will not be charged with a criminal indictment and the right went nuts.

When Attorney General Loretta Lynch met Bill Clinton in Phoenix, it sparked kookspiracy about how the Clintons are trying to out maneuver a criminal indictment.

Now again, this is a waste of time to worry about this. But Republicans and conservative agitators in the media are trying to make this seem like its Watergate.

After all four Americans died on September 11, 2012. Who cares about the 2,948 people, the thousands of people injured or permanently scarred by a terrorist attack on home soil on September 11, 2001.

In the minds of Republicans and the conservative agitators, George W. Bush kept us safe after September 11th! Barack Obama won't recognize the threat of "radical Islam".

Conservatives and their revisionist history will doom their chances in the election.

Saturday, July 02, 2016

Elie Wiesel Passed Away!

Elie Wiesel passed away!

A man who survived the horrific genocide of the Holocaust to become an advocate for human rights passed away today.

Elie Wiesel was a Holocaust survivor and author who fought for peace, human rights and simple human decency, has died at the age of 87, a spokesman for Israel's Holocaust memorial, Yad Vashem, said Saturday.

Wiesel, who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1986, recounted his family being sent to the Nazi concentration camps in his first book, "Night," which was published in 1955.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu lauded Wiesel as a "master of words."

"(He) gave expression through his exceptional personality, and fascinating books about the victory of the human spirit over cruelty and evil. In the darkness of the Holocaust in which our brothers and sisters -- 6 million -- were murdered, Elie Wiesel was a ray of light and greatness of humanity who believed in the good in man," Netanyahu said.

"I was privileged to know Elie and to learn so much from him."

Born in Romania, Wiesel was 15 when he was sent to the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland with his family in 1944.

The future writer was later moved and ultimately freed from the Buchenwald camp in 1945. Of his relatives, only two of his sisters survived.

Wiesel told CNN last year that Auschwitz was "to this day, a source of shock and astonishment."

He broke his silence on his Holocaust experience 10 years after the liberation with the acclaimed memoir "Night," originally published in French as "La Nuit," which has been translated into 30 languages and has sold millions of copies since its publication.

The Nobel peace laureate, who wrote extensively about the horrors he and others endured, said he knew he'd have to write at some point but feared the words would elude him.

"I'm not sure, by the way, that I did find them," he said. "Maybe there are no words for what happened. Maybe somehow, the Germans ... the cruel killers, have succeeded at least in one way, at least that it deprived us, the victims, of finding the proper language of saying what they had done to us, because there are no words for it."

In 1986 the Nobel committee called Wiesel an important spiritual leader.

In his speech honoring Wiesel, then-chairman Egil Aarvik said: "From the abyss of the death camps he has come as a messenger to mankind, not with a message of hate and revenge, but with one of brotherhood and atonement."

Wiesel spoke of his own guilt in his moving Nobel acceptance speech.

"Do I have the right to represent the multitudes who have perished? Do I have the right to accept this great honor on their behalf? I do not. No one may speak for the dead, no one may interpret their mutilated dreams and visions," he said.

He said he sensed the presence of the tens of thousands of people who died at Buchenwald, and accepted the prize on their behalf and on behalf of his fellow survivors.

Millions of people were touched by "Night" and dozens of other works Wiesel produced. His books were deeply personal. He was honest with his readers about what he went through physically, emotionally, spiritually.

He wrote, "Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, which has turned my life into one long night, seven times cursed and seven times sealed. Never shall I forget that smoke. Never shall I forget the little faces of the children, whose bodies I saw turned into wreaths of smoke beneath a silent blue sky. Never shall I forget those flames which consumed my faith forever. Never shall I forget that nocturnal silence which deprived me, for all eternity, of the desire to live. Never shall I forget those moments which murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams to dust. Never shall I forget these things, even if I am condemned to live as long as God himself. Never."

Throughout his life, the writer and teacher sought to give a voice to the voiceless.

He was a professor at the City College of New York from 1972 until he left four years later to become a humanities professor at Boston University. Before that, Wiesel was a journalist in Paris and then New York.

He was, in the words of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, the international leader of the Holocaust remembrance movement.

"In the aftermath of the Holocaust, at a time when the world could not bear to remember, he could not bear to forget," the museum wrote in a statement. "Through his singular moral leadership, intellect, and eloquence, he gave voice to those who had been silenced forever and devoted his life to fulfilling the promise of 'never again' for all future victims of genocide."

Wiesel also didn't shy away from making strong remarks. While at the White House in 1985, he asked President Ronald Reagan to cancel a visit to a World War II military cemetery in West Germany.

"That place, Mr. President, is not your place,'' he said, according to The New York Times. ''Your place is with the victims of the SS.''

When he returned to the site of the Buchenwald death camp in 2009, he advocated for peace in the Middle East while addressing President Barack Obama and German Chancellor Andrea Merkel.

He lamented there was no grave of his father to visit and said the hope of no more war that he felt upon his rescue in 1945 was damaged.

"What can I tell him?" he asked. "That the world has learned? I am not so sure."

He implored Obama to help bring peace to the world.

"The time must come. It's enough -- enough to go to cemeteries, enough to weep for oceans. It's enough," he said. "There must come a moment -- a moment of bringing people together."

Wiesel was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1986, the Norwegian Nobel Committee called him a "messenger to mankind," stating that through his struggle to come to terms with "his own personal experience of total humiliation and of the utter contempt for humanity shown in Hitler's death camps", as well as his "practical work in the cause of peace", Wiesel had delivered a powerful message "of peace, atonement and human dignity" to humanity.

World News Today send our condolences to the family of Elie Wiesel. May your memory live on as a part of the global path of peace and prosperity.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

HLN Loses Nancy Grace!

Nancy Grace announces her departure from HLN.

The courtroom agitator who has hosted her program for nearly 13 years is about to say goodbye to the network.

Nancy Grace announced that she will leave HLN in October. She had gotten her start on CourtTV before striking it on CNN and then its sister network HLN.

She told the executives that her departure will be on October 13. She will focus on digital content programming.

"This fall, I'll be leaving HLN, my longtime TV home, with a full heart and endless gratitude," Grace said in a statement Thursday. "The network has been my extended family for nearly a dozen years, and I am proud of the amazing work we've produced together."

The host of one of HLN's most popular shows went on to say, "We created an unparalleled platform that gave crime victims a voice and succeeded in helping to find missing people and spotlight unsolved homicides."

Grace, a native of Macon, Georgia, came to her career via a personal tragedy.

She was only 19 when her then-fiance, Keith Griffin, was murdered. After his death, she abandoned her studies in Shakespearean literature to seek a career in law.

After graduating from Mercer Law School and completing an LLM in constitutional and criminal law at New York University, Grace became a special prosecutor for the Fulton County District Attorney's Office in Atlanta.

Her reputation handling high-profile cases in Atlanta courts caught the attention of Court TV executives, who put her on air and eventually created "Cochran and Grace," which she co-hosted with Johnnie Cochran of O.J. Simpson trial fame.

She became known as a tough-as-nails advocate for crime victims on her eponymous nightly show.

Her coverage of the Casey Anthony trial, in which Anthony was accused and eventually acquitted of the murder of her young daughter Caylee Anthony, helped make Grace even more of a household name.

The fame also made her a target for parody.

Grace told CNN in 2009 that she didn't mind the "Saturday Night Live" sketches or You Tube videos that poked fun at her.

"It's very flattering that they would think enough to make fun of me," she said. "I want [rapper] Eminem to make fun of me, but I don't think it would be very nice."

Grace, who will leave in the fall when her contract ends, did not share specifics about her next venture. She did say, "I will continue my fight for justice across a variety of traditional and new media, where victims' voices can reach an entirely engaged audience."

In an internal note to employees, CNN executive vice president Ken Jautz celebrated Grace's time at HLN, CNN's sister network.

"Nancy has worked tirelessly on behalf of the missing and exploited for more than a decade on HLN," he wrote. "She gave a voice to the voiceless and we are extremely grateful for her contributions to the network. During her remarkable career at HLN, she led the coverage of two of this century's most talked about and infamous trials, Casey Anthony and Jodi Arias.

Monday, June 27, 2016

BREAKING: SCOTUS Knocks Down Texas Anti-Abortion Law!

The Supreme Court rules in Texas anti-abortion law. 

The Supreme Court struck down the anti-abortion law that the state of Texas passed in 2013. The 5-3 decision was a blow to conservatives. This decision eliminates a state's attempt to pass restrictive laws to curb a woman's right to choice.  This is the biggest ruling since the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision.

The Texas statute was to close up a handful of abortion clinics in the state. The Court ruled it unconstitutional.

The Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt is the most significant ruling for pro-choice activists. If the ruling went the other way, states would impose stricter laws preventing abortion.

Texas insisted that the HB 2 law was constitutional. Ruth Bader Ginsburg questioned the state's law.

She wondered how this bill would help women who wanted a safe term. Texas was mandating that abortion clinics undergo costly upgrades to look like hospitals and abortion providers must get "special privileges" at hospitals. It was a backdoor plot to eliminate abortion clinics.

Stephen Breyer wrote in his decision that "the surgical-center requirement, like the admitting privileges requirement, provides few, if any, health benefits for women, poses a substantial obstacle to women seeking abortions and constitutes an 'undue burden' on their constitutional right to do so".

Texas Republican Governor Greg Abbott wasn't pleased about this decision. Lila Rose and her allies in the anti-choice movement were hoping to gain momentum.

The Center for Medical Progress was partly involved in this as well. The ringleader of the anti-choice group tried to infiltrate Planned Parenthood facilities to expose executives taking pride in terming live fetuses.

Former state lawmaker Wendy Davis got some vindication. She fought this all the way to the Court.

Her failed bid for governor was a downer but to watch Abbott fail at his job is probably the sweetest revenge she's gotten so far today.

Anthony Kennedy joins Elena Kagan, Stephen Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Sonia Sotomayor in the decision to spare abortion rights.

Chief Justice John Roberts, Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas dissented the decision.

This polarizing decision comes a week after the Court struck down President Barack Obama's executive action on immigration. Conservatives were happy Obama was handed a defeat. Now this decision will have conservatives concerned.

With an evenly split court, most of the rulings conservatives supported could be at risk of being tossed out or stuck down. Republicans continue to delay the nomination of Merrick Garland.

They believe that Obama's pick could swing the Court in a progressive direction. It's too late.

Truly, this was a blow to conservatives and the anti-choice movement.

Women have a right to choice. Although I am no fan of termination, I do support a woman's right to do so. It's a freedom that helps protect a woman's health.

Would you allow a woman to carry a rapist's baby?

Would you allow a woman to die if the baby was causing her health to decline?

An unwanted pregnancy is a dangerous experience for women. If the Court was to deny women a right to choice, the black market abortion providers would be on the rise.

Saturday, June 25, 2016


I've often told my co-worker at my job that her stubbornness will kill her. I mean what I say when I say these things. I guess Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is just as stubborn as my co-worker.

He will not concede in the bid for the Democratic nomination.

I am getting to the point where having him in this race is just a distraction.

Republicans are seizing upon this notion of dysfunction. Donald Trump is courting disgruntled Bernie supporters.

Again, you can't be a progressive if you're a supporter of Donald Trump.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Report: The Law Found A Stash Of Kiddie XXX In MJ's Home!

Magazine claims Michael Jackson had a stash of kiddie porn.

We're coming to the seventh year since the passing of Michael Jackson. He died of a drug overdose and it set the world ablaze. On June 25, the world will mourn a legend. 

Well there might be some who might willing to mark the death after Radar Magazine reported on this bombshell. During the Michael Jackson child molestation trial, the California state investigators obtained a trove of child and bondage porn in the Neverland Ranch estate. 

There were gruesome pornography featuring animal torture, S&M and gore. 

There were dozens of investigators who were seen on video examining the property.

The Santa Barbara County Sheriff's office found some really nutty shit in the trove of MJ's digital devices. 

The 88-page report cites several picture books, magazines, and videos containing images of nude and semi-nude children. The items described as material intended to "groom" young victims and reduce their sexaul inhinbitions.

The Jackson family spoke out against the report saying that it's pretty much bullshit. Even the Santa Barbara County Sheriff questioned the report. They denied leaking this to the press. 

The Jackson family released this statement.

Seven years ago this coming Saturday, the world lost an amazing artist and humanitarian devoted to helping children in need in all corners of the world. Michael Jackson's fans, including the Executors of his estate, prefer to remember the wonderful gifts Michael left behind instead of having to once again see his good name dragged through the mud by tabloid trash.

Everything in these reports, including what the County of Santa Barbara calls "content that appears to be obtained off the internet or though unknown sources" is false, no doubt timed to the anniversary of Michael's passing. Those who continue to shamelessly exploit Michael via sleazy internet "click bait" ignore that he was acquitted by a jury in 2005 on every one of the salacious charges brought against him in a failed witch hunt.

MIchael remains just as innocent of these smears in death as he was in life even though he isn't here to defend himself. Enough is enough. 

The Estate of Michael Jackson.

Michael Jackson estate is worth an estimated $2 billion. His three children Blanket (Michael, Jr.), Prince Michael and Paris Michael Jackson are in the custody of his mother Katherine Jackson.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Michu Mescaros Passed Away!

Michu Mescaros passed away. He portrays the iconic sitcom character ALF.

You know I grew up in the 1980s watching the comedy ALF. You may have not seen him in the flesh but he was the man who played ALF.

Michu Mescaros passed away at the age of 76. He was the man who dressed in the ALF costume. Meszaros was standing at the height of 2 feet 9 inches tall.

He was found unresponsive in his Los Angeles home about a week ago by his manager. He spent days in a coma.

A GoFundMe page was launched to pay with his funeral expenses. He was born in Hungary. He performed in the circus before heading to television. He was billed the "smallest man in the world" as he worked in the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus in the 1970s.

He had opportunities to perform with the late Michael Jackson.

He got to opportunity to play the role of ALF when the shots required ALF to move around the home.
You look so delicious!
They wanted to give the impression of ALF being not only a puppet but an actual living being.

ALF (born Gordon Shumway) is a friendly and sarcastic extraterrestrial who left his dying planet of Melmac to find a new home. He crash landed in California in the home of The Tanners.

The Tanners would keep ALF in hiding. ALF would often create havoc around the home by trying to fix things. He would often hide in the kitchen away from the noisy Ochmoneks. They would often try to call the feds on the Tanners. ALF would often devise a plan to keep him and the family safe from the feds.

ALF would often find interest in the food, watching television, and sneaking out of the house much to dismay of Willie Tanner. He would often eat the food knowing that the Tanners banned him from eating the family cat.
ALF was one of the country's most memorable sitcoms.
The show was created by Paul Fusco who also voiced ALF. The show was on for nearly four years and went through 4 seasons. It also had two animated sitcoms and a TV movie.

Word on the street, Sony is working on an ALF motion picture movie.

ALF is an iconic show. The show was prime around the 1980s. NBC had led the during the 1980s with The Cosby Show, A Different World, ALF, and Family Ties dominated the network.

World News Today send our condolences to the family of Michu Mescaros.

Monday, June 13, 2016

This Is A Hate Crime!

Failed presidential candidate Marco Rubio doesn't call the Orlando shooting a hate crime. He calls it "radical Islam".This is an prime example of terrorism. The U.S. senator and many Republicans forget that the victims were part of the LGBT community. They pretend to be "concern" about the victims.


There were probably many other gun crimes in the city of Orlando. This one managed to touch us all.

What has the junk food media and the world watching was the worst mass shooting in American history. The Pulse Nightclub shooting in Orlando by this madman sparked feverish debate over gun control, terrorism, bullying at the workplace, protecting those who LGBT and Muslims in the wake of a tragedy.

Already, Zero Hedge and The Gateway Pundit are saying this terrorist was a "liberal" and "registered Democrat". These websites are part of the problem here in America. They rush to judgement and we're quickly condemn people who are not the shooter. I don't give a flying fuck about the political views of a terrorist. They often do this nonsense to deflect the issues away from conservatives.

Obviously, if he was a registered Democrat, you wouldn't hear the name U.S. senator Marco Rubio or Florida governor Rick Scott. Yeah, he came from a district that is R+3 and it's represented by Patrick Murphy, a congressman who is running for the senate as a Democrat. He was a Republican who got fed up with the insurgency's ignorance. He and his challenger Rep. David Jolly (R-FL) will beg for the NRA's support.
After the junk food media leaves the area, what happens next?
The Republican presumptive nominee Donald Trump licked his chops yesterday by posting on social media that he was "right" about this tragedy. This is the 15th time President Barack Obama spoke to the nation on the wake of a mass shooting. Obama said this was an act of terror and hate.

The terrorists believe that the inept Congress is giving away the farm. The inept Congress will not pass a law that bans automatic assault weapons or a stricter background check. Law abiding individuals can purchase a firearm. Even if you're under federal watch, you can purchase a firearm.

If you say that you hate Blacks, Hispanics, illegals, Muslims, gays, Jews, police, America and the government in rantings or public venue, you're entitled to do so. You are still able to purchase firearms. You're not committing any criminal act whatsoever. You just expressing violate speech.

If you were under federal watch, as long as you hate without causing an eminent threat, you can gun hoard.

Republicans quickly pounced on the president for not saying *drumroll* "radical Islam". Yet, they refuse to say this act was a hate crime.

How is saying "radical Islam" fighting terrorism?


Like I've said, the Republican and conservative agitators use the only muscle they got in the fight against terrorism. It's their tongues. And it's tongue tied with rhetoric that's not helpful in stopping it.

In other words, this was terrorism and a hate crime. This was an event in which a madman massacred so many people who were out having a good time.

Republicans now start having "concern" for the LGBT community. They continue to push the narrative that if "the good guy had a gun". The good guy had a gun, he was shot at and a member of the SWAT team got hit in the head by the gunman. Luckily, he was protected by his teflon helmet.

Republicans are saying that the LGBT community should start thinking about how Democrats treat them as pawns in the wake of a mass shooting.

In Elkhart, Indiana, President Barack Obama said with frustration that he has a list of people on federal watch and he can't stop them from purchasing firearms because the inept Congress won't pass legislation that bans semi-automatic firearms. They can't pass a stricter background check.
The good guy with a gun was nearly killed by the terrorist. 
I am having trouble trying to understand that for all the innocent lives killed in senseless acts of violence, we debate this stuff and then after awhile it disappears from the radar.

Over 50 people lost their lives to this senseless act of violence for being gay, transgender or straight.

They were having a good time at the club. Who knew that their night out was their last! Besides the death of 29 year old terrorist Omar Mateen, the victims who were confirmed by the Associated Press include a various group of men and women between the ages of 21 to 42. There were 36 names released to the junk food media.

  • Stanley Almodovar III, 23
  • Amanda Alvear, 25
  • Oscar A. Aracena-Montero, 26
  • Alejandro Barrios Martinez, 21
  • Martin Benitez Torres, 33
  • Darryl R. Burt II, 29
  • Simon A. Carrillo Fernandez, 31
  • Juan Chevez-Martinez, 25
  • Luis Daniel Conde, 39
  • Cory James Connell, 21
  • Tevin Eugene Crosby, 25
  • Franky J. Dejesus Velazquez, 50
  • Deonka D. Drayton, 32
  • Leroy Valentin Fernandez, 25
  • Mercedez M. Flores, 26
  • Juan R. Guerrero, 22
  • Peter O. Gonzalez-Cruz, 22
  • Miguel Angel Honorato, 30
  • Javier Jorge-Reyes, 40
  • Jason Benjamin Josaphat, 19
  • Eddie J. Justice, 30
  • Anthony L. Laureanodisla, 25
  • Jean C. Mendez Perez, 35
  • Kimberly Morris, 37
  • Luis O. Ocasio-Capo, 20
  • Eric I. Ortiz-Rivera, 36
  • Joel Rayon Paniagua, 32
  • Enrique L. Rios Jr., 25
  • Xavier E. Serrano Rosado, 35
  • Gilberto R. Silva Menendez, 25
  • Edward Sotomayor Jr., 34
  • Shane Evan Tomlinson, 33
  • Juan P. Rivera Velazquez, 37
  • Luis S. Vielma, 22
  • Luis D. Wilson-Leon, 37
  • Jerald Arthur Wright, 31

Let's remind the kookspirary nuts on the internet that these victims aren't "crisis actors." This is not a FEMA training video or a deliberate government sanction murder. This is a crazy man with a gun firing off at anyone standing in his way.

FBI director James Comey said that the terrorist had faced bullying from co-workers. His ex-wife said that he was abusive to her and showed signs of bipolar disorder. His father said that he held strong angst towards gay men who were in public kissing or holding hands. The FBI said that in their investigation of the terrorist, he told them he was "joking" and upset over being bullied over his religion.

All these issues don't excuse the callous acts of this terrorist. But it's giving the insight to the motives.


World News Today send our condolences to the victims.

Our friends in LGBT and Muslim community grieve with the rest of the world.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

George Voinovich Passed Away!

George Voinovich the former U.S. senator and governor from Ohio passed away in Cleveland.

Former U.S. senator and governor of Ohio George Voinovich passed away today. His family confirmed that the former lawmaker died peacefully in his sleep.

He died a few weeks shy of his 80th birthday.

Voinovich was one of the most popular lawmakers in the state. He was a politically moderate at best.

He was then the mayor of Cleveland, Ohio. Probably one of the last Republican mayors of the city.

Voinovich served two terms as Ohio Governor in the 1990s and two terms in the U.S. Senate, capping a political career that started in 1963 and led him to the Cleveland mayor's office on his way to the governor's office and then Washington. He was 79.

Voinovich earned a reputation as a tightwad during his years in office, especially as governor from 1991 to 1999.
Voinovich with his predecessor Rob Portman. Portman is the current U.S. Senator for Ohio.
He shined his own shoes, bought his clothes on sale, and when he learned public money was used to buy snacks served on state airplanes, he banned the snacks. He also sold one of the state's airplanes.

He was slated to be a delegate for the Republican National Convention in the city.

His predecessor is Rob Portman, the former Bush official who was also a U.S. representative from Cincinnati.

Right now, Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH) and former Ohio governor Ted Strickland both are facing off for the U.S. senate race for the state. Ohio's leans determine who may become the next President of the United States.

Of course, Voinovich was mentioned by the two in their prayers to his family.

Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama won the state and the presidency.

Ohio and Florida are the most hotly contested races for 2016. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton is hoping to win these states. The states are the key to winning the presidency.

Portman is also facing a tougher race also. But the state's leanings may be in his favor. Strickland is not getting name recognition and his term as governor was mirrored in failure. He's got an uphill battle to win this.

OHIO in the U.S. Senate race is LEANING REPUBLICAN.

World News Today send our condolences to the family of George Voinovich. This the last speech Voinovich given before he passed away.


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