Embattled president. Barack Obama at odds with Republicans. Even on his birthday , the president can't catch a break from the continuous onslaught of conservative agitating. |
Barack Obama is the 44th President of The United States. He is the current leader of this great nation. He's a product of an American white woman and a Kenyan national. The two had him and the trend is continuing faster than most have expected.
As explained earlier, we here at Journal de la Reyna have talked about how White extremists reacted to the adorable commercial of an interracial family. The commercial was played by professional actors. It give the perception of General Mills Cheerio's being a family friendly cereal. The mother was White and the father was Black. The child was mixed.
That drove up the White extremists to rally an outpouring of racial ignorance. They've slammed the commercial as another "political correctness" effort by liberals to the family being a bunch of NIGGER lovers.
The commercial may still be on YouTube but the comments were disabled after General Mills was contacted by news reporters.
This example of this stuff had proven that our nation still has a long way to go when it comes to equal rights for all.
The reason why I post this is the fact that President Barack Obama celebrates another birthday. A birthday surrounded by the unseemly negative perceptions of him, his wife First Lady Michelle Obama, and their children.
As Malia turns 16 next year, the media will eventually start focusing on her life and start publicly scrutinizing her day to day life. They already have choice words for her after it was revealed she and her friends went over Mexico and the island nation of The Bahamas for her summer break.
The junk food media hasn't given the president a pass on many things. He can't even take a vacation without the likes of That Guy Who Helped Obama Win (aka That Scumbag on Loserville) and others trying to paint the president as "NIGGER".
The president's birthday doesn't help his job approval with the American people.
His job approval stands at 43% as of right now. The cause of his job slide is because of the economy and the lackluster Congress.
He hasn't signed many laws since the Republicans took control of the House of Representatives. As they continued their ongoing quest to repeal Obamacare, the president has tried to get the public to rally for infrastructure repair and jobs.
That stuff is lost in the ongoing scandals by the NSA, the IRS, and the controversial verdict in the George Zimmerman trial.
The racial divide between Blacks and Whites has grown even wider, despite the nation electing the first Black president twice.
At best the president has at least 35% support from Whites, 83% from Blacks and 58% from Hispanics and Latinos.
The president can't get nothing done with the constant chatter from racial extremists in the conservative movement. Rick Santorum, Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky), Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Governor Chris Christie (R-New Jersey) and Senator Marco Rubio (R-Florida) are the focus of the junk food media's obsession with the next wave of losers in the Republican presidential picks. They see that Governor Martin O'Malley (D-Maryland), Governor Andrew Cuomo (D-New York) as the next wave of Democratic losers for 2016. They already putting Hillary Clinton in the spotlight, despite her failed attempts at running for president the first time. Reassuring that the field from both parties will be extremely weak post Barack Obama.
If Clinton, Santorum and Alan Keyes run again, they would be considered perennial candidates.
We haven't even gotten through the first year of the president's second term and we're already writing him off as they've always have because of their obsession with the next sacrificial goat for the next election.
Anyways, long story short, the president represents a changing trend. White women are dating Black men and they're having children as a faster pace. The pace of interracial marriages and children has surpassed in May 2012.
This is probably why White male conservatives so fixated on closing the borders. This is probably why they rather see Blacks kill one another with guns, drugs and diseases. This probably why they want more relax gun laws. They want to keep the Black men away from their White daughters, wives and former girlfriends.
They want to cut social safety nets to starve off the Black and Hispanic community. They resent welfare, food stamps, farm aid, unemployment and disability assistance. They want control over us but never control over them.
Happy Birthday Barack Obama! Well wishes to you! Hopefully your job improves as the country tries to move forward. You can't do the work by yourself, so I guess it's not worth my time explaining to you why it's not going to be a good year in getting your goals accomplished with this lame Congress.