Tuesday, May 05, 2020

What's Bugging You?

Climate change is real.

Americans are being cautioned about an invasive species of a hornet/wasp. This animal is capable of destroying honeybees and could pose a danger to Americans who try to engage with it.

The Asian Giant Hornet (or Murder hornet/Wasp) is a large insect.

The female is 2.2 inches long and has a powerful stinger. The stinger is 6mm which injects a large amount of potent venom. If you're allergic to bees, your life could be in danger.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service have confirmation that the insect is in Washington.

The insect was spotted in British Columbia, Canada last year and first made confirmed appearances this year.

The concern that the animal could destroy the bee population. It's called "Vespa mandarinia" and its known to kill up to 50 people a year in Japan.

The bee population is already declining and folks are concern about the possibility the honeybee could become extinct.

The Washington State Department of Agriculture is hoping to find the hot spots where this insect is populating.
The bug has a huge stinger.
The insect's life cycle begins in April. The queen wakes up from hibernation and scouts out spots to build underground nests and grow colonies.

YouTube celebrity and risk taker Coyote Peterson took an opportunity to find out how bad the sting was. Luckily the idiot didn't die from the hornet's sting or bite. The celebrity agitator saw an "instant goose egg" forming in his arm where the sting area was.

Be warned.

Reminder, wild animals are......well you know!

If you want to be a thrill seeker, you might want to get life insurance.

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