Wednesday, May 27, 2020

It Might Be An Early Retirement For Old Fart Limbaugh!

Limbaugh considering retiring because the cancer is wearing his ass out.
Rush Limbaugh is hinting he may retire due to his cancer treatment. He has Stage IV lung cancer and its seriously drained the controversial far-white agitator.

While on his show, he made a shocking statement to his listeners.

He said that the latest rounds of therapies were "kicking his ass."

"I'm in the third wave of treatment now. There have been many cycle but this is the third wave, and this current wave, I have to tell you is kissing my ass," said Limbaugh.

"For the last seven days, I have been virtually worthless, virtually useless. I haven't left the house, I haven't done much of anything except just try to rest and relax. It's the price that you pay if you make the decision to go ahead and do treatment to try and prolong your life. I'm doing extremely well, all things considered."

Limbaugh said that he's having trouble trying to breath and every time he walks for more than five minutes, he could catch wind. He said that he can't "take five steps without having to stop and sit down." He said that carrying stuff is completely out of the question. He's too weak to carry.

"Every day, I wake up and the first thing I do is thank God that I did. Just waking up is a blessing. I know many of you are praying daily and nightly, I happen to believe that they work. I believe that they are sustaining me. I pray for the energy to be able to do this."

"These are extremely challenging times for me, medically, nothing that million of you haven't gone through or aren't going through, and those of you who have, or those of you who are going through it, you understand it," Limbaugh said. "The temptation here is to start divulging a lot of stuff, I'm not gonna do that because I vowed not to be a cancer patient on the radio."

Limbaugh repeated that he wants to "shield" his listeners from as much as possible as he battles lung cancer.
Trump credits Limbaugh and Fox News for helping him win the election. He will need them to distract the public from his horrible handling of the coronavirus pandemic.
Limbaugh hints that he could be retiring soon.

"The day is going to come where I'm not going to be able to be here and I'm hoping that it is months, years. I'm hoping the cycle that we're in does its magic, but the day is going to come that it won't be possible to be here every day," said Limbaugh. "Any chance to do the show, I'm gonna take it."

The agitator has placed Mark Steyn in the chair and often many airings were The Best of Rush Limbaugh.

The agitator was awarded the Medal of Freedom at the State of the Union in February. The awarding was controversial because Limbaugh has no value as an American. He is a overpaid, far-white agitator who divides our country. He hasn't heeled the country or inspire greatness. He just hops on a radio and blabber mouths about how evil Democrats and progressives are.

I said he won't be missed by this enemies. I am not going to shed tears if he does pass away. He's just another clog in a machine that's been broken down for years. Divisiveness isn't a winning strategy.

It's a failure.

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