Friday, May 01, 2020

Would You Want This To Happen To Your Child?

Cop caught on camera punching a teen.
Ironic the population of the city of Rancho Cordova is the total deaths of Americans who died of the coronavirus. The COVID-19 pandemic has killed 75,000 people.

The population of this city is 74,000.

A video that surfaced on social media shows a Rancho Cordova cop punching a teenager in the face after he tried to restrain him.

The video has prompt an investigation into the cop.

As folks descend on Michigan to protest Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's stay-at-home orders armed, Black Twitter is calling them out for having "white privilege." While a Black teen is served a knuckle style chili, the Michigan State Police are passively allowing far-white extremists yell and cough in their faces.

Okay, Elijah Tufono was the teenager caught on camera being served by a cop.

See the post from social media.

Now the Sacramento County prosecutor is now involved in the case. The teen was forcefully detained on Monday after the officer believed he saw a "hand-to-hand exchange" of tobacco between Tufono and an adult. So I am guessing an adult bought tobacco for the teen and the cops were called.

Minor offense.

Tufono allegedly resisted the cop's commands, which led to a scuffle that was caught on cellphone video.

But according to white folks who claim they know "use of force," they believe it was justified.

The video was sent over 8 million times and has gotten national attention.
Rancho Cordova Police issue a statement on the incident.
The cop grabs the teen's right wrist and pulls his arm in an apparent attempt to turn the teen onto his stomach. The teen appeared to resist the arrest and then the cop starts punching in and pulling his arm and you can fear Tufono screaming in agony.

Someone called the cops on the teen because they saw a hand-to-hand transfer of tobacco. So it results in a physical assault of a minor.

The outrage got Black Lives Matter Sacramento and Stevante Clark angry. Clark is the brother of Stephon Clark, the young man who was gunned down in his backyard by the Sacramento Police.

That triggered Rancho Cordova's police chief to respond to the allegations. Kate Adams said that the department will do a thorough investigation into the actions and promise accountiblilty.

The cop was reassigned to desk duty while the grand jury has to decide whether this was justified.

The teen would have been charged with disorderly conduct, underage consumption of tobacco, delinquency and resisting a police officer. So far the charges were dropped.

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