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Can't find a moron this huge. Call upon Oliver North to save the day. |
A 62 year old woman walking on a Dayton, Ohio street was killed in a drive by shooting.
A man was shot in his home in a West Dayton neighborhood. He was 38 years old. He was in his own home.
A woman shot and killed her romantic partner in Harrison Township, Ohio. She was an innocent bystander who was not even the intended target.
A woman shot a man in his neck in Xenia, Ohio. A man was shot in the neck after an altercation. She was on the run for a few hours before she got caught.
There were numerous events in the United States involving gun violence. Yet, most of these are local news stories. I didn't have the opportunity to watch Roger Stone and Oliver North make complete asses of themselves. However, I can summarize the idiocy.
Oliver North is the incoming president of the National Rifle Association. He went on Fox News Sunday to defend the NRA's position in the wake of the latest mass shooting. A terrorist went into a Texas school and massacred 10 people. The Santa Fe High School was the latest of school shootings in the United States.
North said Fox News Sunday, the issue is a culture of violence where many young boys have "been on Ritalin since they were in kindergarten."
"The disease in this case isn’t the 2nd amendment," North told Fox News' Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday. "The disease is youngsters who are steeped in a culture of violence, they've been drugged in many cases." North, who was named to his position earlier this month, observed that most mass shooters are males who grew up in "a culture where violence is commonplace."
"If you look at what has happened to these young people, many of these young boys have been on Ritalin since they were in kindergarten," North added.
The NRA continues to stand by the position to not allow a debate on gun control.
Gun violence has been an ongoing problem since Congress rollback laws. The Supreme Court granted more loopholes and it seems like race plays a factor to who is justified in being a lawful gun owner.
The Republicans continue to deflect from discussing the issue.
1. She said no. Ah, romance. When a person is trying to court a romance and is rejected, it sparks the number one reason to gun violence. Domestic violence is the most common reason to gun violence. Men are likely to kill in the name of love. They felt that their ex-girlfriend, ex-boyfriend or significant lover spurned their advances one too many times. Suicide by gun violence is also considered a problem. It's term to the "said no."
2. He was fired from the job after years of working there. Long time workers who were let go for a reason are often targeting their employers. If the person was fired for theft, sexual harassment, dispute with managers, or disputes over payment, that would spark gun violence. That person would return to work to massacre those who spurned him by firing him.
3. He was motivated by the latest issues in the news. Donald J. Trump, Barack Obama, Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, Congress, politicians in the news, Israel, North Korea, Mexico and the European Union agitate some to commit violence. Politically motivated violence is sparked by men who are upset over an issue sparked by hot political issues. The debates over gun control, abortion, immigration reform, Trump's Russian collusion scandal, the Islamic State, al Qaeda, Hillary Clinton's issues and media bias spark gun violence.
4. He hated law enforcement. With recent fatal encounters by the police, some are angry that police officers get off without being criminally indicted. There were incidents where police officers were shot while on duty. A routine pull over or a domestic violence call are the most dangerous for a law enforcement officer. No one knows what goes on in the mind of a mass shooter. So it's often local police chiefs and sheriffs to call upon Congress to do something about gun violence. It's often met with criticism of politics, political grandstanding and weeks of demonizing.
5. He hated people of color, their religion, their sexual orientation or being here in the United States. The rise of hate crimes has sparked the possibility of terrorism. The foreign born terrorist aren't the only ones willing to kill in the name of a cause. The white male who is wrapped into the ideology of hate has plans for a racial attack. People of color, Muslims or a gay couple are in danger of a mass shooting. Think about the Orlando nightclub shooting. The terrorist massacred 49 people who were either a part of the LGBTQ community or Latino. The guy who had claimed an alliance to the Islamic State but had no direct ties. However, the group claimed victory. The white extremist who killed nine church goers in Charleston, South Carolina. He was motivated by anger over Barack Obama and Black people getting a leg up. Neo Nazis loved this guy. He was taken alive to spill his views to the world.
6. He had a restraining order from his significant other. That's just a piece of paper. That is one of the motivating factors to why men kill their romantic partners. Again domestic violence is the number one threat to the safety of women and law enforcement. A woman obtains a court order to keep a boyfriend or husband away from them. That piece of paper could drive a mass shooter insane. Mass shooters don't really have an idea to why they kill. All they think about is the fact that she spurned him, so he will decide on making her life a living hell.
7. He accidentally shot. Parents who fail to lock up their firearms end up being held responsible for the actions of those who carry out mass shootings. These incidents happen when a teen or a person who is banned from owning a firearm gets in touch with family members who willingly allow them to carry. The Waffle House shooter was banned from owning firearms in Illinois but his father managed to allow him to obtain one and he took it across state lines to Tennessee to massacre four innocent people eating at the 24/7 restaurant.
8. He was picked on by co workers, classmates or society. I am starting to notice a pattern to why mass shooters carry out these events. They were the nerd. They were the geek. They were the guy who was taunted for his age, work skill, eating habits, cleanliness and performance. These are factors to why mass shooters carry out attacks on their employers. Attacks on schools. Attacks on society. Remember the woman who shot three people before the law got her. She was upset that YouTube pulled the plug on her Adsense program. She was making a living on Adsense and when Google ended the program, she went bonkers and shot three.
9. He was hoarding guns. Gun hoarding is a man who collects firearms for the purpose of stockpiling for the coming war against sovereignty. When you hear about these mass shooters, you hear that stockpiled firearms for years. They were waiting for the right moment to carry out an attack. These type of people are likely to carry out their mission to massacre.
10. He was the nice guy. The most dangerous person to ever have a firearm. The everyman. The guy who no one thought would commit such an act of violence. We need to dismiss the notion that every bad guy is likely to commit a mass shooting. The nice guy is likely going to commit a mass shooting. Seeing that we keep hearing on the latest mass shooter, we keep hearing he was the "quiet, loner type." The terrorist was the nice guy who was bullied. The terrorist was the nice guy who was rejected by a girl. All the ingredients of a mass shooter.
These are some of the reasons to why I believe gun violence exist. Many of these factor into a motive to why Americans are willing massacre innocent lives.
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