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Sandra Bland's death in suburban Houston got the nation talking. |
I've gotten a Twitter alert about a trending topic in America. I've seen the pages of JustOneBlackMan, DeRay McKesson, Chauncey Vega and Dr. Marc Lamont Hill trending the hastag #SandraBland
So I decided to do some research about Sandra Bland and I found something that made me concerned.
She is an active member of the Black Lives Matter Movement. In some videos that surfaced, it shows her telling her supporters to raise a voice against police brutality.
As the president visit a federal time out in El Reno, Oklahoma, many in the social media are urging him and the U.S. Justice Department to look into her death.
A traffic pullover in Texas leads to a suicide by hanging in the county lockup.
28-year old Sandra Bland of Naperville, IL a suburb of the Chicago metro area was traveling near Houston when she was pulled over by Texas State Patrol officers.
According to the report she was booked in the Waller County lockup on an "assault on an officer" charge. Waller County sheriff Glenn Smith says that she was in the "tanks". She was given the cardboard breakfast around 7 am. She spoke to the staff an hour later about making a phone call.
The female staffer found her about 9 am.
Paramedics were called and CPR was performed on Bland but she was pronounced dead shortly afterward.

Smith said there was no indication of any issues during Bland's stay at the lockup.
Bland was pulled over in Waller County about 30 minutes from downtown Houston, Texas in the late afternoon. They pulled her over for a lane change violation. Texas State trooper Erik Burse, acknowledged that the pull over was going to be a written warning. But according to him, the trooper got a swift kick by Bland.
She was taken to the lockup soon after.
But the family is calling this "bullshit".
In a video that surfaced this week, you hear Sandra Bland complain that the law was being rough on her. She said that you're arresting me for a traffic citation. She thanked the person who filmed the event. She complained of a head injury.
The officer told the person who filmed it to leave. You have right to film the law.
This week launched #JusticeForSandy and #WhatHappenedToSandyBland hashtag.
The Black Twitter already got the nation talking.
The Texas Rangers, an investigative arm of the state's Department of Public Safety are called upon.
They will conduct an independent investigation. This is standard procedure in cases of death while in custody.
Waller County District Attorney Elton Mathis will get to the bottom of this.
"If I receive information that there's something nafarious going on, or foul play, we will certainly get to the bottom of that," Mathis said. "I understand there's some disbelief among some friends and family that she would do this to herself. That's why it's very important that the Texas Rangers be allowed to conduct a thorough investigation."
Now that you are caught up on this tragedy what are you thoughts on it?
I already got the formula plotted out once this makes it to the junk food media!
The concern trolls and members of the racist right will eventually join the fray. Of course, expect the predictable blame the victim excuse. Expect the concern trolls to bring up stories about White people being murdered by Black folks. Expect concern trolls to parrot talking points or racist word vomit.
The junk food media will cover it. MSNBC's agitators such as Rev. Perm, Ed Schultz, Rachel Maddow, Chris Hayes and Melissa Harris-Perry will amplify it. Then they will do a blame fest on Texas governor Greg Abbott and Republican clown contenders Rick Perry and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX).
CNN will have Anderson Cooper, Don Lemon and Wolf Blitzer do panels and heresay, the network will try its best to drive sensationalism.
And lastly, the conservative Craigslist and that network that inspired that White terrorist to kill nine innocent church worshipers. Once they bring up the controversy, expect them to side with the law or concern troll Black America.
What story would be without those agitators?
That annoying conservative agitator will be front and center in this controversy with allegations of Bland being a criminal. He will point fingers at Rev. Perm, Obama, and Black America. The biggest concern troll to ever exist in the junk food media will begin his talk about Freddie Gray, Michael Brown, and Trayvon Martin over Kate Steinle.
That old fart on the AM dial will spew his word vomit about Bland and make ugly comparisons to First Lady Michelle Obama and Black women with "attitude".
Megyn The Outrage Princess, Greta The Ambulance Chaser and O'Loofus will do their best to amplify this controversy.
That network will have Black extremists such as Kevin Jackson, Deenen Borelli and Jesse Lee Peterson screaming that she was a no good "Thug".
Her death sparked outrage among the Black community. |
The agitators will find some reason to attack DeRay McKesson because he is showing up to Houston to protest this tragedy. They can't stop an activist demanding better policing.
World News Today send our condolences to Sandra Bland.
There's a video of Sandra posting her thoughts on a horrible incident on the Eisenhower Expressway (Interstate 290) near Chicago. She was shaken up over a motorcycle impelled into her vehicle.
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