Riot gear displayed in response to a riot. Cincinnati mayor tells the junk food media that the MLB All Star Game will be safe and this incident was isolated. The law says this wasn't a race crime. The concern trolls already determined it was. |
Cincinnati's mayor John Cranley has put the nail in the coffin. He decided to end events at Fountain Square after reports of a riot happening after a hip-hop concert. It happened at the bus transit terminal off of Fifth Street.
A minor event sparked by words between exchanged between the victim and a group of teens. In the video, it shows one of the teens throwing the victim to the ground. One teen grabbed the susepct off him. Then the victim leaves for a moment. Then returns with his hands up in a threatening matter. The next video shows him getting laid out. He ends up with a five knuckle roll on his face.
He ends up with a broken nose and a concussion.
Cranley admits that the police weren't dispatched properly.
Around 3,000 people appeared at Fountain Square for the performance of hip-hop group Ground Up.
Cincinnati Police tries to put out a fire with piss. The officer who took the report claimed that it was anti-White violence. |
Police chief Jeffery Blackwell said that police were dispatched to the area on reports of numerous fights and have made arrests of the individuals who were caught on camera.
The Cincinnati police dismissed that comment.
Capt. Mike Neville said that description was incorrect.
He spoke just minutes after The Enquirer had obtained the incident report and posted a story on its contents.
In an interview later in the afternoon, Neville said categorizing the assault as a hate crime was the opinion of reporting officer Alicia Essert. She drew that conclusion, Neville said, because McKnight was attacked by a group of people from the "opposite race."
It is too early in the investigation to determine whether race motivated the assault, Neville said.
No one has been charged in connection with McKnight's beating, which occurred after a hip-hop concert at Fountain Square.
The incident report states McKnight, of Albany, Indiana, was jumped on and beaten during an "unruly crowd situation stemming from (the) Fountain Square event" around 11:30 p.m. The assault lasted five minutes.
There were less than 10 officers handling security. Although hip-hop concerts carry a presence of possible criminal activity, the need for full officer assistance was carried out extremely well given the situation.
The victim's name was released. World News Today send our prayers to Christopher McKnight.
The men in the post above are Gary Sheffield and Jy Quynn Britten. They were charged with disorderly conduct. They are innocent until proven guilty.
The MLB's All Star Game is being played at Great American Ballpark and Cranley wants no more incidents like this to occur. Believe me, Cincinnati is trying to rebound after the death of Officer Sonny Kim.
Last month shooting death of Officer Sonny Kim has opened a disconnect yet again between the Black community and the Cincinnati police.
Kim was gravely wounded after a deranged man threatened to kill himself. The suspect was accused of molestation and called 911 urging cops to put a slug in him. He aimed at Kim and struck him in his bulletproof vest. Kim's injuries were worse than expected and he would die. The suspect died after eating a lead sandwich.
Cincinnati has reeled from racial unrest after the killing of Timothy Thomas in 2001 by Officer Stephen Roach. There were three nights of riots in the Over The Rhine district. The civil rights leaders imposed an economic boycott of the city which still exists.
Clifford "T.I." Harris, founder of Hustle Gang Music was a scheduled performer in Cincinnati in 2005. He had to watch a friend take a dirt nap. Philant Johnson lost his life after unidentified shooters put slugs in their tour vehicle. The media mogul and some of his crew left a melee at a club. As they were heading to a local hotel, I guess that's when the shooting occurred. T.I. vowed never to perform in Cincinnati again.
A new player in the racial agitator business. Jim Hoft, the founder of The Gateway Pundit has relished in "race" stories. He's following the footsteps of dead agitator Andrew Breitbart. Jim Hoft, Charles C. Johnson and Colin Flaherty are panderers of White extremism. |
Hoft is a concern troll like many agitators in the media. Every event that involves Black criminals on White people is a "race crime" according to this douche and the other asshat Colin Flaherty.
Many observers view The Gateway Pundit as a panderer to White extremism.
Hoft is a racial agitator who relishes in kookspiracies about Muslims, immigrants and Black people.
The conservative Craigslist often links Hoft's stories. The Gateway Pundit stories have been mentioned by many agitators on the AM dial.
Hoft is a 50 something White dork who wants to be the next Andrew Breitbart. Hopefully he doesn't have the heart condition that put Breitbart in the dirt.
Cincinnati News, FOX19-WXIX TV
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