This is the photo of the Aurora shooter James Holmes. He is responsible for the tragic shooting at a Batman movie premiere. |
The tragedy in Aurora, Colorado has gotten the nation in mourning. At least over a dozen people were killed in apparent shooting at the premiere of Batman: The Dark Knight Rises. There are many causalities and the number can change without notice. We at Journal de la Reyna send our condolences to the families of those who were lost.
Also the nation in blaming!
Conservatives are going to figure out that the shooter, James Holmes was a "Democrat" or "liberal". As explained earlier, I went to the websites that agitated the tragedy. The Drudge Report, Michelle Malkin (and Twitchy), WorldNetDaily, Breitbart News and The Daily Caller have mentioned this story. President Barack Obama send his condolences to the people in Aurora, Colorado. When the conservative news agitators reported this story, their readers go completely batshit! They claim that the president was insincere about this tragedy. They boast of conspiracies of President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder coming for their firearms. They have some of the most inflammatory comments saved for the shooter, but yet managed to take a dig at the president. Never a dull moment for the extreme!
Progressives will figure out the shooter was member of the Tea Party or carried views that are considered right wing extremist. We don't know if the person was a Republican! Many people who live in the apartment complex say that he was not a "friendly neighbor". That gives progressives a thought that this person is locked in the bunker strapping up for the great culture war!
I've listened to the Stephanie Miller Show fill-in hosts Chris Lavoie and John Fugelsang talk about the tragedy. They talked about Michelle Malkin making political hay about the tragedy. I've listened to the Rush Limbaugh Show fill-in host Mark Steyn talk about it. I've listen to the Sean Hannity Show and heard Hannity talk about it. They were upset that ABC News reporter Brian Ross blaming a Colorado Tea Party leader for the tragedy. Ross claimed that James Holmes, a Colorado Tea Party leader was responsible for the tragedy. ABC News retracted his statement. That had conservatives upset. Overall each of them have a different take on this.
Each of them were willing to fault the political affiliations and overheated rhetoric for this tragedy.
Of course, we got to figure out that President Barack Obama and the Republicans will be blamed for this automatically. The public will either blame the president or the Republicans for not controlling the incident accordingly.
I know this will be the rally call for the National Rifle Association. They'll make it a fundraising issue. They will claim that President Barack Obama and his allies in the progressive movement are working behind the scenes to take away the freedom to own firearms. They'll rally conservative white males to donate to the Republican Party or their organization. The National Rifle Association has been a huge motivator in riling up gun owners and it will continue to do so, even in a tragedy.
President Barack Obama |
Many state legislators have advocated laws that allow firearms in public establishments such as bars, restaurants, libraries and even the church.
As a concealed carry firearm owner, I express my opinion in a simple term of endearment: What we say, do, or even think could have consequences.
A bullet has no eyes and it will always hit a target. Whether its property, an animal, or a human being, it's going to hit. If you're a human being, it's a life altering experience.
There's nothing worse than having a family member informed that they've lost an individual to a gun.
We have to make a decision when it comes to owning firearms. When do you use it?
I am certain that the political aspects will be focused on gun control. But don't count on the Democratic Party nor the Republican Party to find compromise.
Republicans will never agree on firearm restrictions. Even the moderates in the Republican Party fear the outcome if the NRA gets voters motivated. Democrats are likely more fearful of the NRA. Conservative Democrats who own firearms will look the other way while their Republican allies sign away laws that loosen restrictions on firearms.
And I've said it before and I'll say it again!
These people scream at the top of their lungs wanting control over us, but never control over them.
This tragedy has an effect. The rise of extremism. Another White lone wolf domestic terrorist. It doesn't matter if he's a Democrat or Republican, if he was politically conservative, he harbored views that contributed to this tragedy.
President Barack Obama and Republican nominee Mitt Romney send their condolences to the families of these victims. The president demands the Justice Department and Homeland Security to investigate this tragedy.
Courtesy of ABC News.