Mitt Romney, the perennial candidate running for president is going to be the nominee for the Republican Party. His strategy is to focus mostly on the economy and he's determined to stay solely on that issue.
President Obama has laid out grenades and the Republicans are trying to detonate them. First the president decides to release his long form birth certificate, ending the birther issue. Then he goes into the Strategy Room and ordered the Special Operations Unit to go into Pakistan and kill Osama bin Laden. That ends the issue of the president being soft on terrorism. Oh, wait, he passed the extension of the Bush Tax Cuts, a move that angered his liberal allies. But he's still raising my taxes, right?
The health care law is upheld by the Supreme Court. Oh, so they call it a tax! I guess it's a tax! The Republicans repealed it 33 times since they took control of the House of Representatives. President Obama embraces the notion of gay marriage. Wow, already! I thought he was going to continue the legality of Defense of Marriage Act. The president gives an executive order that gives young adults who were born in foreign countries a chance to become American citizens!
Gee, I thought he was deporting undocumented workers at a higher rate than his predecessors. It's all political expediency, conspired by the liberal media to make President Barack Obama look good and Mitt Romney look bad!
Conservative agitators such as Bill Kristol, George Will, Sean Hannity and even Rush Limbaugh are expressing concern that Romney isn't tough enough to take on President Obama.
The health care law is upheld by the Supreme Court. Oh, so they call it a tax! I guess it's a tax! The Republicans repealed it 33 times since they took control of the House of Representatives. President Obama embraces the notion of gay marriage. Wow, already! I thought he was going to continue the legality of Defense of Marriage Act. The president gives an executive order that gives young adults who were born in foreign countries a chance to become American citizens!
Gee, I thought he was deporting undocumented workers at a higher rate than his predecessors. It's all political expediency, conspired by the liberal media to make President Barack Obama look good and Mitt Romney look bad!
Conservative agitators such as Bill Kristol, George Will, Sean Hannity and even Rush Limbaugh are expressing concern that Romney isn't tough enough to take on President Obama.
President Barack Obama is going for the neck and he's ready to snap it!
Going against his previous campaign, the president is solely going negative on the former Massachusetts governor. After the brutal primary fight, Mitt Romney was trying to regain his footing. Unfortunately, it's going to be a stumble for the former governor. The president is going to make the narrative about Romney's record at Bain Capital. The investment firm has been accused of outsourcing jobs to foreign nations at the signature of Mitt Romney.
Romney wants an apology for the president's aggressive campaign.
No apologies, right?
So far the electoral map is looking better for President Barack Obama. He right now has approximately 280 electoral votes to Mitt Romney with at least 190 electoral votes. The magic number is 270. President Obama has enough with or without Florida or Ohio. But it would be nice if he obtains at least one of these states to win, though!
Still Republicans have an enthusiastic audience. Many Republicans are so fed up with President Obama, they'll take anything over him. Mitt Romney is their second choice but far better than Obama in their opinion!
Let's go to the hard hitting ad from the Obama Campaign. It mocks Romney singing and acknowledging his tenure at Bain Capital. While he was CEO of Bain Capital he outsourced jobs to China, India and Mexico for big profits. Those ads are working.
Looks like Newt Gingrich is starting to look a little better than what they got as their nominee.
Before I go, I want you to understand this! Romney can win!
The economic turmoils haven't gotten worse, but it's not getting better!
Jobs and spending are the key factors to a stable economy.
President Barack Obama must go after Romney and the Republican House of Representatives. He has to paint the Republicans as obstructionists and nail them on their desires to implement domestic austerity cuts.
That's all I got to say for the day, the video comes from YouTube.
Romney wants an apology for the president's aggressive campaign.
No apologies, right?
So far the electoral map is looking better for President Barack Obama. He right now has approximately 280 electoral votes to Mitt Romney with at least 190 electoral votes. The magic number is 270. President Obama has enough with or without Florida or Ohio. But it would be nice if he obtains at least one of these states to win, though!
Still Republicans have an enthusiastic audience. Many Republicans are so fed up with President Obama, they'll take anything over him. Mitt Romney is their second choice but far better than Obama in their opinion!
Let's go to the hard hitting ad from the Obama Campaign. It mocks Romney singing and acknowledging his tenure at Bain Capital. While he was CEO of Bain Capital he outsourced jobs to China, India and Mexico for big profits. Those ads are working.
Looks like Newt Gingrich is starting to look a little better than what they got as their nominee.
Before I go, I want you to understand this! Romney can win!
The economic turmoils haven't gotten worse, but it's not getting better!
Jobs and spending are the key factors to a stable economy.
President Barack Obama must go after Romney and the Republican House of Representatives. He has to paint the Republicans as obstructionists and nail them on their desires to implement domestic austerity cuts.
That's all I got to say for the day, the video comes from YouTube.
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