Whoopi Goldberg said it best "It's Batman, fool!"
Christian Bale wraps his final role as the dark crusader in the latest summer blockbuster.
There's a huge controversy from a bunch of conservative agitators who believe the movie is promoting an agenda that favors President Barack Obama.
Rush Limbaugh once again goes through the movie script and determines that the Batman: The Dark Knight Rises is a liberal conspiracy.
Based on the DC Comics, Batman takes on Selena Kyle (known as Catwoman) and mercenary Bane.
The conservative agitator warns of a conspiracy theory because of the naming of the cast villain being a dig at Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's former employer Bain Capital.
Batman is likely going to break into the Spider-Man and Avengers mold. The billions of dollars that superhero movies obtain are monumental.
Rush Limbaugh isn't a big fan of pop culture unless he's a part of it.
Remember this guy pretended to be a liberal for Seth MacFarlane's Family Guy.
MacFarlane is a liberal activist, comedian, singer and producer of raunchy comedies such as the movie Ted, sitcoms The Cleveland Show, American Dad and Family Guy.
The creators of Rotten Tomatoes were getting death threats after Rush Limbaugh and The Drudge Report rambled on about the Batman movie controversy.
If anything, Batman needs a new villain. How about a overweight commentator who was electrocuted by lightening bolt and became a supervillain. Oh, they have Livewire! How about Shock Rush?
Nevermind, I never was good with this namebranding!
The tragic shooting in Aurora, Colorado will be explained in the article I've written here!
Courtesy of Live Leak via Media Matters for America
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