Going into the lion's den with a piece of steak! Mitt Romney goes to the NAACP Convention. |
Okay, the conservatives are bashing the Republican nominee Mitt Romney for putting his feet in the fire! That fire being the NAACP National Convention where he, Vice President Joe Biden and Attorney General Eric Holder are the keynote speakers at the civil rights organization event.
The conservatives are riled up that President Barack Obama chose not to attend the event. Now if he did, what would the conservatives say?
The same old stuff! Why on earth are "the Blacks" voting for President Barack Obama?
In the opinion of the White conservative male, "the Blacks" are so fixated on keeping their "brotha" in the White House, they can't see that he's destroying the country from within. "The Blacks" fail to realize that their "brotha" Barack Obama isn't concerned about their issues. Unemployment is high with "the Blacks" and yet they'll vote overwhelmingly for him over a business executive such as Mitt Romney.
Romney wants to help "the Blacks" off the Democrat plantation. He wants to get "the Blacks" off of food stamps and welfare. This is a thing that his former opponents Rick Santorum and Ron Paul wanted to transition them out of!
Mitt Romney is welcomed to the NAACP event, but it was tepid at best. He was booed by the crowd after he made his passionate speech to repealing American Healthcare Reform (Obamacare). Between the generic phrases and promises, Romney was at least gracious to attend a highly partisan event.
Courtesy of YouTube
I wonder if President Barack Obama ever got the nerve to show up at a CPAC or NRA event?
The talk of the nation is the presumptive nominee attending the NAACP and the reaction he's gotten.
President Barack Obama gotten over 90% of the Black vote. The Republicans hate this! Hate this very much!
You can read it in the comments section. Listen to it on talk radio. Watch it on cable news channels, particularly on Fox News or CNN.
NAACP considered a nemesis to conservatives. Matt Drudge, the controversial conservative agitator will rile up conservatives with the notion that the NAACP apparently hostile towards Republican nominee Mitt Romney. |
Conservatives found an enemy in the NAACP. Last year, conservative agitator Andrew Breitbart tried to smear the organization and its speaker Shirley Sherrod, then USDA worker who spoke about her struggles in the South and how she overcame her fears of White people to become a voice of all. Breitbart took clips of the video and spin it into a controversy. The video was edited to make the NAACP and Sherrod seem like they're favoring racism against White people. The White House got involved and ordered the termination of Sherrod. The White House feared Glenn Beck, then a Fox News host was going to air the program.
Since then, the NAACP has worried about the potential of their organization being ruined by the likes Beck and Breitbart. Andrew Breitbart died in 2012. He left behind a legacy of smears and distortions in the name of conservatism.
Conservative agitator Rush Limbaugh was rumbling about how the NAACP booed Romney and claimed it was "racist".
Redding isn't the only one critical of the president and Romney.
Ben Jealous, the president of NAACP has been concerned about the issues facing people of color as well.
But the real issue is why? Why would Mitt Romney go an event in which he would yield little to no support?
Some conservative even question the judgement as a bad decision.
The Republicans would rather have Romney focus on issues such as his shaky record. Abortion, illegal immigration, same sex marriage, religious expression, and of course the economy.
Here's a little gem that the Huffington Post is reporting on. After the NAACP speech, Mitt Romney was interviewed by the press and he used a political dog whistle in his statement.
By the way, I had the privilege of speaking today at the NAACP convention in Houston and I gave them the same speech I am giving you. I don't give different speeches to different audiences alright. I gave them the same speech. When I mentioned I am going to get rid of Obamacare they weren't happy, I didn't get the same response. That's ok, I want people to know what I stand for and if I don't stand for what they want, go vote for someone else, that's just fine. But I hope people understand this, your friends who like Obamacare, you remind them of this, if they want more stuff from government tell them to go vote for the other guy-more free stuff. But don't forget nothing is really free.
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