Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Oliver North Is Crowned The Newest Elmer Fudd!

Oliver North is going to be the NRA president.
The National Rifle Association is vowing to continue the norm. They will not support any legislation that curbs gun violence. Despite a handful of mass shootings and reports of gun violence on the rise, the NRA and Donald J. Trump will continued their state sponsored genocide of human lives.

Now a disgraced military official from the Reagan era is set to lead the gun lobbying group.

Oliver North is going to be the new president of the National Rifle Association.

This controversial figure was part of the Iran-Contra affair. In 1988, North was charged for 16 counts of selling firearms to Iran which funneled money to Nicaragua mercenaries called the Contra.

He had his charges reversed in 1991. He ended up losing most of his ranking.

North was a U.S. Marine lieutenant colonel.
The infamous mugshot of disgraced Oliver North.
North is a board member of the NRA.

Besides that he is a good friend of Sean "Softball" Hannity. The two were funding the Freedom Alliance, a former 501 (c) (3) group that raised money for wounded veterans and their families The Freedom Concerts were hosted by North and Softball Hannity.

Conservative agitator Debbie Schlussel called out the two for promoting a scam. She wrote that the softball's expenses and performer fees outweighed the donations given to those who received them.

North is currently political commentator and host on Fox News.

He hosts the Fox News show War Stories.


The idiocy of Donald J. Trump continues to chug along.

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