Thursday, May 17, 2018

I'm A Realtor, Why You Calling The Law On Me?

A Tennessee realtor was harassed by the cops after a white woman called them.
Michael Hayes is a Memphis realtor who found himself in the news. The young realtor had the law called on him after he was on a property seized by his company.

See the video.

In the video, Hayes claims the woman, now identified as Tiffany Albert called the law after she claimed he was suspicious.

So he whipped out his camera and decided to post it online.

As the Memphis Police arrived, the woman continued to complain at the police. As Hayes showed his paperwork and the law went ahead and him proceed.

They warned the woman to let him alone or face a court date.

So once again, a Black man who is a licensed realtor is considered a criminal in the eyes of a white woman.

Aren't you getting tired of this?

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