Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Trump Speaks To Blacks From The Suburbs!

Donald Trump talks to the Blacks with a teleprompter speech written by Roger Ailes, Rudy Giuliani, David Clarke, Jr., Bill O'Reilly and Sean "Softball" Hannity.

It was revealed that Paul Manafort was fired out the cannon yesterday. Trump hired Stephen K. Bannon, the CEO of Breitbart News and Kellyanne Conaway as his campaign managers. Two divisive agitators running his campaign sounds about right.

In the city of West Bend, Wisconsin, Trump tells his nearly White audience about his concerns about Milwaukee in the aftermath of a fatal police shooting of a Black male by the law. It lead to a night of unrest. 

Mind you that Trump spoke in a city roughly 45 miles from Milwaukee and he had the nerve to mention that city specifically in his speech.

"I'm asking for the vote of every African-American citizen struggling in our country today who wants a different and much better future," Trump said.

"It's time for our society to address some honest and very, very difficult truths," Trump said. "The Democratic Party has failed and betrayed the African-American community. Democratic crime policies, education policies and economic policies have produced only more crime, more broken homes and more poverty."
Two divisive figures: Milwaukee County sheriff David Clarke, Jr. and Republican nominee Donald J. Trump.
He ticked off statistics on crime, poverty and education that have plagued Milwaukee, which he said was a city run by Democrats "decade after decade."

"To every voter in Milwaukee, to every voter living in the inner city or every forgotten stretch of our society, I'm running to offer you a much better future, a much better job," Trump said.

Conservatives lick their chops when the riot happened. They have once again try to play on the fears of a Black uprising.  

Sylville Smith was an armed suspect who fled after a traffic stop. He was killed after refusing an order. Now what is missing is the body camera, the name of the officer and the reason why he used deadly force. This incident sparked the night of unrest. Wisconsin is an open carry state. Sylville had run-ins with the law but no time served in the iron college. The officer is in the freezer.

Trump places the blame of economic woes on the Democrats. His appeals to Blacks hasn't really moved the needle on support. Only 1% of Blacks support Trump for president.

"The problem in our poorest communities is not that there are too many police, it's there are not enough police," Trump said. He added that Clinton gave a supportive nod to "those peddling the narrative of cops as a racist force in our society." He said they "share directly in the responsibility for the unrest in Milwaukee and many other places within our country."

Trump is so freaking condescending.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Now They Want To Press Perjury Indictments!

Keep this going. Benghazi and Hillary Clinton's emails continue to be used by Republicans.


Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) and Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) are calling for another investigation into Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and her email server.

The FBI released a report about the emails. Some of the information is currently classified. 

The State Department wants a chance to review notes of the FBI's probe of her email usage. House Republicans continue to waste taxpayer money on the email server and Benghazi .

Now there's talk that the Republicans are pressing for perjury charges against Clinton. Of course, Democrats are calling this latest obsession with the email server another distraction.

Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) has slammed the Republicans for putting forth this. He said, Republicans are wasting more time chasing an already closed case. They plot would plot less than 90 days from the presidential election.

A reminder to you. Rep. Bob Goodlatte is one of the reasons for why the 9/11 First Responders Bill being delayed. He is a piece of shit lawmaker. 

By the way, Donald Trump will get classified information from the U.S. Intelligence Agencies.

It's funny that he would get this stuff given that he's not fit to be president. 

Ailes Jumps On The Trump Train!

Trump hires Roger Ailes to his help turn around his struggling campaign. Ailes is currently facing a lawsuit over allegations of sexual harassment by former Fox News host Gretchen Carlson.

The disgraced ex-Fox News CEO Roger Ailes is reportedly helping Donald Trump with debate preparations.

In this latest controversy surrounding Ailes,  multiple sources say that he will help motivate Trump and get him back on course.

Ailes has gotten a bit of problems going on. One being former Fox News anchor Gretchen Carlson. She filed a federal lawsuit against Ailes for sexual harassment and may have damaging audio of their conversation.

Trump's inner circle denies this but given how things are this election, I would not be surprised if Ailes does influence the struggling campaign.

The New York Times report that Ailes was forced to resign as the CEO of the conservative agitation news channel. The news broke over 20 women have came forward to accused Ailes of running his mouth more than his job.

He was handed a severance package and sent on his way. The Fox News folks are relatively quiet on the situation.

Monday, August 15, 2016


These young women are golden.

Although I haven't watched the 2016 Olympics in Rio De Janeiro, I want to give big ups to the two young woman who became a part of American history. Two young African American women achieved a goal that others strived for.

I want to personally congratulate them on their success and their Olympic Gold.

Simone Biles

Simone Manuel

Gabby Douglas

World News Today congratulates these young woman on the Gold Medals in the 2016 Summer Olympics.

The Nightly Show Axed!

Comedy Central ends The Nightly Show. 

In a surprising move, Comedy Central has  put the breaks on Larry Wilmore's The Nightly Show.

Sources reporting for Variety have said that the two year run for the satirically Black comedy show is ending at 100 episodes. The sources cite the weak lead in from the departure of Jon Stewart as a contributing factor to the show being cancelled.

It also makes it troubling for Trevor Noah who took over for Stewart a year back.

He was the hand picked successor of Jon. The South African comedian and writer has been somewhat struggling with ratings as well. Noah and Wilmore weren't nominated for any Emmys this year.

Wilmore is unapologetically Black and brutality honest. He is very passionate about issues with Black America. He often is annoyed by the showboating antics of conservatives like "Softball" Hannity and Wisconsin sheriff David Clarke, Jr.

He was the host of President Barack last White House Correspondent Dinner this year.

This is some devastating news.

Also it seems like CBS is hoping to pick up steam with James Corden. The Late Late Show is on the rise. Its fueling rumors that Stephen Colbert isn't pleased about his follow up getting all the glory.

Wilmore was then the senior Black Correspondent for The Daily Show before he was promoted to host his own show.

Wilmore is co-executive producer of the Kenya Burris and Anthony Anderson comedy black-ish on ABC.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

What Happened To Sylville Smith?

So he had a gun. In Wisconsin, Sylville Smith was legally allowed to have a firearm. But the perception by the "All Lives Matter" crowd is that he was a no good "thug" and his death by the law was justified.

All is calm right now in Milwaukee. Governor Scott Walker has given the city the national guard in case another night of unrest occurs. The riots in Milwaukee were sparked by a police shooting of an armed Black male. The residents have long complained about police brutality and the Milwaukee sheriff appearing on television ignoring a pattern of problems within the city.

This reached a boiling point overnight. Five businesses were destroyed. An officer was injured and three agitators were arrested.

You got to start thinking that the distrust between the law and the Black Community is now at a record low. You got to understand that these aren't isolated incidents. These are public assassinations.

Black people regardless of being lawful or unlawful are being killed while in police custody.

The law isn't doing enough to catch suspects in the murder of Black people.

The Blue Wall of Silence is no different than the No Snitchin' credeo.

You got to thank the ones who point out the discrepancies in open carry laws. When that showboat David Clarke called for residents to arm themselves, I guess he meant for White folks to strap up.

Trust me, if a White person was carrying his firearm in public, he's given his respect.

If you're fleeing the law, it doesn't merit your death. It merits your arrest.

Tariq Nasheed is the man right here. I guess open carry is solely for White folks. He gets frustrated like many of us when the trolls start peeking into the social media of the victims of police shootings. He gets tired of this narrative because "he had a gun". He said that many White suspects were brought in alive without a shot being fired. Hence the Charleston terrorist.

If a White person is posing with a firearm, its his right to bare arms.

If a Black person is posing with a firearm, its because he is a thug or a criminal.

According to conservatives online and in the junk food media, the victim, Sylville Smith deserved to die. Seeing him pose with a firearm in a selfie is automatic guilt. They don't care about his life and family. They just see a Black "thug".

The 23 year old man and another man were being pulled over in Milwaukee's north side. They would flee the vehicle and the officer gave chase. According to Tom Barrett, the image shows that Sylville had a firearm on him.

Police said the semiautomatic handgun recovered at the scene was stolen in a burglary from a home in Waukesha, Wisconsin, in March 2016. The burglary victim said 500 rounds of ammunition were also taken.

Barrett told reporters the gun was loaded, according to The Associated Press.
Two polarizing figures in Milwaukee. Mayor Tom Barrett and county sheriff David Clarke, Jr.
“This stop took place because two officers … saw suspicious activity,” Barrett said. “There were 23 rounds in that gun that that officer was staring at. I want to make sure we don’t lose any police officers in this community, either.”

Sylville was a victim of a gun shooting. He survived a shooting where he took six to the body. Maybe he had a reason to have a firearm on him.

The law said in a press release that the 23-year-old man who was fatally shot had a “lengthy arrest record.”

A search of Wisconsin court records revealed several arrests, but only one misdemeanor conviction for Sylville Smith. His record also included traffic offenses. No felony convictions were found.

The misdemeanor conviction, for carrying a concealed weapon, came in July 2014. He pleaded guilty to the charge and was fined $443 and ordered to serve one day in jail.
Unrest eased up today. National Guard on standby.
His record also included guilty findings on traffic offenses for speeding, operating a motor vehicle without insurance, possession of open intoxicants in a motor vehicle and operating a motor vehicle with a suspended license.

Smith was arrested in 2015 on a charge of intimidating a witness by a person charged with a felony, which is itself a felony offense. The case was dropped later that year by the prosecutor.

He was also charged with first-degree recklessly endangering safety, a felony, and misdemeanor possession of THC earlier in 2015. Those charges were dismissed by a judge based on a motion by the defense.

According to the Milwuakee Journal Sentinel, both cases stemmed from a February 2015 shooting in which he was a suspect.

Smith was accused of calling his girlfriend from jail to tell her to call the victim in the shooting case to get him to fill out a sworn affidavit saying Smith didn’t commit the crime, according to court documents obtained by the Journal Sentinel.

The victim recanted his identification of Smith and the case was dropped after the victim did not show up to court and was uncooperative, the newspaper reports.

In 2013, Smith was charged with retail theft, but that case as also dropped by the prosecutor.

And to make this even more interesting, they say that the cop who shot Sylville is Black. They specifically point this out for the reasons to make this not a "White and Black" issue.

So they now want to justify the shooting by saying the Black cop shot the Black thug.

Once again, we're seeing this happen time and time again. A police shooting of a lawful, unlawful or unarmed Black person. The name of the victim is released. The conservative agitators and trolls hop online to complain about how this person's life doesn't matter.


While this was going on, a Muslim imam  and his friend was gunned down.

A Georgia cop was killed. A New Mexico cop was killed by two suspects from Ohio who may have ties to the Ohio mass shooting.

Who's Gonna Be Blamed For The Milwaukee Riots?

Unrest in Milwaukee sparked by a deadly shooting of an armed suspect.

There was a fatal police shooting in Milwaukee and it touched off a series of unrest in the city.

There were businesses torched, an officer was injured by a projectile. Three agitators were arrested.

Conservative agitators are ready to blame #BlackLivesMatter, President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton for the aftermath of the riots.

100 protesters at first protested the shooting but the agitators decided to set the north side ablaze.

What we know was the police were chasing after a man who fled in a vehicle after a traffic stop.  The law claims that man was armed. They didn't clarify if the man was pointing at the officers or shot at them. They claim that the man had a lengthy rap sheet.

According to the law, the man was acting suspiciously and it prompted an investigation into the man.

The man was shot in the arm and chest. He died at the scene.

The boiling point started when a group of protesters and agitators clashed.

The Wisconsin justice authority will handle the case. The officer's name wasn't released.  His training was six years on the force with three on the beat. His name will likely make it through social media. He was wearing a body camera. The officer is in the freezer pending the outcome.

The man who was killed wasn't released yet.

Assured conservatives will troll social media to find something they deem incriminating on the deceased. They will try to justify the police shooting.

Republican Governor Scott Walker, President Barack Obama, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), Rep. Gwen Moore (D-WI) were notified about it. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump will address the controversy.

Mayor Tom Barrett will issue a mandatory curfew for areas affected by violence.

This is the area where conservative agitator Sheriff David Clarke of Milwaukee County resides. He will not make the situation any better. He could inflame more tension by showing his face on camera calling residents and protesters a bunch of "thugs."

What makes this tragedy horrible, five victims of gun violence and the community believes the law is inept in stopping this.

Tensions are rising and the irrational could strike. Something gotta be done about gun violence. Its time to act on this before another mass shooting.

The police need to be held accountable for using deadly force on unarmed suspects. We can't allow the blue wall of silence to continue.

More developments on this controversy soon.


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