Social network got heat after it tried to make people jealous for no reason. |
Just today, I seen some of my former friends (yeah, I said it) profiles appear at the top of my Facebook feed page.
One of them was this nasty woman I regretted I ever dated. I won't say her name, but she wasn't one of the most pleasant women I've dated. I see her profile pop up on my page. And I went right to the function, "DO NOT SHOW".
Facebook is the world's most popular social networking website. It's also the most controversial website ever to be created. It's like HIGH SCHOOL all over again! Seriously, it's like I've went back to my old high school and see these bozos once again but through their profiles.
I mean I don't give a rat's ass about these former friends, former girlfriends and people I've worked with before. Whenever I see pictures of women I used to date, I sometimes sigh! I see them with children who aren't mine. I see them with boyfriends or husbands who aren't me! I see friends and associates who know me but would never accept "my invites".
I am certainly glad they've move on pass me. But for me personally, I don't give a care about them or their personal lives.
I am guessing there's a huge controversy going over in Menlo Park. Facebook is doing some damage control after it was revealed that it was deliberately trying to make some users jealous of their friends for a social experiment.
I seen it. And I am none too thrill about it.
Another reason why the social networking website is on the downward slide. I mean has Facebook reached it peak?
And it's going down. Give it six years and people will be saying "What's Facebook?"
Nerdy. Chairman and CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg. |
Sheryl Sandberg, the COO of Facebook came out with a huge apology. She stopped short of issuing a heartfelt apology. She called this experiment a "success".
“This was part of ongoing research companies do to test different products, and that was what it was; it was poorly communicated,” Sandberg, Facebook’s chief operating officer, told the Wall Street Journal while travelling in New Delhi. “And for that communication we apologize. We never meant to upset you.”
I must have been one of those 700,000 idiots who Facebook used as a target for social depression.
They often would tweak the most active users profiles to top feed. They would put their feeds on the non-active users (such as myself). They would often show the profiles of braggers. People who are addicted to the social networking. Putting their business out there so the world knows. People would often get jealous and it would lead to depression.
The Washington Post reports that Sandberg’s statement was the first public comment by a Facebook executive on the controversy since it erupted over the weekend, prompting anger from many Facebook users and criticism from some academics who said it was unethical to manipulate users’ emotions without informed consent.
In the study, researchers at Facebook tweaked what hundreds of thousands of users saw in their news feeds, skewing content to be more positive or negative than normal in an attempt to manipulate their moods. Then they checked users’ status updates to see if the content affected what they wrote. They found that, yes, Facebook users’ moods are affected by what they see in their news feeds. Users who saw more negative posts would write more negative things on their own walls, and likewise for positive posts.
Sandberg’s apology is not likely to appease some, such as Robert Klitzman, a psychiatrist and ethics professor critical of the study, who said in a column for CNN that “the problem is not only how the study was described, but how it was conducted.”
Facebook has since implemented stricter guidelines, the Journal reported. Research other than routine product testing is reviewed by a panel of 50 internal experts in fields such as privacy and data security. Company research intended for publication in academic journals goes through a second round of review, again by in-house experts.
The upset over Facebook’s mood study is “a glimpse into a wide-ranging practice,” Kate Crawford, a visiting professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Center for Civic Media and a principal researcher at Microsoft Research told the Journal. Companies “really do see users as a willing experimental test bed” to be used at the companies’ discretion.
my honest opinion about Facebook. I offer my honest take on how the world's most popular website has taken me down the path to despair and how I overcame my addiction to Facebook.