Thursday, January 22, 2015

Man Caught Two Dummies Posting Their iPad Theft!

These two dummies didn't think the owner would activate the Find My iPad function. That function will track the iPad, iPod, and iPhone whenever its activated through a wifi network.

A thief who never owned a iPhone or an iPad never expected Apple to update their products to assist in helping owners to retrieve their lost properties.

Houston men are in the Harris County lockup after the owner found their selfie pictures on his iCloud server. The thieves broke into the man's vehicle and took over $5000, the iPad and laptop.
These two dummies didn't expect the pictures turn up on the viral social networks.
They head to a nearby Burger King and activate the iPad. They would make a video called "Burger King Ballin'" while holding a bundle of cash. One of the thieves posted on the social network that, “This, my good people, is what we get from a good night’s hustle.”

They would post on their social networks unaware that their picture and video would automatically transfer to the iCloud. 

When the owner went to trace his iPad, he saw the pictures of the two. So instead of just shaking his fist and throwing a tantrum. He decided to publicly shame these guys. 

He took to the Reddit, a viral agitator. The agitator ranks up the most controversial or topic worthy posts. Then of course, the junk food media would eventually jump into the fray. It would take a few days before they would be spotted by their friends.

It's nothing new. We're human beings. We all make mistakes. 

I'm guilty of this too. Most Americans leave their doors unlocked. The opportunity for theft increases when owners fail to lock their vehicles.

Schaefer left his vehicle unlocked and had a backpack in the backseat. He didn't expect during the day someone would go after his properties.

When someone steals from you, it makes you feel like you've been punched in the gut. They violate your space, your property and your freedom. They create the cycle of theft. Somewhere down the road, the victim could become the criminal. Or the victim may become the vigilante. Or the victim would buy a gun and eventually let the slugs fly.

Dorian Walker-Gaines, 20, and Dillian Thompson, 22 were busted a few days later. Seeing that they've stolen over $5,000 including properties, these two will be getting a minimum of five in the iron college if they're found guilty on these charges. The most I bet you is at least 15 in the iron college.

Already the racist right has gotten their NIGGER fixation. 

Stewart Schaefer the victim, left the car unlocked in front of his home earlier this month.

You expect the word vomit to include Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, monkeys, coons and Obama references in. 

DOJ Isn't Going To Charge Ex-Ferg Officer!

Department of Justice will push for civil rights violations for ex-cop.

The August 2014 shooting of Michael Brown was one of the most controversial stories of the year.

Former Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson shot and killed unarmed Brown after a confrontation. The St. Louis County grand jury didn't file charges against Wilson.

Now the U.S. Justice Department will release its findings this week. It seems like the violation of civil rights charge is not going to stick. Wilson may be off the hook for this one.

There's not enough evidence to bring up an intentional criminal act against Wilson.

This controversy divided race, politics, class and economic standings.

The liberals and Black America believed that the shooting of unarmed suspects is getting out of control and law enforcement is trigger happy when it comes to BLACK MALES. They believe the junk food media is giving comfort towards law enforcement. They figured that every Black male who is unarmed and shot by law enforcement will be portrayed as a villain.

The racist right and some in Black America believe that Michael Brown, Tamir Rice, Eric Garner, John Crawford and Trayvon Martin were no good criminals. They had it coming. They done the crime. They deserve the slug. They often claim that President Barack Obama, Rev. Perm, Bill de Blasio and Attorney General Eric Holder are the real criminals and racial agitators. The racist right believes that Michael Brown "robbed" a store. Brown reached for Wilson's gun. Brown charged at the officer like a football player after being shot more than once. The protesters are rioters and looters. They're criminals just like Brown. Regardless, they were happy and even gloating on websites about it.

Stupid Ted Cruz Takes His Talking Points From Hannity!

The country's most dumbest politico is Stallmigo Ted Cruz (R-TX). He would boldly tell a misleading statement on national television. And who would he get this nonsense from? The country's worst cable news host.

Stallmigo Ted Cruz (R-TX) has to be one of the dumbest politicos to ever be in the Senate. He is basically a talk radio agitator working as a lawmaker. He's bomb-throwing insults at the president and yet has the audacity to never check his facts before he opens his condescending mouth.

He was on that annoying conservative agitator's program discussing his take on the president's State of The Union Address. Added that Cruz is thinking about jumping into the clown car. After all, putting on the makeup and red nose is hard work. He hardly does any work if not at all.

That annoying conservative agitator as well as many others come off with this ridiculous notion that 92 million Americans are not working in the workforce.

Granted that there are some not in the active workforce. But obviously, a majority of them are children under 16. Then you got the baby boomer who are pass 65 years old. They are retiring at a higher rate this time around. Then what about those who are severely disabled. You want them to work?

Seriously, it's about 8 million people (age 18 -54) in the underemployed. About 10 million (age 18 -54) who are not actively working or attending college. So about in a nutshell 20 million are probably not actively working or underemployed.

Politifact gets to the bottom of this.

The total U.S. population age 16 and over is at least 243 million. Subtracting the nearly 156 million Americans in the labor force in June 2013 -- that is, those who were either working or looking for work -- leaves 87 million Americans, which is close to 90 million.
Well on his way to be nominated for being the worst cable news host again.
However, the 90 million number is padded, since this number includes a lot of Americans who wouldn't be expected to be working. Specifically:

• People age 16 to 17, who likely are in high school: 9 million

• People who are enrolled in either two- or four-year colleges: 21 million

• People age 65 and older, who have reached retirement age: 40 million people

That means 20 million people are of normal working age, not in college and not working. That’s less than one-quarter the amount repeatedly cited in the blogosphere.

So the 90 million number is exaggerated. Even so, the idea that fewer people are joining the workforce is something that worries economists.

All things being equal, economists like to see more people working because it helps economic growth (though not at the expense of dropping out of school, which can limit future employment opportunities and earnings potential).

To gauge these trends, economists can calculate the labor force participation rate, which is the percentage of the population that is either working or looking for work, and they can calculate the employment to population ratio, which is the percentage of the 16-and-over population that is currently employed. Both statistics generally track each other, but not in lockstep.

Here’s a summary of these statistics between the end of the last recession in June 2009 and the most recent month available, June 2013.

Politifact rules this.      Mostly False

That day will come when the annoying conservative agitator will be fired out the cannon for misleading his audience one too many times. He well on his way to be nominated once again for being the worst cable news host.

Under the First Amendment, he can lie, deceive and mislead his gullible audience. He has a right to do so. That annoying conservative agitator and Cruz can tell the public President Barack Obama done nothing to help the economy.

What do they know? They are not historians nor economists. They are clueless agitators who sole purpose is to rush to the cameras to prove the listeners and viewers their "gotcha moment" fix.

For a lawmaker to agree to come onto a show to spew some totally stupid bullshit shows how serious a Ted Cruz presidency is! That chain email about 92 million people not working is bogus. No right minded individual would believe that 1/3 of the nation's population is not working.

Nevermind, there's those in the Republican Party and their racist right allies.

But to tell a stupid Republican the facts is like telling them that slip proof shoes have no laces.

Oh, I forgot that Loserville may get sued by the mayor of Paris, France. She was pissed that Loserville would suggest that parts of her city have Muslim "no go zones". That was proven false and yet it's still being repeated by the racist right.

Like I've told you in previous stories, Stallmigo Ted Cruz and Rand Paul (R-KY) have NO LEGISLATIVE ACCOMPLISHMENTS.

They have the least amount of time as lawmakers to proposal bills. Cruz was sworn in 2013 and Paul was sworn in 2011, respectively.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Serving Lame Duck At The SOTU!

Another contentious year for President Barack Obama and Republicans.

As the final two years begins for President Barack Obama, he delivered his State of The Union Address on Tuesday. He wants to go bold on his agenda. The Republicans didn't want no part of it.

They've shown it in repose. The Weeper of the House rolled his eyes, refused to stand up and clap and some of the Republicans heckled the president by having phones on. What got the junk food media's attention was not Congressman Joe Wilson (R-SC). But a few of his fellow Republicans sneering and clapping when the president said that "he's done with campaigning".

The president went off the script and hit them with "I won both of 'em" response. The junk food media seized on that alone. Let's us not forget that the president wanted to pass a jobs bill, raise taxes on the rich, get affordable child care and college legislation passed, easing tension with Cuba, immigration reform, stalling sanctions to Iran, and authority to go after the Islamic State. He threatened Republicans with vetoes if they repeal the Dodd-Frank law and Obamacare. He warned them that the Keystone XL pipeline is not going to be approved if they can't pass other means of fuel and energy.

The insurgency and the newest Stallmigo Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA) delivered the Republican response. I didn't hear much from the conservative agitators about it. So I am guessing it was a dud. But nonetheless, the fashionistas love the camouflage high heels she was rocking.

Republicans also used Establishment lawmaker Carlos Curbelo (R-FL) to do the Spanish version.

Congressman Curt Clawson (R-FL) delivered the Insurgency Repsonse. He was the idiot who made the news after he thought that American citizens testifying to a House Committee were from India.

Stallmigos Rand Paul (R-KY) and Ted Cruz (R-TX) delivered their own responses to the president's speech.

Okay, the infighting between Republicans is beginning. The Republican Response is the official criticism of the president. These worthless lawmakers insult the Republican Party by doing these numerous and worthless responses. They all are on the same page. They hate Obama. We know that.

We're off to the beginning of an unproductive 114th Congress.

Man Arrested After Tackling A Man With Legal Right To Have A Gun!

It was going to be a John Crawford moment. A Black man who had legal right to own a concealed firearm going into Walmart and a "concerned" citizen takes action into his own hands. He calls 911 and proceeds to act like a hero. He tackles the man and restrains him. The Hillsborough County sheriff and Brandon police put the cuffs on the hero.

Some things never change.

Michael Foster, 43 is facing charges on battery (felonious restraint). The victim Clarence Daniels, 62 told Foster that he had a permit. He told Tampa Bay Action News that Foster was lucky that he didn't react to the tackle. He told the report that Foster could have at least stopped him and questioned his intentions before the assault.

Honestly, who knows what a person's thinking?

Florida is one of the many states that allows its residents to hold conceal carry permits. Walmart doesn't restrain shoppers from carrying into their stores. Although some will take an issue with it, the Walmart corporation will not discriminate against shoppers.

Brandon is located 5 miles from Tampa and is one of the many boomburbs surrounding the Tampa/St. Petersburg/Clearwater region.

This comes from The Raw Story.

Dinesh D'Souza Compares Himself To Dr.King.....

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Bullet Has No Eyes!

Bradley Cooper plays Chris Kyle in the Clint Eastwood military drama American Sniper. The legacy of Chris Kyle is being criticized by some in the junk food media.

Chris Kyle was the former Navy seal who claimed that he may have killed over 200 people during his days as a sniper. He was on television, radio and the internet promoting his bestselling book, American Sniper: The Autobiography of The Most Lethal Sniper in American History.

It told a tale of his multiple tours in Iraq and Afghanistan being a professional hitman. He would often be called upon to take out suspected terrorists. He would overcome PTSD (post trumatic stress disorder) and the stress of being away from family. He would later rebound by creating a business and wrote a biography about his life.

He was killed in 2013 by a deranged gunman in Texas at a shooting range. He was training veterans how to operate firearms in the way of a professional sniper. The shooter had mental issues (PTSD) shot Kyle and another man to death before he would steal the Kyle's vehicle.

The law would capture the suspect after a brief chase. Kyle left behind a wife and two children.

Conservatives would often praise this man for his often exciting tales of bucking individuals in target kills. The Kyle experience is often brought up by the likes of that annoying conservative agitator.

On Monday, I listened to that annoying conservative agitator complain about actor/filmmaker Michael Moore hitting the social networks with a criticism of the Clinton Eastwood movie adaption to American Sniper.

Eastwood's movie is nominated for six Oscars. It beat out the Martin Luther King, Jr. biopic Selma.

Selma got nominated for an Oscar but snubbed for best director. It got nominated for best song by entertainers John Legend and Common.

Conservative agitators were mouthing off the Eastwood movie and it helped the movie beat out others.

That annoying conservative agitator was complaining about how "stupid" Michael Moore was and "he didn't care about what he said". But yet he led two segments about Moore on his right wing carnival and radio show. Again this is the reason why most in the media call him the worst cable news agitator.

He says that he's not bothered by critics of conservatives but yet devotes segments to it. And of course throws President Barack Obama into it regards of who the critic is. He's certainly entitled to do so, but like most people, we already know the obvious tactics of this annoying agitator.

The conservative outrage is over Michael Moore and Seth Rogen's criticism of the Clinton Eastwood movie inspired by the late Chris Kyle's book American Sniper.

They both went to the social networks saying that Kyle doesn't deserve praise for being a cold blooded killer. Although they didn't say it in bold face, they've often complained about the fantasy that is Chris Kyle.
Chris Kyle with wife Tanya. Tanya is grateful for those who seen the biopic. Tanya is the widow of Kyle.
Some complained that Kyle harbored bigoted views towards Iraqis, Blacks and Muslims. Others dismissed this as another attempt by the liberal Hollywood elites trying to debunk a movie.

The movie American Sniper features Bradley Cooper (as Kyle) and its up for an Oscar nomination. The movie took a surprising $100 million in ticket sales and it's being promoted by the agitators.

Failed Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich has went on the offensive and took a strike at Moore and Rogen.

Gingrich says that "Michael Moore should spend a few weeks with ISIS and Boko Haram. Then he might appreciate American Sniper. I am proud of our defenders."

The freedom of speech cuts both ways. Each of these individuals are controversial. They profit off outrage. Moore, Gingrich, Kyle, Eastwood, and that annoying conservative agitator have been notable for saying things that are catnip to the junk food media. Each of them failed at something.

Eastwood was mocked for talking to an empty chair.

Kyle was killed by a gunman at close range. He was a professional sniper and yet he let his guard down. He was crazy for allowing a man with mental issues handle a firearm. He didn't think a simple training session would end his life.

Gingrich called Obama the food stamp president. He ran one of the worst presidential campaigns ever. He lost most of his staff. He would rebound for a brief moment and released the most hard hitting ad against perennial loser Mitt Romney. He's often criticized for being a cheater in his three marriages and ineffective House Speaker. He has no accomplishments since leaving office. His CNN show Crossfire was canceled in December.

Moore is a filmmaker who made Fahrenheit 9/11, a movie that depicted George W. Bush and his administration as a blood thirsty war machine. He would criticize the Bush administration for ignoring signs of a terrorist attack. He would direct Canadian Bacon a failed movie. He's a member of the NRA although he's criticized the organization for promoting lawlessness. He is now single after a bitter fight with his ex-wife Kathleen Glynn. He's often loved and hated among the political class.

That annoying conservative agitator is one of the worst cable host in history. Since 1996, he's been a fixture on Loserville. He's been often the unopposed voice on a debate show with Alan Colmes, a comedian turned liberal agitator. After Colmes left, he was given his own show. The show is a political right wing carnival of ignorance. He would often scream and yell at those who disagree with him. He blindly attacks or supports controversial figures. He was demoted a few years back for Megyn the Outrage Princess. He's on the verge of being pulled off the air for some of his antics.

NOTE: Why I mention annoying conservative agitator so much? I will no longer mention Sean Hannity by name. I will only refer to him as that annoying conservative agitator.


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