Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Why I Cannot Say That Hemings-Jefferson Relationship is Romantic

Why I Cannot Say That Hemings-Jefferson Relationship is Romantic(Updated)

I cannot in the whole world say that the relationship between Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings is one of romance. I'm sorry I'm not buying into mainstream media and pundits history revision. These were the same people who venomously deny that Jefferson coerced and abuse Sally Hemings, let alone an involuntary relationship. There are still many who totally deny the Hemings-Jefferson relationship to this day. Don't these people see before their eyes the many complexions Black Americans are today? They are not the products of recent couplings, but of coerced and abusive relationships between Black women and White men during slavery, segregation, and Jim and Jane Crow. My friendly blogger Ann said in her commentary:

"Until the day comes when an enslaved woman can have a say-so over her body, the children that come from her body, and how and when she can decide herself what she will or will not be able to do with her body, the word mistress will never be used by me in the same sentences with the words slave and master, regardless as to whether it is Thomas Jefferson or any other white slave master."

Not only Black women suffer the indignity of abuse, rape, and sexual exploitation by all men, but they were routinely deny respect and equal protection under the law(read At the Dark End of the Street by Danielle McGuire).  Antimiscegenation laws were a proof of such indignity. Refusing to be called by their last names is showing disrespect. 

While mainstream media and society are very obsessed over the presidency of President Obama, society doesn't want people to discuss about the other racial mixing that is both very coercive and exploitative. Barack Obama is a product of consensual interracial relationship and marriage, that of a Black man and a white woman. America is more sympathetic and comfortable with that combination although they show contempt toward that combination.  Read Richard Cohen's racist article regarding the DeBlasio family this past November. Then again, they don't pose a threat to the structure of American white supremacy because the white woman who marry black men takes his status.

It's time to talk about this shameful, sordid history instead of sweeping it under the ground as usual.


Monday, March 10, 2014

Don't Underestimate The Racist Right!

The conclusion of the Conservative Political Action Conference netted a winner of the straw poll. The controversial Kentucky Republican Stallmigo Rand Paul won and its giving him some more bragging rights.

Literally a politico with no legislative accomplishments, Paul won the straw poll beating out his fellow Stallmigo Texas Republican Ted Cruz. These two Tea Party endorsed Stallmigos have been in the news more than I could imagine. I mean seriously, they've appeared over 100 times on either Loserville or the other junk food media markets.

They appear on the television to offer literally nothing but constant attacks upon President Barack Obama, people of color, women and those in the LGBT community.

Even three of the most divisive agitators in the media had the floor. A former House Speaker, a former Alaskan governor and a former Arkansas governor had the floor.

The former Alaskan governor would recite Dr. Seuss to attack the president.
A bag of Fritos, a soda and Green Eggs & Ham was the props used in the former governor of Alaska's controversial speech.
The Minority Leader of the Senate would bring a rifle to the event and hand it off to the retiring Oklahoma senator who was once Obama's friend.

The Republicans have turned into the literally "stupid" party.

However we must not underestimate the party. They are very likely to vote this U.S. Midterm. And if the Democrats don't get their grove back, the Republicans could win.

For you see, the Republicans have a majority in the House of Representatives and they hope to retake the Senate.

The CPAC Convention drives the narrative for Republicans. They come to Washington, DC to bring their best agitating speech.

With that being said, do you believe that CPAC is the gateway to Republican victory or just another cabal of extremists?

Here's the former Alaskan governor making her keynote speech.

"Aigues-Mortes, un port pour les Croisades" - le making of

Where is the C in CPAC? | American Renaissance

Where is the C in CPAC? | American Renaissance

Ha! Ha! Ha!

Paleoconservative White Nationalists Jared Taylor criticized CPAC for not being conservative and racist enough. Isn't it ironic that conservatives are fighting one another when they say that liberals are disunited.  It's the conservative movement that is in array.  They're fighting about who's the most conservative, more White, and Christian.  Obviously, Mr. Taylor doesn't think that CPAC is racist enough and yet the latter agrees with Mr. Taylor about the inferiority of People of Color.

Well, Mr. Taylor, America is a changed country.  Get used to it!

Sunday, March 09, 2014

Saturday, March 08, 2014

Quvenzhané Wallis Plays Annie And The Racist Right Flips!

One of the youngest actresses nominate for an Oscar is of color. She gets mad hate over her role in a play.

10 year old actress Quvenzhané Wallis will play the role of Annie. She and Jamie Foxx will be in the play and here comes the word vomit from the racist right.

Here's an example of the hate that comes down the pipe.

This is the pathetic stuff you see from the Republican Party and its allies in the racist right.

Nothing but a grown ass loser who has nothing but contempt for the Black community. 

Is there anything I got to say to the Turd?

One thing: She's rich and famous. He's not! Therefore, he'll hate. After all, a NIGGER got a better role than what this burger flipper got! So he'll have a pissy fit over it. 

Call us NIGGERS all you want, chump.

But guess what, the USA is getting brown and your ass is going down!

Just like the Cheerios ad, this type of stuff exist.

The racist right and their friends head over to the Conservative Political Action Conference to promote this type of nonsense. Besides attacking a talented actress like Quvenzhané Wallis, the racist right would try to claim their down for the struggle.

Look how they try their best at reaching out to minorities.


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