Thursday, March 28, 2013

White Extremist Wants To Round Up Some N****rs!

The professional bigot Matt Heimbach.
Drudge is promoting White nationalist on his news agitating blog. The White Student Union at Towson University is causing uproar and the students are totally divided on the approach by the organization's leader Matthew Heimbach.

Heimbach is a controversial figure. He is a White supremacist.

He is the professional bigot. The bigot who engages in the charm offense while dismissing his obsessive hatred of the African American community. He is actively recruiting many more extremists like him to join in his organization.

Heimbach was last seen at the Conservative Political Action Conference. He along with Scott Terry were at a "race-relations" seminar that featured a Black Republican explain how to "Trump The Race Card".

Heimbach coached Terry into interrupting the speaker saying that his rights as a "Southern White Conservative" were under attack and the Blacks were better off enslaved.

Now Heimbach is trying to start a posse. A posse devoted to stopping the scourge of Black on White crime on the campus of Towson University.

Heimbach has written on his blog that Towson is experiencing a “black crime wave” with “black predators” preying on the “white majority student body.”

Heimbach's group is not university-sanctioned, but it has attracted the attention of the Southern Poverty Law Center, which lists the White Student Union on a so-called "hate map" of white supremacist groups.

Towson University officials release a statement saying that its increased evening patrols on campus but not as a result of increased crime. The school does not encourage students to take the law in their own hands, and while it does not recognize the White Student Union, there is little the university can do to stop it.

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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Dionne Warwick Couldn't Predict Her Trip To The Poor House!

Dionne Warwick's money woes are an issue today! Warwick, famous singer and actress files for bankruptcy. 

Sometime ago, Dionne Warwick was telling the public that our youth couldn't spell because of rappers like Snoop Doggy Dogg. Back in the 1990s at the peak of gangster rap, many Black leaders and White conservatives were throwing their crap to the wall hoping it would stick.

She joined C. Delores Tucker, Brent Bozell and Joe Lieberman in stomping on the music CDs of Snoop Dogg and Tupac Shakur.

Yeah, I remember she was part of the Psychic Friends Network. She was selling the hustle of predicting the future.

Yeah, I also remember that she was busted in Hawaii with a little of the sticky icky.

Now I can remember that the famous singer is now broke, literally. And she couldn't predict this demise?

The cousin of Whitney Houston is now sitting on the verge of being out of money. The famous singer has made an appearance in U.S. Bankruptcy court to file for backruptcy. She owing over $10 million in taxes.

Warwick has been spending like a queen and not putting it on paper.

The Raw Story reports that her problems are due to the reported mismanagement of her business affairs, she lists liabilities that include nearly $7 million owed to the Internal Revenue Service for the years 1991 to 1999 and more than $3 million in business taxes owed to the state of California. Unable to work out an agreement with tax officials, she and her attorney decided that declaring bankruptcy would be the best course of action.

Warwick lives off of her performance income, which varies from month to month, and a monthly $14,000 pension from the Screen Actors Guild, said her attorney, Daniel M. Stolz. She also receives $1,000 in royalties a month, according to the petition.

Stolz said Warwick paid more than $1 million toward back taxes she owes, but because of interest and penalties, her tax liability "continued to mushroom."

"It was a small liability in the 90's but it kept growing and growing," he said.

Stolz said Warwick tried to work out payment plans to the Internal Revenue Service and the California Franchise Tax Board for taxes owed. The plans, he said, were rejected.

"She really had no choice," than to file for bankruptcy, Stolz said.

"Ms. Warwick is a very proud woman and was reluctant to file."

Warwick, the aunt of vocalist Cissy Houston and cousin of the late Whitney Houston, comes from a long line of singers. A graduate of East Orange High School, Warwick got her start in gospel and released her first single, "Don't Make Me Over" in 1962.
Legendary rapper, Snoop Dogg goes to the reggae outlet for his next album. He transitions to Snoop Lion. 
Earlier this month before filing for bankruptcy, she performed in Red Bank and was presented the key to her native East Orange.

Now I know we here at Journal de la Reyna hope the best for her! It's pretty clear, that for all the years of grandstanding and attacking others for reckless behavior, it's no surprise she would be in the spotlight.

I mean she attacked Snoop Dogg for smoking weed, yet she smokes it too.

She blames hip-hop music for being Black America's downfall, but she does things that give White conservatives a reason to see Blacks as a part of the downfall.

This adds to the list of Black entertainers who owe taxes. By the way, Snoop Dogg (known for now as Snoop Lion) also owes the tax man for some unclaimed funds.

Jenna Wolfe: I'm Pregnant (And Gay)!

Jenna Wolfe, co-anchor of Today Weekend announces she's pregnant and a lesbian.

My crush and dreams are smashed.

Yeah, I had a huge crush on the yellow-bone, Jamaican born NBC News anchorwoman. The Weekend Today anchor comes out with two bombshells.

Me along with probably a lot straight men are devastated by the news.

She was very athletic and very easy-going. I was one guy who thought she was a perfect catch for any person who would courted her as relationship. She was the most attractive woman I've seen in the news.

Today's anchor Jenna Wolfe, came out as a lesbian. She also announced that she five months pregnant with her first child with her partner a fellow NBC news worker.

This brings to the nation another shocker. Another Black anchor comes into the spotlight acknowledging their sexuality. A year ago, CNN reporter Don Lemon, came out a gay man.

The Today Show is a train wreck. Ann Curry's dismissal left a bitter taste with viewers. Good Morning America is catching up. Matt Lauer is scorned by most viewers as the reason to Ann Curry being sideline and this recent on-air conflict involving Jenna Wolfe also hurt the network.
Jenna Wolfe with Lester Holt on the Today Show.
Jenna Wolfe is frustrated with her bosses over the downgrade from anchor to newsreader.

It stems from her ongoing feud with co-anchor Erica Hill.

This is well-known conflict. Wolfe was ordered to act right or get the pickslip. The anchor pouted on camera and kept herself very distant from Dylan Dyer and Hill. They all look uncomfortable together on the program.

Rumors swirled about Wolfe having affairs with numerous anchors on the network, one being Matt Lauer.

Erica Hill left CBS late last year after Norah O'Donnell took over for CBS Morning Show. Hill appeared on the Weekend Today's program in January alongside host Lester Holt.

Before Hill, it was Holt and Wolfe who hosted the program. The downgrade had people thinking that Wolfe was getting screwed out of a position.

Stephanie Gosk, a foreign correspondent for NBC News is Wolfe's girlfriend.

"I don't want to bring my daughter into a world where I'm not comfortable telling everyone who I am and who her mother is," Wolfe told People. She will blog about her experiences for the Today show, starting with her first entry published Wednesday. In it, she calls the pregnancy, "the biggest and best adventure of our lives."

My best wishes to Jenna Wolfe and her partner on their future.

President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden endorsed gay marriage last year.

Ohio Republican senator Rob Portman came into the news endorsing gay marriage. Also Democratic Senators Clarie McCaskill (Missouri), Ron Wyden (Oregon), Mark Begich (Alaska), Mark Warner (Virginia), Sherrod Brown (Ohio), and Jon Tester (Montana) endorsed gay marriage. Many Democratic senators are coming full circle in acceptance of LGBT rights.

The Supreme Court is hearing the Prop. 8 ban and DOMA. These decisions are coming in late June. The nation is watching for the court's decision.

Does gay bans allow the American people to vote for discrimination?

MSNBC Wants To Skin A Fox!

MSNBC is rising in ratings. The network's president thinks it could take down Fox News in ratings. Rachel Maddow is matching rating key demo. The liberal agitator goes against Sean Hannity, the conservative agitator on Fox News.

Fox News, the nation's most watched cable network was hoping for the first 100 days of a Mitt Romney administration.

Alas, it was tossed out the window, just like every other issue the Fox News Channel devoted its time and coverage to. The conservative-leaning network was hoping that President Barack Obama would fail.

Chris Hayes.
Leading the way was the ever so annoying Sean Hannity. The guy who would spent all day and night rambling on about the president. He always would create a manufactured controversy straight out of his boss Roger Ailes' playbook.

Then you got the woman who would devote a whole show to covering not only that idiot Sarah Palin, but the numerous hot White chicks gone missing. That Greta Van Susteren, the "LIBERAL" agitator is a fixture there. She frequently puts on Republicans and conservative agitators to bash the president.

Chris Matthews.
Then the spin doctor himself, Bill O'Reilly. Always thinking about how the LEFT would ruin traditional values in America. Picking fights with rappers, celebrities and lawmakers, O'Reilly would got upset over the "domestic" War on Christmas and now Easter. He would write a book on what he would do if he killed Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy.

These three are the primetime fixtures on the conservative network.

Phil Griffin, the chief over at MSNBC is seeing the cracks and it's going to punch a hole through it.

Lawrence O'Donnell.
Griffin declared that Fox News days are numbered.

He stated that MSNBC will overtake Fox News in the ratings and the threat is serious. He's lined up Chris Matthews, Rachel Maddow, Joe Scarborough, Al Shaprton, Ed Schultz, Lawrence O'Donnell and Chris Hayes as his hard hitters for the network.

The primetime line up will begin with Al Sharpton, Chris Matthews, Chris Hayes, Rachel Maddow, and Lawrence O'Donnell on weeknights. On weekends there will be live programs from Melissa Harris-Perry Ed Schultz,and David Gregory.

Griffin is lining MSNBC to be the voice of the liberals. The Pew Research has the network leading the way in opinionated program. Although, I don't believe the poll about MSNBC being to opinionated, it's commentators are pretty liberal and are known agitators.
Al Sharpton.

Griffin took a shot at Fox News by calling the network "Loserville" because of it blatant declaration of President Barack Obama being defeated in a "landslide".

The New Republic caught up with Phil Griffin and asked him about the success of his network.

Portion of the article included: The network managed to hang on for a couple more years before accidentally hitting upon an identity that worked. Right after Hurricane Katrina, in the summer of 2005, Keith Olbermann delivered a “Special Comment” at the end of his show about the Bush administration’s incompetence. Even though it was an instant sensation, picking up millions of hits online, Griffin demanded that Olbermann stop. Having his temperamental star fulminate against the White House for nine uninterrupted minutes at 8:50 p.m. wasn’t his idea of a perfect lead-in to Rita Cosby.

But Olbermann, being Olbermann, persisted, eventually earning himself the designation of “truth teller of the year” in Rolling Stone.

Ed Schultz.
This is how MSNBC as we know it developed: haphazardly, and often over Griffin’s initial skepticism. In 2005, Tucker Carlson’s team brought Rachel Maddow into the network based on a tape her agent sent them. Maddow wasn’t Griffin’s style—she didn’t look like a Fox blonde—but Carlson insisted that she stay on, and Maddow quickly proved herself to be erudite and winning on-air. When she was hired as a regular contributor, MSNBC gave her the keys to Connie Chung’s old dressing room, an enthusiastic makeup artist, and a closet full of high-end clothing. Hint hint.

“Morning Joe” has a similar creation story. In 2007, as part of an effort to persuade Griffin to give him a morning show, Joe Scarborough stayed up late one night to Photoshop a poster for his imagined program. He pasted pictures of his dream co-hosts, including Willie Geist, and bullet points of what the show would do.

Finally, Griffin gave in. Scarborough then managed to hire Mika Brzezinski as his co-host, again over Griffin’s objections. Before their first show, Griffin gave them a piece of advice, “Pretend to have an audience of one: Tim Russert.”

“It took me about eight years to figure him out,” Scarborough says. “I sit, and I look at a problem, and I make a decision. Phil sits back and he lets things hit the wall and he waits to see what sticks.” He calls this Griffin’s “free-market, laissez-faire approach” to management, and it has been phenomenally successful over the last five years.

Melissa Harris-Perry.
The 2008 campaign showed that there was a big audience for left-wing punditry, and Griffin, who took charge of the network that July, moved to capitalize. Liberals like Olbermann and Maddow were anchoring prime time shows, while reporters like Andrea Mitchell were pushed into the daytime hours. In time, Bill Clinton was able to call MSNBC “our version of Fox News.”

“Phil is the perfect distillation of the television mentality,” says one former MSNBC employee, “which is: whatever the audience wants.” And, actually, no one at the network knows much about his politics; he’s probably a Democrat, but it’s just not something he cares much about or discusses with ease. “[Fox News President] Roger Ailes is a lifelong TV guy,” says Chris Hayes, MSNBC’s new 8 p.m. anchor, “but he’s also a political consigliere. Phil is not. Whatever his politics are, they are not woven into the DNA of what we’re doing.” Put another way: Fox News is a TV network that succeeds because of its ideological slant. MSNBC is a TV network that has an ideological slant because that’s what happened to succeed.

And MSNBC is more successful now than it has ever been. At the end of this presidential election, it drew an average of 1.5 million viewers to its weekday prime time lineup. (The numbers have fallen since.) Fox still gets more than two million a night, but Griffin, optimistically, believes he can beat Fox by 2014. It’s a cockiness that has funneled down. In a recent staff meeting, one of Griffin’s producers coined a new term for Fox News: “Loserville.”
Joe Scarborough, Mike Brzezinski, Willie Geist and MSNBC president Phil Griffin.
But even if MSNBC doesn’t surpass its main rival in the next year or the next five, Phil Griffin has managed an unprecedented feat. He has created a thriving and lucrative liberal TV business, the long-sought answer to Fox News and conservative talk radio. Above all a businessman, though, Griffin understands that people’s tastes change, so even now, at the height of MSNBC’s power, he’s talking about “evolving” the network. He wants it to become more of a lifestyle brand than a political hub. Which means that the biggest threat to MSNBC’s position as a liberal oasis may not be a newly invigorated CNN or Fox News; it may be the man who shaped the network into what it is today.

The New Republic interview riled up the social networks. Of course, the supporters of Fox News were the usual word vomits of denial and saying MSNBC is the butt kissers of the president. The network's supporters now have a new word for the people over at Fox News.

"LOSERVILLE" is going to stick around more than Keith Olbermann.

Ben Carson: Touré Needs "Tokens" To Ride The Bus!

He speaks so softly, but its a big voice in the conservative movement. Dr. Benjamin Carson became a hero to the conservative movement after he criticized President Barack Obama. He attracted the praise of conservatives and the ire of liberals and Black leaders.

Of course, that's not what he said, but the conservative activist responded to criticism from Black commentators labeling him a "Token", an "Oreo" or even an "Uncle Tom".

Fox News has its new candidate for grooming.

The neurosurgeon who rose to fame insulting President Barack Obama at the National Prayer's Breakfast last month is the rising face of the conservatism.  Dr. Benjamin Carson is retiring from the hospital room soon and the conservative media is hoping he'll take his "gifted hands" into the public office.

There's talk that the conservative supporters want this African American as their candidate for president.

Of course, it's not merit without criticism. Touré, a liberal agitator on MSNBC comes out swinging against the proclamation of Carson being a viable candidate.

Touré said that the Republican Party continues to line up people such as Carson to prove they have "Black friends" and concluded that the purpose is to shield itself from the rampant bigotry and racism within the party.

Mediaite take advantage of the ongoing obsession with Carson. They (along with Media Matters for America) track the numerous times Dr. Benjamin Carson been on Fox News.

He's been on Fox News programs frequently. He's been on Sean Hannity, Neil Cavuto, Fox & Friends and now Megyn Kelly's program. It's almost like they're propping a "nobody" to run for president.

Carson responds to Touré.

Kelly reads off comments by viewers calling him an "Oreo", "token" and the "GOP's version of affirmative action!"

Carson said that "if you don’t have anything useful to say, you attack people. If you feel that your house of cards has been discovered and is starting to come unraveled, you become very desperate. [You know that] intelligent people tend to talk about the facts. They don’t sit around and call each other names. That’s what you can find on a third grade playground. They feel if you look a certain way, then you have to stay on the [Democrat] plantation. Obviously they don’t know what an ‘Uncle Tom’ is! 

Black Republicans and conservatives are no different than their White counterparts. They protect ignorance, bigotry, the constant hatred of others and pride themselves on phony patriotism.

Again, Blacks and Hispanics/Latinos detest the Republican Party.

Blacks do not take kindly to a White conservative running his mouth saying that Republicans "freed" the slaves. The Republicans say that Black voters "owe them" for their freedom.
Conservatives are fuming at Touré for his comments about Dr. Benjamin Carson and Black Republicans.
The Republicans continue to say that Blacks are "racist" for overwhelmingly supporting Barack Obama, the Democratic nominee for president, twice.

The Republicans continue to defend the Confederacy, a group of breakaway states that betrayed the United States in favor of slavery. The Confederacy only lasted less than four years, but it's legacy is forever among the White nationalists and racial harbor bigots within the Republican Party. That's probably why constant mentions of succession were thrown around after the U.S. presidential election. And of course, Republicans blame the past version of the Democratic Party to blame the current version for the creation of the far-right hate group the Ku Klux Klan.

The Republicans would rather see their White male supporters own guns, luxuries such as homes, vehicles, better paying jobs and keep their domestic safety nets.

Once they see a rise in minorities being on safety nets, they're rushing to write legislation to deny them their rights to have safety nets. They would say condescending things about Blacks being trapped in urban violence, welfare and it's the faults of Democrats and Black leaders.

Yet, these guys want to live in their gate communities with guns drawn and phones on speed dial to call the police on you.

They want control over us, but never control over them.

That's why the Republican Party is detested by Blacks and Hispanics. The party is catered to WHITE MALES and the well off. If it was so easy to say this, I wouldn't be writing about it!

I don't know if I should add him to the list of many names who will be frequently mentioned. But it's getting closer though!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Michele Bachmann: Obama Wants Revenge On Me!

She didn't say this comment but I figured that anything that involves her getting a share of controversy, I am guessing that Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota) will pull President Barack Obama out of her pocket of excuses.

The former presidential candidate is under probe for using campaign funds inappropriately.

Citizens for Responsible Ethics in Washington has the former presidential candidate's campaign involved in two email blasts to thousands of home school advocates after a staffer allegedly stole the list from the Network of Iowa Christian Home Educators.

Urbandale, Iowa's police are looking into the matter. The Federal Elections Committee is investigating Bachmann for concealing campaign payments to a staffer, for using PAC funds to pay a consultant, and for failing to pay staffers who refused to sign a nondisclosure agreement.  Bachmnann's campaign counsel, William McGinley of Patton Boggs, confirmed the OCE was investigating the congresswoman's 2012 presidential campaign.  Investigators for the OCE apparently questioned former campaign staffers about alleged improper transfers of funds and under-the-table payments.

So what does it say about the Tea Party maven's political woes?

It says that she'll just blame the president for having his "goons" go after her for saying the truth about Obamacare and radical Islam.

Once again, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann is one the dumb woman. And for all the degrees and political capital she invested by her years of service, this behavior marginalizes her to be one of the looniest members after Texas congressman Steve Stockman (R-Texas), Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), Arizona's Trent Franks (R-Arizona), Steve King (R-Iowa) and Virginia Foxx (R-North Carolina).

This is your Tea Party people!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Jim Carrey Is Back In Color!

Actor Jim Carrey goes after the National Rifle Association and legendary actor/former president of the gun lobby Charlton Heston with a parody video.

Jim Carrey is a Canadian-American actor/comedian who is best known for his wild and crazy antics in most movies. Ranked one of the funniest entertainers, Carrey keeps the entertainment going!

He starred in the 1990s sketch comedy In Living Color with Keanan Ivory Wayans and his siblings, Damon, Kim, Marlon and Shawn. Carrey performed with the likes of Jamie Foxx, Jennifer Lopez and Chris Rock.

Carrey gets back into his old sketch comedy days by parodying Hee Haw, the country music themed comedy sketch show.

Recently, Carrey gotten the ire of the conservative media recently.

He mocked Charlton Heston's famous "[My] Cold Dead Hands" speech.

Watch the video here:

George Zimmerman's Family Ties GA Teen Shooter To Trayvon Martin!

My brother (George Zimmerman) killed that thug, Trayvon Martin! - Robert Zimmerman, Jr.

Take extreme discretion in reading what is being said today. These images come from the official Twitter page of George Zimmerman's brother's Robert, Jr. This asshole is kicking on the grave of Trayvon Martin.

He along with many in the conservative media are actively "BLAMING THE VICTIM" for the accused!

Now they're running a smear campaign against Trayvon Martin. They're comparing him to a teenager who murdered an innocent baby..

Apparently the family of George Zimmerman is proving that race may have factored in the shooting!

The 17-year old teen, De’Marquise Elkins is accused of shooting and killing a baby.

Elkins and another teenager were charged with murder. They tried to rob the mother of the child.

The botched robbery led to the child being killed. And these two are going to face a possible life sentence in the iron college.

Well of course, this has got the nation talking. Of course in the conservative/white supremacist bubble, anytime a Black individual commits an act on a White person, it's all out war!

The comment section of most newsfeeds (via The Drudge Report and Fox Nation) usually advocate racial insensitivity and all out ignorance from those support conservatives. The WHITE conservative man always seems to be the one usually rallying in defense of not being called a racist.

They've rushed to the defense of Zimmerman. They believe that even though Trayvon Martin was unarmed, the teenager provoked the fight.

Trayvon Martin was killed in Sanford, Florida. He was an unarmed teenager who was in the gated community of his father. While there he got into a confrontation with George Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch volunteer who was patrolling the neighborhood. They got into a fight and Zimmerman shot him. The killing of Trayvon Martin sparked international outcry for gun control.

The controversial shooting isn't forgotten by me and LaReyna. I will revisit the previous article I've written in September will bring you up to date on the tragedy.

But to Robert Zimmerman, Jr., the brother of accused shooter George Zimmerman, there's no sympathy towards the family of Trayvon Martin. Matter of fact, Robert Zimmerman, Jr. decided to unzip his pants, let his head show and let soak Trayvon Martin's grave with his urine.

Mediaite's Tommy Christopher got the goods on this asshole. Zimmerman goes to the social networks to attack the "LIBERAL" media, Trayvon Martin, Al Sharpton and Michael Moore.

Tell you what!

We here at Journal de la Reyan want a fair trial for George Zimmerman. The individual is innocent until proven guilty. If found guilty in this second-degree murder charge, Zimmerman would spend the rest of his life in the iron college.

George Zimmerman doesn't speak for his asshole brother. But his asshole brother will give the media a reason to believe that race contributed to the confrontation that led to Trayvon Martin's death.

Do you think that Robert Zimmerman, Jr. offensive comments tainted the case?

Do you think that conservative agitators such as Zimmerman wrote off Black men as "natural born criminals?"

Do you actually think it was self defense for George Zimmerman to kill Trayvon Martin?

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Gay Marriage Got The Republicans Split!

Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) is against gay marriage. But his wife Cindy and daughter Meghan are in favor of it.

Guns don't split the Republican Party. It's those wicked homosexuals who kiss in front of their children.

Republicans hope the majority conservative wing of the Supreme Court would rule that gay marriage is illegal. Court insiders are watching for the swings from Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Anthony Kennedy. After last year's debate over the legality of Obamacare, many Americans are biting nails on a landmark decision. Legalization of gay marriage concludes the fight for civil and equal rights.

Gay marriage moves the country forward.

The Supreme Court is about to hear the case of Prop 8, a discriminatory law that banned the same sex couples of California from being legally married.

California has a huge LGBT population and many there want the right to marry like straight couples.

A majority of states banned gay marriage. California voters endorsed the ban on gay marriage in 2008. The case was heard in federal court and both sides equally won. Now the last appeal goes to the Supreme Court.

Already over nine states legalized the right to marry for gay couples. Gay marriage is becoming popular in the United States. By a slight margin, gay marriage is approved by the general public. Those who are 18 to 39 favor gay marriage by an overwhelming margin.

The Republican Party is still rigid on gay marriage. They believe that if the country allows gay marriage, then it open the door for people marrying animals and non-human objects.

There are some Republicans who are breaking the ice on gay marriage. This month, the first elected Republican politician came out in support of gay marriage. Senator Rob Portman (R-Ohio) acknowledged that his son is gay.

Having a family member come out changed Portman's mind and also rattled the Republicans.

Now many other Republicans and conservative activists are showing support for gay marriage.

Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) is against gay marriage. His daughter Meghan McCain and his wife Cindy McCain support gay marriage. Meghan McCain is a liberal Republican who is a fixture on MSNBC. She writes for The Daily Beast and her own professional blog. Former campaign adviser Nicole Wallace, and former Bush lawyer Ted Olsen are notable Republicans who came in support of gay marriage.

But so far, the needle hasn't moved with the general party. Republicans, Westboro Baptist Church, Pat Robertson, the Family Research Council, Focus on the Family and National Organization for Marriage are determined to fight against the legalization of gay marriage.

This month's CPAC banned gay Republicans from attending festivities. It irked MSNBC's conservative agitator S.E. Cupp. She turned down an invitation to attend the event.

Republicans are searching for the big tent. The Republican Party is 90% WHITE and 10% other.

It's the party that's similar to cocaine. Cocaine is mostly white.

The Republican Party has trouble courting young voters. It has trouble courting Black, Hispanic and Asian voters. The party already lost the Black and Islamic vote.

Listening to conservative agitators call themselves the "Pro-Family, Pro-Marriage and Pro-Life" party is funny!

They support death of criminals, banning gays from marrying, and want children to become obese.

If they dropped the act and say they're bigots, maybe the world would agree with them.

The Republican Party as of right now is considered the enemy of progress. They're seen as the party of stuffy old men. They can't get over the fact that our country is moving forward. They're still living in a long and forgotten era.

It's time to put away the Ronald Reagan nostalgia. It's time to move past the hate and the division. President Barack Obama is the future of progress. Republicans are so far behind and it may be their undoing.

Give the LGBT community the right to marry. They're not hurting anyone!

Touré: GOP Lines Up Tokens!

Touré slams Republicans for embracing Black conservative.

Touré, the liberal agitator on MSNBC once again attracts the ire of the conservative media. He slams the Republicans diversity tour. Once again putting himself in another controversy.

He slams the Republicans and its conservative allies for lining up Black conservative activist Dr. Benjamin Carson as their new "token".

I don't blame him. Like in previous articles, I stated that Republicans are WHITE like COCAINE. The party is over 90% White and less than 10% other.

The Black community and Hispanic/Latino community detest the Republicans and their conservative allies.

Republican national chairman Reince Priebus is searching through the woods trying to find that rainbow with a pot of gold. Running this Carson fella is a "great idea" says the conservative media.

This is really another reason to why Blacks detest the Republican Party.

As a person of color, I see really despise the Republicans running around with this notion that it's them that "freed the slaves" and "Blacks are racist" for supporting Barack Obama over perennial losers Mitt Romney and Senator John McCain (R-Arizona).

I really detest the Republican Party for allowing wack-a-doodles like Senator Marco Rubio (R-Florida), Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) and Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) as the future of the Republican Party.

Lining up more crazier and politically stubborn politicos is a "great idea". Yeah, we'll get more of these guys over a rational Republican who could appeal to others.

Yeah, this Dr. Benjamin Carson became a celebrity over the past few months. The National Prayer's Breakfast is where this neurosurgeon and the director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital insulted President Barack Obama while giving a speech on religious tolerance.
Conservatives hope Dr. Benjamin Carson jumps into the political fray.
Carson is the new face of Black conservatives. Of course, he's the new "HERMAN CAIN" in a way!

Sean Hannity, the country's most annoying conservative agitator after Rush Limbaugh is constantly propping this Black conservative into the spotlight. Already, Carson been on Fox News more than 18 times.

My question to the readers here: If insulting President Barack Obama at an event is the key to running a candidate for president, do you think that Dr. Benjamin Carson is capable of being a leader?

Michele Bachmann: Obamacare Kills The Children!

Republican congresswoman Michele Bachmann from Minnesota continues to open that mouth. The former presidential candidate is often mocked for her outrageous comments about policies and President Barack Obama.

If the health care law kills the children, then I guess the firearms keeps them healthy!

She's so fucking dumb it's unbelievable. It's no wonder, why her presidential campaign was destined for complete disaster.

Democrats have singled her out as a potential pickup if they line up a candidate who could be viable against a politico who is well funded and known for awful gaffes while in the spotlight.

I'm sure that Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota) is a good representative in her district, but are people frustrated with this constant agitation from her?

In her latest attempt to repeal the historic American Healthcare Reform law, Bachmann goes to the floor.

She makes the outrageous claim that hypothetically claims that if Obamacare isn't repealed, women, senior citizens, and children will die!

This would be the 36th attempt by Republicans to repeal Obamacare. Former vice presidential nominee, Congressman Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin) and his austerity bill passed the House of Representatives with Republicans fully embracing. The Democratic-controlled senate passed a budget plan that advocates equal cuts and tax increases. That bill will have trouble making it through the House of Representatives. The House bill will not make it to the Senate floor.

President Barack Obama congratulated the Senate for passing a bill. It took them over four years to pass one budget bill. The Democratic budget bills would often die because of the unprecedented filibustering from Republicans.

Remember Jennifer Mee "The Hiccup Girl"?

Distraught: Jennifer Mee breaks down in court at a November hearing. In an interview released today she tearfully denied any part in a 2010 murder
Florida woman best known as the "Hiccup Girl" has a murder trial in May. The woman, Jennifer Mee was responsible for setting up a young man in a botched robbery that led to his murder. Mee, her boyfriend and another friend are facing life in the iron college if they're found guilty.

The young woman who was famous sometime back in 2007 for uncontrollable hiccups (Tourette's syndrome) is facing trial for murder. Jennifer Mee, Laron Raiford and her then boyfriend Lamont Newton were involved in a robbery/murder of Shannon Griffin, a young man who met Mee on Facebook.

Laron Raiford
Laron Raiford.
Mee denies that she set the young man up, but the court found otherwise.

Shannon Griffin was a survivor of the devastating Hurricane Katrina of 2005. Griffin moved with his mother to St. Petersburg from Mississippi. He was working and attending a local college. He apparently heard of the young woman through friends and the social networks. Mee arranged Griffin to meet her at a dope spot and the two men Raiford and Newton were to rob him of his stuff. Griffin put up a fight and one of the men shot him and killed him.

Mee is going to face the judge in May. She may take a plea deal to get a reduced sentence. Right now, if she is convicted for her role in murder, Mee will spend the rest of her life in prison.

Mee was then a 15-year old girl who was making the media circuit for a rare condition that caused repetitive and painful hiccups. Her parents tried to get her all the remedies to stop them, but to no avail.

Lamont Newton
Lamont Newton.
She managed to become the talk of the nation. Her famous interview on NBC Today gain millions of supporters wishing her well. She even got the opportunity to get a hug from Country music star Keith Urban.

Doctors found medication and therapy to help control the hiccups. For the most part, Mee was "cured" of her hiccups. But there lies the dark side of Jennifer Mee.

Mee was a rebellous teenager. She would often run away to live with her boyfriend Lamont Newton, a known dope boy.

She would post that "she was the Gangsta Boo of TBSP (Tampa Bay-St. Petersburg)".

Often on her social networking profiles, Mee would be seen showing mild raunchy of herself as well some pictures of her smoking the kush and drinking.

Laron Raiford and Newton lived in the neighborhood that Mee was to arrange this set up.

Newton wanted to get his girlfriend to lure her "date" to the house. They ended with this plan going wrong.

Mee initially tried to say that it's the fault of Raiford. She claimed that Griffin knew Raiford's previous girlfriend and the jealous boyfriend was going to beat the crap out of him.
Victim: Shannon Griffin
Shannon Griffin, the young man who was gunned down by Lamont Newton and Laron Raiford.
But the police got her to confess to being the bait for a robbery. Now that reckless behavior got her now fearing the shine will fade and the life will be surrounded by "BARS". Trust me, Mee fears going to the iron college.

But do you actually think she is not at fault for her role in Shannon Griffin's murder?
Then a teenager, the world showed sympathy to a young girl who could never cease the constant hiccups.
I mean she can say that she fell with the "wrong crowd" and "she didn't do this" in the face of the camera, but the truth is that she's cold-hearted and doesn't seem to care about the many lives that she's ruined in that night.

Hopefully, justice will be served and we here at Journal de la Reyna believe that Jennifer Mee, Lamont Newton and Laron Raiford deserve a fair trial. We believe if they're to be found guilty in this murder, they should spent the rest of their lives in the iron college.

Currently the three are currently incarcerated in the Pinellas County Jail in Clearwater, Florida.

We here at Journal de la Reyna send our condolences to the family of Shannon Griffin.


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