Monday, December 24, 2012

Yeah, The NRA Took A Self Inflicted Bullet In The Head!

David Keene and Wayne LaPierre may have inflicted more harm!
Republicans and their conservative agitators rush to the defense of the gun organization. Wayne LaPierre and David Keene go onto the television to defend themselves from harsh criticism by gun control advocates.

“If it’s crazy to call for putting police in and securing our schools to protect our children, then call me crazy,” LaPierre told NBC’s David Gregory. “I think the American people think it’s crazy not to do it. It’s the one thing that would keep people safe and the NRA is going try to do that.”

President Barack Obama has tasked Vice President Joe Biden with the job of consulting with members of the Cabinet and outside organizations to come up with legislative proposals by next month.

When asked about this initiative, LaPierre said, “if it’s a panel that’s just going to be made up of a bunch of people that for the past 20 years has been trying to destroy the Second Amendment, I’m not interested in sitting on that panel…. The NRA is not going to let people lose the Second Amendment in this country.”

While they were shooting off their mouths, two New York firefighters were killed.

A petition was posted by extremists on the White House website. They're petitioning for deportation of British entertainer Piers Morgan. The CNN anchor and Britain/America's Got Talent host was the scorn of gun nuts because of his harsh criticism of the NRA.

David Gregory and President Barack Obama were scorned by conservative agitators for having protection for their children. The NRA was criticizing the president for having armed protection!

The NRA only solution to the problems of the world, get more guns! MORE GUNS FOR THE WHITE GUY AND NO GUNS FOR THE BLACKS, HISPANICS, AND MUSLIMS!

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Sunday, December 23, 2012

CNN Anchor: Should We Should Profile White Men?

Don Lemon is a rising star on CNN. The network that is trailing behind the partisan tabloids news channels MSNBC and Fox News.

Lemon is the weekend news anchor. Last year, Lemon came out as a Black gay man and wrote a book on his life struggling through molestation. In his memoir, Transparent, released in May 2011, Lemon acknowledges publicly that he is gay and discusses colorism in the black community, racism, homophobia, and the sexual abuse that he suffered as a child.

The Drudge Report hypes up a controversial statement made by the anchor on racial profiling.

Lemon was asked by a Twitter follower on the recent Sandy Hook shooting. Lemon commented on recent mass shootings being caused by White men aged 18 - 25.


Many conservatives claim that some of Lemon's statements come off as anti-White. Lemon feuded with Eddie Bishop, the Black anti-gay pastor caught in a gay scandal and actor Jonah Hill after the entertainer snubbed him in Ohio. Lemon made controversial statements in the past and this one will be ringing the bells of Newsbusters, Breitbart, The Daily Caller and The Blaze.

The anchor brushed off criticism.

Recently, former CNN anchor T.J. Holmes was stopped by the South Carolina police.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

[These Racist Conservatives] Complain About Obama Taking Vacations!

President Barack Obama enjoys shaved ice with daughter Malia. Conservatives fume up over the president taking a vacation. Once again, another lame NIGGERIZATION of President Barack Obama by those in the extremist conservative media. Matt Drudge leads the way to racial ignorance.

The fiscal cliff showdown continues. In Washington, DC, the partisan gridlock is so unprecedented.

President Barack Obama and the Congressional Republicans are odds over the Bush tax cuts. The Republicans want to keep the tax cuts permanent for all Americans. President Barack Obama wants the tax cuts to expire for those making over $250,000. The Republicans want a trillion in spending cuts (i.e. domestic safety nets). The president wants all on the table cuts (i.e. domestic safety nets, defense cuts, and budget reduction). They can't get to an agreement!

The Republicans are losing the battle. The public wants tax rates to go up on the rich. The president won the narrative and his job approval is showing that. Currently his job approval is 57% according to Gallup. The rising in job approval gives the president the edge. A CNN/ORC poll says that the Republicans are too ideological! Basically extreme in the way of governing. That's not good for them.

They're actually trying to refocus their narrative. They're trying to distance themselves from the extremists in their party. Congressman John Boehner (R-Ohio, Speaker of the House) shown signs of trying to put the brakes on the Tea Party. Some Republicans are venting off frustration over Tea Party members being stripped of committee chairs. The PLAN B bill was a total failure. The Republican leader couldn't gather enough of his party to vote on the bill. The bill would raise taxes on those making $1 million or more. The Republicans pretty much boxed themselves in. The president now controls the message!

President Barack Obama can say that Republicans would rather have everyone pay higher taxes because of their refusal to compromise. The fiscal cliff (sequester) will take effect on January 1, 2013. The defense cuts, safety net cuts, the student loan rates, the tax rates will be affected.

Many Americans are getting frustrated with passing legislation at the last minute. The backlog is great. The U.S. Postal Service, a farm bill, and Hurricane Sandy disaster relief were stalled by Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) and other Tea Party endorse members. Our milk prices could go up beginning in February. The total destruction of Atlantic coast has families scrambling for federal aid. Republicans want no part of it because of a few earmarks slipped into the bill.

PLAN B failed and Speaker Boehner was handed an embarrassment. He's fumed up and teared up. The 112th Congress has proven to be one of the worst under his leadership. Now as Boehner, Senator Harry Reid (D-Nevada, Majority Leader) and members of the House and Senate recess for the holiday break, the president also takes a break. The president left out Friday night for his vacation home in Hawaii.

The Congress will return on December 27, 2012 for a few more days of gridlock. It's a 57% chance they'll have a compromise by the end of the year.

Anyways, The Drudge Report. The conservative agitator's website attracts White extremists!

They're fumed up yet again over the president taking a vacation. It seems like they probably never take a vacation from complaining! These individuals are the most dumbest bunch of human excrement.

Once again you'll read the word salad of ignorance. The first thing is the blatant disrespect of the president. Then they'll fume up on birther nonsense. And lastly they'll complain about why it's the president's fault for not getting things done.

The president does deserve a vacation. The 2012 U.S. presidential elections were one of the most partisan and costly events ever! Republicans have pissed him off with the fiscal cliff and his nominations. The Republicans are still upset over Mitt Romney being beaten down by the president. The conservatives don't understand the duties of the president. It's a everyday routine for President Barack Obama. The president's duties are 24/7. The president gets daily briefings! He is updated on the status of the nation, wherever he goes. No matter what he does, White extremists will complain!

Hawaii is where his family lives. He's entitled to see his family.

Republicans legislators are going to home too!

Aren't you complaining about that?

I guess not!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Obama Picks John Kerry To Succeed Hillary Clinton As State Leader!

File:John F. Kerry.jpgSenator John Kerry (D-Massachusetts) was the 2004 U.S. Presidential nominee for the Democratic Party. He and John Edwards, then North Carolina senator both were handed a defeat by President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney. Kerry paved the way for Barack Obama to become the president. In 2004, Barack Obama, then a state legislator made a remarkable speech to the nation. He went on to become a U.S. Senator from Illinois. After a few years in, presidential aspects swirled around Barack Obama. In 2008, Barack Obama became the Democratic nominee and won the election comfortably.

The 2012 election went to Barack Obama and now he's looking forward to replacing members of his cabinet.

And now against Republicans, Barack Obama is looking for another round of battles in his second term. His potential pick Susan Rice didn't get through the gridlock. She was bucked by Republicans after her appearance on Sunday programs about the tragedy in Benghazi.

So what was left for the president?

Nominate the senator from Massachusetts, put the seat once again in a competitive race for the Republicans. This will be likely an easy confirmation by the Senate, although some Republicans and conservatives will try to revisit 2004 again!

Senator Scott Brown (R-Massachusetts) is reconsidering his chances of winning his seat.

Senator John Kerry is a fixture of the U.S. Senate. Kerry was born in Aurora, Colorado. He attended boarding school in Massachusetts and New Hampshire and went on to graduate from Yale University class of 1966, where he majored in political science and became a member of the influential Skull and Bones secret society. He enlisted in the Naval Reserve in 1966, and during 1968-1969 served an abbreviated four-month tour of duty in South Vietnam as officer-in-charge (OIC) of a Swift Boat. For that service, he was awarded combat medals that include the Silver Star, Bronze Star, and three Purple Hearts. Securing an early return to the United States, Kerry joined the Vietnam Veterans Against the War in which he served as a nationally recognized spokesman and as an outspoken opponent of the Vietnam War. He appeared before the Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs where he deemed United States war policy in Vietnam to be the cause of "war crimes".

Kerry coined the term "SWIFTBOATED" as the conservative activists targeted him for his military service.

Kerry didn't fight against Swift Boat Veterans for Truth campaign. They single handed Kerry a loss and tarnished him as a "Flip-Flopper".

That continues among most candidates from Massachusetts. The only candidate from Massachusetts to win a presidential election is John F. Kennedy.
  • Daniel Webster
  • Robert F Kennedy
  • John Kerry
  • Ted Kennedy
  • Michael Dukakis
  • Mitt Romney 
George H.W. Bush born in Massachusetts. He was the Vice President of The United States under Ronald Reagan. Bush won his full term as president but lost reelection.

Congratulations to John Kerry. He will be a great addition to the Obama team.

Did The NRA Misfired?

A rifle and a smile! - Wayne LaPierre

You know how to make an enemy?

Insult them directly. Today the spokesman for the nation's gun rights organization managed to not only piss off the media, but probably those Americans who lost their families to gun violence.

The chief spokesperson for the National Rifle Association Wayne LaPierre once again stepped in the shit and tired to shoot the shit off with his six shot pistol.

Today's press conference by the NRA was led by David Keane, the president of the gun lobbyist group. Wayne LaPierre went to the cameras to discuss the situation and managed to do the word salad of blaming the entertainment industry (i.e. the media, video games, and rap music) for the mass shootings by deranged White terrorists and gang members.

The NRA has been under heavy criticism for their role in the firearm industry. The Sandy Hook shooting tragedy became the rally cry for the gun control debate. President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden have finally decided to take on the issue. Although this was left off the table, many progressives are now demanding the president focus on this by his second term.

The NRA has been defiant in the defense of their organization. They blame President Barack Obama for this.

They call for armed security in the nation's public schools. They defend the maximum capacity of the firearms used in the shooting tragedy. They want the president and Congress to act in unison to have the rights of gun owners protected.

LaPierre managed to shoot up a couple of rounds into the graves of these victims. He decided to use the Sandy Hook tragedy to claim the president failing to sign legislation that protects schools.

Reporters at the today's press conference were shocked by the statements made by him. LaPierre stated  “The only thing that stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun,” LaPierre said at a press conference in Washington. LaPierre also called on Congress to act immediately ”to appropriate whatever is necessary to put armed police officers in every school in this nation.” LaPierre was interrupted twice by gun-control protesters; one held up a sign that read: “NRA Killing Our Kids.”

“Politicians pass laws for gun-free school zones, they issue press releases bragging about them … in doing so they tell every insane killer in America that schools are the safest place to inflict maximum mayhem with minimum risk,” said  LaPierre, the head of the nation’s largest gun rights group.

LaPierre said that if the Newtown school had been armed officers on site, lives may have been spared.

“Will you at least admit is is possible that 26 little kids — that 26 innocent lives might have been spared that day,” he asked.

Now that the NRA spoke out against gun control, the rest is left to those who put pressure on the legislators.

Defiance and stupidity continues to plague the Republicans and its allies in the conservative movement.
Nra Press Conference

The National Rifle Association has proven that they care more about firearms than the lives of those lost to them. They've forgotten in urban schools, they have metal detectors. It took a suburban school shooting to make this an issue.

How many gun crimes occur in the neighborhoods of metropolitan cities?

How many people died because they've played violent video games?

Grand Theft Auto, Splinter Cell, Halo and Mortal Kombat are adult games. It's the parent's fault for allowing their children to play these games. It's not the entertainment industry's fault for a mental person causing a mass shooting!

The NRA really screwed up with this press conference.

Chi-Town Bank Robber Caught!

Joseph "Jose" Banks isn't one of the smartest ones! He and Kenneth Conley broke out of a federal prison in Chicago. Banks was caught after being spotted in Chicago. Conley still on the loose. These two will face heavy time for escaping a federal prison.

You've escaped from a federal prison for bank robbery. You're likely going to an ADMAX prison.

Joseph "Jose" Banks was one of two bank robbers escaped out of a Chicago federal prison this week.

He was caught without incident yesterday night. The other bank robber Kenneth Conley may still be in the area.

Conley is known to check out strip clubs so the feds are looking within the three states for Conley. Conley could be tripped up by a decoy prostitute. He will likely change his appearance so no one would find him.

It's highly unlikely he'll leave the United States. The U.S. Marshals and FBI are actively checking airports and train stations. So the best thing for him is to give it up! There's no way for him to elude law enforcement.

Law enforcement officials left a host of questions unanswered, including how the men could collect about 200 feet of bed sheets and what they might have used to break through the wall of the federal facility.

Banks, known as the Second-Hand Bandit because he wore used clothes during his heists, was convicted last week of robbing two banks and attempting to rob two others. Authorities say he stole almost $600,000, and most of that still is missing.
Kenneth Conley is still on the loose. It's likely he'll be caught because of his unusual slip ups!
During trial, he had to be restrained because he threatened to walk out of the courtroom. He acted as his own attorney and verbally sparred with the prosecutor, at times arguing that U.S. law didn't apply to him because he was a sovereign citizen of a group that was above state and federal law.

Conley pleaded guilty last October to robbing a Homewood Bank last year of nearly $4,000. Conley, who worked at the time at a suburban strip club, wore a coat and tie when he robbed the bank and had a gun stuffed in his waistband.

Since they've committed bank robbery, it's likely the pair were facing up to 25 years in prison. But since they've escaped from a federal prison, a level 2 violation, they'll add on over 10 years for escape. It will likely put them in a Supermax prison. The closest ADMAX prison is in Terre Haute, Indiana. Depending on how violent the criminals are they'll be in Florence ADMAX, the only prison where the most dangerous criminals are.

They broke out of prison last week and used a makeshift rope out of sheets. The escape went unnoticed for hours, with surveillance video from a nearby street showing the two hopping into a cab shortly before 3 a.m. Tuesday. They had changed out of their orange jail-issued jumpsuits. Now of course heads will roll for that.

If prison guards were to allow this to happen, they'll immediately be fired and likely charged in aiding their escape. Simply the most stupidest thing to do is break out of prison. If you're that smart, you've been on a plane out of the country. But since these idiots didn't have a plan post breakout, they'll be caught.

John Boehner Can't Get His Own Party Together!

Republican leader tears up after PLAN B comes up short of votes. Republicans playing with the fiscal cliff and it's going to have causalities. Congressman John Boehner (R-Ohio) may go down in history as one of the worst Speakers ever!
The Ohio representative who is the current Speaker of The House has been boxed in by President Barack Obama. The fallout over taxes has Republicans scrambling! The Republican leader has to make a tough decision. As Washington prepares to go over the fiscal cliff, Congressman John Boehner (R-Ohio, Speaker of The House) has to make tax rates go up for those who made over $250,000. Tonight, his own Republican House members aren't going to any tax increases, regardless of the situation.

President Barack Obama's honeymoon period began after he won reelection. The president's job approval is at 56% according to the Gallup Poll. This matches May 2011 when the president announced that he ordered the successful mission to kill Osama bin Laden. This is the final year of the president's first term but it seems like it's his second term already! The unprecedented gridlock even after the elections has the public souring on the Republicans. And the slim majority in the House of Representatives may be lost if this stuff continues.

Boehner for his part tried to limit the tax rates. He wanted to raise taxes on the millionaires and not those who make $200,000 to 1 million. President Barack Obama was sliding into that direction. Republicans have not supported this nor the president's plan. The fiscal cliff is rounding down to less than nine days and the Republicans have piss off a majority of the American people.

Mitt Romney lost! Republicans barely have control of the House of Representatives. The public want the rich to pay more. The public doesn't want cuts to safety nets. The public want reasonable cuts into the safety nets.

The Republicans and their conservative allies are going to be blamed.

The president is getting tired of the games being played over the debt ceiling and fiscal cliff. He already played his hands and Boehner is shaky. On top of that, his own Republicans are screwing him.

Tonight's pull of the so-called "PLAN B" of raising rates on millionaires is just too much for even Republicans to swallow. Now we're four days away from Christmas and it's likely the president and Congress will be in Washington during this period.

"The House did not take up the tax measure today because it did not have sufficient support from our members to pass," Boehner said in a statement. "Now it is up to the president to work with Senator Reid on legislation to avert the fiscal cliff. The House has already passed legislation to stop all of the January 1 tax rate increases and replace the sequester with responsible spending cuts that will begin to address our nation's crippling debt. The Senate must now act."

Senator Harry Reid (D-Nevada, Majority Leader) ordered all members of the senate to stay in Washington until this is done. Boehner will likely do the same if the Republicans continue to hold back his proposals.

This is a reminder to why it's important that you don't support Republicans! This is a bunch of bitter ass old White people who continue to screw the nation up because of their hate of a Black president. Some members of the Tea Party Caucus are so screwed up! They don't even see that this gridlock will be their downfall. This playing with the country's economy for partisan purposes hurts the nation.

Republicans fear Rush Limbaugh, Grover Norquist, Matt Drudge, Fox News, World Net Daily, the Heritage Foundation, Americans for Prosperity, and the National Rifle Association. The Democrats are putting in their spine and are likely going to be more aggressive against these foes.

Boehner may not have the gavel for much longer if the Republicans continue to be an obstruction to him and the president.


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