Wednesday, February 01, 2017

Bey, Bey!

The queen of pop and R&B confirms she is pregnant. This time she is expecting twins.

On her official Instagram page, Beyonce announced that she is proud to be carrying two new additions to her family.

"We have been blessed two times," said Beyonce.

Beyonce known also as Queen Bey is married to RocNation media mogul and rapper Jay-Z.

They have a daughter named Blue Ivy.

The world reacts to the news of pop music's biggest star with joy and the trolls of course dog on her for being a vehement supporter of Hillary Clinton and Black Lives Matter.

Queen Bey, you're royalty and we have mad love for you! We wish you the best.

Chrisette Michele: Performing For Trump Got Me Blackball'd!

Chrisette Michele faces a backlash for going to the fuhrer's inaugural.

Motown artist Chrisette Michele is facing a backlash for her performance for the fuhrer.

She didn't perform for Donald J. Trump. However she did perform at the inaugural balls.

Many of her family and friends have disowned her and her fans are calling for a boycott of her music because she decided to perform on the grounds of unity.

The singer lost her spot with director Spike Lee. He nixed the idea of using her songs on his Netflix series.

Of course, many also threw death threats her way.

The singer even said that Trump ignored her after the performance.

"Originally I was supposed to perform directly after his first speech, and I had done that with Barack Obama before, so I was used to that kind of experience. And the woman who organized the event came and told me, 'Now you're going to go first and he's going to go after you'. I looked her in the eye and said, 'My family has disowned me. If you decide to Google me, you'll see that America is writing about me in their newspapers. I'm the black poster child for discord right now, and he's not going to shake my hand?' So no, I didn't get to meet him."

Michele said that the Women's March is an example of the power that drives her to sing. She supports the march.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Mitch McConnell: Democrats Better Give Trump His SCOTUS Pick Or Else!

Bitch McConnell now wants to Democrats to get along and support the fuhrer.

The fuhrer Donald J. Trump nominated Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court. Expect this to be a partisan fight. The conservatives are hoping for Trump to keep his word by nominating these type of justices to the Court.

Democrats who are seething from their loss are vowing to delay nominations and not hold hearings on candidates. They will take the route that Republicans done.

Progressives warn Democrats that they better get a spine or continue to lose elections.

When Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) and later Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) spoke in 2016 about the confirmation of a nominee, they said that they will wait until the results of the election when a new president is charge. They gambled their chances and it paid off.

A Republican president, a Republican congress, no problems rights! Uh, not so.

Democrats still can delay the nomination and oppose it. It takes up to 60 Senators to confirm the nominee. If the nominee fails to get a vote, McConnell could impose the "nuclear option".

The option could reduce the nomination confirmation to 51.

Barack Obama nominated Merrick Garland for the position and it ended with no confirmation nor a hearing. Republicans took the legal steps to deny Obama his third justice to the Supreme Court.

I am still amazed that McConnell has the audacity to get on this soapbox to warn Democrats to not clog up Washington. This asshole spent eight years doing so.

Antonin Scalia's death was partisan from the start. Republicans quickly went to social media and the junk food media to warn Obama not to pick a nominee. Obama was constitutionally in the right to pick a nominee. So when he did, the Republicans bemoaned about our country's courts are going to be fundamentally changed forever and it's the end of the world.

Now that Trump is entitled to getting a nomination, he will now face the wrath as well.

Trump is likely to get a nominee confirmed to the court.

The real test for the partisans is how far and how long could this go. Obama is still angered by Republicans and their unrepentant obstruction. Democrats are hoping to capitalize off the anger that Trump's two weeks in office brought upon the nation.

Trump Slides A Dick Into The Court!

The fuhrer nominates Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.

Neil Gorsuch is currently a federal appeals judge from U.S. 10th Circuit of Appeals in Denver. He is chosen to be the fuhrer's pick for the Supreme Court. This pick will replace the late Antonin Scalia who passed away a year ago.

Donald J. Trump nominated this judge for the court. Republicans are on board with this pick.

Democrats aren't. So it's likely a showdown for the spot. Democrats are seething over the Republican obstruction to Barack Obama's pick Merrick Garland. The Republicans held off the confirmation hearings and vote. It ended with Garland heading back to the federal court for the District of Columbia. Democrats vow complete obstruction to this guy.

Now the very same Republicans are warning Democrats to get in line or prepare for "nuclear option."

Conservatives are going to praise this guy. Progressives not so much. They're going to hate this guy and the very things he stands for.

The announcement came forth with the spotlights of a reality television show.

Gorsuch would be considered one of
the youngest judges appointed to the highest court. He is currently 49 years old and is married with children.

Black America Getting Tired Of Trolling Snot Sage Steele!

ESPN sports agitator Sage Steele hops on social media to blast the protesters who delayed her flight at the airport. They are protesting against the fuhrer's Muslim ban.

ESPN agitator Sage Steele has once again let her foot go right into her mouth. She decides to speak out against protests against the fuhrer's Muslim and immigrant ban.

Steele goes into a bitch rant about the protesters delaying her flight. Steele said that she and other passengers missed their flights because of the protests. She writes loves seeing people exercise their rights to dissent, however she was not happy about them being in way when she's trying to catching a flight.

Many in the Black community denounce Steele for her comments about Black America.

When Mike Frey of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers took a knee during the National Anthem to protest police brutality and the fuhrer Donald J. Trump winning the election, Steele went to social media to attack his right to protest.

It drew the wrath of Black Twitter. It also drew the wrath of Miko Grimes who went loose on Steele.

Steele says she's a proud bi-racial American.

The fuhrer's executive order launched protests against this so-called immigrant and Muslim ban.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Trump Fires Acting AG Out The Cannon!

Trump's inner circle in dissray. He fires his acting attorney general.

The trademark phrase from then reality television star and now fuhrer was simonious with The Apprentice on NBC.

Donald J. Trump said "You're Fired!"

It was a popular catchphrase.

Now fuhrer Trump decides to fire Sally Yates out the cannon. Yates is the acting Attorney General who held over from the Barack Obama administration. She said she will stand by the federal court order. She said that the U.S> Justice Department would not defend the fuhrer's executive order on immigration.

Sean Spicer the spinner of "alternative facts" said that Yates was relieved of her duties. Dana Boente will be named acting attorney general until the Senate confirms that squinty eyed bigot Jeff Sessions.
Sally Yates was fired out the cannon after she refused to stand with the fuhrer.
Session is currently a Republican senator from Alabama.

Spicer said that Yates "betrayed the Department of Justice" by refusing to defend the fuhrer's order.

Again showing his disdain for the law and women, the release of Yates was simple.

According to the fuhrer's minions, Yates is weak on borders and very weak on illegal immigration.

This woman is a career prosecutor.

According tot he AP, former Breitbart president and now confidant to the fuhrer, white extremist Stephen Bannon forged the idea to ban Muslims and immigrants.

A large group of diplomats and senior intelligence officials resigned today. Former Exxon Mobil chief Rex Tillerson is awaiting confirmation for Secretary of State had lost almost 90% of the foreign aides who could help him broker deals with other nations.

Republicans are lock and step with the Trumpster. So don't let their weak cries of concern make you feel remorse for them.

Democrats better get a spine. They better oppose, delay and shut the government down. Do what Republicans done to Obama. Democrats better start bitching and fight dirty. Oppose Trump and the Republican Party.

Trump Dances With The D'evil!


Donald J. Trump ignored the federal court order issued over the weekend. The fuhrer has issued an executive order forbidden millions of refugees and hundreds of thousands of visitors and 500,000 legal immigrants from seven-majority Muslim countries from entering the United States.

It sparked massive protests at many of the country's busiest transit hubs.

Federal courts temporarily blocked the major parts of the order. Trump's minions will continue forth despite a court order. He took to social media to pat himself on the back.

Senior officials say that the federal court order was sparked by activist liberal judges.

The Trump minions did adhere to the federal order letting permanent residents enter the country without retainer.

U,S, government must "permit lawyers access to all legal permanent residents being detained at airports," a federal judge ordered.

The executive order considered a backdoor Muslim ban is sparking discussion across the world.

Even the infamous leader of the Islamic State, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi said "kudos" to the decision. He said that Trump will prove to the Muslim world that America is at war with their religion.

While all this happened, our neighbor to the north had a terrorist attack in the majority French speaking province of Quebec.

The trolls cite a mass shooting in Quebec. Two terrorists barraged into a Quebec City mosque. They managed to kill six people. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said this horrific incident is "an attack on Muslims" and the sanctity of Canadians. The terrorists were arrested. Their names weren't released at the time. They will face a court hearing and face up to LIFE in the iron college. They are innocent until proven guilty.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Media Continues The Glaring Profiles Of "Hot Teachers" Raping Students!

Thao "Sandy" Donan faces the wrath of the public. She is a "hot teacher" caught in a tryst with a student. The student tried to blackmail the woman. She was caught by a suspicious mother.

Okay, I am getting really tired of these goddamn teacher-student sex stories.

The junk food media is trying to rationalize these predators in the classroom. I don't understand what drives these educators to this. I mean they get all the training and certification to teach individuals to achieve a decent education. Why on earth would they find love in the classroom with the people they're required to teach.

I know mentorship is a part of the teacher's position, but grooming them to have sex is another issue that is certainly getting my attention.

What pisses me off is the fact that every outlet in the junk food media seems to be picking and choosing which type of teacher gets caught in these deplorable scandals.

And what about the parents or the victim?

Usually rape of men is rare. But when a woman rapes a man, do men report that to the police?

Is that a sensitivity issue?

Another teacher was busted for having sex with her student. This one tried to extort from her in order to keep quiet. The junk food media puts a glaring picture of the teacher and how two wrongs lead to her arrest.

For the past 20 years, I was intrigued by how the junk food media covered these stories. Each of these teachers arrested are pretty attractive. I hear some get leniency for committing these acts of rape. Understand that most men find some very strong attraction to the hot teachers.

A 27-year-old teacher paid more than $28,000 — unwittingly, to the 14-year-old she was sleeping with.

Dallas Criminal Court documents describe the payments as hush money to cover up an affair that Tao "Sandy" Doan feared would cost her her job and her freedom.

She may lose both anyway. Police arrested Doan on Jan. 20 and charged her with having an improper relationship with a student and with sexual assault. The cycle of sex and blackmail came to an end after a concerned mother tried to figure out where her son was getting so much extra cash, according to an arrest warrant filed in criminal court.

Doan met the student while he attended Quintanilla Middle School, a school on the city’s west side where she taught math and social studies and coached the cross-country team, the court documents say. They began communicating via Kik, Instagram and text messages, then started having romantic conversations on the phone.

The relationship got physical in July 2015, according to the affidavit, when Doan picked the student up at his home and drove him to a park to have sex.

A search warrant affidavit obtained by Fox 4 described explicit texts and said Doan sent the student a picture of her naked breasts. They allegedly met for sex in the middle of November and on Dec. 29, 2015.

The threatening texts began a few days later, the affidavit says. Throughout the year, they came from different phone numbers and struck a demanding tone.

“(Ain’t) bulls — — watch ima start getting the pics and everything ready!” one of the blackmail texts read, according to the affidavit. “To show the cops right I (ain’t) playing.”

To make the payments, Doan withdrew money from her bank account or took out payday loans.

Even as she was making the payments, she continued having sex with the student, court documents said.

At home, the student, newly enriched, was becoming unruly, his mom told Dallas Fox-affiliate KDFW. He had already been in and out of the juvenile court system for burglary and robbery charges and things were getting worse. He used the money to buy drugs and alcohol. Sometimes he disappeared for days.

“He would probably get money and just leave the whole weekend,” she told Fox 4. “I wouldn’t hear from him. I’d be out looking for him.”

She went through his phone and found the text messages, KDFW reported. She believes the most recent payment was for $1,500 on Jan. 9.

She called the school the next day, trying to get it to put a stop to the relationship. Administrators called police.

Investigators met with Doan and interrogated her about her relationship with the student, and the year of payments, according to the documents. That’s when she provided preliminary figures about how much she had paid the student and gave them consent to search her cellphone, the affidavit says. They found evidence of both the blackmail and the sexual encounters.

The Dallas Independent School District and Doan’s attorney did not immediately respond to messages from The Washington Post seeking comment.

In 2016, the number of Texas teachers having inappropriate relationships with students climbed for the eighth year in a row, according to the Austin American-Statesman.

The increase, apparently spurred by increasing social media contact, led the Texas Education Agency to ask for nearly $400,000 more to hire investigators to look into the allegations.

“For the past decade, there has been a steady increase in the number of inappropriate educator-student relationships reported to the agency,” the agency’s budget request states. “As the caseload has increased, the number of investigators has remained the same over the past several years.”

The suspect is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Over Our Dead Bodies!

Continued protests against Trump.


Unfortunately, we a guy who I refuse to acknowledge as a leader of this country is determined to focus of threat levels on a religion instead of easy access to obtain firearms.

The backdoor Muslim ban is already inflaming tensions here and abroad.

Fuhrer Donald Trump's executive order causes a massive protest at America's major airports. It affects some of the country's immigrants who work in the service industry.

Yesterday he signed off a declaration barring residents from seven Muslim majority nations to enter the United States. He said that people associated with Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen are banned from entering the country.

This decision gives extremists a reason. They can finally admit the United States is at war with Islam.

The extreme vetting of refugees and immigrants into the United States has cause such an uproar, and it led to many taking to the streets and the airports to show the world that they strongly disapprove of the decision.

The American Civil Liberties Union, the Council of American Islamic Relations, the NAACP, immigrant rights groups are furious.

Some are calling out the fuhrer for having business ties to Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Azerbaijan.

Of course, we can't relent against this. Fight.

Democrats who refuse to fight better move aside, we're making a movement.

Take Your Medicine!

Repeal Obamacare with.....still wondering what they're doing.

You must enroll in the healthcare marketplace by January 31. Visit for more information on how to sign up for affordable insurance.

Republicans spent nearly a decade trying to defeat healthcare reform. The Affordable Care Act or best known as Obamacare has been a thorn for Republicans. Now that they have control of the state governorships, the state legislatures, the Congress and the White House, Republicans are all but certain willing to repeal the healthcare law and find a "replacement" to it.

There's just one problem.

They don't have a replacement.

The Washington Post obtained recorded audio from the Republican retreat in Philadelphia. The Republicans are figuring out ways to repeal the massive law without taking away millions of Americans who signed up for it.

By law, you must enroll into a healthcare marketplace if you can't get insurance from an employer or face a tax penalty on your next filing. If you refuse to get enrolled for health insurance, you could face a hefty fine.

Some Republicans feared that for all the bluster and talk, they can't figure out how to replace a law that is actually working. The members scramble for ideas as the fuhrer is demanding a full repeal of the law.

Donald J. Trump's first week in office was marred by controversy. It has gotten major attention from world leaders fearing that his unpredictable and volatile behavior could cause tensions globally.

Republicans have long complained that the law was intentionally making healthcare expensive.

They cite private healthcare insurers opting out of the exchanges as an example.

The law signed by then President Barack Obama went into effect in 2010. The Republicans and their extremist allies have long sought to have the bill (ah law) repealed.

When the insurgency bubbled up, Democrats cautiously walked across the Capitol holding hands while a bunch of rancorous White folks belittled them and one even spat on Rep. Emanuel Clever (D-MO).

They took it to the Supreme Court in 2012 and 2015. They sought to strip out some of the healthcare by a court ruling. Under the John Roberts court, the Supreme Court ruled that the law is valid and it cited state laws requiring car insurance as a factor. Although some of the law lost a tad bit of luster, the law still mainstream and people are signing up for it.

House Speaker Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) and Majority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) continue to lay out a plan to repeal the law but are uncertain if they have enough support from fellow Republicans who just want the law gone in its entirety.

When asked about the plan, most Republicans revert to the talking points and the same old shit that was underhanded pitched by the likes of agitators like Sean "Softball" Hannity.

"One of the flaws with Obamacare ---there were many -- was that Nancy Pelosi literally wrote the bill in a room with maybe two or three other people the night before the vote and nobody read the bill before they voted on it," said Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA).

Mind you Scalise is a moron and devout White extremist.

The law in its entirety is massive and it was carved into nearly 2,000 pages identifying all the elements to the law. Scalise choose not to read it. He and many Cracker Belt Republicans have no intentions on strengthening the law or finding suitable replacements.

All they believe is the law is killing Whites and their mission is to stop it. Because good and health Black, Hispanic, Native and Asian Americans means White minority.

Yeah, I said it.

I believe that Republicans are determined to preserve the little power they have on White America.

Trump's victory is a setback to progress.

Think about how many votes we could have if people went out to vote. It takes a village to make a city and believe me the young voters are people like my inept younger co-workers and manager who refuse to vote but in turn pout that we have this guy as the leader.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Megyn Kelly Bumps Tamron Hall And Al Roker!

Today faces another scandal. Tamron Hall and Al Roker get bumped from the Today show for Megyn Kelly.

NBC rewards a divisive agitator named Megyn Kelly her own talk show. Her talk show will bump MSNBC anchor and Today host Tamron Hall and Today weatherman Al Roker from their third hour.

Phil Griffin once again puts Today into a crossfire of scandal. Kelly's arrival was unexpected. It was also a shift towards more tabloid and less news.

Kathie Lee Gifford and Hoda Kotb are safe. The two will continue to share a wine and gossip on Today. So they're safe for now!

Savannah Guthrie can breathe a sigh of relief. She won't lose her spot for now!

Kelly will take a spot in September.

Tamron Hall is frustrated with the decision and is on her way out. She believes that Kelly's past statements towards groups like Black Lives Matter and then President Barack Obama makes her a divisive figure.

"Everyone has been left in the dark and no one knows why there's such a disruption when shows are doing so well across the board," said an insider. Another added, "People are pissed. The third hour was beating every syndicated show across the board. They were in over their head and bit off more than they can chew when they hired Megyn Kelly."
Conservative agitator gets her way.
Kelly, who held a spot on Fox News for over 10 years abruptly left the network in January after contractual agreements went sour. Kelly who won praise for getting Roger Ailes fired from the network he created. Ailes came under fierce scrutiny for allegations of sexual harassment against Gretchen Carlson, Laurie Dhue, Alyson Camerota, Andrea Tantaros and Kelly.

Ailes was unceremoniously fired from the network. Kelly also felt that Ailes left her hanging when then candidate Donald J. Trump was trashing on her after the first debate.

Kelly won praise for opening up the dirty secrets at Fox News. However, we never forget the divisive and downright racist nonsense she promoted on that network.

Attacking Black Lives Matter, smearing Michael Brown, insulting DL Hughley, hosting assholes like Wisconsin sheriff David Clarke, Mark Fuhrman and George Will kind of makes her lightening rod.

Now Kelly muscling her way into a timeslot hosted by two longtime fixtures on America's Number 1 Daytime News Program is the latest insult towards Black America.

Oh by the way, Fuhrer Trump who has been very vocal about the junk food media. He is blaming them for his negative job approval ratings. Now he is turning to Sean "Softball" Hannity and others for guidance.

The tiny hands plays softball with the most annoying conservative agitator in the junk food media.

Doubt he'll be playing softball with Kelly. He believes she has blood coming out of where ever!

Emmett Till's Death Is Blamed On This Lying Slimeball Named Carolyn Bryant!

Emmett Till died because of a White woman's lies.

What touched off the original Black Lives Matter movement was a 14 year old boy who was brutally killed by two White men in the tiny town of Money, Mississippi. Emmett Till's death touched the nation. It showed how ruthless White extremists were towards Black children. It sparked the modern day Civil Rights movement.

Emmett was grabbed out of bed, drug to the Tallahatchie River and beaten to a bloody pulp. The white extremist gouged his eyes out and then shot at point blank range. They tied his body with barb wire and slinged him onto a cotton gin and let him sink into the river.

The woman who claimed that Emmett whistled at her at her convenience store came out of hiding to admit to the world that she made the whole thing up.

Carolyn Bryant was then a 21 year old shopkeeper who owned the store with her older husband Roy.

Bryant claimed that Emmet was flirting. She claimed he whistled at her. On the night of August 28, 1955, Roy and his brother J.W. Milam carried out the horrific deed. They were caught and tried in a court of law.
Horrible woman hiding from the junk food media. She continues to fear for pathetic life. 
They were acquitted of murder. An all-white jury believed that it was justifiable because he was being unruly. They would go on to sell their publicity to the junk food media.

Bryant who was the focal instigator of this admitted that she lied.

Bryant was found by Timothy Tyson. He would write a book about the tragic death of Emmett Till and he delivered some bombshells about how a woman's malicious lie led to the death of an innocent boy.

Bryant is 82 years old and is in hiding from the junk food media.


You horrible ass woman. You lied about a boy whistling at you and caused your dickhead husband and his buddy kill a child. It's best to stay hidden. Because if the irrational get a hold of you....It's going to be ugly.


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