Showing posts with label Lindsey Graham. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lindsey Graham. Show all posts

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Knight To Pawn!

Republicans threaten government shutdown over Obama's pick to replace Antonin Scalia.

The right is scrambling for an offense. The sudden death of Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia has become a political football. The conservative justice died in Texas yesterday leaving the Supreme Court in limbo. Republicans are demanding the president hold back. They don't want him to nominate a justice. They rather have a new president take control of the situation.

President Barack Obama said that he will nominate a person to fill the position. Republicans are signaling a fight in the Senate.

Once again the Republicans threaten to shut down the government because they fear the wrath of elites and conservative agitators in the junk food media.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) are threatening filibuster if Obama nominate anyone to the Supreme Court.

Check it, the Republican Party got to booing John Dickerson when he corrected Cruz at the debate.

Cruz boldly said that Ronald Reagan appointed his third justice, Anthony Kennedy in 1987. It was true that he appointed the nominee, but the fact it was 1988 when he was confirmed. It was confirmed during an election year. Cruz was dishonest in that point.
President Barack Obama is going forth to pick a nominee. And he dares Republicans to stop him.
Cruz did pause and stare down Dickerson which led to the audience booing. Yes, Cruz told something that was false but it didn't stop him from making his platitude speech.

This is a lose/lose for the Republicans. The Supreme Court decisions that conservatives favor could be in jeopardy of being struck down.

The president may nominate a moderate.

The Republicans can stall a nominee but it will backfire. The Democrats will sabotage the Republican if he makes it to the White House.

This game is getting old.

Republicans are proving themselves to be quite inept.

If Donald Trump or Ted Cruz should become the Republican nominee, the party could face a bitter defeat. I know that the moderates and non-partisan Republicans are going to sour on the two bombastic candidates.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

BREAKING: Antonin Scalia Passed Away!

Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia passed away.

It was learned today that the Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia had passed away. He died one month shy of his 80th birthday. He was 79 years old.

World News Today send our condolences to the family of Justice Antonin Scalia.

A New Jersey native, Scalia was then a lawyer, a professor and a mentor. He mentored presidential candidate and current senator Ted Cruz (R-TX).

He was of Italian-American heritage and is the father of nine. He was married to Maureen McCarthy, a woman Scalia found love after having a blind date.

Scalia was appointed by Ronald Reagan in 1986, he served as one of the longest serving justices in the Court. He was known for his colorful and yet controversial stances on many issues brought to the Court.

Scalia said that the day will come when monumental change could occur. But as an originalist he wanted to keep things the way is was. He shown that type of actions when he became the influential decision maker in the District of Columbia v. Heller case. That stripped localities from issuing gun bans in the communities. The gun owners cheered that as one of the Court's biggest gun rights decisions.

Scalia was in West Texas. He apparently passed away of natural causes. He was a featured speaker and guest at the Cibolo Creek Ranch, a resort in the Big Bend region south of the town of Marfa.

He was attending a private party at the ranch. When he didn't arrive for a breakfast gathering, a bell hop went to the room and found his body.

The U.S. Marshals are investigating the ranch to make sure that issues there didn't result in negligence.

The nation's court is hanging at the balance.

Conservatives praised the justice for taking the ground on issues such as abortion, gun rights, tort laws and gay marriage. His death is a huge blow to the conservative movement.

Matter of fact, they feared this could happen.

Scalia's death has far-reaching implications for the Court and a set of major court cases are set to come down. One in particular deals with Affirmative Action. The Fisher v. University of Texas case was going to be a monumental decision. President Barack Obama's executive orders on immigration were brought up in the court. A split decision will void the case. The Republicans also threatened to bring Obamacare back into the Court.

President Barack Obama and members of Congress as well as the candidates had chimed in on the passing.

Obama will nominate a person to fill the vacancy. It will be certainly a fight with Republicans in the Senate. They have the majority. They can hold the nominee or call a vote to reject the nominee.

Already putting out a statement, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said that the next president will fill the vacancy. The Republicans will pull bullshit moves to hold back Obama's nominee.

But eventually they'll have to vote on it.

It also makes them vulnerable to Democrat charges that the Republicans can't govern. Democrats warn Republicans that denying Obama a nominee will result in "payback" if a Republican wins the White House.

Republicans are in a situation where they have a no win situation. They can't deny the president his Constitutional right to nominate a Supreme Court justice. They are allowed to run the clock out on the nominee. The Democrats can also force a vote on the floor.

Republicans are going to be fucked regardless of what they do!

We will keep you informed on this developing story.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Republicans Declare War On Cruz And Trump!

Republican are feuding with one another over a potential Donald Trump or Ted Cruz nomination.

While the bromance is over between the two, many Republicans are fearing that the rhetoric by the two Republican front runners could spell disaster for the party.

The Republican Party is tearing itself into pieces because of the insurgents. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Donald Trump are leading in the national polls. But some insiders are saying that these two are proven to be embarrassments to the Republican establishment.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) who dropped out the race to endorse Jeb Bush went to the junk food media to declare that Trump and Cruz could destroy the party "A choice between the two is like being shot or poisoned".

The National Review fired first shots at Trump. They released a hard hitting commentary slamming the notion of Trump being a "true conservative". It had commentary from many prominent conservative writers, Republican strategists and average voters.

The Des Moines Register came out and endorsed Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) against Trump and Cruz.

Sarah Palin's endorsement of Trump also sparked a feud between her longtime friend and fellow agitator Glenn Beck.
Glenn Beck endorses Cruz.
Beck, a media mogul who controls TheBlaze Network is so freaking tired of Trump. He openly condemned the notion of Trump being the nominee. Beck once gave Trump strong praise until he went after Cruz. Beck openly endorsed a feud with Trump.

Trump basically called Beck a "wacko" has been who now does internet shows instead of real ones.

Now that right wing network will host the next Republican debate before the Iowa caucus and it's already causing controversy.

Megyn "The Outrage Princess" Kelly along with "Smirking Chimp" Chris Wallace and "Unibrow" Bret Beier will moderate the debate again. Trump already said that Megyn's got to go!

The Republican Party is so fucked up right now.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Dems The Debates!

The first debate of the year for the Democrats. Hillary Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) go at one more time before the Iowa Caucus.

Did you know that the Democratic debate is on tonight on NBC?

Of course, not! Many Democrats are grumbling about this! They blame Democratic chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) for her deliberate attempts to place the debates in positions where viewership is expected to be low.

She's a supporter of Hillary Clinton. Although she is trying to distance herself from endorsing candidates, the Florida lawmaker is so in the tank for Clinton.

Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and possibly Martin O'Malley will have a chance to duke it out one more time before the Iowa Caucus.

Obviously, the Clinton and Sanders Campaign will spar at each other tonight. 

Clinton is leading in national polls, but Sanders is catching up with her. He is leading in New Hampshire and Clinton is leading in Iowa. It's pretty much a neck and neck race.

Both of them will praise and criticize President Barack Obama's policies. They will obviously go after the Republican front runners Donald Trump and Ted Cruz. They will address controversies sparked by their campaigns. Clinton obviously will be hit on her trustworthiness. Sanders will be hit on his "socialist" views on America.

Lester Holt, Andrea Mitchell and Chuck Todd will have the moderating seat.

Expect the viewership to be in the 5 million.

I will probably not watch it. It's a shame that the field is weak. 

I like Bernie Sanders. But it seems like it's a deliberate attempt to give Hillary Clinton an advantage by limiting the debate schedule. Unfortunately I am not inspired by any candidate running for president.

The Democrats are not hitting Republicans hard enough. Republicans are too extreme. They aren't focused on real issues.

Both candidates appeared on GOP Sundays along with Donald Trump, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, and Jeb Bush.

If you're watching it, good for you! You might get an opportunity to get some much needed sleep.

Matter of fact, the Republican debate was really noise pollution. I couldn't stand it. It was nothing more than tongue flexing and Obama bashing. It was truly a waste of time to listen to them. But if you're a Republican primary voter, you got all you needed. 

We're a few weeks to the Iowa Caucus. Are you hoping for your candidate to win?

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Americans Freed From Iran!

Conservative outrage over the release of prisoners in Iran.

Of course, no good deed goes unpunished. According to the ney sayers of the right wing media, the president didn't do enough.

The United States and the Islamic Republic of Iran are apparently working together for the sake of the world. If it wasn't for Pope Francis and the steadfast leadership of President Barack Obama, another crisis was adverted.

I am wondering if Donald Trump and Ted Cruz will crow over the fact their talking point was blown out the water.

I seem to remember that the Republican clowns running for president were complaining about the president not doing enough to retrieve Americans. The nuclear deal that was sponsored went into effect this weekend and the United Nations will now lift the sanctions.

Before I get into the story, I want to make you aware of what The Drudge Report headline.

Now as you know I am not one to complain about a peaceful diplomacy. The United States and Iran agreed to free all Americans held in custody. 

Only a few days ago, American sailors were detained by Iran for 24 hours before being released. The American sailors were detained after entering Iranian territory after apparently engine failure on their boat.

They were freed a few hours after President Barack Obama delivered his State of the Union Address.

Conservatives were outraged over the incident. They wanted the United States to flex its military muscle and bomb the life out of them. And of course, the Congress passed legislation to impose sanctions upon Iran. That bill is expected to be vetoed by the president. 

Four American citizens, including a Washington Post reporter, who have been imprisoned in Iran are set to board a Swiss aircraft Saturday from Tehran to an as-yet-undetermined location, where they will be freed as part of a prisoner release deal between the U.S. and Iran. The agreement is the result of 14 months of high-stakes secret negotiations between the two traditional adversaries.

"Our citizens have not yet been flown out of Iran, so we don’t want to do anything that could complicate it," a senior administration official said Saturday. "But we are told the deal is done, that they will be let out."

As part of the exchange, the U.S. will release seven Iranians who were being held in the country on sanctions violations. All were born in Iran, but six are dual Iranian-American citizens. The seven men all have the option to remain in the U.S.

The deal will bring home four Americans who have been imprisoned in Iran for years on trumped up charges, or in some cases no charges at all: Washington Post Tehran correspondent Jason Rezaian, former U.S. Marine Amir Hekmati, Christian pastor Saeed Abedini, and Nosratollah Khosrawi-Roodsari. The imprisonment of Khosrawi-Roodsari has never been previously reported.

Rezaian's mother and his wife, who live in Iran, found out about Rezaian's release in advance and plan to board the flight out of Tehran. U.S. officials, who say they did not tell the Rezaians the exchange was imminent, had planned to notify all of the families of the prisoners once the plane took off for Tehran -- and after they were certain the agreement wouldn't collapse.

The transfer of the American prisoners back into U.S. custody was originally planned to occur in Bern, Switzerland, but may now occur at a different location due to weather concerns.

After the transfer, the four Americans will be taken to the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, an American military hospital in Germany, for immediate medical treatment before returning home.

A fifth Iranian-American, Siamak Namazi, was not included in the prisoner deal and remains imprisoned in Iran. "We won't give up" on Namazi, the administration official said." Another American, Robert Levinson, disappeared on Iran’s Kish Island in 2007, where he was doing unofficial work for the CIA, but Iranian officials deny having knowledge of his whereabouts. "The case of Robert Levinson ... was aggressively pursued through this channel and through this process," the official said. "In the end, he did not go into this deal, but we have an arrangement with the Iranians ... and they will continue to seek information about his whereabouts."

Saturday's announcement comes after 14 months of negotiations between American and Iranian diplomats, some of whom were already meeting regularly to negotiate a landmark nuclear accord between Iran, the U.S. and five world powers.

The State Department never publicly disclosed the existence of negotiations to free the Americans and publicly rejected calls to tie the prisoners -- or any other issue -- to the nuclear talks. But privately, Brett McGurk, who until recently was deputy secretary of state for Iran and Iraq, led talks focusing on the prisoners.

Secretary of State John Kerry and Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, the public faces of the nuclear deal negotiations, also spoke in private about the prisoners. Kerry and Zarif deliberately kept the prisoner talks separate from the nuclear negotiations, never raising the two topics in the same meeting, according to a a second senior administration official. Kerry, faced with resistance to the deal at home and in Iran, kept the prisoner talks alive at several critical moments, the second senior official said. 

McGurk, who is better known for his current role as the U.S. special envoy for the coalition fighting the Islamic State, is also known within the State Department as a skilled negotiator who worked with Iranian officials during his extensive time in Iraq. He was also able to fly under the radar throughout months of negotiations with the Iranians, a feat that would have been more difficult for Kerry.

If all goes as planned, Saturday will mark a whirlwind of events for Iranian-American diplomacy. The International Atomic Energy Agency is expected to issue a report confirming Iran's compliance with the nuclear deal, triggering international sanctions relief.

Kerry will then sign a waiver lifting congressionally enacted sanctions related to Iran's nuclear program at the United Nations in Vienna. At the same time, Obama will issue a new executive order to lift sanctions that were enacted under his authority, and the U.N. and EU will move to provide sanctions relief to Iran.

Kerry is then expected to fly to the as-yet-undetermined site where the Americans will be released to welcome them. Later, the Treasury Department will likely announce new sanctions against 11 people and entities tied to Iran’s ballistic missile program -- just after lifting sanctions related to Iran’s nuclear program.

Administration officials say it was coincidental that the prisoners' release happened on the same day as implementation of the nuclear deal. Despite the appearance a "grand plan," the prisoner deal was not tied to the nuclear deal implementation day, the second administration official said.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Ann Coulter Calls Nikki Haley An Anchor Baby!

Agitator calls Nikki Haley an "anchor baby".

So I guess she's no longer a part of the insurgency.

South Carolina's Nikki Haley decided to follow the trends of hashtag activism by signing off the removal of the Confederate flag from state grounds. She along with Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) and Rep. Mark Sanford (R-SC) joined in unison as they finally caved over the controversial flag being waved.

In the wake of the Charleston massacre, the Republican governor heard the rally cries of #BlackLivesMatter and the families of the victims. She felt that the time is now for South Carolina to turn a page against an ugly history.

Nimrata Randhawa Haley is one of the youngest governors in the nation is born to Indian parents. She is very vocal in the Republican Party and is floated as a potential vice presidential candidate.

She is married to her husband Mark and has two children. She identifies as Christian but sometimes practice Sikh with her family.
The Queen of Mean.
She became governor of the state after then-governor Sanford resigned from the governor's mansion after he admitted he used taxpayer's in his affair.

Haley was rewarded with the Republican response.

Of course, the governor went after President Barack Obama. But what caused conservative outrage was the ding at Donald Trump, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-SC) and probably Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC).

Her response didn't go so well for the racist right. It's resident rube is conservative agitator Ann Coulter. She wasted no time going after First Lady Michelle Obama. But she saved the best for Haley.

Coulter is no stranger to ignorant and downright stupid remarks is so fucking confused about Haley.

She doesn't know that Haley was born in South Carolina and is an American citizen.

Coulter doesn't give a fuck. She hates political correctness and she a huge fan of Trump. Matter of fact, that annoying conservative agitator Sean Hannity and the old fart Rush Limbaugh are ass-kissing Trump.

They rather have a blowhard than a blow over.

About Joe Wilson. He's a South Carolina lawmaker who represents the 2nd Congressional District. He represent Columbia and southwestern tier. Wilson became famous for yelling "You Lie" at President Barack Obama during his Joint Session of Congress Speech (similar to the State of the Union).

Thursday, January 07, 2016

Obamacare Repealed!

The clean shaven House Speaker managed to repeal Obamacare. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) had used a reconciliation tactic to pass a full repeal of the law and defunding of Planned Parenthood. None of the bills will become law as long as President Barack Obama is in office.

Normally, I wouldn't even give this attention. This has been the 64th time that the Republican Party tired to repeal Obamacare. This tactic used by the reconciliation has finally helped them succeed.

The Republican-controlled Congress managed to pass the repeal of the Affordable Care Act on party line vote. This time it heads to President Barack Obama where it's expected to be vetoed.

The House of Representatives is expected to pass a budget reconciliation bill that guts the Affordable Care Act, pulls roughly $450 million in federal assistance from Planned Parenthood and prevents Medicaid recipients from getting reimbursed for their visits at Planned Parenthood clinics.

Many in the junk food media believe that its classic showboating.

The Obamacare debate has been active since 2009. The Republicans vow to take down the historic health care law. It's been signed into law since 2010. It face two Supreme Court hearings and it was ruled in the favor of the president. But that hasn't stopped the inept Republicans from continuing their promise to scrap the law. They have no reasonable alternative at this moment and Democrats call this another excuse for why they are inept in governance.

The Republicans made this and terrorism their primary objectives. They want to repeal everything that the president has done. They plot on vilifying organizations they claim are going against their agenda.

Donald Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) have cited these issues as reasons to their rise in popularity among conservatives.

House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) has told the junk food media the president finally is responsible for governance.

"It's up to the president to decide if he wants to side with the people whose health care costs have skyrocketed out of control, or the abortion industrial complex whose profits have skyrocketed out of control," Ryan bitched about to the junk food media Wednesday. "Congress is holding President Obama accountable."

Of course, Planned Parenthood dismissed Ryan and the Republicans. They said that the organization hasn't done anything unlawful and the 2015 videos that sparked their obsessive attacks are worthless.

Republicans are seething at Ryan for passing the massive budget overhaul that kept in place some of the issues Republicans wanted stripped out. Many conservatives see Ryan as worthless. It's only been less than three months since he's been the House Speaker and conservatives are tired of him.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Odd Dork Out!

The road ends for George...

Former New York governor George Pataki is throwing in the towel. The junk food media is reporting that the lower tier bum is bowing out the race.

Pataki who kept finding himself at the bottom tier debates told his staffers and the handful of supporters that he can't run without the $$$$$$$$.

Considered an establishment candidate, Pataki who was governor of New York for three terms decided to run for the White House. His ill fated bid for president was destined for destruction. He couldn't pull up from < 0.3 in the polls.

He is the tallest person in the race.

His departure assures that if there's another kiddie table debate, Rand Paul, Carly Fiorina, John Kasich, Jeb Bush and Mike Huckabee will likely find a place there.
Helga Pataki, the lovable school bully who punches Brainy in the face. 
So now that Pataki dropped out the race, there's only how many left?

Donald Trump
Ted Cruz
Marco Rubio
Ben Carson
Jeb Bush
Carly Fiorina
Chris Christie
Mike Huckabee
John Kasich
Rand Paul
Rick Santorum
Jim Gilmore

Any thought to the Pataki dropping out the race?

Monday, December 21, 2015

S'mores With Lindsey Graham!

The hopeless bid for president is over for Lindsey Graham. He suspends his campaign. It's not over for the South Carolina senator. He will still be agitating on GOP Sundays about "radical Islam" and how his buddy John McCain stood up to Barack Obama.

Looks like the clown car just booted another one out! Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) announced today that he officially dropped out his long shot bid for president.

"I must suspend my campaign," he said on CNN this morning. "I'm not going to suspend my desire to help the country. I'll probably go back to Iraq and Afghanistan and get another update. Thirty-six trips has informed me. But the one thing I feel really good about is I did it with a smile on my face. I talked about things that are important to me and somebody better fix one day."

Later, in a phone interview with ABC News, Graham said, "I'm just going to chill out today," adding he hasn't decided whom to endorse yet. "There's lots of talented people in the race: Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, others."

Graham, 60, had been included in the undercard debates during his campaign, struggling to garner any significant support in national or early state polls. "I’m far more confident today that our party will reject the Obama doctrine of leading from behind and will provide the strong leadership America needs," Graham says in a campaign video.

The South Carolina Republican Party removed Graham’s name from the ballot there, a letter from the state GOP confirms to ABC News. Today marks the deadline to have any candidate's name removed from the South Carolina ballot.

“This letter shall certify the removal of Lindsey Graham’s name from South Carolina’s February 20, 2016 Republican Presidential Preference Primary ballot,” South Carolina GOP chair Matt Moore wrote to the state’s election commission.

The move potentially spares Graham from a poor performance in his home state.

"I have offered a detailed plan to win a war we cannot afford to lose and to turn back the tide of isolationism that has been rising in the Republican Party," Graham, whose campaign for the presidency lasted 204 days, said in a recent statement. "I believe we made enormous progress in this effort."

Graham is a hawkish Republican on national security. He openly boasted that if you elect him, he would send the troops to Iraq and Syria to take on the Islamic State.

Graham and Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) were fixtures on GOP Sundays. Since he announced his bid for president, the appearances slowed down. It's been mostly about Republican frontrunner Donald Trump and the insurgent of the month.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is the current insurgent of the month. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina deflated.

Graham isn't a fan of Trump, Cruz and Rubio. He blames them for the party's toxic environment.

Graham slammed Trump at a campaign stop. Trump in return told the junk food media Graham's phone number and he got swamped with death threats and insults.

Many conservatives aren't fans of Graham. For one thing, they think he's a RINO. They believe he's a closeted gay Republican. He's part of the Gang of Whatever, a group of bipartisan lawmakers who according to the right jams laws down Americans' throats.

This is the guy who complains about "radical Islam" and President Barack Obama not focusing on terrorism. He says that the president leads from behind. The funny thing is that Graham is leading from behind. He is a tool.

He is just as divisive as the leading candidates. It's unfortunate that he polled lower than Rick Santorum.

Santorum is by far the worst candidate to ever run for president. Santorum and Gilmore are way more pathetic than Graham. I mean they should just drop out as well.

Now who's going to go to the lower-tier debate? Likely Rand Paul and Ben Carson. They took the biggest nosedive in this race for the nomination.

Now the spots are lowered to 13.

Donald Trump - Reality television host/Business and media mogul
Ted Cruz - Current U.S. Senator from Texas
Marco Rubio - Current U.S. Senator from Florida
Ben Carson - Ex-neurosurgeon/activist
Carly Fiorina - Ex-business executive/activist
Jeb Bush - Ex-Florida governor/son of 41st and brother of 43rd
Chris Christie - Current New Jersey governor
John Kasich - Current Ohio governor
Rand Paul - U.S. Senator from Kentucky
Mike Huckabee - Ex-Arkansas governor/talk show host
Rick Santorum - Ex-Pennsylvania senator
George Pataki - Ex-New York governor
Jim Gilmore - Ex-Virginia governor

Who dropped out the race

Rick Perry - Ex-Texas governor
Scott Walker - Current Wisconsin governor
Bobby Jindal - Ex-Louisiana governor
Lindsey Graham - Current U.S. Senator from South Carolina

"Senator Graham has an incredibly strong and loyal grassroots network in South Carolina," GOP state chair Matt Moore said. "Given Senator Graham's huge [Senate] primary victory in South Carolina just last year, the Graham network could have a major impact on South Carolina's presidential primary."

But Democrats pointed to Graham's support of comprehensive immigration reform. "The one presidential candidate who has consistently favored comprehensive immigration reform just dropped out of the race after attracting virtually no support," Democratic National Committee spokesman Eric Walker said in a statement.

In a statement, Graham's close friend Arizona Sen. John McCain expressed his gratitude for Graham's bid. "It is a pity that a bifurcated debate structure kept his voice and views from the wider public that needed to hear them," he said. "With Senator Lindsey Graham’s announcement, Republicans lost our most qualified, thoughtful, fearless and honest presidential candidate, not to mention the candidate with the best (and it seemed sometimes the only) sense of humor."

Today, the old fart Rush Limbaugh rips into Graham. He also rips the Democratic debate. The old fart makes note of the restroom break by Hillary Clinton.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Bernie Sanders: DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Playing Favors!

Don't Burn The Bern... Bernie Sanders vows to knock Hillary Clinton off her perch.

There's a civil war in the Republican Party. But it's mild compared to the civil war in the Democratic Party.

As Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) prepares for tonight's debate, his campaign will likely take the gloves off and go after Hillary Clinton and Martin O'Malley.

Tonight's debate will be featured on ABC. The debate isn't going to be the circus atmosphere that brought Donald Trump, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) into the limelight, but it will interesting.

Clinton is leading nationally in the polls and it's starting look like she's being crowned early and the Sanders campaign is warning the Democrats to not jump the gun again!

The campaign had cannon fired staffers after it was discovered that some of the staffers were peaking into the data of Clinton supporters. The DNC laid the hammer of the Sanders campaign. They stripped him of his access to voter data.
Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D-FL) is the current Democratic National Committee chairwoman.
That dealt his campaign a huge blow. The junk food media was going to write off the campaign as done. The Sanders campaign said, "FUCK THAT! WE FIGHTING!"

The campaign manager Jeff Weaver held a press conference Friday telling the junk food media that the campaign will not tolerate the DNC's inept leadership and their blatant attempts to sabotage Bernie. They said if the DNC don't restore it's date, they'll going to the federal court.

The DNC agreed to restore access soon after the Sanders campaign made good on its threat to file a lawsuit but the two sides described the development in very different ways, reports the Washington Post. The Sanders campaign said the DNC had "capitulated" and "reversed its outrageous decision," while the DNC's statement said it had decided to restore access because the Sanders campaign had agreed to "fully cooperate with the continuing DNC investigation of this breach."

The issue has caused angry words to be exchanged ahead of Saturday night's debate, the AP reports. The Clinton campaign seemed especially annoyed by a Sanders fundraising email accusing the DNC of "tipping the scales" for Clinton. "They stole data as a reason to raise money for their campaign," Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook said, per Politico. He said the breach was far more than the "inadvertent glimpse into our data" the Sanders campaign has described. "It's outrageous to suggest that our campaign 'stole' any data," countered Sanders spokesman Michael Briggs. "What is true is the data we collected and need to run a winning campaign is now being stolen from us by a DNC dominated by Clinton people."

The Sanders campaign is totally pissed at the Democratic National Committee. The DNC chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) is a huge supporter of Hillary Clinton. She basically is slick dissing Sanders and O'Malley by cutting the debates to six and limiting fundraising to the candidates. And these debates on Saturday are low viewed.

It's no surprise that 3/4 of the Democrats support Hillary over Bernie. Those supporters are the "believers". They believe that Clinton can win the White House. This would be Clinton's second round for the nomination. That would make her a perennial candidate. With the relentless baggage from the conservative foes, Republicans are hoping that Democrats rethink their consideration of her being the nominee.

For you see in 2008, then Sen. Clinton fought a bitter primary against then Sen. Barack Obama for the nomination.
It's going to get ugly at tonight's debate.
Many in the junk food media was hoping for either the first...woman or African American.

The Obama campaign used the formula of newly registered voters, a hip-hop community and the power of Black resentment towards Republicans and their handling of the government.

Many Bernie Sanders supporters are just about as progressive as Obama. The problem that Sanders is facing is name recognition. The junk food media so far done a media blackout on him and O'Malley.

Other than this controversy, you've haven't heard much Sanders news.

I've known about Sanders since he was a Congressman in the state of Vermont. He was then a mayor of the city of Burlington. Back in his earlier days, he started as a Brooklyn lawyer who walked in the 1963 March on Washington. He was critical of government's handling of the Iraq War, the Vietnam War.  

He ran for the senate in 2006 after Jim Jeffords retired. Jeffords a former Republican who turned independent was ailing and he couldn't do it no more. Sanders got the endorsements of both Clinton and Obama.

Obama stomped with Sanders during is senate bid.  Sanders was one of first senators to endorse Barack Obama during his 2008 primary battle.

Clinton was the favorite in 2008 but ended up losing to Obama.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The Fifth Wheel: The Republican/ISIS Debate!

Republicans play the ISIS drinking game at the fifth debate.

CNN gets the pleasure to host the last Republican debate of the year. The candidates meet in Las Vegas to figure out how to solve our nation's problems. Matter of fact, I believe the rhetoric spoken by the Republicans are the reasons to why we have these problems.

The Venetian Casino Resort hosts the debate.

What the Republicans have on their minds, terrorism. The strongest muscle the Republicans have to fight terrorism is their tongues. The Republicans have no real strategy to combat terrorism. They have thoughts on sending more troops into Iraq and Syria. They really don't have a clue to why these groups exists.

Already the polarizing topic of addressing how to handle a faceless enemy became the talking point for the candidates.

I promise you that I will not give you play by play of what these clowns said.

Let's go ahead and start.





The kiddie table went ahead and went forth to start off talking about the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. The words of ISIS will be mentioned alot in this debate.

Linsdey Graham, George Pataki, Rick Santorum and Mike Huckabee.
The low poll Republicans. 
Donald Trump, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, John Kasich and Rand Paul.

Jim Gilmore once again banned from the debates. He scored lower than Graham and Santorum.

The candidates supports the Muslim ban. They just don't accept the fact that Donald Trump said it.

I didn't want to waste my time worrying about what was said. They all believe Obama's policies domestically and international failed. They believe Hillary Clinton deliberately allowed Americans to die. They want to beat the fuck out of the Islamic State. They want to take away freedoms from Americans and immigrants in order protect the country. They want to religious tests in the country.

They want to take away the First Amendment rights of individuals who have opinions in favor of the extremists. They seriously have support for meddling in the social media of people who have an ounce of support for the Islamic State's fight against the West.

They think Obamacare is a disaster (an epic disaster, quote Donald Trump). They believe Benjamin Netanyahu, King Abdullah II, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi and Vladimir Putin are leaders Republicans gush over.


Who Won The CNN Republican Debate?



Who Won The CNN "Kiddie" Republican Debate?

Poll Maker

Now I want you to know that 15 candidates running for one nomination is pretty dysfunctional. The Republicans really don't have a clear front runner. Trump and Cruz are too polarizing for the party.

Expect the Republicans to have a brokered party. I can imagine that Trump and Carson are tired of the politics and Republican concern trolling.

Rand Paul was really lucky. He was spared the kiddie table. He was so pouty throughout the debate.

And I am done. I don't want to bore you with the nonsense. Give you an opportunity to poll on who actually won this train wreck.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Kasich: If Trump Wins The Nomination, I Might Quit The Republican Party!

Ohio governor John Kasich is getting desperate. He launched an attack against Republican front runner Donald Trump. The insurgent's lead is HUGE.

Ohio Republican governor John Kasich has went forth to the junk food media declaring that he will likely not support the Republican nominee if he isn't the one. He said that Donald Trump, Ben Carson and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) are destroying the party.

Conservatives see Kasich as well as Jeb Bush, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and New Jersey Chris Christie as the establishment.

Many conservatives see Trump as the candidate who tells it like it is. Despite his recent controversies involving the mocking of a disabled reporter, the retweeting of a racist mock statistic and the database for Muslims, Trump is still leading in the national polls.

It's stomped the Republican establishment.

It seems like Donald Trump is a real "serious" contender in this race for the White House.

Kasich isn't like this one bit. So he teamed up with allies who are willing to shelve out $$$$$$$$$ for an anti-Trump campaign.

On GOP Sundays, the governor went on to talk about his struggling poll numbers. Kasich dismissed the polls and declared that he's in it to win. He said that Trump will not be the nominee.
Kasich is a low energy candidate. Donald Trump is surging.
“I think he’s very divisive and I do not believe he will last,” Kasich said when asked if he would support Trump if he wins the Republican primary.

Kasich pointed to Trump’s recent back and forth with The New York Times reporter Serge Kovaleski as a reason he won’t win the nomination. Trump has drawn criticism this week for appearing to mimic Kovaelski's mannerisms, caused by a muscular disorder, which Kasich said Trump “absolutely mocked.”

“Somebody who divides this country, here in the 21st century, who’s calling names of women and Muslims and Hispanics and mocking reporters, and says, ‘I didn’t do it,’ but he did do it, it’s just not going to happen,” said Kasich.

Kasich added that Trump’s popularity has been overblown. The two have sparred at recent debates, and Kasich released a video this week featuring a veteran comparing Trump’s rhetoric to that of the Nazis.

“Everybody needs to get over it and take a deep breath,” Kasich said.

So Kasich is dropping the "nice guy" act and telling the junk food media he's not divisive. Let's go back to the Kasich years in the Ohio state house.

The controversial SB-5 law, the John Crawford shooting, the Tamir Rice shooting, the Republican redistricting scandal, the political kickbacks, and pulling back infrastructure funds for the state are reasons to why he's struggling to win the nomination. He doesn't give two fucks about the issues in the state. He's just trying to appeal to his radical base.

Many see Kasich as a failed governor. He won reelection because the Democrats had a candidate who was a natural born loser. Kasich isn't the savior of the Republican Party.

He's the reason to why the party is so fucking stupid. He tries to act smart, but in reality he's stupid.

He's not as stupid as former Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal, but he's right up in the area.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

The Tongue Is The Only Muscle Republicans Flex When They're Handling Terrorism!

The Republicans are weak on terrorism.

I've always said that I rather have a rational president than a shit throwing moron. If President Barack Obama was to run a third term, I will assure you, he would win.

Given the entire field of Democrats and Republicans, it's basically a bunch of wannabes and should not have beens. A handful of perennial candidates and a bunch of sissies.

None of them inspire me to vote for them. Seriously, even Hillary Clinton is a huge bore. Clinton is too freaking polarizing. It's frustrating that she fights dirty against Barack Obama more than the Republicans. The Republicans are constantly name dropping her without even backing up their claims. They just see Benghazi and Bill Clinton's personal business as a reason to stop her.

Donald Trump is a egotistical manic who craves attention. He's clueless on how to fix America's problems. The only thing that keeps him viable is the fact he talks tough and people soak that up.

Ben Carson is a bore. Either he pretends to be stupid or getting up there. He can't tell you really much. I mean he's a damn former neurosurgeon and he can't figure out how to handle a problem.

Jeb Bush, John Kasich, Martin O'Malley and Chris Christie are the wannabees. They think that since they won reelections, they believe that they're entitled to be president.

Marco Rubio, Bernie Sanders, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham have no legislative accomplishments. They believe that if Barack Obama can do it, they can to. But what makes them so dumb is the fact that Obama doesn't try to isolate potential voters. These idiots do. Even if they seek the middle ground, they talk like a bunch of condescending dicks.

Besides Clinton, there's a handful of perennials. Carly Fiorina, Rick Santorum, Mike Huckabee, Jim Gilmore should head back to the curb. They're trash.

Barack Obama would mop the floor with these idiots. Given if he would have ran in 2012 and 2016, he would beat these idiots in a landslide like he did John McCain and perennial loser Mitt Romney.

Despite the onslaught of agitating from the Republicans and conservatives, many Americans would rather have a leader who thinks before making crucial decisions.

I want to kindly remind the concern trolls and blame Obama crowd that Republicans have never kept us safe. They have selective memories when it comes to keeping Americans safe.

If you seriously believe that Republicans are strong on terror, then you should be congratulated on how stupid you are.

Republicans are stupid. They can't have it both ways when it comes to protecting Americans. We haven't had a major terrorist attack in the United States since 2001. We have had more mass shootings in the United States and the Republicans are cowards when it comes to dealing with the safety of Americans.

Gun violence is the NUMBER ONE THREAT in the United States. Terrorism, Ebola, and HIV are major issues that face Americans. It's unfortunate that the threat of gun violence is by far more problematic.

Republicans so fixated on flexing the only muscle they've got: their goddamn tongues.
Poker face. President Barack Obama is aggressively fighting terrorism and Republicans are fighting him.
The Republicans and their conservative agitators allies have been "popping off" about how they would take on the media's boogeyman. The junk food media is the best public relations firm for the Islamic State.

The Islamic State is trying to convince people that the United States and their allies are attacking Muslims. They are encouraging men and women to retaliate against the West for destroying families.

The Republicans have complained that the president and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton failed to mention the threat of  *drumroll* "radical Islam".

The president warned his critics that they're new found interest in the safety of Americans will inspire the Islamic State to attack the country. He said that the anti-Islamic rhetoric is fueling tensions and its causing strains with allies wary of American influence.

The president is trying to built a coalition to take on the Islamic State.

Our conservative allies are so obsessed with the president not leading in the fight against the Islamic State. They seriously believe that Obama is "leading from behind".

In Washington, DC, many lawmakers are turning yellow. The House passed a bill that would restrict Syrian refugees from entering the country without even more stricter background checks. The Senate will take on the issue. The president will veto the bill if it reaches his desk.

The reactionary response to Syrian refugees has also gotten the attention of state governors.

Republican governors and state lawmakers have went out their way to try usurp federal law by restricting immigrants and refugees from seeking asylum. Then they're talk

The drinking game of Islamophobia has stroked tensions within the United States. White male resentment is on the rise and it's fueling Donald Trump's rise in the national polls.

Trump, Ben Carson, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio are cruising on the White male resentment.

None of the candidates have a real solution to taking on the Islamic State. Many of their ideas equal what the president is doing. The only thing that Republicans refuse to do is say that they're willing to allow American troops in Syria.

Well maybe Lindsey Graham.

Nevertheless, Republicans are extremely weak on terrorism. George W. Bush and his administration ignored the threat. On September 11, 2001, four airplanes crashed into Washington, DC, New York City and rural Pennsylvania.

Bush had a Republican controlled Congress. They've wanted to cut government. They've cut intelligence.

Now if you really want to see how Republicans handle a crisis, look towards Hurricane Katrina. The Republicans certainly didn't keep us safe. The policies of the Republican president kept us in Iraq for nearly 10 years and Afghanistan for an infinite amount of years with no end in sight.

Under President Barack Obama, the U.S. law agencies, the military and intelligence agencies have captured drug lords, terrorists, sex traffickers, and gang members.

The president rather engage the enemy with the drone missiles.

The Republicans put their fate in irrational leaders like Benjamin Netanyahu and Vladimir Putin.

Now the United States issued a worldwide travel alert for travelers. The U.S. State Department issued this alert for the potential threat of lone wolf attacks from terrorists.

The United States considers the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant an enemy. The Islamic State considers the U.S. and their allies the enemies.

W.A.R. should be an acronym for We Always Respond (or likely Whites Always Respond).

Because White resentment leads to war. And all this fear mongering pretty much gives the Islamic State the advantage.

The terrorists managed to put the fear in Republicans.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Cool Was Obama's Middle Name!

This is why I think President Barack Obama is so cool. He basically shows the world that America cares. He's not like those reactionary shit throwing morons.

Over here in the United States, there are people who "seriously believe" that refugees fleeing the civil war in Syria are terrorists. The U.S. intelligence agencies believe someone between the age of 14 to 50 are possible agents for the Islamic State.

The president and team are well aware of the threat. He urged the American people to be vigilant in the wake of the Paris attacks.The Paris attacks have become a political football over here in America.

Republicans and few spineless Democrats are trying to pass legislation that bans refugees from coming in the country. The president vows to veto the bill.

The Islamic State believes that the Western nations are declaring a war on Islam. They are encouraging young Muslims into the fold.

The Republican clowns running for president claim that they can fight terrorism. Using their tongues is the only thing strength they got!

Yet, they can't do nothing about the mass shootings happening in their own country. It seems like they're asshole backwards when it comes to the real threat here in the United States.

Hopefully this shows the world how refugees aren't the blow 'em up and shoot 'em up folks the conservatives paint them out to be.

Democrat Beats David Vitter In Louisiana Gubna's Race!

Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) went down hard in the race for Governor in Louisiana. The Republican's dirty little sins became a campaign issue. He was one of the most corrupt lawmakers in Washington.

Even though President Barack Obama is strongly disliked in the state of Louisiana, Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) is way worse than Obama.

This was suppose to be an easy election for the Republicans. It turned out to be a disaster. The general election didn't merit a 50% vote for Vitter and the Democrat. It forced a run-off election.

The Republican candidates that dropped out the race decided to throw their weight into helping the Democrat win this election.

It seems like the Republicans got one lost on their belt. The state elected a Democrat to hold the chair in Baton Rouge.

In a run-off election, John Bel Edwards, a state lawmaker ended up winning the 50% plurality vote.

The leadership of Governor Bobby Jindal was an epic disaster. Many voters felt that Republican leadership didn't help the state.

Jindal took a hard line stance on issues especially when running the government and for that he suffered. He gonna leave the governor's mansion with high disapproval.
Democrat John Bel Edwards is governor-elect. In Louisiana, many of their lawmakers are corrupt. Will Bel Edwards disspell the tradition?
Bel Edwards victory doesn't really help the Democrats. The governor-elect is a conservative Democrat who supports weak gun laws and is anti-abortion. He support more oil drilling and urban sprawl.

Vitter was a clear front runner. Vitter tried to play the race card, the fear card and the "he's a liberal" card. Vitter mocked Obama for being a "ungodly" leader. None of this shit worked for him.

His sex scandals and ties to shady individuals became the anchor around his neck. The late Debra Jean Pelfrey was the DC Madam and she ran a hoe train. The hoe train got a handful of lawmakers and government workers in the book. The book had Vitter's name in it.

It became a lightening rod in the race.

Republicans and Democrats believed that Vitter's ties to Washington and his sex scandal doom his chances at winning.

Vitter was voted one of the most corrupt lawmakers in Washington.

Paging Melanie Sloan...

Her organization the Center for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington called Vitter one of the worst lawmakers to hold office. The ethics were so off the hook, Vitter was under federal watch.

Besides the prostitutes, he gave kickbacks to the polluters. He managed to win elections despite having these controversies swarm him.

Now as a result of the loss, Vitter can't run for reelection in 2016.

Now Republicans must defend a crucial seat to retain their majority.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Conservatives Blame ALL Muslims For Terrorism!

Muslims are Americans too. The Republicans and their conservative allies are stroking fear once again against Muslims for short term gains.

One week since the mass shooting and bombing in Paris. We're still talking about it.

The word vomit  "radical Islam" is being spewed by conservatives. It's a fucking shame that even though most Muslims condemn violence, they are blamed for almost every terrorist attack happening in the world.

We just don't get it....

I mean how many terrorist attacks happened in the United States since 2001?

We have more mass shootings in the United States and most of these violent acts are committed by Americans who have easy access to obtaining firearms.

The inept Congress panicked. They decided to pass reactionary laws that violate our promise to a be a "beacon of freedom" in the world.

Republicans aided by a few Democrats passed a bill that would cease the influx of refugees from Syria for the time being. The Republican-sponsored bill would make the FBI director personally sign off any Syrian who manages to pass the background checks. It will keep Syrians from entering the country for an additional 40 months.

Many of the candidates still running are calling for a border closing at the U.S.-Mexico border and a religious test.

Ted Cruz sponsored a bill that will revoke one's U.S. citizenship if you have an ounce of support for the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). Rand Paul sponsored a bill that will deny Syrians the safety net if they have family members who support "radical Islam". Lindsey Graham wants troops on the ground in Syria to destroy the Islamic State.

The front runner Donald Trump would establish monitoring of mosques and vows to shut them down if they attempt to plot massacres of Americans.

Jeb Bush and Mike Huckabee wants Christian Syrians to come only into the United States.

Ben Carson had posted an inaccurate map of the states that oppose Syrian refugees. He referred refugees as rabid dogs. Marco Rubio has decided to call it a "clash of cultures" and the fight is against "Islam".

They are calling for identification badges and special restrictions for worshiping Muslims.

There was vandalism on mosques. An Indiana man tried to rip off a woman's headscarf last month. The Ahmed Mohammed clock controversy was a hot button issue. The draw Mohammed contest sponsored by right wing extremist Pam Geller this year sparked outrage.

And who are the real radicals in the United States?

I know that Muslims in the United States hate to hear their religion be used in these tragic attacks overseas.

The blame game seems to be a seasoning on the shit salad the Republicans prepare for the American people. This year alone, they've been reactionary in almost every thing that's happened here and abroad.

Republicans have pushed hateful agendas against Muslims, BlackLivesMatter, immigrants from Mexico and Planned Parenthood. None of these agendas seem to work when they can't get them passed given a rational president is occupying the White House.

Again, I rather have a rational president than a bunch of shit throwing morons who flex their tongue instead of their brain. I rather not profile Muslims, Black and Latino people for being criminals. I rather not see myself arguing with trolls over my love/hate relationship for this country.

World News Today send our condolences to the victims of the Bali attacks.

According to the junk food media, there were gunman who stormed a Radisson Inn in Bamako, Mali. There were people killed and two of the gunman had held 140 guest and 30 workers hostage.

There were guest who came from Algeria, India, Chinese, Russia, Turkey, France, Moroccan, and the United States.

No word of any hostages besides the three (1 French and 2 Malian). The gunmen may have been killed in this attack.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Cruz: Say That S**t To My Face, Barack Obama!

Obama's comments about "popping off" riled up the Texas senator.

The human soapbox of right wing insanity responds back to President Barack Obama.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) was a tad bit annoyed by the president's remarks. The president basically put the Republicans on blast. He said that promoting religious tests is unpatriotic and un-American.

The president was annoyed with Republicans "popping off" about how he's not taking the threat seriously.

The president has pretty much taken the threat seriously. He's just not juggling balls and throwing pies at the terrorists. The president has said that the campaign against the Islamic State will take some time. He said that he doesn't want to put ground troops into Syria provoking another war in the Middle East. He said that the threats are here but Americans must be vigilant.
Don't come at me about how I handle things.
It would be nice to hear a real strategy to take on the threat without having all the "themes" and "bluster".

Well the Republicans candidates aren't having it. They want to use the Paris attacks as a political football to push a hateful agenda against Muslims, refugees and immigrants.

Cruz, who is running for the Republican nomination is a turd flipper. The Texas sentator (who I refer to as a Stallmigo) boldly calls the president "lawless" and vows to oppose everything that is promoted by him and the Republican controlled Congress.

When asked about the president's comments Cruz basically said that Obama should say it to his face.

"Come back and insult me to my face," said Cruz.

"I prefer it in the United States and not overseas, where you’re making the insults," Cruz said of the unlikely debate. "It's easy to toss a cheap insult when no one can respond."

Cruz believed that the president's actions to allow 10,000 Syrian refugees is a disaster.

Cruz is responsible for the government shutdown of 2013. Many Republicans are tired of him. They believe he showboats and offers no real ideas. He's one of the least accomplished lawmakers running for president. The other ones include: Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY).

All four them have no record of accomplishment. They are well established lawmakers.

Any proposals that were made by these lawmakers often are rejected before reaching the senate floor.

Let's be honest, Republicans are not capable of governing.

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant wants Republicans to win the White House. 

They believe that the Republican Party and their conservative allies are stupid. They figure that a Republican president will bankrupt the United States trying to fight them. 

The Islamic State believes that Republicans and the conservatives and their obsessions with cutting government and Islamophobia, will inspire recruits. They vow attacks against the country. They want to go after places Americans often neglect as "soft targets". 

Republicans have no room to talk. Under a Republican president and a Republican Congress, we had the worst attack on our country on September 11, 2001. Republicans like to flex their muscle in the fight against terrorism. But the only muscles being flexed around are their tongues. And believe me, I rather have a calm leader like President Barack Obama over a bunch of irrational shit throwing morons like Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, Chris Christie and Jeb Bush.


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