Showing posts with label Ed Schultz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ed Schultz. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 01, 2014

The Racist Right Wants To See The Ax Fall On Melissa Harris-Perry!

Melissa Harris-Perry comes out with an apology towards perennial loser Mitt Romney. 

Over the weekend, Tulane University professor and Obama News agitator Melissa Harris-Perry got into some hot water after she took a shot at the perennial loser Mitt Romney's adoptive grandson.

While the racist right comes out in defense of Phil Robertson, the patriarch of Duck Dynasty for his homophobic and racist comments, they would go after the Obama News commentator because she believes that the former Republican nominee is condescending asshole. I really agree with that assertion.

Harris-Perry had the panelists attempt to caption a Romney family photo, which included all of Mitt Romney's grandchildren.

Harris-Perry joked that Kieran Romney would marry Kanye West's daughter, North West.

Panelist and comedian Dean Obeidallah said the photo "really sums up the diversity of the Republican party."

Pia Glenn, upon seeing the photo stated, "One of these things is not like the other, one of these things just isn't the same." Another panelist likened an adopted black grandchild to a token black person appearing at the Republican National Convention.
mitt romney grandkids
A huge family for the countless time loser!
Harris-Perry stated that "My goal is that in 2040, the biggest thing of the year will be the marriage between [Romney's grandchild] and North West. Can you imagine Mitt Romney and Kanye West as in-laws?"

Harris-Perry specifically stated the Romney grandchild by full name. Immediately after the show backlash erupted. A few days after the show, Harris-Perry apologized in a series of tweets for using Mitt Romney's black adopted grandchild in a comedy segment on the show.

Will the racist right start calling for blood again?

Because they've gotten rid of Martin Bashir and Alec Baldwin.

Melissa Harris-Perry's program features panel discussions focusing on national politics while exploring the "intersections of culture, art and community".

The show's two-hour running time allows for a more diverse pool of guests compared to typical cable news programs. In addition, since the show airs on weekends, Harris-Perry says it has "a little bit more breathing room" to respond to the weekly news cycle.

Harris-Perry encourages viewers to interact with the show via Twitter using the #nerdland hashtag, which she uses to describe an occasional destination for its topic field and intensity of discourse.

The shows places a strong emphasis on pop culture in an effort to expand the idea of what is considered "political".

Instead of political pundits, Harris-Perry often invites academics, activist Hollywood stars and underrepresented voices as guests. In addition, she often discusses politics outside the beltway, including politics of the South (known as the Southern Strategy).

Conservatives Cheer With Glee As Progressive Radio Is Yanked Off The Air!

Progressive talk radio is an endangered species.

The racist right won many battles in 2013. They've taken Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Mike Lee and Rand Paul to the mainstream. Four men who have relatively no accomplishments managed to get more attention in the junk food media. They've been on many GOP Sunday programs ranting and raving about how they hate Barack Obama and offer no real ideas to go against him.

They've gotten Martin Bashir off MSNBC (Obama News) after he compared Palin Da Ass's comments to defecating in a slave's mouth.

They've rallied against the IRS, the U.S. Census bureau, the TSA, the NSA and the president's nominees.

How many times have you've heard about Benghazi?

I know that Lindsay Graham, Michelle Bachmann, Darrell Issa, and Mike Rogers are harping about the president letting Americans dies overseas at a Libyan consulate that was a CIA front. And despite evidence proving the president's point about a spontaneous event, these right wing agitators made a theme of it being a moment of aloof for President Barack Obama.

They managed to shuffle the deck in the fight for Congress. The Republicans lead in most national polls. They many have the potential to win Congress. They've gerrymandered districts that made it even harder for Democrats to pick up. To make this clear, even a moderate Republican can lose.

Alan Colmes
They managed to get Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson back on the show.

They managed to put progressive radio on the ropes literally. They cheer knowing that Stephanie Miller, Bill Press, Ed Schultz, Thom Hartmann, Alan Colmes, Joe Madison, Randi Rhodes and Mike Malloy are bumped off the air.

In part of the Cumulus firing of That Guy Who Helped Obama Win (aka Sean Hannity), the radio dials had to change flagships. Some stations are willing to take that annoying ass conservative agitator in place of a handful of progressive agitators who once held title to their stations. The shakeup has even Stephanie Miller, the 10th most listened agitator searching for a new radio home. Ed Schultz, the fifth most listened agitator on radio flagship WWRL AM, New York is going to Spanish language and he's bumped.

Stephanie Miller.
 The flagship station KTLK AM in Los Angeles will drop Stephanie Miller and Ed Schultz for King Hippo (aka Rush Limbaugh) and That Guy Who Helped Obama Win.  the media radio giants have decided that the progressive voices aren't marketable either.

It's a sad state of affairs. Most talk radio hosts are WHITE MALES. There is a strong lack of diversity in the talk radio format.

And due to the fact that those two conservative agitators caused a whole lot of trouble during 2012 U.S. presidential elections, some media outlets are trying to keep controversy to a minimum.

These two agitators really screwed up everyone's opportunity for advertising successes. Now progressive talkers and up-in-coming conservatives are struggling to find many radio affiliates and finding alternatives off the AM dial. Some are taking it to SiriusXM or the internet.

The stations that had progressive radio agitators are being replaced with conservative agitators. Some are even going to sports talk and Spanish radio.

Currently, there are fewer than 100 U.S. commercial radio stations carrying liberal talk programs, compared to around 600 stations for King Hippo and 500 for That Guy Who Helped Obama Win and many other agitators. A good example of the format's struggles is in Boston, where Clear Channel put it on AM 1200 and 1430 from 2004 until 2006. A short time later, host Jeff Santos began buying time on WWZN AM 1510 in Boston airing his own show plus syndicated offerings such as Ed Schultz and Stephanie Miller.

As money dried up, and after other national hosts were offered such as Al Sharpton, his brokered time on WWZN shrank to his own show, and then that was cut loose in the fall of 2012 as the station went to all sports. Santos does have a few other stations in other areas carrying his show but is currently off in Boston, thought of as a left-leaning city (it is possible National Public Radio stations in the area cater to this audience already.)

On January 21, 2010, Air America announced that it would immediately cease programming, and the company would file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy; citing some of the following reasons on their website:

"The very difficult economic environment has had a significant impact on Air America's business.
Joe Madison left AM radio to join SiriusXM. One of the many progressive voices on radio that moved to the internet when their affiliates dropped programming.
This past year has seen a "perfect storm" in the media industry generally. National and local advertising revenues have fallen drastically, causing many media companies nationwide to fold or seek bankruptcy protection.

From large to small, recent bankruptcies like Citadel Broadcasting and closures like that of the industry's long-time trade publication Radio and Records have signaled that these are very difficult and rapidly changing times."

It's business though.

In my opinion the top ten agitators in the talk radio format:

1) Rush Limbaugh
2) Sean Hannity
3) Michael Savage
4) Glenn Beck
5) Ed Schultz
6) Mark Levin
7) Dave Ramsey
8) Thom Hartmann
9) Howard Stern
10) Stephanie Miller

Monday, December 30, 2013

Robin Roberts Comes Out Of The Newsroom!

Robin Roberts reveals she's gay. Roberts was the first anchor to interview President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama when they announced they support gay marriage.

Last year, Robin Roberts had the opportunity to interview the president on his evolution of gay marriage. He actually made it clear that he's now in favor of gay marriage. He done so in front of a good friend.

She remembers getting the "chills" when she heard the president speak so favorably about gay marriage.

Robin Roberts is a personal friend of the Obamas.

The ABC News reporter and host of Good Morning America came out this week.

Unlike the Jenna Wolfe and Raven-Symone's coming out parties, I am not too shocked about this revelation.

The Obamas got the opportunity to help motivate Roberts to publicly announce her relationship with another woman.

Add another Black entertainer in the media to come out as being gay or bisexual.

Roberts disclosed the relationship in a Facebook post in which she reflected on the past year. On Dec. 29, 2012, the news anchor celebrated 100 days post bone marrow transplant during her battle with myelodysplastic syndrome.

"At this moment I am at peace and filled with joy and gratitude," Roberts wrote. "I am grateful to God, my doctors and nurses for my restored good health. I am grateful for my sister, Sally-Ann, for being my donor and giving me the gift of life. I am grateful for my entire family, my long time girlfriend, Amber, and friends as we prepare to celebrate a glorious new year together."

Amber Laign is a licensed massage therapist from the San Francisco Bay Area, according to People magazine. She and Roberts met through mutual friends and have been together for 10 years.

"I am grateful for the many prayers and well wishes for my recovery. I return every one of them to you 100 fold," Roberts continued. "On this last Sunday of 2013 I encourage you to reflect on what you are grateful for too."

CNN's Brian Stelter noted that this is the first time Roberts has spoken publicly about her sexual orientation.

The 53-year-old follows in the footsteps of other famous figures who have chosen to discuss their personal lives without formally choosing a title or label.

Earlier this month, Olympic diver Tom Daley came out in a YouTube video, revealing he is in a relationship with a man. Last year, Frank Ocean came out in a blog post. He opened up about a same-sex relationship he had when he was 19 years old.

UPDATE: ABC News issued the following statement regarding Roberts' Facebook post (via BuzzFeed):

"We love Robin and Amber, who we have all known for a long time. We were so touched by Robin’s Facebook message today and so thankful for all the loving support she has in her life."

Also you can mark Utah as one of the newest states that allow gay marriage. Yeah, the conservative state of Utah had a federal repeal of their state law banning gay marriage.

Again, "US BLACK FOLK" have went through interracial marriage. And now we've evolved through gay marriage. It used to bother some Black people seeing gay people. It still does but not as much as it used to be. We're seeing progress!

Well wishes to Robin Roberts and her partner Amber Laign.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

CNBC Business Turdporter Play N****s On The Fade Out!

Apologies from business network.

CNBC turdporter Kelly Evans went to commercial, the song they used as an outro contained uncensored usage of the n-word.

The song in question was B2K’s Fizzo Got Flow, and needless to say, it’s a pretty colorful song. It was a few segments later, towards the end of the hour, when Evans apologized for airing the song “and for any offense that it may have caused.”

This isn’t the first time CNBC’s gotten in some hot water for a musical suggestion, but at least no one specifically requested it on-air this time.

This comes from Mediaite and believe me its another ear grabbing event.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Dems Go Nuclear!

President Barack Obama and the Democrats had enough of the Republicans stalling his nominees. They passed filibuster reform. The process from now on will require a simple majority when confirming federal nominees. It won't apply to passing bills in the Senate. Sorry, conservatives you'll need 2/3 vote to repeal Obamacare.

Thanks to the Republicans and their ongoing obstruction, the Democrats are now forcing upon the nuclear option. Too many nominees were being stalled by the Stallmigos and Team Oppostition.

Senator Harry Reid (D-Nevada) told the Republicans "you're done". Enough is enough!

Janet Yellen was being stalled by the Senate because she's a woman. If confirmed, she will be the first woman to head the Federal Reserve.
The nuclear option, called the constitutional option by some proponents, is a generic term for a set of parliamentary maneuvers that could be used in the United States Senate to achieve approval of certain motions by a majority vote, rather than the "super-majority" required by current Senate rules and precedents.

The nuclear option has arisen in reaction to the frequent use of Senate rules by a minority of Senators to block consideration of a nominee for an Executive Branch or judicial position (or less frequently, a bill or resolution). Between the 1970s and 2013, threats by the majority party to use some version of what is now known as the nuclear option resulted in some changes to Senate rules and practices to limit opportunities for blocking nominations, without actually invoking the nuclear option itself.

In November 2013, Senate Democrats used the nuclear option to eliminate filibusters on executive branch nominations other than those to the Supreme Court.

The "nuclear option" is a vote by slight majority party.

November 21, 2013, the Senate voted 52-48 (along party lines with the exception of 3 Democrats who voted with the Republicans) to eliminate the use of the filibuster against all executive and judicial presidential nominees (other than to the Supreme Court). This was a rare instance of the so-called nuclear option.
The Democrats' stated motivation for this change was the expanding Republican usage of the filibuster without always stating an objection to the particular nominee, such as for nominations to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.[86] Republicans had asserted that the D.C. Circuit was underworked,[86] and also cited the need for cost reduction by reducing the number of judges in that circuit.

As of November 2013, President Obama’s nominees had faced 79 votes to end debate (called "cloture" votes), compared to just 38 during the preceding eight years under George W. Bush.

However, most of those cloture votes successfully ended debate, and therefore most filibustered nominees cleared the filibuster hurdle; Obama won Senate confirmation for 30 out of 42 federal court nominations, compared with Bush's 35 out of 52.
Congressman Mel Watt (D-NC) was being blocked by Republicans to head up Federal Housing Administration.
From this point on, if a nominee is being held up since 2009, the Democrats will just go ahead with simple vote by 51. If the candidate hasn't withdrawn or placed on hold, they'll be easily confirmed.

Congressman Mel Watt (D-North Carolina) will resign from his Charlotte area district to head of the Federal Housing Finance Agency, which among other agencies, administers or has oversight for the FHA, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac.

Janet Yellen is an American economist and professor who is the Vice Chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. Previously, she was President and Chief Executive Officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, Chair of the White House Council of Economic Advisers under President Bill Clinton, and Professor Emerita at the University of California, Berkeley's Haas School of Business. On October 9, 2013, President Barack Obama nominated Yellen to be Chair of the Federal Reserve. If confirmed, Yellen would be the first woman to hold the position.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Zimmerman's Girlfriend Ratted Him Out!

I don't think he understands that the country is watching his every move!

Wondering if That Guy Who Helped Obama Win going to cover this on his right wing carnival?

Nope. Nadda. Zip.

Just another day of bashing President Barack Obama because he's....well you know!

Details emerged in the latest controversy surrounding the Florida man who was acquitted of murder of unarmed teen Trayvon Martin.

George Zimmerman has a girlfriend and I guess he threatened her. This time around she decided to call the law on his ass. And yes, he's expecting a child from this woman.

Now facing aggravated assault charges, Zimmerman now sits in the James Polk Lock Up after he and his girlfriend got into it. I guess the heated argument forced him to pull his firearm on her.

Shellie Zimmerman lied for him and got perjury charges against her. She also called the law on his ass after he threatened her with a firearm.
Samantha Scheibe is on the 911 call telling the dispatcher that Zimmerman is acting a fool:

"I'm doing this again? You just broke my glass table, you just broke my sunglasses and you just put your gun in my friggin' face and told me to get the fuck out, this is not your house!" Scheibe says on the phone.

Zimmerman in hiding was with his girlfriend at the home in Apopka, Florida not too far from Sanford, Florida.

On top of the felonious assault charge, he's facing battery and criminal mischief.

Scheibe is the same woman who was with Zimmerman when his estranged wife called the law on him when he ran up on her.

Shellie Zimmerman didn't press charges on him. But this time around, his girlfriend did!

Scheibe can be heard being forced out of her own home during the call.

"Are you fucking kidding me? He just pushed me out of my fucking house and locked me out", Scheibe said on the 911 call.

Zimmerman decided to barricade himself in the home and when Seminole County sheriff deputies demanded him to come out, he was fooling around.

New beau ratted him out!
"I just want everyone to know the truth", said Zimmerman in the call.

People in the neighborhood didn't know that the country's most hated man was living there.

WFTV (Orlando) reports that if Zimmerman is granted bond, he will be placed on electronic monitoring again, and must avoid his girlfriend. This is common among domestic disputes.

The authorities managed to get a gun case.

One neighbor thought that a pudgy looking guy with a scruffy beard was an "undercover cop".

Catherine Cantrell told WFTV that she thought that Schiebe's boyfriend was very quiet, walked in and out.

Cantrell never thought that Zimmerman (being the guy acquitted of murder) a neighbor.

This incident also adds to the latest run-ins the junk food media covered. The former neighborhood watchman now 30 years old had "saved" a family from an accident off Interstate 4 in Sanford. He would also land in hot water that very same month on Interstate 95 with a Florida State Patrol officer for having tint and dark covered tags. He was granted a warning. Then when he was riding in Texas he was going too fast on a rural highway. He was granted a warning. Then in October he was stopped near Lake Mary for going 60 in a 45 mph zone. He was given a ticket. The last brush up included his wife calling the law on him after she claimed he punched her father. Then he was accused of stealing property from his mother-in-law.

Also he was arrested in 2005 after he attacked an undercover officer after he was trying to interfere with the arrest of one of his friends.

Trayvon Martin wasn't perfect. But at least he wasn't a crazy asshole like that guy who shot and killed him.
He also was in trouble after he threatened his ex-fiance at the time. There was a restraining order handed to him after a domestic violence dispute. Zimmerman retaliated and got his restraining order. No charges were filed against both parties.

Granted that his father, brother and Frank Taaffe aren't making his name any better. Zimmerman's closest allies have expressed racial statements about young Black teens. Robert Zimmerman, the brother had posted inflammatory statements about Black youth on his social networks.

Again, we here at Journal de la Reyna believe in a fair trial. Despite this guy getting away with murder, he is innocent until proven guilty. If found guilty on these charges, he may face at least 5 years in the iron college.

I don't know how the Florida criminal sentencing works, but it's more than likely at least five for every domestic dispute that involved physical contact.

More developments as they become available.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Loserville Is Most The Trusted? Yeah Right!

NewsBusters logo
What is the Media Research Center smoking on?

I click on That Guy Who Throw Shit To The Wall's website and as usual more stories that focus on Black crime. More stories trying to mislead readers about the healthcare law. And the most ridiculous thing is a link to Newsbusters.

Newbusters is a conservative media watchdog group that covers allegations of liberal bias in the junk food media. It's founded by right wing extremist Brent Bozell of the Media Research Center.

Noel Shepard, editor-in-chief of the conservative blog takes an unscientific poll to prove that Loserville is the most fairest in coverage of the healthcare law and President Barack Obama.

Mr. Shepard, you really have to be fucking stupid. Not only that network has misled its gullible audience with numerous accusations towards the president but this network has sparked confusion, accusation and malcontent towards his allies in the Democratic Party or individuals they deem inferior to the conservative movement.

YouGov, a polling firm that associate with Loserville on occasions have conducted a survey of who's the most trustworthy in the healthcare debate.

They concluded when Americans are asked to pick the one source of information about the new health care law that they trust the most, Loserville tops the list. Most trusted by 19% of Americans, the basic cable news channel narrowly beats out 'friends and family' (17%).

President Obama (11%) is the third most trusted source, followed by National Public Radio (10%) and people's own insurance companies (9%).

So let me get this straight! If Loserville is telling their viewers and listeners about the healthcare law in a highly negative fashion, those family and friends will tell others. The constant harping of the likes of the turdporters, That Guy Who Helped Obama Win, Greta The Ambulance Chaser, Bill-O, and the Bow Tie Manchild have also made the law more toxic.

Loserville has stroked the most contentious and outlandish attacks against the healthcare law.

The Republican lawmakers have avoided explaining the law to their constituents. They spent a majority of their time in the House and Senate trying to undermine the law and the president.
The Republican Party's press secretary.
They have a big microphone with the junk food media. Loserville and talk radio have motivate pessimistic WHITE PEOPLE to not sign up. It's a requirement by law for all Americans to have insurance coverage.

The WHITE PEOPLE who are fixated on phobias and irrationality are likely to be the driving force to having criticism towards the law.

Republicans are the party of WHITE MEN and EXTREMISTS.

Loserville is the press secretary of the Republican Party.

They made it no secret they attack the president on the most trivial things. From Dijon mustard to Trayvon Martin. From golf outings to his birth certificate.

Loserville has been in the forefront of the lies and hateful rhetoric of President Barack Obama, the Black and Latino communities.

They are plotting for a Republican takeover of Congress. They know the law will work. They've played every card they could afford. They've delayed the law and took it to court.

And despite the fallout, I believe that the law will work for the good of all Americans.

Democrats are spineless. They fear the reactionary. They fear the Republicans could take back Congress and drive this country back into the crapper.

If you are disappointed about the healthcare rollout, that's fine. Understand. Hear you loud and clear.

But seriously, all the hoopla and knee capping isn't necessary. It's just plain silly.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Republicans All Of Sudden Love Bill Clinton!

"The president should honor the commitment the federal government made to those people and let them keep what they've got," Clinton told
Bill Clinton criticizes the healthcare law giving Republicans more ammunition to repeal it.

The former President of The United States speaks to an online show and Republicans pounce on it.

Calling President Barack Obama a liar over "you can keep" is like saying former president George W. Bush saying Iraq harbored "weapons of mass destruction".

One clear difference of  Obama and Bush. Obama never sent people into war. Although he's a war president, he didn't lead American soldiers into Iraq. Bush did and has no regrets over misleading the nation into it.

The healthcare law is an ongoing obsession for the Republicans and its allies of the conservative movement.

They spent a majority of legislative time trying to repeal or defund the law. Like most lawmakers, they are to inform their constituents of the changes in the law. Most Republicans spent a majority of their time telling their constituents that they think "OBAMACARE" is a threat to the heart of America.

Now the left is really pissed at Bill Clinton. He speaks ill about the greatest achievement in President Barack Obama's legacy. He talks about it and the conservative agitators are saying "AH-HA, WE TOLD YOU SO!"

Now some liberal agitators are so pissed at Clinton, they promised that Hillary Clinton will suffer because of this. The liberals are threatening to derail a potential Hillary Clinton nomination.

Clinton said: "The president should honor the commitment the federal government made to those people and let them keep what they've got. [However], we're better off with this program than we are without it."

Even former vice president Dick Cheney is speaking favorably of Clinton's comments.

The House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) has put his tissues in his purse. He goes forth with a statement saying "RIGHT ON BILL! RIGHT ON!"

Many think that the former president's comments have a negative impact on the law. Clinton's comments derail the White House talking points.
Boehner was weeping tears of joy when former president Bill Clinton spoke about the problems with the Affordable Care Act. The Republicans are obsessed with repealing the law.
The Affordable Healthcare Act was signed into law in 2010 and its been the scorn of Republicans.

The Republicans repealed the law over 45 times and even contested it in the U.S. Supreme Court. The Supreme Court ruled it valid and handed Republicans a huge defeat.

So during its implications, the legislators failed at addressing their constituents and hence forth a bunch of misinformed Americans who believe in "death panels".

Loserville and conservative agitators have spread malicious information about the law. It may force individuals to ignore the law and pay penalties for no complying.

Bill Clinton's comments have implications to the general electorate. He's still a popular figure.

What do you think of the comments?

Were they out of line, or in the place of what the situation is?

Do you think these comments could impact a potential Hillary Clinton bid for president?


Two months ago, the former president speaks about the healthcare law in a positive way.

Wednesday, November 06, 2013

No Longer A Blockbuster Night!

Blockbuster logo
Blockbuster Video will close all American and Canadian stores by the end of December.

Once the nation's largest video rental service, Blockbuster went through a whole lot of changes.

Unfortunately, it's not working for the better.

You can't make it a Blockbuster Night anymore!

It's announced that Blockbuster will end domestic services for all its stores worldwide. That means it will close all stand alone stores effective immediately. It will also mean that current owner DISH Network will take the unusual step of absorbing the remaining portion of the company into a new entity.

With the rise of Netflix, Hulu and YouTube, many people weren't spending money in the DVD and VHS rental stores.

Yeah, VHS is so like so long ago, people.

Blockbuster tried to compete with it and lost.
There were less than 200 stores left by Blockbuster. They will be closed soon.
Now all the United States and Canadian stores are going to be officially closed by the end of December.

All international stores will be operational but with limited naming rights and partial support from DISH Network. It means that the independent franchises will switch names.

Kind of sad though, Blockbuster use to have over 11 locations in my community.

Family Video is now the undisputed video rental service in the United States.

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

The BIG Christie!

Not saying that President Barack Obama endorsed Chris Christie for governor, but his presence in New Jersey was very sparse because he didn't campaign for the Democratic nominee.

Love 'em or hate 'em, Republican governor Chris Christie landslides the Democrat Barbara Buono in the heavily Democratic state of New Jersey.

A few weeks ago, the former Newark mayor Cory Booker successfully became a U.S. Senator after landsliding the controversial Republican Steve Lonegan.

This victory may give the junk food media a dose of presidential fever!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Ted Cruz Even Insults Trayvon Martin's Mother!

The new Jesse Helms. Conservatives love this shitkicker.

This asshole politico is the scourge of the liberals and the rational. He is really hell bent on taking the mantle of that old ass bigot Jesse Helms.

Republicans: You're on the verge of losing everything. Continue on. Please do so!

The racist right can't stand Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin. The racist right continues to smear the name of the deceased teenager Trayvon Martin.

In the minds of these irrational people, they believe Trayvon Martin's parents are "money hungry NIGGERS" who want the world to believe that "THUG" is an "ANGEL".
More White people dressing up in Blackface as murder victim Trayvon Martin.
After the most polarizing court trial, many conservative agitators believe that George Zimmerman was "vindicated". Of course, being vindicated means that he got away with murder. Murdering a teenager who didn't do anything but get an ice tea and a bag of Skittles.

Many victims of gun violence have went to Congress to pressure Florida's governor Rick Scott to ease up on the "STAND YOUR GROUND" laws.

Sybrina Fulton's appearance at Congress was to be a rally cry for all mothers who lost children to gun violence. But in the mind of that annoying ass Stallmigo, it's just some BLACK BITCH who had no business talking about guns.

AtlantaBlackStar reports that the controversial U.S. Senator Ted Cruz made headlines again when he explained to Sybrina Fulton, mother of slain teen Trayvon Martin, at a Senate hearing yesterday that the “Stand Your Ground” laws are not racist and, in fact, are beneficial to African-Americans.

But Fulton fired back in an appearance on Rev. Perm’s MSNBC show, “PoliticsNation,” saying that there was “some disconnect” in Cruz’s remarks and he is “not aware of the real law and how it affects us as a community.”

This perception is borne out of a Quinnipiac poll released over the summer, showing that a majority of Blacks oppose the self-defense law, while a majority of whites support it.

The Quinnipiac University poll revealed that white voters support “Stand Your Ground” laws by a margin of 57 percent to 37 percent, while Black voters oppose them by the same margin. As for political divisions, Republicans support the laws 75 percent to 19 percent, while Democrats oppose them 62 percent to 32 percent.

Overall, the nation backed the laws by a margin of 53 percent to 40 percent. More than 30 states have such laws on the books.

The poll mirrored previous polls showing a majority of whites supporting George Zimmerman’s acquittal in the murder of Trayvon Martin, while a majority of Blacks opposed it.

On his show, Rev. Perm offered numbers from the Tampa Bay Times to rebut Cruz’s claim that “Stand Your Ground” is helpful to Blacks.

Rev. Perm put up a graph showing that when the victim is Black or Hispanic, the killer walks free 78 percent of the time, but when the victim is white, the killer walks free only 56 percent of the time.

“‘Stand Your Ground’ is good law for minorities? He’s wrong,” Rev. Perm said. “The numbers tell the story.”

Cruz first offered his condolences for Fulton’s loss. But after defending the trial by jury process that found Zimmerman not guilty of murder, Cruz said, “the subject of this hearing, the “Stand Your Ground” laws, was not a defense that Mr. Zimmerman raised. So this entire hearing—the topic of this hearing—is not the issue on which that trial turned.”
Sybrina Fulton responds to the Stallmigo's criticism.
Although the Zimmerman defense team didn't explicitly use a “Stand Your Ground” hearing, it was discussed obsessively in the months leading up to the trial, it was included in the jury instructions and was something Zimmerman was well-versed on when he pursued Trayvon.

“We know that some in our political process have a desire to exploit that tragic, violent incident for agendas that have nothing to do with that young man who lost his life,” Cruz continued. “We have seen efforts to undermine the verdict of the jury and, more broadly, to inflame racial tensions that I think are sad and irresponsible.”

“No one could reasonably believe that Stand Your Ground laws protect those in the African-American communities who are victims of violent crimes,” Cruz said. “A great many African-Americans find themselves victims of violent crime and have asserted this defense to defend themselves, defend their families, defend their children.”

Cruz even tried to pull President Obama into his argument, pointing out that “in 2004 a state senator in Illinois by the name of Barack Obama co-sponsored an expansion of Illinois’ law providing civil immunity for those who use justifiable force to defend themselves” as evidence that similar laws could not possibly be racially biased.

“The notion that ‘Stand Your Ground’ laws are some form of veiled racism may be a convenient political attack,” he said, “but it is not borne out by the facts remotely.”

On Rev. Perm’s show, Fulton said she was taken aback when Cruz said “Stand Your Ground” wasn't part of the trial since she had been hearing everyone talk about it for more than a year.

“It wasn't something that we made up,” she said.

In his mind as well as those in the racist right, it was Trayvon Martin's fault for walking in a neighborhood he wasn't suppose to be. Even though his father lived there, according to the racist right, it's a fucking BLACK TEEN who could commit a crime over there.

After all, they seen pictures of him blowing smoke rings and throwing up the middle finger.

Republicans are hell bent on trying to defeat the president's agenda. One in particular is gun control.

After the horrible tragedy in Newtown, I thought that we can actually get this on the table. I mean the president experience one of the worst tragedies in American history. Surely there could have been something done.

Well this inept Congress is doing nothing memorable. The Republican lawmakers have wasted most of their time trying to repealing Obamacare. They have taken the country through a government shutdown.

They've obsessed over Benghazi, the Healthcare Marketplace website, Fast & Furious and the IRS.

Not concerned about jobs.

Not concerned about the thousands of lives lost to gun violence.


Monday, October 07, 2013

The Racist Right "Boycott" Al Sharpton!

The racist right wants to take down Rev. Perm.

You would think that it's possible for the conservatives to actually have a real reason to go after the controversial civil rights leader. But unfortunately, they have nothing but smoke and whole lot of hot air in this attempt.

David Horowitz, a former leftist radical who associated with the Black Panthers back in the 1960s. He found himself a god named Reagan and became a right wing extremist. He along with Breitfart's Ben Shapiro have teamed up to target MSNBC and Media Matters for America for what they've perceived as liberal bias in the junk food media.

Yeah, like GOP Sundays need more Democrats.

Yeah, how many progressive radio shows are on the AM dial?

How many news programs featured Democrats other than President Barack Obama?

When's the last time I haven't seen a camera in the face of  Senators Ted Cruz (R-Texas), John McCain (R-Arizona), Lindsay Graham (R-South Carolina), Rand Paul (R-Kentucky), Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky), Mike Lee (R-Utah), Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota), Congressman Eric Cantor (R-Virginia), Congressman Pete King (R-New York), Congressman Steve King (R-Iowa), Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) and Congressman John Boehner (R-Ohio)?

The first target is Rev. Perm. The National Action Network founder is been in the news for his support of Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin, the parents of unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin. The unarmed teenager set off a firestorm of racial unrest within the Republican Party and its allies in the conservative movement.

The Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman saga set off a meme for every crime that involves a racial aspect.

Again, whenever a crime comes forth and it involves Black or Hispanic criminal and a White victim, it drives the racist right nuts. They believe that the junk food media sweeps these issues under rug. They believe that every crime in America is caused by Blacks, only!

David Horowitz, a right wing bigot.
It's a requirement of the racist right to attach either Trayvon Martin,  the "Obama's sons" quote or Black crime statistics to every event that involves a racial aspect. The racial extremist's word vomits will usually have a racial slur or a condescending stereotype of the Black community as a whole.

So this group called Truth Revolt is targeting Ritz Crackers, owned by Chicago-based Mondelez International. They the company to cut its ties.

The group goes as far to say that Rev. Perm is a "racial extortionist".

“Sharpton is a racial extortionist who has instigated racial animosities, violence, and division in America for the last forty years,” write the boycott’s organizers. “In better times, Sharpton would be stigmatized and condemned for the damage he has done. But today he is a primetime host on MSNBC—the charter cable news network for NBC News, and a favored outlet for the Obama administration’s spin doctors.”

Hey, name one violent event that Rev. Perm attended?

The Daily Beast reports that the group's attempts to take down Rev. Perm is because of his  gave at Kean College in 1994, in which he said: “Do some cracker come and tell you, ‘Well my mother and father blood go back to the Mayflower,’ you better hold your pocket. That ain’t nothing to be proud of, that means their forefathers was crooks.”

“Sharpton doesn’t dislike all ‘crackers,’” Shapiro writes on the Truth Revolt website.

Breitfart's chief Ben Shapiro. The conservative agitator is boycotting Rev. Perm.
The group says Rev. Perm is worthy of a boycott because of his role in the Tawana Brawley case and the Crown Heights riots in New York in the 1980s. He has since run for mayor of New York and for president of the United States, and has become a sought-after political powerbroker in New York and in Washington, D.C., where he has met several times with President Obama.

Asked why the group was dredging up 25-year-old incidents to spur a boycott, Shapiro said Rev. Perm has not recanted those incidents and that he has gone yet further by leading rallies against George Zimmerman to protest the Trayvon Martin shooting.

“He went down to Sanford and threatened civil disobedience against the city if Zimmerman wasn’t arrested and then used that as fodder for his show,” Shapiro said. “He uses the platform of his show for a racially divisive shakedown of the kind that he [promoted] during the Tawana Brawley case.”

Representatives for Rev. Perm and MSNBC did not respond to request for comment.
Do you think this is racist?
Truth Revolt was founded earlier this year and is designed as a counterweight to Media Matters, a liberal media watchdog group that calls attention to contentious, offensive, or erroneous statements by members of the media. But while Media Matters focuses mostly on conservative talk radio hosts and Fox News, Truth Revolt will take on the mainstream press for what it sees as often an hidden liberal agenda. And Truth Revolt plans to bring active pressure to bear on sponsors and advertisers, as it is doing with Ritz and Rev. Perm.

“The goal is to be a response not only to Media Matters but to a new tactic used plentifully by the left, which is the attempt to go after conservative hosts and commentators by cutting off their base of support, both in the funding community and in the advertising community,” said Shapiro.

Shapiro himself was the target of media critics earlier this year when he reported that Chuck Hagel had given paid speeches for a group called “Friends of Hamas.” The group turned out to be fictitious, made up by a New York Daily News writer, who inquired rhetorically about it in a message to a GOP congressional aide, who then apparently passed along the made-up name to Shapiro.

Shapiro defended his conduct during that saga, saying he was merely reporting the rumor and that his reporting was of a similar standard to that in The Washington Post and other mainstream outlets.

“Everybody is an imperfect messenger,” he said. “If this is the argument, that those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones, then there are never going to be any journalistic standards. I am still searching for the journalist who has never made a mistake.”

And he said boycotts like the one aimed at Rev. Perm are just the beginning.

“Politics is a hard-nosed game, and the right has been playing Marquess of Queensbury Rules for a long time on this,” he said.

Somehow, I have a feeling that Rev. Perm will address the Breitfart people on his show soon.

So we'll see how it goes. In the meantime, here's Rev. Perm making his case against the Stallmigos!

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

It May Be Over For Boehner!

He did everything but lead the Congress.

When the junk food media turns on you, it's over for you!

Congressman John Boehner (R-Ohio) is probably going to be ranked one of the worst leaders in Congress.

No tears for fears.

The weeping speaker has gambled his political future as a lawmaker and his legacy is going to be tarnished by this. The government shutdown is now in effect and thousands of Americans working for the federal agencies will have to be sent home, demoted or not get paid for work.

Everyone suffers. We just had a mass shooting last month. We had that mass shooting at the Navy Yard in Washington, DC. Only but two weeks ago, a man who worked as a federal contractor let his gun sound off on 12 people.

Those workers suffered an already horrible scenario. Now just as they go back to work, they're told that they'll be laid off because those in Washington refuse to pass a budget.

Say if you're trying to get a passport for a vacation overseas. You can't get it on time. If you just applied for it July or August, it may come in November. If you applied for a passport in September it may come in December. It may affect your plans.

You can't visit the national monuments or parks in the United States. Famed National parks Yellowstone to Yosamite are closed. National parks from North Dakota to California and from Hawaii to American Samoa are closed.

NASA is closed. You can't visit the facilities in Florida and Texas to see rockets and aircraft. Only essential workers are allowed.

You can't visit the Air Force Museum or Gettysburg. The facilities are closed.

And the blame lies squarely on Republicans feet.

John Boehner catered to political novices like Michele Bachmann, Steve Stockman, and Steve King. These three lawmakers have no legislative accomplishments and are deemed corrupt by many Washington insiders.

Mitch McConnell catered to Rand Paul, Mike Lee, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio. Four politicos who have legislative victories since they've been elected to the office.

The New York Daily News report that this event is an embarrassing disruption that angered President Obama. He said this event was “entirely preventable” and Congress would “throw a wrench into the gears” of the country’s recovering economy was triggered as a midnight deadline passed without agreement between the Republican-controlled House and Democrat-run Senate.

The shutdown would keep 800,000 federal workers at home on Tuesday and inconvenience millions of people who rely on federal services or are drawn to the nation’s parks and other attractions. Critical workers, from the Border Patrol to air-traffic controllers, would remain on the job, unpaid.
The New York Daily News trashed then House Speaker now political agitator Newt Gingrich for what was perceived a temper tantrum caused by then President Bill Clinton not budging to the Republican proposals.
Even more troubling than the shutdown was that the partisan stalemate that caused it sets the stage for an even more high-stakes clash, as Congress must soon deal with raising the debt limit by Oct. 17 — a matter in which both sides concede that failure would be perilous for the U.S. economy and economies worldwide. Republicans also want to attach conditions to that vote. Democrats said giving ground now would encourage Republicans to take a harder line in that fight.

At times Monday, Washington seemed like a real-life “House of Cards,” the Netflix drama in which D.C. power players are motivated by dark self-interest rather than the national interest.

Congress, and the government, needed to act because there was no authorization for the government to spend any money as of 12:01 a.m. on Tuesday, the start of the new budget year.

For the first time since the showdown began, there were fissures in the Republican strategy that has been carried out at the insistence of conservatives aligned with the Tea Party. Twelve lawmakers sided with Democrats in a late Monday vote on adding an Obamacare delay to a spending bill, a minor revolt by moderate-leaning Republicans.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Perennial Loser Romney Adopts A Future Failure!

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Former presidential candidate announces that he's got a little Black boy.

When he comes from under the rock of failure, perennial loser Mitt Romney emerges again with more things that the public shamed him for. What could be more condescending than a former presidential candidate who used every dirty trick in the book to win announce he's got an adopted Black grandchild.

Kieran Romney is the new adopted grandson of Mitt Romney's huge family.

The little boy was pictured with the perennial loser's family and it was sent through the social networks.

Ben and wife Andelynne Romney show off their children and of course people see awe and ugh!

Some look at the name in a negative term. According to Newsone, they've determined that the name “Kieran,” which is Gaelic for “blacky,” “black,” or “little dark one,” the backlash that inevitably flooded social media was inevitable.

Yeah I bet.

After all, who was the politico who brought up the nonsense of self deportation, birth certificates, Obama phones, 47% of Americans being dependent on government, black on white crime, and Donald Trump other than that perennial loser Mitt Romney.

Of course, the perennial loser warns the Republicans that a government shutdown is going to doom their chances in the 2014 Midterm Elections and 2016 Presidential Elections.

Romney addressed more than 200 donors on the shores of Lake Winnipesaukee at a fundraiser for the New Hampshire Republican Party, staged just four miles from the vacation home where he has spent much of the summer with his family. The event was closed to the media, but his office released his prepared remarks.
The perennial loser emerges.
Romney, 66, warned congressional Republicans against letting emotions drive their decisions.

"I badly want Obamacare to go away, and stripping it of funds has appeal. But we need to exercise great care about any talk of shutting down government," Romney said in the first speech of its kind since his November election loss to Obama. "What would come next when soldiers aren't paid, when seniors fear for their Medicare and Social Security, and when the FBI is off duty?"

He continued: "I'm afraid that in the final analysis, Obamacare would get its funding, our party would suffer in the next elections, and the people of the nation would not be happy. I think there are better ways to remove Obamacare."

He was taking aim at the three Stallmigos: Senators Rand Paul (R-Kentucky), Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Mike Lee (R-Utah) over their proposed filibuster and endorsement of the government shut down.

Romney acknowledged that some Republicans may not care for his perspective given his recent loss.

"I'm probably not the first person you'd ask for advice," he said. "But because we all learn from our mistakes, I may have a thought or two of value."

He called on Republicans to "stay smart," in part, by backing candidates who can win. And as the pool of potential candidates for the 2016 presidential contest begins to grow, Romney suggested that most are not electable.

"My guess is that every one of the contenders would be better than whoever the Democrats put up," he said. "But there will only be one or perhaps two who actually could win the election in November."

What do you think about this new addiction to the family?

What do you think of his comments about the government shutdown?

I mean does it make you think that Republicans are less racist than they're really are?

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Pope Francis: Catholics Need To Stop Being Bigots!

The Pope is an O.G.

The Catholic Church nominated a progressive pope.

The pope has rattled the Catholic church over his apparent dismissal of the religious right. The pope made references to the changing demographics and told the church it's time for a change.

The religious right have been against gay marriage, abortions and contraception for women.

Francis has spoken and the world is listening.

He told the religious right to pipe down and get over their obsession with trying to scorn those who aren't followers of the faith.

He acknowledge that even though the Catholic Church isn't keen on abortions, gay marriage and contraception, he warned that the younger generation aren't supporting the old ways.  He's not a huge fan of these issues but he's telling the faithful to accept thy.

He wants to put the Catholic Church in the present day.

Throughout his life, both as an individual and a religious leader, Francis has been noted for his humility, his concern for the poor, and his commitment to dialogue as a way to build bridges between people of all backgrounds, beliefs, and faiths.

The New York Times report that six months into his papacy, Pope Francis sent shock waves through the Roman Catholic church on Thursday with the publication of his remarks that the church had grown “obsessed” with abortion, gay marriage and contraception, and that he had chosen not to talk about those issues despite recriminations from critics.

His surprising comments came in a lengthy interview in which he criticized the church for putting dogma before love, and for prioritizing moral doctrines over serving the poor and marginalized. He articulated his vision of an inclusive church, a “home for all” — which is a striking contrast with his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI, the doctrinal defender who envisioned a smaller, purer church.

Francis told the interviewer, a fellow Jesuit: “It is not necessary to talk about these issues all the time. The dogmatic and moral teachings of the church are not all equivalent. The church’s pastoral ministry cannot be obsessed with the transmission of a disjointed multitude of doctrines to be imposed insistently.

“We have to find a new balance,” the pope continued, “otherwise even the moral edifice of the church is likely to fall like a house of cards, losing the freshness and fragrance of the Gospel.”

The pope’s interview did not change church doctrine or policies, but it instantly changed its tone. His words evoked gratitude and hope from many liberal Catholics who had felt left out in the cold during the papacies of Benedict and his predecessor, John Paul II, which together lasted 35 years. Some lapsed Catholics suggested on social media a return to the church, and leaders of gay rights and gay Catholic groups called on bishops to abandon their fight against gay marriage.

But it left conservative and traditionalist Catholics, and those who have devoted themselves to the struggles against abortion, gay marriage and artificial contraception, on the defensive, though some cast it as nothing new.

“Nobody should try to use the words of the pope to minimize the urgent need to preach and teach about abortion,” said the Rev. Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life, who said he spoke Thursday about the “priority of the abortion issue” at a Vatican conference.

I'm not truly a religious type of person, but from what's being said today, makes me think that the church isn't that bad. But you know it's just words, not actions.

Pope Francis will have detractors and criticism. It comes with the territory, but it's a start for the Catholic Church to move in the future and not on the rigid past.

Read more of Pope Francis statements in the New York Times by clicking here.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Dr. Cornel West: Get Me A Ticket Outta Al Sharpton's Coonsville!

Black agitators feuding with one another.

The feud seems to be boiling between Black liberal agitators Rev. Perm (Al Sharpton) and Dr. Cornel West.

You see the New York righteous ones are Black civil rights leaders. Rev. Perm is the host of PoliticsNation on Obama News. He also is a talk radio host and signed entertainer on Cash Money Records.

West on the other hand is a professor of African American studies at the Union Theological Seminary. He was the famous professor of studies at Princeton and Harvard University. He's a frequent collaborator with PBS news agitator Tavis Smiley and they both host a radio show that is on WCPT in Chicago.

West offered harsh words for the March On Washington and the primary speakers.

“Brother Martin himself, I think, would've been turning over in his grave,” West said of the event. “[King would have wanted] people to talk about Wall Street criminality, he wants people to talk about war crimes, or drones dropping bombs on innocent people,” he asserted.

“Instead,” he lamented, “we saw the coronation of the bonafide house negro of the Barack Obama plantation, our dear brother Al Sharpton.” West then declared that Sharpton’s decline was “supported by [MSNBC analyst] Michael Dyson and others who’ve prostituted themselves in a very ugly and vicious way.”

West was once good friends with President Barack Obama and Rev. Perm. All that seemed to change.

He would talk to Amy Goodman of Democracy Now about his outrage.

“…Lincoln isn’t Lincoln if Frederick Douglass isn't pushing him. FDR isn't FDR if A. Philip Randolph and Eleanor Roosevelt aren't pushing him. LBJ isn't LBJ if MLK isn't pushing him.

“We don’t believe in making excuses. We believe that if [Obama] is not pushed, he’s going to be a transactional president and not a transformational president. And we believe that the time is now for action and no longer accommodation. But that doesn't happen unless you’re pushed.”

West even knocked at fellow Black educators Melissa Harris-Perry and Michael Eric Dyson. They are liberal agitators who a featured host on Obama News as well.

I love Brother Mike Dyson… but we’re living in a society where everybody is up for sale. Everything is up for sale. And he and Brother Sharpton and Sister Melissa and others, they have sold their souls for a mess of Obama pottage. And we invite them back to the black prophetic tradition after Obama leaves. But at the moment, they want insider access, and they want to tell those kind of lies. They want to turn their back to poor and working people.

I would expect that Rev. Perm and Melissa Harris-Perry will no longer invite Tavis Smiley and West on their programs for the time being.

Scratch that! Melissa Harris-Perry will address West in some fashion soon! So I will say she'll debate him in the coming weeks.

Now didn't I say I can't stand West and Smiley!

Okay, here's your moment in the sun. There are Black extremists. You may think of people like Rev. Perm, Cut His Nuts Off Jackson, President Barack Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, or even the First Lady Michelle Obama to be extremists.

You're dead wrong!

The president is an elected leader. You may not like him whether for his policies, his race or his actions. That's fine. But he's no where near the extreme some of these folks paint him out to be.

I call Rev. Perm and Cut His Nuts Off Jackson, two civil rights leaders that piss off the racist right. They're Black liberal agitators who inspire action. Just like Chalk E. Becker and Palin Da Ass, these guys are in the game of group hoarding. If they speak, people will listen.

You don't have to be Justin Bieber to know that the old school folks love to see people they've grown accustomed to see everyday ranting and raving.

But for Tavis Smiley and Cornel West, I can at least say their the Black extremists the racist right outta be focusing on. Sure they're good friends with White people and all. I understand that. But deep down inside, I think they're actively supporting a race war just like That Guy Who Throws Shit To The Wall and other extremists.

These two bozos are B-list Black agitators who are jealous of Rev. Perm getting a show and they're being shown the door.

You can't blame them for being passionate about the Black community and issues in the world. They have a right to say whatever they're programmed to say.

But do we have to listen.?

Just like those dolts who support that "no accomplishment" turd Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky). They idol worship a politico who (like his daddy) has nothing but conspiracies masquerading as accomplishments.

Name one thing that Paul has accomplished in the nearly three years of him being in the U.S. Senate?

And I am talking about legislation victories he sponsored.

Anyways, Black extremism is alive and well. I didn't pass off on the extremism within the Black community.

It's not a gang ritual or a group mentality.

It's a few individuals who are so off the rails with issues they don't see clearly or they are the vocal minority in a group that's overwhelmingly against them.

Cornel Ronald West (born June 2, 1953) is an American philosopher, academic, activist, author, public intellectual, and prominent member of the Democratic Socialists of America.

Cornel West publicly supported 2008 Democratic Presidential candidate then US Senator Barack Obama. He spoke to over 1,000 of his supporters at the Apollo Theater in Harlem, N.Y.C., on November 29, 2007.

West has described himself as a "non-Marxist socialist" (partly because he cannot reconcile Marxism with Christianity) and serves as honorary chair of the Democratic Socialists of America, which he has described as "the first multiracial, socialist organization close enough to my politics that I could join".

West criticized President Obama when Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009, saying that it would be difficult for Obama to be "a war president with a peace prize"; West further retracted his support for Obama in an April 2011 interview, stating that Obama is "a black mascot of Wall Street oligarchs and a black puppet of corporate plutocrats. And now he has become head of the American killing machine and is proud of it."

In November 2012, West said in an interview that he considered Obama a "Rockefeller Republican in blackface."

Melissa Harris-Perry, a professor of political science at Tulane University, criticized what she described as the "utter hilarity" of West's statements, writing that his comments are a "classic projection of his own comfortably ensconced life at Harvard and Princeton Universities" and that West "offers thin criticism of President Obama and stunning insight into the delicate ego of the self-appointed black leadership class".

West later called Harris-Perry a "fake and a fraud".

In 2011, West participated in a "Poverty Tour" with Tavis Smiley, his co-host on the Public Radio International program Smiley & West. The tour became a two-part special on their radio program as well as a five-night special on the PBS television program Tavis Smiley. They recounted their experience on the tour in their 2012 bestselling book The Rich and the Rest of Us. The stated aim of the tour was to highlight the plight of the impoverished population of the United States prior to the 2012 Presidential Election, whose candidates West and Smiley stated had ignored the plight of the poor.

I wonder what Dr. Cornel West thinks of Senator Tim Scott (R-South Carolina)?

Here's the video.

Thursday, August 08, 2013

Megyn Kelly In, Greta Van Susteren Out! Sean Hannity Bumped!

Part II

The 43-year old turdporter is become the "it" girl over there at Loserville. There's a huge shakeup in the news industry. The conservative leaning network is going to place Megyn Kelly in the 9pm slot.

The Guy Who Throws Shit To The Wall has learned from his "sources" that it's going to be huge.

We're looking forward to see the turdporter become an "ambulance chaser" and the "rabid conservative pitbull in skirt" as Chief Roger handles the cards of fate.

They hired Elisabeth Hasselbeck and Howard Kurtz to the ranks of Loserville recently.

Gretchen Carlson was bumped off the Loserville & Friends couch to be the host of an afternoon slot.

That Guy Who Helped Obama Win (aka That Scumbag On Loserville/Little Chicken Man) will probably move in the 10pm slot.

I see what Chief Roger is doing. He wants to put Kelly around Rachel Maddow. As I said earlier Rachel Maddow is rising in ratings.

Even though Obama News has suffered some bad months in the ratings, Maddow stayed consistant.

Her show competes with the second most watched conservative agitator in America. The agitator could move to the 10pm slot to compete with Lawrence O'Donnell. Or maybe he'll be demoted to the weekends.

After all Ed Schultz (Sargent Ed) was demoted over at Obama News to the 5pm slot on weekends.

That Guy Who Helped Obama Win was the sole reason to the sweet victory of President Barack Obama.

His hosting of Dick Morris, Karl Rove, Palin Da Ass, The Turd Flipper and Jesse Lee Peterson (The Other Jesse) have been marred with controversy.

In the 10 years, this shakeup. Do you think it will happen?

More developments as soon as they become available.

Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Megyn Kelly In, Greta Van Susteren Out!

Loserville gives Megyn Kelly a primetime slot.

Loserville turdporter turns 43 this year and she's going have a big present handed to her. She'll be on the primetime stable with the likes of Bill-O and That Guy Who Helped Obama Win.

That assures that the primetime stable's anchor is likely leaving. I heard talk she'll be jumping back to her old home at CNN soon. I mean who would of thought that the deck chairs are moving around so fast.

Greta The Ambulance Chaser has covered everything from The Palin Da Ass, Natalee Holloway, Anna Nicole Smith, and the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman case.

She denies she's getting the boot. But you know when you're denying the inevitable, it's likely evitable.

Once Megyn Kelly comes back from her maternity leave, she'll return to continue the ongoing hostile coverage of President Barack Obama and his allies in the progressive movement.

Is it the end of the road for Greta?
Besides being a blonde bombshell and another leggy conservative agitator, Roger Ailes promotes this woman to hold a torch. Delivering to the millions of misinformed views and likely Republican voters stuff that would clearly be irrational.

“Megyn [Kelly] is an exceptional talent who has successfully filled and surpassed each role we have given her at the network,” Loserville chairman and CEO Roger Ailes said in a statement.

“Her ability to command the screen, delve into the facts and lead a debate is what makes her one of the most sought-after anchors in the business.”

To hold the 10pm slot is a risky spot for the blonde conservative agitator. She'll compete with liberal agitator/actor Lawrence O'Donnell and the repeat of Anderson Cooper until the struggling network finds a suitable program host.

Although, I don't give two farts about this woman, that network and the constant agitation this network does to President Barack Obama, it's no surprise that the network gave her a chance to excel.

Howard Kurtz leaving CNN by the end of the month. Soledad O'Brien joins Al Jazeera. Ed Schultz demoted to weekends.

Man, I am not going to be having cable anytime soon. I'll just get it off the internet and SiriusXM until they screw that up.

From this point, I will acknowledge Megyn Kelly as "Megyn The Ambulance Chaser".

Former Deputy Press Secretary Bill Burton spars with Megyn The Ambulance Chaser.


Soledad O'Brien Joins Al-Jazeera!

Veteran reporter joins Al Jazeera America.

It seems like veteran reporter Soledad O'Brien has departed from CNN.

It appears that she's moving to the Al Jazeera America. In a surprising move, the network has announced that it's signing on her and Ali Velshi to the roster.

The network is based out of Qatar and it's coverage is worldwide. Now in the United States, the network will move into a market saturated with political warfare from the likes of CNN, Loserville and Obama News.

Al Jazeera is probably more qualified in coverage of international affairs. It doesn't give the one sided story of "good vs. evil" as those America cable networks spin news out to be.

It's pretty controversial. The turdporters over at Loserville were decrying Al Jazeera as propaganda arm of terrorism.

But it's likely going to make real journalist work harder for their awards. Never seen a

It replaces liberal network Current TV. The Current TV network was started by former vice president Al Gore. The former politico wanted to compete with cable agitators by establishing a "progressive themed network" with talents that are free to express opinion unfiltered. It leaves the liberal agitators Cenk Uygur of the Young Turks, Stephanie Miller, Bill Press, John Fugelsang, and Joy Baher in limbo.

Former governors Jennifer Granholm and Eliot Spitzer departed from the network earlier this year.

They've fired Keith Olbermann in 2012. Olbermann was fired from Obama News a few years back.

Deadline confirms that the 46-year old reporter is joining the network. as “special correspondent.”

O'Brien’s production company, Starfish Media Group will produce hourlong documentary specials for the cable network. “I look forward to beginning a relationship with Al Jazeera America, which has made a commitment to producing quality programming and pursuing underreported stories,” O’Brien said in the announcement, confirming speculation that started last week. As a correspondent, O’Brien will contribute short-form segments to the primetime current affairs mag America Tonight on the new network, which is funded by the government of Qatar.

O'Brien stepped down from CNN in March when network chief Jeff Zucker scrubbed her program Starting Point; he gave the time slot to Chris Cuomo's New Day. At the time she left CNN, she formed Starfish Media, which, in addition to the production deal with Al Jazeera America, now also has a production deal with CNN, and development deals at HBO and National Geographic Channel.

Don't worry people, Soledad O'Brien still does Black In America and Latino In America for CNN.

Al Jazeera America launches in August.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Howard Kurtz Joins Loserville!

Longtime media critic joins Loserville. Expect him to attack the media for being in the tank for President Barack Obama and many numerous talking points generated from the Republican Party. Loserville is an extremely conservative network that openly advocates subliminal messages and dog whistle politics to paint President Barack Obama in a negative light. A viewer of that network is likely to think of the president as being some perceived fear.

The hits keep coming and media boss Jeff Zucker couldn't stomach anymore of Howard Kurtz antics.

The longtime CNN (aka Last News Network) is out. He's joining his peeps over at Loserville.

Put your tin foil hats on, you may see Kurtz on Loserville Watch, a weekend show that covers the latest political bias in the news.

Yeah, I'm right.

Mediaite first reported the news, and an official release from the network soon followed. Kurtz will anchor a new version of the network's weekend media show.

Presumably, it will look a lot like "Reliable Sources," the weekend media program he currently hosts.

"I'm excited to be bringing my independent brand of media criticism to [the network that constantly bashes President Barack Obama]," Kurtz said in a statement.

Before his arrival at Loserville, we want to take time to recap the Kurtz saga.

After being send his walking papers from The Washington Post, Kurtz went over to Tina Brown's The Daily Beast.

The Beast is a blog that merged with Newsweek magazine and has the talents of Brown, Kristen Powers and Meghan McCain.

Kristen Powers is a token liberal on Loserville. Meghan McCain is a token conservative on MSNBC (aka Obama News).

Brown sent Kurtz his pink slip after he caused a major screw up in his writings. He claimed NBA player Jason Collins wasn't involved in any relationships with women during his "coming out" party of last month.

Kurtz had to backtrack his story after it was revealed that Collins was engaged to his college sweetheart before he acknowledged he was a gay man.

Now without a home, he worked on his side project called The Daily Download. This a website that contributes to the constant drumbeat of conservative talking points.

Kurtz was walking on egg shells after the media dismissed him as a wonk reporter. He knew that his boss Zucker didn't want to look like Loserville. The ax had to fall and Kurtz was on the chopping block.

Kurtz will reprise his role as a media critic.

Kurtz constantly would slammed his new home for partisan media coverage. Now joining this network almost assures that he'll be likely the guy who claim that his old home is in the tank for the president. He'll take more time to bash his competitors over at Obama News for taking on stories that paint Republicans as the idiots they're known to be.

Joining Roger's house means discipline. The network takes pride in being the only network that carries the most anti-Obama stories ever to hit the television. Where there's no controversy, Loserville host and commentators will create one.

Former Vice President Dick Cheney, Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota), Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky), Senator Marco Rubio (R-Florida) are welcomed with open arms on Loserville.

Almost never you'll see Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D-Florida, Democratic Chairwoman), Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-California, Minority Leader), Senator Al Franken (D-Minnesota), President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden ever make any appearance on Loserville.

They all know they'll never get a fair shake over there and it's not worth their time to give a bunch of assholes the opportunity to hear them out. They already know they're not going to vote for them or support their policies.

Anyways, Kurtz will be on the network that continues to annoy the hell out of President Barack Obama.

Since Loserville is interested in credibility and regular Obama bashers, they should grab that leaker Edward Snowden, Glenn Greenwald, and that washed up celebrity Victoria Jackson. They'll make wonderful Loserville commentators.


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