Wednesday, December 28, 2022

I Have Injuries And I Need To Go To The Hospital! Why Y'all Arresting Us?

West Virginia deputies brutal abuse of two men drew outrage.

There was an incident in Morgan County, West Virginia that has the nation talking.

Two men were brutally detained by the sheriff's department after they had a verbal altercation with the deputies. One of the men was injured by an apparent gang attack and he asked for medical assistance. The deputies were less than kind towards him and two others. Eugenio and Virgilio Borja have hired an attorney and plan on suing the department.

One filmed the encounter and also noticed one deputy slipped a racial slur.

The Morgan County Sheriff's Department was bombarded with trolls on its Facebook page. They limited conversations. They said the state will now deal with it.

In the town of Beckley Springs, there was the encounter which was shared on TikTok.

A TikTok user released a video reportedly showing the arrest of one or more people in Morgan County Saturday after an incident Dec. 3 at the Troubadour Lounge.

The video, just over 5 minutes in length, showed a tense exchange among deputies and at least two men. The video is now unavailable on the platform.

Morgan County Sheriff KC Bohrer says, “I have requested an investigation into the matter by an independent agency to be totally transparent and through.”

He says the issue will be ” thoroughly and impartially investigated” and asked for patience during the investigation. “As in any investigation it takes time to gather all the facts.”

Sheriff Bohrer confirmed his officers were wearing body cameras.

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