Saturday, December 31, 2022

Christian Extremist Kirk Cameron Invades The Indianapolis Library!

In a sea of white, Kirk Cameron reads his Christian propaganda.

In the bubble of Fox, if you are an actor, academic, rapper, singer, entrepreneur, athlete or an activist who opposes conservatives or Republicans, you should "shut up and dribble" to quote Laura Ingraham.

Fox often criticizes entertainers and politicians who lean towards the left.

The same bubble says that the left wants to silence them. 

So when an actor who supports conservatives is told he/she can't get what they want, they scream, plead to social media to get people riled up to do something.

Speak of that, LibsofTikTok has become a dangerous figure. She revealed herself to Fox.

Some claim she was at the U.S. Capitol during the deadly attack.

Washed up entertainer and Christian extremist Kirk Cameron celebrated a victory. He gets to read his propaganda to his cult at the downtown Indianapolis Public Library.

Upset over drag queens reading children stories in libraries, the far right extremist had decided to stage these read a longs at libraries. He of course paid for the spacing but he acts like thousands of people come to see him.

IndyPL responded in kind saying that less than 500 people saw the washed up celebrity. 

They shared that he did not rent out a full capacity center. He rented a small room.

Cameron promotes his latest propaganda “As You Grow.”

Cameron’s publisher Brave Books booked a room at the Central Library, and some members of the public had to be turned away because the room had reached capacity.

Brave Books posted on Twitter following the event, saying, “This is a message to every library in the United States: In 137 years of the Indianapolis Public Library’s history, NEVER ONCE have they had over 2,500 people show up to a single event. UNTIL TODAY.”

The tweet was accompanied with a video showing a full room and a line outside the door.

IndyPL responded and said the alleged numbers were inaccurate, also pointing out Brave Books could have booked a larger room but chose not to.

“Our estimated door count during the event is around 750, not 2500. We’ve had larger events. We turn 150 yrs old in 2023. And our auditorium, which our guests chose not to rent, holds 300, not 2000,” read a tweet Friday morning.

However, IndyPL said its programming department only declined to partner with Brave Books for the event, and it never turned down a request to host the story hour.

“We have a programming department that handles Library events, and they do not say yes to everyone who asks to work with them on an event. Declining to partner on or promote a program happens often and is not a unique circumstance,” IndyPL said in a statement.

IndyPL stated Brave Books was also made aware of the room’s capacity before the event and never inquired about securing a larger space.

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