Monday, May 02, 2022

Tropicana Crunch!

Cereal and orange juice. You want to try it.

Florida Orange grower and juice company Tropicana launches a breakfast cereal.

Should I consider this another one of those "you can't fix stupid" stories?

In the Tampa suburb of Bradenton, Florida, Tropicana decided to introduce a breakfast product that gives the person an "unforgettable breakfast experience."

They are calling this cereal Tropicana Crunch. A honey almond breakfast cereal specifically made for you to pour your orange juice into the bowl instead of milk. 

It will launch on May 4, 2022. It is a special promotion in honor of orange growers and National Orange Juice Day which is on Wednesday as well.

I will tell you that only in America we can create a cereal that requires orange juice. I can picture the "touch or taste" that never goes away. I get those feelings when you're touched by someone who makes you uncomfortable. Or perhaps, I get that feeling that the toilet and the Pepto Bismol is needed when you're trying to put a citric fluid into a grain based cereal.

But who knows?

Maybe some will like it. Others will see it as weird, disgusting and are willing to get it for a memorabla.

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