Saturday, May 14, 2022

The Outside Noise Wants More Noise As Nominees In PA Senate Race!

Washed Up 45 and his allies don't want this Looney Coon as the nominee.

Leftists and far-right agitators are dangerous. They are toxic and destructive to democracy. Let me make this clear, Black voters are not monolithic. We will not support candidates who are not interested in our vote. I see the two candidates the junk food media are promoting two figures who have zero appeal to Black voters.

I have the race as TOSS UP.

Culture wars are a form of white nationalism. 

The leftists wants a polarizing Democratic Lt. Governor as the nominee for the U.S. Senate. The far-right is concerned that Washed Up 45's pick of a carpetbagger celebrity television doctor is not feasible for their taste. So they're undermining him by backing a controversial Black Republican extremist.

John Fetterman and Kathy Barnette are noise. Lots of noise that seems to be full of platitudes and no actual platform. They are picking up steam in the race to replace Sen. Karen Toomey (R-PA). Democrats and Republicans want this seat. Its crucial for Democrats to gain a majority, crucial for Republicans to retain the seat.

Barnette a former Fox commentator and former Blacks for Trump advisor is running for the seat and at first she was trailing by double digits. Now she is catching up and folks seem to be sticking to her than to the former president's pick.

Washed Up 45 picked Dr. Mehmet Oz as his pick for the Pennsylvania senate race. It was a controversial move like his Ohio pick of Moron Vance. 

Vance who lives in New York City is running for U.S. Senate in Ohio. He won after the former president backed him instead of the more conservative Karen Gibbons and Karen Mandel. Matter of fact, candidates that ran were hoping that he stayed out of the race. But he threw his back onto a millionaire hedge fund operator who just years prior attacked him as being a "Hitler in waiting."

I am hoping that Gibbons is pressured to run as an independent to boycott Vance being the nominee.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has not endorsed Fetterman yet, but Fetterman endorsed him in 2016 and 2020. So it's going to be expected on Saturday that Sanders and some of the Squad will back Fetterman.

Rep. Conor Lamb (D-PA) is similar to Shontel Brown in this race. Brown was facing an onslaught of attacks from the leftists who believed that she was a "corporate Democrat" and corrupt. She ended up beating Nina Turner in a special primary in 2021 and this recent primary in 2022. 

Lamb who is running a practical campaign is apparently struggling to gain ground but of course, that's coming from agitators who are considered noise.

I believe that Fetterman will be a disaster if he becomes the nominee. I believe that Barnette would be a formidable candidate if she wins. She can appeal to Black voters who will be turned off by Fetterman pulling a gun on an unarmed Black man.

Leftists are rooting for the guy who wears shorts in the snow.

I believe that Oz will be a celebrity instead of a candidate. He would literally jeopardize his television career for a race in a state that doesn't seem to understand if this a publicity stunt or the real deal. Trust me, we thought Washed Up 45 was a joke when he declared his intention to run for president in 2015.

Softball Hannity once again. He is the most annoying media personality in the world. He literally had promoted Barnette in 2021 and gave her glowing support before he turned on her.

He spent portions of his shitshow trashing her. He brought up the same conspiracies and ad hominem attacks he and Washed Up 45 used on Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and President Joe Biden.

He literally reciting past tweets in which this crazy Black woman called Obama, not an American who is a gay Muslim sympathizer. The same shit he done throughout 2008 and 2012. Remember he still to this day brings up Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers when addressing Obama.

Look, on Tuesday, we have the Pennsylvania primaries. Don't get too comfortable thinking that the obvious could win. 

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