Tuesday, May 03, 2022

Antonio Delgado Will Be Lieutenant Governor Of New York!

Kathy Hochul picks Antonio Delgado.

A risky move given that Democrats need every seat to keep control of the House of Representatives. Going into the 2022 Midterm elections with culture wars, inflation, rising oil prices, Russia-Ukraine, the border, Roe v. Wade and extremism, one would have you believe that New York is a safe win for Democrats. It is not.

I have New York on Likely Democrat. If Andrew Cuomo was still in office despite the controversies, it would be a Safe Democrat governor bid.

Kathy Hochul, New York's first female governor has decided to replace the former lieutenant governor Brian Benjamin with Rep. Antonio Delgado (D-NY).

Delgado a moderate Black lawmaker from Rhinebeck is leaving in July to take the position and put a crucial seat in play. The district he represents is R+5. 

It is considered a swing if the position stays the same with redistricting. Or perhaps, Delgado is giving up his seat to let the state combine it with more Republican leaning lawmakers.

Delgado had won his swing district and ousted Republican incumbent Karen Faso, but Democrats had hoped to ensure Delgado's win this year by drawing up new political district maps that a court later struck down as unconstitutionally gerrymandered.

An upstate judge and a researcher are now working on new maps, which are expected to give Democrats less of an edge than they hoped.

"Antonio Delgado was smart and got a jump on the job market before he and the rest of his House Democrat colleagues lose this fall," National Republican Congressional Committee spokeswoman Karen Bullock said.

Delgado will appear on the ballot with Hochul when the general election happens.

He is a U.S. Representative for New York's 19th Congressional district. He is an attorney amd peer counselor. He is married to film director Lacey Schwartz. He is a father of two.

Delgado was a rapper in 2000s. He was known as AD The Voice and he wrote, performed conscious hip-hop. 


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