Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Conservatives Are A Huge Headache!

A harsh criticism of conservatives in general.

I doubt I'll win some friends here today! But I have to be quite honest about the situation in America, it's in dire straights. I am certainly not shy to share my disgust towards this political class.

I think of it as a dying breed. A truly dying breed of ignoramuses and idiots.

Instead of calling these people conservatives, I'll refer to them as people who fuel the racist right.

The racist right are individuals with the sole purpose to agitate a group of extremists with rhetoric that paints Blacks as an enemy.

I will spare you the nonsense and cut to the chase.

Conservatives are stupid. Period.
You make this guy rich. He makes millions off the backs of the gullible listeners of his radio program.
How can these people criticize me when they can't finish a complete sentence?

Conservatives are seriously disturbed. They have nothing better to do. So they'll read something from an anti-Obama website, or conservative forum!

So when I think of the recent controversies and the way they express their opinion of President Barack Obama, I shake my head in disgust.

So here's what I believe. When conservatives play race card, it's only played when they're on the losing side of a debate.

The Republican Party and their conservative allies are atoned to the card.

They love to place it in Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Attorney General Eric Holder and President Barack Obama's back pocket to say "oh it's those niggers who play the race card, not us!"

I will not rest until conservatives are defeated in the election.

It takes one white person (particularly white males) and their gutless outrage over things that they apparently disagree with. See if white people (again mostly white males) weren't so uptight about Blacks, Hispanics/Latinos, illegal immigrants, independent women, same sex couples and President Barack Obama, then you would not receive hate from these groups.

See President Obama lets this shit roll off his skin. Me, you and thousands of arm chair generals fail at that one.

You'll be pissed after reading this one.

The Republican Party and its allies in the conservative movement boycott with their mouths and firearms.

They try to rewrite history off the backs of the Black community. The Republicans and its allies in the conservative movement aren't focused on serious issues like the economy.

Talks about an issue over and over.
That's why these dumbasses continues to "change the subject" because the economy is getting better and they need something else to bitch about.

Conservatives are too busy wrapping their asses around the American flag in preparedness of another ridiculous culture war.

And it's probably why conservatives are give me such a headache with this labeling of anyone who doesn't support their views as a "traitor" or "liberal".

I don't have to agree with liberals or conservatives to be an independent.

You people don't know my political views, and quite clearly I am not going to explain them!

Truth is, the Democratic Party has been the most responsible in handling issues with the economy, minorities, the middle class, the working class, the lower class, LGBT, those who practice in Islam.

These are the people who contribute to helping President Barack Obama (for the record) secure a second term. Barack Obama is a testament of the Democratic Party's evaluation into the future.

Constantly bitching about issues.
Of course, Barack Obama being the "first Black president" requires a little bit of venting and ranting from those in the racist right.

Most in the Black community expected the white hot racism and dog whistle politics to flourish within the Republican Party and its allies in the conservative movement. It's was just a matter of time and another election year for this to play forth on YouTube and many other social networks.

No matter what what's been told, conservatives will never get it through their sponge soaked heads that the Democratic Party is the party of progress.
Say things that may divide families and destroy households. Let alone inspire violent events to occur.
Hence the term Progressive. It's not about liberalism, socialism, communism or moderation! It's about common sense, and the Republican Party and the conservative movement are seriously lacking it somewhere!

There's plenty of these ignorant ass White people online. They play upon the fears of Black leaders, athletes, entertainers and culture in their attempt to broad brush us as the reasons for economic turmoil in the United States.

Republicans and conservatives rewriting of history will never succeed. It proves that its a purely agenda driven attempt to whitewash the very history, conservatives never had participated or lived through.

Conservatives are totally misinformed by the narratives they've siphon off the far right blogs that you've grown accustomed to!

I am tired of wasting my time dealing with assholes on the internet.
Use racial fear to stroke extremists into vigilante justice.
I don't care what you call me, I know where I stand.

I guess since all the shit you're throwing at me makes me a liberal, commie, socialist, anti-American. I guess I can claim that you're a racist, totalitarian, Fascist, overreaching, bigot with limited education above high school level.

It's a shame that conservatives bent over backwards in this cesspool of ignorance masquerading this narrative that progressives (liberals) are the reasons for the extremism that the far right created.

If you look at the presidential candidates from the last election, they represent the mindset of people who are racist.
Attack a person's character just because they don't agree with you!
Seriously I don't consider the Republican Party totally racist. It's a shame that a majority of the racists support the Republican Party and they are intone to the mindset.

Conservatives are single minded voters who throw out everything to deny the facts that are proven by historians, living citizens who've been there and those who continue to fight in honor of those who suffered.

It's a good thing that some who engage in word vomiting are hiding behind the computer. You wouldn't dare say any of this shit to any person's face! I hope that someone knocks your ass out! What we really need to do! We have to separate white humans from those filthy smelly ass whites (such as yourself) who troll the internet with hate of their own race let alone the non-whites.

Conservatives are fucking the game up with this baseless ignorance. Whenever I read or listen to a conservative rant about "Black on White", "Latino on White", Muslim on White", "Obama is a Muslim Nigger Commie Socialist" theme, I just want to vomit.

Promoting books and events for profit.
This proves to be another example of the fucked up culture war the Republican Party (and its allies conservative movement) continue to bring upon those who tend to be rational.

But after telling you more than once, it's not true, you fucktards turn around and make more narratives that totally distract the real reason why this country is so fucked up! Sometimes, I almost wish there was a disease that only affects people like you and it's non-curable, let alone treatable.

Like every typical conservative, these clowns come onto to other people's pages put all the retarded conspiracies and ridiculous rants about the government on forums and social networks like this.

When people dismiss you clowns, you continue to rant and rant on about how we are "the ones who are blinded by all the media!" No, sir. You need to wake up! No one gives a fuck about your opinion. So why are you acting like a bitch?

Nevermind, I don't care!

Conservatives, you don't even know what I do for a living. But since I write on a blog and share my opinion, I'm on the "gubmint" assistance or taking from "da man!"

 It's always these ridiculous conclusions and reactionary responses. It's their way to piss people off.

When people are saying you're misinformed about issues. I tell them that calling me misinformed is like calling you a genius, none of it is true!

And as for these ridiculous entitlement complaints. It's purely stereotyping.

Say a lot of ignorant shit on radio or TV.
Please spare me the retarded mind garbage typed up. Most whites are lazy anyways. Whites spent most of their time collecting welfare, disability, social security and privileges based solely on economic and political standings as well. Most Whites are obsessed with firearms and kill in the name of a religion.

When you see Blacks, Hispanics/Latinos, or even Muslims with firearms, you people scream at the top of your lungs about how it's our faults for most of America's crime and you want control over us, but never control over you!

Conservatives: Rap music is entertainment, not a violent crime.

Don't blame Hollywood, Broadway or the video games. Blame the parents. Don't compare apples to walnuts. If a violent event happens and they happen to be inspired by some asshole on conservative talk radio, then you guys hate it when there's a finger your face.

Most Whites often imitate cultures of others in order to claim it as their own! Most white people usually get opportunities to take vacations, while minorities work even harder to at least achieve the American dream.

Conservatives have a high occupancy of hypocrisy when it comes to society. You may see a conservative molests children and spread "Christianity" in the guise of marketing capitalism. Spread ignorance and fear of economic societies that use communism, and socialism in their governments.

Conservatives you better understand history. Whites for decades were raping and pillaging land from the lower nations and destroying the very ecostructure of the world in favor for your piece of the pie! It's no wonder these Asian, Middle East and African nations are practicing in laws based on religion.

You let one of your kind go overseas and rape a child or a woman! It's matter of your worthless life or their justifiable death.

Since conservative are focused on crime statistics and economic standings, let me clear the record.
Paint people or places in a view that puts "us against them".
There are more White people on food stamps and claim disability for being overweight. That drug epidemic is in the suburbs! Drug use is higher among young and older white Americans with at least a high school education! When White people are unemployed, depressed and mentally disturbed (that includes volatile conversation), their either get the firearms to hurt those who don't agree with you or put the barrel into your face! I don't know your life story and I practically don't care! I can tell you that I'm very much employed and I am well surviving in these hard times.

I am assuming that you're one of these callers who phone in talk radio agitators every once in awhile just to either support their crap or piss them off with claims about President Obama, the Democratic or the Republican leadership. A bunch of retarded arm chair generals with a sole mission to complain, jump up and down, get on forums, comments sections and blame the media.

The U.S. Congress job approval is hovering at 8%, Republicans are causing gridlock and you sit on your computer typing up bullshit about "Obama and the Democrats doin' nuffins!" President Obama and the Democratic Party done far more things for the American people. Where were the Republicans on important issues like the economy for the last umpteen years they've had control of the Congress, White House and state/territorial governorships.
Say things you dare never say to the person you're attacking!
This Midterm election is very important. I would love to see the Democrats regain full control of Congress. Maybe things can actually get done. I rather not see any Republican win.

If a Republican wins, we'll see more war, destruction of the middle class, racial codes, and objectives to tear up progress.

Why should I keep this going?

I have the right to ignore or deny a person an opportunity to respond to me. That's the power of blogs. You can control what you want to read. I don't have to debate a brainless asshole on the internet.

Conservatives look upon the world in "Black and White". In the mind of a conservative, change is bad!

Hispanics are the fastest growing population. Over 50 million more are Hispanics. 34 million more Blacks and 15 million more Asians. This is a population boom. And that's going to be a lot more overwhelming after 2020.
Rant and rave for ratings.
It's amazing that demographics change within a day. It's unfortunate that non-Hispanic White people are on the decline! A rapid change in demographics through the growth of interracial births are the prevalent in the United States. In less than 30 years, this country will be getting a whole lot Browner.

Conservatism is an example of the extremism in America.

You claim that people like me are looking for handouts! No one is looking for handouts here!

Conservatives are just looking for someone to bitch at! I consider that a handout in my opinion.

Conservatives so driven mad with their hate of President Barack Obama. They're driving themselves to heart attacks, ulcers and serious brain damage!

Conservatives (likely White conservative men) can't stand a Black man in power.

In order to feel better about their hate, they'll listen to assholes like in the Tea Party Movement, those annoying ass conservative agitators. They make millions off the gullible audience. You fools are making a bunch of nobodies rich.
Ignorance elects Republicans like Michele Bachmann, Ted Cruz, Mike Lee and Rand Paul. And ignorance keeps these politicos elected for years. Doing what they do best, scream and whine. Do what's best for the cameras and not for the constituents who put their asses in the position.
[Now] if you were such a "billy bad ass" you claim to be, how about showing it in the public eye!

Instead of hiding behind the comfort of your computer, why don't you spend your time making at least one effort to change the world. And when you do that, we'll see who acts out when you get a racial slur, disability slur or homophobic slur thrown at you in response to your hard work!

You fools can make multiple accounts to troll the internet, act out on the social networks or racist shitholes of your choosing, but your ass isn't gonna do shit!

For every offensive comment and derogatory comment towards President Barack Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama, the Black community and the Latino community, you've created a new group of Democratic voters.

Every response helps Barack Obama win. And maybe it may make Hillary Clinton, the next President of The United States.

Torture, right?

Please don't apologize to me or anyone else for being an asshole!

We understand, it's alright!


By the way, for the internet trolls. You choose to respond back with your stupid ass rhetoric, don't worry too much about me! I don't read word vomit from people like you! You're not on my level of intelligence.

I'll just scrub it and move on!

Screw you, your family, your life and whatever else I forgot to mention!

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