Sunday, August 25, 2013

Conservative Outrage Over Obama Flag!

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The March On Washington wants participants to Revisit The Dream. The Racist Right considers it another worshiping cult for President Barack Obama.

The racist right once again proves that even a freedom of expression is too much for them to tolerate.

You have to be a clear cut racist bigot to get all flamed up over a demonstrator waving a mock American flag with the image of President Barack Obama.

At the 50th Anniversary of the March On Washington, many Americans had an opportunity to listen to speakers promote the visionary of civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. This is suppose to be about progressive change. A rally call to get things done. Promotion of equal rights for all Americans. Not one group! Everyone!

The conservative agitators didn't go. They're on the sidelines bitching about how these people disgrace Old Glory with the image of the president.

The Turd Flipper and her friends are worked up over the flying of the Obama flag.

They consider it "hero worship" and "cult brainwashing".

Yes, let your freedom of speech parade down the social networking shitholes you visit.

Hell we'll throwing you a tissue for all that bitching and crying over it!

Here's some of the racist responses to the flag!

This is your America, people. The racist right once again rise out of the ugly cesspool. The freedom of speech and expression is only good when they're protesting the president. Of course with pictures of the president looking like Hitler or with a bone in his nose is not offensive! But his image on a mock flag is!

Totally backwards!

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