Racists Very Upset Over Interracial Family in Cute Cheerios Commercial
My guest columnist, LILVOKA, later will analyze the motivations behind the bigots and racists hatred toward the innocent family Cherrios ad.
Me(La Reyna) thinks they're taking out on the interracial couple because of most right-wing racists' hatred of President Obama, who is biracial like the little girl in the commercial. It's a sad commentary in 2013, interracial couples and families are still subjected to racist insults and assaults by the larger community and, I'm going to say it, right-wing Conservatives and Liberal whites as well. Let's not get this twisted that white liberals are so above racism and white privilege. They're not.
What are your thoughts?
Friday, May 31, 2013
Conservatives: [Republicans] Drop The Kumbaya Act!
The crazy old lady warns Republicans to drop the act of trying to win Blacks and Hispanics. |
You could be a member of the Republican Party if your only goal in life is to keep Blacks and Hispanics away from the polls. You would throw your crap on the wall claiming that Blacks support President Barack Obama because of race, and the Hispanics are illegal immigrants. You concluded that Blacks and Hispanics want to make babies so they could get "gubmint" entitlements.
In other words, Republicans and their conservative allies believe that the White race is declining because of these "parasites" taking out of the taxpayer's pockets and that Nigger Obama is allowing this.
The Republicans don't want Black and Hispanic women to have abortions.
The Republicans don't want Black and Hispanic families to get food stamps and welfare.
The Republicans don't like it that Blacks and Hispanics vote on race. Yet, perennial loser Mitt Romney had a strong turnout of White voters.
The Republicans want to pass legislation that require voters to have a state issued identification to prevent voter fraud in a minority precinct.
The Republicans don't want Blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims to own firearms. Some Republicans believe that violence in America is caused by the entertainment industry (i.e. rap music, video games and movies).
Republicans want to attack President Barack Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Attorney General Eric Holder, and UN Secretary Susan Rice. They attack the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. by claiming that he supported the policies of the modern day Republican Party.
The Republicans advocate racism through their associates. These individuals King Hippo, Crazy Jones, That Guy Who Helped Obama Win, The Guy Who Throws Shit On The Wall, The Palin Da Ass, The Turd Flipper, Bill-O, and Chalk E Becker are part the junk food media. These paid agitators openly advocate violence and hatred of the Black and Hispanic communities.
Our friends over at Addicting Info found a nice little article about that crazy old lady who founded the Eagle Forum. She issued a warning to Republicans. The crazy old lady wants Republicans to drop any attempts to pass immigration reform.
Her words: The Hispanics who come in like this are going to vote Democrat. There isn't the slightest bit of evidence that they are going to vote Republican. The people the Republicans should reach out to are the white votes — the white voters who didn't vote in the last election. There are millions of them. I think when you have an establishment-run nomination system, they give us a series of losers, which they've given us with Dole, McCain, and Romney and they give us people who don’t connect with the grassroots.
So if you're looking at this comment, you notice that the crazy old lady is blaming the three former Republican nominees for being too easy on winning the rainbow instead of the White vote.
If she really want to have a honest discussion to why these three candidates lost.
Richard Nixon was the Vice President. He lost the U.S. Presidential Election the first time. He went on to win the presidency in two election victories. He ended up resigning at the peak of a scandal.
George H.W. Bush lost to Ronald Reagan in the Republican nomination. He would later become the Vice President of the United States. Bush would later lose to Bill Clinton.
Perennial loser Bob Dole lost as a vice presidential candidate. He lost to George H.W. Bush in the Republican nomination. Dole would eventually lose to incumbent president Bill Clinton.
Perennial loser John McCain lost the Republican nomination to George W. Bush. He lost to Barack Obama in a landslide election.
Perennial loser Mitt Romney lost to John McCain in the Republican nomination. He lost to incumbent president Barack Obama.
So in other words, this crazy old lady wants to ignore the fastest minority group in the nation. Forget Hispanics, Republicans only need white voters.
This is your Republican Party people. This stuff is why they're losing the elections. It's fossils like this crazy old woman who keep the Republican Party the condescending, the sexist, the homphobic, the Islamophobic, the racist, and down right stupid people most American liberals paint them out to be.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Abercrombie & Fitch Couldn't Cut The Cloth!
New York-based clothing company is facing a serious backlash after the company CEO made some offensive comments that come off as sexist and racist.
Abercrombie & Fitch is one of the country's largest clothing retailers. It's part of the Limited Brands, a company that's based out of Columbus, Ohio suburb New Albany.
Mike Jeffries, the eccentric CEO of the company is under fire for saying that bigger people are not allowed in his clothing. The company's executives are stressing that the CEO's lover is the real reason for why the company is experiencing some heavy criticism.
Bloomberg News first reported on Jeffries' unconventional 1986 standards for his cabin-crew on Abercrombie's Gulf-stream G-V Jet.
The male-models who work as stewards aboard the company jet are required to wear Abercrombie-branded polos, jeans, boxer-briefs and flip-flops as part of their uniform, as well as a "spritz" of cologne.
Actress Kristie Alley struggled through depression and overweight for years. She recently lost weight again. She and hundreds of others are boycotting Abercrombie and Fitch. |
Male house staff for Jeffries, paid for by the Jeffries Family Office, is provided by the exact same modeling firm that supplies male-staff for the company-jet.
ABC News reports that Jeffries is on the hot seat after the popular style chain is accused of discriminating against overweight customers, making clothes only for the thin.
At your nearest Abercrombie and Fitch, you can find shirtless salesmen and the latest distressed denim, but if you're looking for a women's extra-large blouse, you're out of luck. The trendy retailer's CEO doesn't want your business.
"He's been very, very successful, so he doesn't want anybody in the store that doesn't fit that cool, young and sexy definition," said Robin Lewis, co-author of "The New Rules of Retail."
Lewis says it's all part of CEO Mike Jeffries' master plan to cultivate what he considers cool.
A spokesperson for Abercrombie and Fitch declined to comment, but in a 2006 interview CEO Jeffries told Salon magazine: "We go after the attractive all-American kid. A lot of people don't belong in our clothes, and they can't belong. Are we exclusionary? Absolutely."
"He is a brilliant visionary," Lewis said. "He really crystallized this core consumer he was going after."
But Lewis says it's a model that may not fit the future. Plus-sized shoppers now make up 67 percent of consumers.
"I think the young people today want cool, but as they define it themselves," Lewis said.
From Dove's "Real Beauty" campaign - highlighting real women - to H&M's inclusion of plus-sized swimsuit model Jennie Runk, many other brands are embracing that individualism and making their clothes more accessible. For example, rival retailers H&M and American Eagle both carry sizes up to 16 and 18 The largest at Abercrombie & Fitch is a 10.
Kirstie Alley was totally pissed. Rebecca Jarvis of ABC News reports that the actress joins the list of Abercrombie & Fitch critics who take exception to the company’s refusal to carry clothing in larger sizes.
The Former “Cheers” actress and “Dancing With the Stars” competitor slammed the store Tuesday, telling “Entertainment Tonight” she would “never buy anything from Abercrombie.”
The popular casual-clothing retailer is under fire for filling its shelves with products for the smallest of customers.
Protestors gathered outside the retailer’s Michigan Avenue store in Chicago Monday, outraged about the store’s not carrying clothes in a size 14, the size worn by the average U.S. woman. Plus-size shoppers now make up 67 percent of U.S. consumers.
“It’s body discrimination, and it’s bullying and it encourages bullying,” Cali Lindstrom, a former Abercrombie & Fitch customer, told ABC News.
The backlash is growing online on Twitter and Facebook, and several petitions on Change.org urge people not to shop at Abercrombie & Fitch until the New Albany, Ohio-based retailer starts carrying larger sizes.
One YouTube user started a “Fitch the Homeless Campaign,” asking customers to rebrand the popular retailer by giving their Abercrombie & Fitch clothes to the homeless.
An ABC News report last week revealed that the trendy retailer carries mostly double-zero and extra-small sizes inside its New York City flagship store. There was no clothing for women in sizes larger than a 10, and salespeople at the store confirmed that Abercrombie doesn’t carry XL or XXL sizes for women.
Andrea Neusner and her three daughters are taking more extreme measures to show their dissatisfaction with the retailer. They’re sending every article of clothing they’ve ever bought from the store back to its outspoken and controversial CEO, Mike Jeffries.
Mike Jeffries and his boyfriend require male models to look like this. |
Jeffries gave a 2006 interview to Salon magazine in which he said the store goes after “the attractive, all-American kid … A lot of people don’t belong [in our clothes], and they can’t belong. Are we exclusionary? Absolutely.”
The retailer declined to comment on the protests.
Nicole Patrick, who was among the protesters in Chicago, said she is hurt by the exclusion.
“As a woman who cannot shop in Abercrombie, it’s extremely hurtful to hear that I’m not cool,” she said. “I think I’m really cool and so does my daughter.”
In addition to sending back her children’s clothes, Neusner also wrote a letter to Jeffries explaining her decision.
“My kids have been wearing [Abercrombie & Fitch] clothes for a long time … now we can make an informed choice not to shop there,” she told ABC News. “I didn’t want my kids being walking billboards for them but I didn’t want to throw [the clothes] away. I wanted the company to know how I felt about them.”
american racism,
Anderson Cooper,
Barack Obama,
hate crime,
Huffington Post,
I don't speak white,
john kasich,
Matt Drudge,
Rachel Maddow,
Tea Party,
White America
"Why I Don't Date White Men" by Kristen of Feminspire.com
There's a lot of haterade and derailing on the part of right-wing conservative men regarding racial/gender privilege.
There's a lot of haterade and derailing on the part of right-wing conservative men regarding racial/gender privilege.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Limbaugh: Obama The Master, Christie The Servant!
Still bitching about President Barack Obama, the conservative agitator takes aim at his appearance with New Jersey governor Chris Christie. The agitator invokes the 18th Century phrase "master servant". |
Conservative agitators are fumed up with the Republican governor Chris Christie of New Jersey.
King Hippo rumbling through his stack of stuff. He takes a moment to look into the daily ramblings off The Guy Who Throw Shit On The Wall's website and see the bromance between the president and the Republican governor.
In the minds of the conservatives, Christie is not viable among the Republican presidential candidates due to his association to that "Communist" Barack Obama.
King Hippo managed to take a dig at the two. President Barack Obama goes to New Jersey to check on the progress of the Jersey Shore. Last year, Hurricane Sandy, a superstorm that destroyed most of New Jersey's coastline.
Republicans are steamed at New Jersey governor Chris Christie. The governor defeats Republican arguments that the president is too partisan. Christie throws cold water on Republican arguments about President Barack Obama, |
The perennial loser Mitt Romney "was leading" in the polls and he would had nailed it, if Christie didn't "bear hug" Obama.
On Tuesday's show, the conservative agitator runs his mouth about the president and Republican governor.
KING HIPPO: Let me tell you what this bipartisanship is, the president and Governor Christie taking another stroll on the beaches of New Jersey. Never mind, folks, that seven months after Hurricane Sandy there are still a lot of people that haven’t been helped. That’s not the point. Oh, no, no! Seven months after the hurricane came and went, there are still a lot of people who haven’t been helped.
But the point is that Obama and Christie want to help. They really want to help! They really want this to be fixed and solved. So it is a case of the good intentions overwhelming any of the results. The good intentions matter far more than the results. Now, this bipartisanship that the media is salivating over? There isn’t any bipartisanship here. Obama has money. Governor Christie wants the money, Governor Christie needs the money, so the people will be helped. So Christie praises Obama.
It’s a master-servant relationship. That’s exactly the kind of bipartisanship that the Drive-By Media wants. Master-servant. That’s “bipartisan” That’s what’s going on here. (interruption) Master-SERVANT. Master-STAFF. Don’t take it any further than that, Snerdley. I’m not going on going there. I’m just telling you. Obama’s got the money; Christie needs the money. “Obama wants to walk the beach; that’s what we’re gonna do. Obama wants a photo-op; it’s what we’re gonna do.”
Michele Bachmann Is Bouncing Off The Walls, Literally!
Controversial politico Minnesota Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachmann announced she is leaving after her term ends. Many in the junk food media wonder if there's more to the story. She is under investigation by the FBI. |
Last night, the controversial politico announced that she is leaving the Congress. She is not seeking another term. The politico is a mainstream figure among the Republican Party and its Tea Party movement. She has been more of a nuisance to President Barack Obama due to her ongoing obsession to repeal his signature health care law. She is known to say pretty ignorant stuff. Only equaled to Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky), Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Congressman Steve King (R-Iowa).
Is there questions being raised about Congresswoman Michele Bachmann's (R-Minnesota) former run for president?
Here's the announcement.
The FBI is investigating her for misuse of federal campaign funds during her ill-fated 2012 Republican presidential primary run.
And the 6th Congressional District she represents in Minnesota is considered likely Republican. The suburban areas around the metroplex of Minneapolis/St. Paul is more conservative than the city.
Congressman Keith Ellison (D-Minnesota) represents a majority of the Twin Cities.
The Republican must scramble for a candidate that is viable. The Democrats are relining up their former nominee Jim Graves.
But her constant camera rushing and misstatements have also doomed her if she was to run for reelection.
Chewing down at the Iowa State Fair. |
“I have decided next year I will not seek a fifth Congressional term,” she said in a video on her campaign Web site. “This decision was not impacted in any way by the recent inquiries into the activities of my former presidential campaign or my former presidential staff,” she added.
Mrs. Bachmann is known for her strong anti-abortion stance and adherence to Tea Party values but her presidential campaign was marked by frequent stumbles and her candidacy failed to catch fire in a crowded field of candidates that included Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, Gov. Rick Perry of Texas and Herman Cain, who all eventually lost to Mitt Romney.
In her congressional race last year, Mrs. Bachmann won re-election by just 4,200 votes out of 356,000 votes cast, beating the hotelier Jim Graves, who was greatly outspent. Mr. Graves recently announced that he would seek the seat again.
“My decision was not in any way influenced by any concerns about my being re-elected to Congress,” she said. “If I ran I would again defeat the individual who I defeated last year.”
Her announcement comes as the Office of Congressional Ethics looks into claims by Ms. Bachmann’s former campaign aides that she may have improperly used money raised by one of her House-affiliated political action committees to help her presidential bid in the run-up to the Iowa presidential caucuses in January 2012. She came in sixth in that race, even though she campaigned heavily in the state. The defeat led her to pull out of the race the next day.
While her presidential bid initially excited Tea Party supporters, Mrs. Bachmann would later find herself upstaged by conservative opponents like Mr. Cain and Mr. Santorum, and she was prone to misstatements, including saying the vaccine against the human papillomavirus was linked to “mental retardation.”
But her campaign was not without impact. Her victory in the Ames, Iowa, straw poll in the summer of 2011 forced Tim Pawlenty, the former Republican governor of Minnesota, to drop out of the contest early, after he did poorly in his neighboring state.
In her video announcement, Mrs. Bachmann did not rule out returning to politics in the future.
“There is no future option or opportunity, be it directly in the political area or otherwise, that I won’t be giving serious consideration if it can help save and protect our great nation for future generations,” she said.
The Tea Party Queen is Resigning! |
Ms. Bachmann had been a largely obscure member of Congress from Minnesota before the emergence of the Tea Party in 2010. She seized on the movement to brand herself a national voice of conservatives and become the leader of the “Tea Party Caucus” in the House.
In January of 2011, Ms. Bachmann delivered her own, unofficial “Tea Party” response to President Obama’s State of the Union address. She mocked the president’s fiscal policies and urged a repeal of the president’s health care plan known as Obamacare. But the brief, televised response prompted comedy sketches because of its low production values and because Ms. Bachmann appeared to be looking off to the side throughout her remarks.
The Tea Party response goes against the Republican response in which the party selects a Republican to deliver a counter proposal to President Barack Obama's State of The Union address (and Joint Session of Congress).
Let's go in the past and dig this gem up!
Without Michele Bachmann around, who will take the helm of the crazy train?
Well we still got Ted Cruz and oh that Rand Paul fella.
Here's the Tea Party Response by Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota).
Barack Obama,
Bill O'Reilly,
Fox News,
Glenn Beck,
John Boehner,
Marco Rubio,
Michele Bachmann,
Mitch McConnell,
Paul Ryan,
Rand Paul,
Sarah Palin,
Sean Hannity,
Steve King,
Tea Party,
Ted Cruz
No Más George Zimmerman!
Only a fool would use a victim's past drug use as an excuse to justify the killing! |
Idiot on trial for the death of Trayvon Martin can't use the "he's a thug" excuse.
The folks over at Loserville were posting the pictures of the teenagers smoking the weed and holding gun.
They're clearly trying to paint the victim as the aggressor and the one who started the fight. They're trying to say: "Well since [Trayvon Martin] was suspended from school, smoking weed, and taking pictures of holding a gun, there's proof he's a thug and [George Zimmerman] was defending himself from this thug."
This stuff isn't relevant in a second-degree murder charge. That was what the judge told the Zimmerman defense team. Basically, the judge said this isn't "evidence" and it's not going to be used in the trial.
So got any new plans?
What the Washington Post is reporting attorneys won’t be able to mention Trayvon Martin’s drug use, suspension from school and past fighting during opening statements at the trial of a former neighborhood watch volunteer who fatally shot the teen, a judge ruled Tuesday.
However, Circuit Judge Debra Nelson left open the possibility that the defense could try again later during the trial if it could show relevance.
George Zimmerman is charged with second-degree murder in the 17-year-old’s killing and has pleaded not guilty, saying he acted in self-defense. He did not attend Tuesday’s hearing.
In another key motion Nelson refused to allow jurors to travel to the shooting scene during trial, and rejected a defense request to delay the trial set to begin June 10.
The judge called the request to let jurors see the crime scene “a logistical nightmare.”
Zimmerman’s attorney, Mark O’Mara, said Nelson’s decisions would not affect how he presented his case.
Idiot and attorney Mark O'Mara gotten their advice from That Guy Who Helped Obama Win. Cause only an idiot would try to blame the victim for his death! |
He acknowledged, however, that with the judge not delaying the trial the defense would “have a lot more work to do than we can get accomplished between now and June 10.”
The judge also ruled that some of the Martin’s texts and other social media statements won’t be allowed in opening statements, though it, too, could be allowed later with a ruling from the judge depending on how the case progresses.
Sybrina Fulton and Tracey Martin. They along with millions of others demand stricter background checks for firearms. |
O’Mara told the judge that Martin’s marijuana use and past fighting was central to the argument that Zimmerman used self-defense when he confronted Martin last year at a gated community in Sanford, Florida.
“We have a lot of evidence that marijuana use had something to do with the event,” O’Mara said. “It could have affected his behavior.”
An attorney for Martin’s family, Benjamin Crump, said the teen’s parents were pleased with the judge’s rulings on information they consider immaterial to the February 2012 shooting.
“Trayvon Martin is not on trial,” Crump said.
The judge ruled against a defense request that the pool of 500 jury candidates be sequestered during jury selection. She said jurors will be referred to by their jury numbers and prohibited their faces from being photographed. Nelson denied a prosecution request for a gag order that would prohibit attorneys from talking about the case.
O’Mara said he is concerned potential jurors could be affected by publicity the case is receiving.
The defense attorney had asked to push back the trial date because he said prosecutors had delayed turning over evidence as required. O’Mara is seeking sanctions against prosecutors, but a hearing on those sanctions was delayed until next week.
Before the judge decided to postpone the hearing on sanctions, a former prosecutor who used to work in the same office as the attorneys prosecuting Zimmerman testified he had told O’Mara about photos and text messages from Martin’s cell phone that hadn't yet been turned over to the defense.
Former Assistant State Attorney Wesley White resigned last year from the State Attorney’s Office that covers northeast Florida.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Marines Post Racist Rants About Obama!
Show discipline. |
The United States Marines is a branch of the United States Armed Forces responsible for providing power projection from the sea, using the mobility of the United States Navy to rapidly deliver combined-arms task forces. It is one of seven uniformed services of the United States. The Marine Corps is a component of the United States Department of the Navy, often working closely with naval forces for training, transportation, and logistics; however, the Marine Corps is a separate branch.
The best of the best. There's a report about some active duty Marines going to the social networks to disrespect the president. The U.S. Secret Service is investigating those involved in threats to the president.
But since the conservative rancor (namely from The Guy Who Throws Shit To The Wall) over the president getting umbrella service and the latest outrage over the president not saluting a Marine some are posting racist outrage about it.
Of course, President Barack Obama doesn't disrespect military. He's the Commander and Chief of the United States Armed Forces. He overseas the lives of men and women who serve in the military. He is responsible for every mission that is carried by the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard.
He has the utmost respect for those serving. And no matter what the president does, conservatives will find some issue about it. And some conservative are enlisted in the military.
This bullshit is being read by members of our military. There are some Marines who felt that their Commander-and-Chief shows lack of respect for their service.
Guess who tipped of the conservative agitators?
Pres Obama boarded Marine One without returning salute of US Marine at the steps. The Pres then came back out to shake the Marine's hand.
— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) May 24, 2013
Forgot to attach photo of Marine One takeoff this morning for Annapolis. twitter.com/markknoller/st…
— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) May 24, 2013
Pres Obama returns salute from US Marine as he steps off Marine One on WH South Lawn. twitter.com/markknoller/st…
— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) May 24, 2013
Despite the constant mentions by President Barack Obama about our men and women serving in the military, the numerous talk about seeing the injured and the American draped coffins, some of our military members are solely getting their news from the conservative agitators of talk radio and Loserville.
Well there's a report from USA Today about a few Marines posting on the social networks threatening Congresswoman Jackie Speier (D-California) and President Barack Obama.
![]() |
Wonder how the Marines got the notion to attack President Barack Obama? |
USA Today reports that this incident comes at a time when top military officers say they are facing a crisis of sexual harassment and abuse within the ranks.
Federal law enforcement officials are investigating a former Marine and several active-duty Marines after they allegedly posted threatening and lewd messages on social media sites that targeted President Obama and a California congresswoman, according to a government official informed of the investigations.
The former Marine was interviewed last week by the Secret Service for the threatening post against President Obama, said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigations are ongoing.
The Secret Service does not discuss its protective actions, said spokesman George Ogilvie.
Congresswoman Jackie Speier (D-California) |
Several Marines also have been referred to their commanders for non-judicial punishment in recent months, said Marine Capt. Eric Flanagan, a spokesman. That punishment can range from raking leaves to loss of rank to dismissal from the service, he said.
The Marines have received complaints about a number of social media sites, Flanagan said, including the Facebook page F'N Wook, which prompted Speier, a member of the House Armed Services Committee, to write letters of complaint to Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel and Marine Corps Commandant Gen. James Amos. Facebook took down the page, but similar postings have been made elsewhere.
Some of the posts suggest female Marines achieved their rank by performing sex, another shows a female Marine on her knees with a snake being put in her mouth. A recent post about Speier refers to her in vulgar terms and accuses her of trampling First Amendment rights.
Speier was targeted after her letter called attention to the posts, and she spoke out about what top military officers have described as a crisis with sexual harassment and abuse in its ranks. The Pentagon estimates that there were 26,000 instances of sexual abuse in the military last year, an increase of 35% compared with 2010.
A series of military sex scandals in recent weeks has underscored the problem: an Air Force officer in charge of sex abuse prevention programs awaits trial for his alleged drunken groping of a woman in Arlington, Va., not far from his Pentagon office; an Army sergeant first class is being investigated for running an alleged prostitution operation at Fort Hood; and an Army non-commissioned officer has been charged for allegedly videotaping nude cadets at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.
On Friday, Obama told graduating midshipmen at the U.S. Naval Academy commencement in Annapolis, Md., that sexual assault and harassment had no part in today's military. Hagel expressed similar sentiments Saturday during the graduation ceremony at West Point.
Employers Will Cut Workers Hours To Avoid Obamacare!
This was the Latham Square Mall in Albany, New York. The mall was demolished in 2013. |
A good productive worker will show up at any given expense. When a worker calls off, the boss will call the most reliable worker to fill the void. The ones who the boss rely on will benefit from the hours given. The ones who are least productive will likely suffer the fate of losing hours due the employers' fears of Obamacare.
American businesses are trying to loophole the Affordable Health Care Reform law (aka Obamacare).
The employers are going to have ways to get to their bottom dollar. Of course at the expense of our dedicated workers (part time and full time) who build the stable of the middle class, the healthcare law's negative side effects will reign in upon 2014.
When unemployment numbers dropping, many Americans are searching for the jobs. Service jobs (i.e. retail, food service, hospitality, and education) are plentiful. But are they paying good? Not really.
The service industry is the majority of America's job market. Manufacturing is downsizing and shipping out of the localities to other regions or places overseas.
The service industry provides the most employers so it's a requirement of the companies to provide health insurance to the employees. In order to eliminate the requirements under the law, they'll cut hours of part-time to avoid giving their employees health insurance.
Conservative business leaders want to punish the employees for their bitterness. The price paid when President Barack Obama won reelection they say. We'll save our money by laying off workers.
Not concerned about the worker's daily routine or family. Not concerned about their workers expenses or wages. Not concerned about the rising prices of food, gas, heating oil, water, public transportation fares, air travel, and electricity. As long as they can't own an island or an airplane, the conservative business leader will punish the company by letting workers go.
Somehow workplace discrimination is relevant when your boss tells you that if you vote for Barack Obama, you may loose your job. Somehow if the hours are getting cut and you're wondering how the heck you're losing hours, the boss will say that the business is slow and based on sales we give the hours.
History was made in 2010. |
The New York Daily News reports that Obamacare may end up hurting many of the part-time workers the President had hoped it would help.
Under the far-reaching health care law, large employers are required to offer health insurance to part-time employees working at least 30 hours a week.
But that’s not how it’s played out.
Instead of granting insurance plans to part-time employees, a growing number of larger firms are actually cutting back on workers’ hours altogether, the Los Angeles Times reported.
In the process, the employers are stripping part-time workers not only of their ability to get company health insurance but of their much needed wages as well.
More than 2 million workers at large restaurant chains, retailers and a variety of other companies that employ more than 50 people across the U.S. are facing similar consequences.
The benefits of Obamacare helps bring down healthcare costs. The problems with Obamacare will be the employers who will cut your job in order to save their dollars.
Republicans lead the way to convince conservative business leaders to punish workers. Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota) is the most outspoken critic of Obamacare. She proposed eight bills that included a repeal of the president's signature health care law. |
Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota) is one of the leading advocates of repealing Obamacare.
Of course, she has no alternative nor a solution to solve the revolving door of health expenses.
All she wants to do is please the conservative agitators of talk radio, the blogs and Loserville.
The Republican Party has no replacement to health care reform. The president is willing to allow changes to the law, however he wants something that benefits the middle class not the greedy.
So what's your thoughts on the employers cutting hours to avoid Obamacare?
Is it good or bad?
We're waiting for your response.
Monday, May 27, 2013
Memorial Day!
We want to send our thanks to the men and women who fought for our freedoms. We wish those in active duty, our military veterans and the fallen a dedication to their service.
We are still in times of war.
Afghanistan will finally be over in 2014. The battles that the United States must face here and abroad require a great deal of military endurance and expediency.
And while those who volunteered to become our nation's heroes made sacrifices for our children, our wives, our husbands, our mothers and our fathers, you're always told: You'll never be forgotten.
This Memorial Day once again gives us the blessings for a good plate of barbecue, a nice swimming pool, a good drive on our nation's roads, and of course the start of summer. But while we're here in the United States having a day off from the daily routine, you always remember that our military serves 24/7.
If you have to time, say thanks to our brave heroes. The fallen will never be forgotten.
The people who serve in the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, the Marines, the National Guard and the U.S. Coast Guard deserve our thanks on this Memorial Day.
GOP: Understaffed Federal Workers! Good!
Would you expect the lack of federal services due to the sequester are probably a reason to why these controversies happened?
Well here's a shocker for you! Many federal appointments weren't confirmed during the first term of President Barack Obama. And today it continues because of the Republican senate's abuse of power on the filibuster.
As we celebrate Memorial Day, our federal workers who serve the needs of the United States government will lose a portion of their pay. While our lawmakers are taking another vacation, they leave the Capitol with many bills undone and lack of corporation between the two opposing parties. They are leaving from the very jobs we the American people voted them in for.
The sequester's effects on the federal government are starting to show and our the low approved Congress failed to stop it.
With the tornado destroying much of Moore, Oklahoma, many Americans are relying on FEMA. The Federal Emergency Management Agency is going to face stiff cutbacks come this summer. With a possible strong hurricane season, many FEMA and National Weather Service workers will be furloughed for a few days as well as the "scourge of the junk food media", the IRS will be affected.
The U.S. Postal Service is asking Congress to save the mail service by eliminating Saturday. Congress turned a blind eye.
Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood is leaving soon. But he gave the strong warning about the nation's crumbling infrastructure. We seen two bridges collapsed, a devastated city in Oklahoma, a rail line destroyed and many construction on highways grounded to a halt because of Congress.
So if we're to cut government in the ways of Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky), Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Senator Tom Coburn (R-Oklahoma) to save this nation, then we're doomed!
The Republicans are screwing up this nation by stalling the president's agenda. The president won the election, and the mandate was set. The junk food media obsesses over Benghazi, the IRS or whatever else the Senators John McCain (R-Arizona) or Lindsey Graham's (R-South Carolina) whine about.
I will kindly stress that the real problem here in the United States. Demographics.
As the nation grows, so is our non-white population. President Barack Obama overwhelmingly won almost every demographic but the White working class.
The Republicans are going to end up the all White party.
Lawmakers off to another vacation. When they come back, there will be more talk about Benghazi, the IRS and repealing Obamacare. Of course, slight mentions of tornado relief, bridge repair and looming sequester cuts. |
Republicans led us to the Great Recession. They won't get it through their manure filled heads that the key to growth is spending. We need to spend on infrastructure and innovation. We can't cut while the economy is rebounding.
But since this is the Black man talking to you, I guess you're not comfortable with it.
Barack Obama,
Harry Reid,
Joe Biden,
John Boehner,
Keith Ellison,
Lindsey Graham,
Louie Gohmert,
Marco Rubio,
Michele Bachmann,
Mitch McConnell,
Nancy Pelosi,
Rand Paul,
Steve King,
Tea Party,
Ted Cruz,
Tim Scott
Bob Dole: My [Republican] Party Is Totally Screwed Up!
Former presidential candidate Bob Dole tells Loserville host Chris Wallace that the Republican Party is screwing up "big time" and it's probably too late to stop the damage. |
Former Kansas senator and two time presidential failure Bob Dole makes an appearance on Loserville Sunday with Chris Wallace. The former majority leader had some choose words for the current aspects of the Republican Party.
A party that should shut the doors and stay closed for repairs. Come back in the next business days says the 90-year old Dole.
The Republican and his wife Elizabeth Dole were once proud moderate Republicans. Dole retired from the senate in 1996 and left politics. His wife Elizabeth served one term as senator from North Carolina. She was defeated by Kay Hagen.
The president's agenda is too radical. Our jobs as Republicans is to see forth its failure - Minority Leader of The Senate Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) |
"It seems almost unreal that we can't get together on a budget or legislation," he said on "Fox News Sunday." "We weren't perfect, by a long shot, but at least we got our work done."
Dole, who served in the Senate from 1969 to 1996, wasn't fully critical of the president, but said part of the problem is that he "lacks communication with Congress" and should have gotten together with members earlier in his presidency.
Dole joked at first when asked by host Chris Wallace to quickly give his thoughts on President Barack Obama. "He's a great golfer, very articulate," Dole responded.
Still, he acknowledged it's not easy to work with the Senate, where he said "no doubt about it," cloture is being abused. He didn't spare the Republican Party his criticism, saying they need to be "closed for repairs" and come up with more plans and a vision for the future before the end of the year. Wallace asked him whether he'd even fit in with the Republican Party today.
"I doubt it," Dole replied. "Reagan wouldn't have made it, certainly Nixon wouldn't have made it, because he had ideas. We might have made it, but I doubt it."
No more backroom deals! - Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) |
"Howard Baker said running the Senate is like herding cats, and it takes leadership," he said. "Somebody has to stand up and say, 'We're not going to do this.'"
King Hippo, The Guy Who Throws Shit On The Wall, That Guy Who Helped Obama Win, Turd Flipper, Chalk E Becker and Palin Da Ass are primarily the reasons to why the Republican Party is so screwed up!
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Yet, Trayvon Martin Didn't Have A Gun!
Taking advice from That Guy Who Helped Obama Win, George Zimmerman is playing upon fear of the rebellious NIGGER. |
This is what George Zimmerman defense team trying to do.
They're trying to say that the slain teenager Trayvon Martin was a no good punk and his cell phone pictures and of him holding a gun, smoking weed and talking about getting kicked out of school should be a reason for self-defense.
It's the "I put the nation out of it's misery" excuse. Just because the teenager was smoking weed, holding a gun and throwing up the middle finger, that doesn't mean he's prone to criminal behavior.
Far as I am concerned, the teenager didn't have a firearm. He didn't shoot George Zimmerman. Martin used his two fists. Maybe that's the only weapon Martin had but that's it.
The Orlando Sentinel reports that the Zimmerman defense team will use the Trayvon Martin's bad behavior as a reason for self-defense.
The evidence that George Zimmerman's attorneys have uncovered on Trayvon Martin's cellphone paints a troubling picture of the Miami Gardens teenager: He sent text messages about being a fighter, smoking marijuana and being ordered to move out of his home by his mother.
And photos from that phone offer more of the same: healthy green plants — what appear to be marijuana — growing in pots and a .40-caliber Smith & Wesson handgun.
Defense attorneys on Thursday gave formal notice to prosecutors that they intend to use those and other reputation-damaging pieces of evidence about Trayvon once Zimmerman's second-degree-murder trial begins June 10.
Conservatives don't concern themselves over the fact the teenager didn't have a gun upon his death. They are concerned with him taking pictures of him holding a gun. Or taking self-pictures with a gold grill. |
Circuit Judge Debra S. Nelson must decide. Those issues may come up at a hearing Tuesday in Sanford.
Overall, the evidence made public Thursday by Zimmerman's attorneys portray Trayvon as a wannabe gangster who couldn't stay out of trouble.
The high-school junior had no arrest record, but he had been suspended from school more than once.
The evidence packet contains more than two dozen photos, including one that shows Trayvon with gold teeth and two of him making an obscene gesture. Those have been widely circulated online since shortly after the shooting, and it's not clear where defense attorneys found them, but as of Thursday, they officially became part of Zimmerman's criminal case.
The text messages that Trayvon wrote about fighting may be the most damaging to the state.
In October, the judge said any history of violence on his part might be relevant. And violent and aggressive is how Zimmerman, a former Neighborhood Watch volunteer, described Trayvon's actions the day he shot the teenager in Sanford on Feb. 26, 2012.
Zimmerman told police that after the two exchanged words, Trayvon punched him, breaking his nose and knocking him to the ground, then climbed on top and began hammering his head on a sidewalk. The defendant told police he fired in self-defense.
One eyewitness initially described Trayvon as standing over Zimmerman and fighting "MMA-style," a reference to mixed-martial-arts fighting.
The text messages released Thursday were heavily redacted but made no reference to "MMA fighting." They did, however, include references to Trayvon being in fights.
On Nov. 22, 2011, three months before the shooting, Trayvon wrote about being involved in a fight. His unnamed opponent, he wrote, "got mo hits cause in da 1st round he had me on da ground an I couldn't do ntn."
Six weeks earlier he wrote a text message about problems at school involving a fight: "I was watcn a fight nd a teacher say I hit em."
He also exchanged text messages with friends about smoking marijuana.
Defense attorneys are expected to argue the marijuana use is relevant because in a phone call to police a few minutes before the shooting, Zimmerman described Trayvon acting as if he were on drugs.
In texts on February 20th, 2012, Trayvon wrote about hiding his "weed," and tells someone he is going to the Orlando area for several days.
That appears to be a reference to his being suspended from school for 10 days after being found with an empty marijuana baggie in his backpack.
On Feb. 13, he sent a text to a friend, acknowledging that 10-day suspension: "I got in sum trouble 2day."
The friend responded, "Ok so wen u comin bck 2 skool."
Trayvon's response: "Da 29th."
The defense evidence packet also includes other information from Trayvon's school records, among them five videos from a Miami-Dade schools police investigation that turned up several pieces of women's jewelry in Trayvon's backpack and a screwdriver, what authorities there described as a burglary tool.
Those records were not made public because of student-privacy laws.
In a prepared statement, Benjamin Crump, the attorney for Trayvon's family, described the new pieces of evidence as "irrelevant red herrings" and "a desperate and pathetic attempt by the defense to pollute and sway the jury pool."
He predicted the judge would find them irrelevant and ban them at trial.
This man is giving George Zimmerman bad advice. |
That's his third such request. The judge is expected to take up the issue Tuesday.
And late Thursday, Zimmerman's attorneys filed paperwork asking the judge to delay the start of his trial for six weeks.
His attorneys said last week they would ask for a delay because they need more time to hire an audio expert to counter the testimony of a state witness expected to testify that the voice heard screaming for help in the background of a 911 call was Trayvon's.
Staff writer Arelis R. Hernández contributed to this report. rstutzman@tribune.com or 407-650-6394. jeweiner@tribune.com or 407-420-5171.
This is the shameful video from Fox News turdchor Megyn Kelly. She and the other jerks on television defend Zimmerman.
Friday, May 24, 2013
Bridge Collapse In Washington State!
The low approved Congress at work again! The Republicans obsession with budget cuts leads to this type of stuff. |
Would you believe that I told you so?
Why can't our politicos focus on real issues?
The sequester and the low approved Congress are destroying America. Of course, you can't tell that to conservatives. They'll blame President Barack Obama for this disaster and yes, the numerous "scandals" that plague his second term.
Here we have an example of what's going on in America. Crumbling infrastructure. Last week an Amtrak train derails injuring dozens. We had a major sinkhole swallow a man earlier this year. We had a tornado level the state of Oklahoma. We had major gun crimes in America. And what the junk food media is talking about, is Benghazi, the IRS and the Justice Department's snooping on the Associated Press and a Fox News reporter. Stuff that doesn't put food on the plate. Stuff that doesn't bring back the dead. Stuff that doesn't bring in revenue. The only thing this stuff does is rile up the conservative/white supremacist bubble.
Now we see what happens when the low approved Congress doesn't fund infrastructure. They haven't passed a bill that would help bring jobs to our crumbling infrastructure since President Barack Obama's been in office.
A dire warning from U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood was ignored. He asked Congress to pass a law that will bring funds to bridges and highways. That was ignored by the Republicans.
Did I happen to mention that LaHood is a Republican?
And the results of slow or just inept action leads to a massive gridlock is now occurring in Washington. A bridge collapses on Interstate 5 near Mt. Vernon, Washington.
The Skagit River Bridge collapsed. The bridge takes over 200,000 travels from Seattle to Vancouver, Canada. Now the people will have to find an alternative route that will disrupt the residents of communities near Mt. Vernon and Burlington.
Interstate 5 highway bridge collapsed Thursday night, sending cars and people into the water, authorities said. The Associated Press and ABC News report that it could have been a massive causality but it was reduced due to time. The collapse of the bridge happened at the end of a rush hour period.
Skagit Valley Hospital in Mt. Vernon, was expecting two patients taken from the accident, according to Kari Ranten, a spokeswoman. She believed a third patient was transported to another hospital. She did not know the patients' conditions.
![]() |
From Canada to Mexico, Interstate 5 serves Seattle, Portland, Sacramento, Los Angeles and San Diego and has over 2.4 million travelers on the highway. |
Officials were looking into reports of an oversized load "immediately" causing the collapse, said Travis Phelps of the Washington State Department of Transportation and Washington State Patrol.
The collapse occurred on the portion of Interstate 5 over the Skagit River, about two hours north of Seattle.
"N/B and S/B lanes of I-5 Skagit River Bridge collapsed," Washington State Trooper Mark Francis posted on Twitter. "People and cars in water."
The collapse occurred around 7 p.m. and the portion of the that collapsed was four lanes wide, The Associated Press reported.
Xavier Grospe, 62, who lives near the river, told the AP he could see three cars partially submerged in the water with what appeared to be one person per vehicle, with drivers on top of vehicles or sitting on open window openings.
"It doesn't look like anybody's in danger right now," Grospe said.
The bridge was built in 1955, according to The Associated Press, citing federal records.
Sergio García Throwing A Chicken At The Tiger!
Some heated tension at the U.S. Open between Tiger Woods and Sergio Garcia. The feud continues in the spotlight after Garcia made an offensive comment about Woods. |
There's a major feud going on the green of your country club. Two popular golfers are making a whole lot of noise this week. The trading barbs cross the line into the negative stereotypes of Black America.
Sergio García, a famed Spanish golfer is not a fan of Tiger Woods, the world most known golfer and adulter.
At the 2013 Players Championship, García, while tied for the lead, hit three balls into the water on the 17th and 18th holes, finishing quadruple-bogey, double-bogey. He finished tied for 8th place.
After the Players Championship, Garcia and Tiger Woods (who won the tournament) had a public feud over an incident during the third round. Two weeks later, at a European Tour players dinner, Garcia makes the comment.
Garcia was asked about meeting with Woods at the U.S. Open, to which he responded, "We'll have him 'round every night. We will serve fried chicken."
The remark was seen as racially insensitive. Garcia issued a statement later that night apologizing and then issued another apology the next day, saying that his comments were "totally stupid and out of place."
For one thing, it's always funny these people like to throw the bucket of chicken at the Black man.
Woods rebounded from a public scandal in which he was caught literally with his pants down. He admitted that he had numerous affairs with women and was diagnosed as a sex addict. His wife Elin Nordegren divorced him. Nordegren is the mother of his two children.
Woods is dating Lindsey Vonn, the professional skier.
ABC News and Stephen A. Smith of ESPN News delivers a blistering commentary about the comment.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Here's the video of the Father of the beautiful biracial Daughters who were racially profiled at the Virginia Walmart. I'll have the details later.
DC Breaking Local News Weather Sports FOX 5 WTTG
DC Breaking Local News Weather Sports FOX 5 WTTG
Womanist Musings: White Father Accused by Walmart of Kidnapping His Bi-Racial Kids
Womanist Musings: White Father Accused by Walmart of Kidnapping His Bi-Racial Kids
I feel sorry for the family who went through the horrible ordeal. My heart goes out to the family.
Joseph and Keana's pretty daughters. I hate the bigots who profile parents of biracial children because of fear. They fear the browning of America, so they take it out on biracial/multiracial children. That's sad commentary on America today.
I feel sorry for the family who went through the horrible ordeal. My heart goes out to the family.
Joseph and Keana's pretty daughters. I hate the bigots who profile parents of biracial children because of fear. They fear the browning of America, so they take it out on biracial/multiracial children. That's sad commentary on America today.
Photo Surfaces Of Obama Attending The Prom!
Kelly Allman gave her blessings to use this picture for Time Magazine. |
It's not like they already hate him for being the President of the United States.
Now a picture surfaces of President Barack Obama, then a young man who was going to the prom with "gasp" a White woman.
Who says the president hates White people?
Oh, that guy called Chalk E. Becker. Or it's posted on That Guy Who Throws Shit To The Wall. Or maybe that could be That Guy Who Helped Obama Win.
I don't know but it's certainly going to be the talking points for Mr. 999, King Hippo and the rest of the conservative agitating media.
I bet Mr. 999 who took over the Bores show, is willing to say: "My, my, my! Shucky Ducky!"
Reasons unknown is to how these pictures of the president surface without his acknowledgement
Who's leaking the photos?
Should we call upon the Justice Department to investigate who's going into President Barack Obama's past?
Kelli Allman?
Who the heck is Kelli Allman?
She was then Kelli McCormack, a young teenager who was out with her friends and was preparing for the prom. That one guy in the middle, don't he look like President Barack Obama?
Yeah, that's him. But who's that young blonde girl next to him? That Megan Hughes says Kelli Allman!
Who the heck is Megan Hughes?
Oh, she's the president's date to the prom.
Allman shared the picture to Time Magazine. Oh, no big deal! We don't have to send the Feds to her home, the president knows her.
He was a young teenager having fun with a couple of friends.
Way before he took the opportunities of running for office and eventually becoming our president.
Would this generate the talking point that President Barack Obama was cheating on Michelle Obama with a white woman?
Would this satisfy the agitation about his birth certificate?
Would this now generate a talking point about the white woman and black man making babies?
After all interracial dating is on the rise and it's continues to be a thorn to the White supremacy movement.
In 30 years, you'll find it a little more browner and a whole lot a liberal. True that. So don't worry about the last remnants of a dying era. Progress is moving faster than they've imagined. We're just in the second decade of a new century and I lived to see the day that we had our first Black president.
Yeah, history right?
Kendrick Lamar: F*** Mitt Romney!
Compton-based rapper Kendrick Lamar knocks perennial loser Mitt Romney. |
Right up there with the likes of Eminem, 50 Cent and Dr. Dre, Kendrick Lamar, a member of Black Hippy, raps a verse knocking on that worthless Republican, perennial loser Mitt Romney.
Kendrick Lamar Duckworth (born June 17, 1987) is an American hip hop recording artist from Compton, California. Initially signed to independent record label Top Dawg Entertainment, in 2012 Lamar and the label signed a joint venture deal with Aftermath and Interscope Records. Lamar is also a member of West Coast hip hop supergroup, Black Hippy, along with fellow California-based rappers and label-mates Jay Rock, Schoolboy Q and Ab-Soul.
On a track off the upcoming Hustle Gang album, the rapper joins reality star/rapper T.I. on a radio single in which he basically said "fuck" and "Romney" in the same verse.
Aren't you glad he's not the president? |
The mention of a politico by a rapper is sure fire for the conservative agitating media.
Que the lyrics:
[Kendrick Lamar]
Wait, hold up, is that you?
With them big ol' thighs after school?
Jay 305 had gave me high five
When I said I’m in hot pursuit
You said I won’t ride until Kendrick drive
A new Monte Carlo that cruise
And that shot my pride, I tried to improv
But no freestyle I never do
You looking for the nigga with the tallest 'fetti
You overlooking every nigga that ain’t quite ready
To make it rain on you like about to break a levee
Hold up, that pussy petty
Yeah, your nails did, your hair did
Your cell phone is selfish
It only got numbers that come with a Hummer
Her new prima donna I smelt it
Tried to make you mine, ho!
Tried to make some time, ho!
But I ain’t got the time or the patience
To stop and wait in line, ho!
Her dreams holds Versace
She fall for Armani
Only deal with rich niggas
Fuck you and Mitt Romney
I’m grown now I’m on my own now
I’m po-o-o-oppin'
Change my phone now
When I get home now
I got o-o-o-options
Fast forward, wait is that you?
With them big old thighs after school?
And your 3 kids and 3 baby daddies
And car note that’s overdue?
I know
I'm surprised that with all the talk about Benghazi, IRS and DOJ snooping, the conservative media didn't go into that Black guy with a microphone dissing their old homie "Count Zero" from Mass-O.
I was expecting that Turd Flipper and That Guy Who Helped Obama Win to be on it with no hesitation.
I was wondering if Bill-O was calling for boycotts of products and telling President Barack Obama to denounce such vile and hateful rhetoric from the likes of the entertainment industry.
Will pop up on That Guy Who Throws Shit To The Wall's website?
The single's cover |
Anyone who is a fan of hip-hop music knows that it's very controversial. But it's a well funded money maker for talented artists interested in rhyming on microphone with lyrical poetry. The goal is to make young listeners (and likely voters) listen to your single, watch your video, buy your album, attend your concert and tell their friends to check you out.
That's why we see A-list talents like Jay-Z, Eminem, Lil' Wayne and Snoop Dogg stay around so long. They made themselves into icons and the such.
While others such as Lamar and T.I. are building themselves to greatness as well. They continue to strive in an industry where people are moving through technology faster than CDs moving off store shelves.
Hip-hop music was beneficial to Barack Obama during the 2008 and 2012 Presidential Elections. The hip-hop community rallied behind Obama to help him cream John McCain and that perennial loser.
Conservatives were pissed at Jay-Z for hosting a fundraiser for the president.
They were pissed that Ludacris rapped a freestyle about Hillary Clinton, George W. Bush and John McCain.
They were pissed that Common was attending the White House for a poetry reading.
They were pissed that Jamie Foxx was saying "How Black Is That?" and attended the president's inauguration.
And yes, they'll be pissed about Kendrick Lamar saying "fuck" and "Romney" in the same verse.
Rapper/reality star Clifford "T.I." Harris brings forth the Hustle Gang. The group comprises of him, rappers B.o.B. (right), Young Dro, Chip, and Trae The Truth. |
Post election hangover was thought to be over. Unfortunately the hip-hop community still reigns its influence in political events. With the political climate to be so freaking toxic, expect it to make the rounds shortly.
Despite all the controversy of rappers embracing guns, sexism, homophobia, crime and social malpractice, it's their freedom of speech. Just like every conservative or White supremacist's thoughts of "us Black folk" being NIGGERS and MONKEYS.
Kendrick Lamar jumps on a track with T.I. and B.o.B. called Memories Back Then.
Kendrick Lamar appears on Top Dawg Records/Aftermath Entertainment.
Hustle Gang appears on Grand Hustle Records.
T.I. appears on Grand Hustle/Hustle Gang/Atlantic Records.
B.o.B. appears on Rebel Rock/Grand Hustle/Atlantic Records.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
London Police: Beheading Of A Man Was An Act Of Terror! [NSFW]
Man with a machete decapitates a British solider. |
Conservatives are panicking over the beheading of a British solider at the hands of two Black men who were apparently Muslim extremists.
Great, now these nuts will check under their beds with loaded firearms looking for the scary Black Muslim who wants to machete their heads off. Seriously, this stuff happens in the world and yes in the western nations such as the United Kingdom and the United States.
I mean how many times has a White criminal murdered a person?
Didn't we go through Sandy Hook, Aurora, and Tucson?
How many people were beheaded in the United States? Probably a whole lot. They just end up on the local news at times. Or if they're minorities, they'll be on The Guy Who Throws Shit To The Wall's website.
Didn't that New York man behead his mother a few months back?
I mean don't we all have a thrill in the kill?
Seriously the conservative agitators and those in the White supremacist shithole will find some way to paint Muslims as scary and Blacks as "natural born criminals" again. Of course, since the criminals are Black males and their Muslims, insert President Barack Obama.
My question to those reading this, why wasn't anyone there to help the man? What the hell was the person filming doing?
I mean you don't have to be a hero but damn, why film someone dying? Is it for the shock value on YouTube, Facebook or Twitter?
Are you trying to win attention from the junk food media?
There were people present! When someone is making a blood curdling scream or an attempt to scream for help, why didn't someone react to the incident?
I know the men had a machete and all, but someone could of done a call or at least a bold attempt to disarm the person. Who am I to say, I don't like to put my life in danger. But if I had to, I would!
Prime Minister David Cameron was informed about this horrible tragedy.
We here at Journal de la Reyna send our condolences to the victim. The name wasn't mentioned upon the death.
Why wasn't anyone there to help the victim? Is a picture more important than a life? |
Reuters report the soldier was hacked to death by two men shouting Islamic slogans in a south London street on Wednesday, in what the government said appeared to be a terrorist attack.
A dramatic clip filmed by an onlooker just minutes after the killing showed a man with hands covered in blood, brandishing a bloodied meat cleaver and a knife.
"We swear by almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you. The only reason we have done this is because Muslims are dying every day," the black man in his 20s or 30s, wearing a wool jacket and jeans and speaking with a local accent, shouted in the footage obtained by Britain's ITV news channel.
"This British soldier is an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth."
The attack was the first apparent Islamist killing in London since suicide bombers struck transport in July 2005. The capital was shocked by the bizarre scene of a killer covered in gore, declaring his motive to onlookers.
Police shot the two suspects while trying to arrest them, and the wounded men were taken into custody. No information was immediately released about the identity of the suspects, but two sources familiar with the investigation told Reuters authorities were investigating a possible link to Nigeria.
"I apologize that women had to witness that, but in our lands our women have to see the same thing. You people will never be safe. Remove your government. They don't care about you," the videotaped man said before crossing the street and speaking casually to the other attacker.
Prime Minister David Cameron cut short a visit to France to return to London and chair an emergency national security meeting.
"The police are urgently seeking the full facts about this case but there are strong indications that it is a terrorist incident," Cameron said before cutting short talks with French President Francois Hollande to return home.
"We have had these sorts of attacks before in our country and we never buckle in the face of them," he said.
The attack happened on the edge of London's sprawling Royal Artillery Barracks in Woolwich, a south London working class district which has long-standing historic links to the military.
In signs of a backlash after the attack, more than 100 angry supporters of the English Defense League, a far-right street protest group, took to the streets, some wearing balaclavas and carrying England's red and white flag. They were contained by riot police.
Separately, two men were arrested in connection with separate attacks on mosques outside London. No one was hurt.
The authorities did not immediately confirm the identity of the slain man, but a source told Reuters the man may have been a member of the military. The British government normally withholds the identities of slain servicemembers until their families are informed.
The victim was wearing a T-shirt saying "Help for Heroes", the name of a charity formed to help wounded British veterans. Britain has had troops deployed in Afghanistan since 2001 and had troops in Iraq from 2003-2009.
Before he was stabbed to death, the victim was knocked over by a blue car which then rammed into a lamppost. The attackers pounced on him in broad daylight in a busy residential street.
Witnesses said they shouted "God is greatest" in Arabic while stabbing the victim and trying to behead him.
"I am afraid it is overwhelmingly likely now to be a terrorist attack, the kind the city has seen before," London mayor Boris Johnson said. Police said in a statement late on Wednesday that the murder investigation was led by the Counter Terrorism Command, a specialist branch within the London force.
Fred Oyat, a 44-year-old local resident, said he witnessed the attack on the soldier from the window of his high-rise apartment overlooking the scene.
British law enforcement tend to the wounded. |
"The victim was white," he told Reuters. "I was in my house when four shots rung out. I went to the window I saw a man lying on the ground with a lot of blood."
London was last hit by a serious militant attack in July 2005, when four young Islamists set off suicide bombs on the public transport network, killing 52 people and wounding hundreds. A similar attempted attack 2 weeks later was thwarted.
British counter-terrorism chiefs have recently warned that radicalized individuals, so-called "lone wolves" who might have had no direct contact with al Qaeda, posed as great a risk as those who plotted attacks on the lines of the 2005 bombings.
The bombing attacks on the Boston Marathon last month, which U.S. authorities blame on two brothers, have raised the profile of the "lone wolf" threat in the West. A French-Algerian gunman killed three off-duty French soldiers and four Jewish civilians on a rampage in southern France last year.
Britain's involvement in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq in the past decade has often stirred anger among British Muslims and occasionally made soldiers a target at home. British police have foiled at least two major plots in which Islamist suspects were accused of planning to kill off-duty troops.
Ahmed Jama, a 26-year-old Woolwich resident, laid flowers down at the scene as a sign of respect to the families involved.
"This has nothing to do with Islam, this has nothing to do with our religion. This has nothing to do with Allah," he said "It has nothing to do with Islam. It's heartbreaking, it's heartbreaking."
I don't know if this is the aftermath or the beginning. Regardless this is not safe for work. This is considered extremely graphic and I stress discretion.
I don't know if this is the aftermath or the beginning. Regardless this is not safe for work. This is considered extremely graphic and I stress discretion.
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