This is how the American conservative media treats the president . |
Conservatives quickly attacked the president for not allowing the press to watch him on a golf outing with famed golfer Tiger Woods.
The very same conservatives who whine about the media being "in the tank" for President Barack Obama are gleeful that they weren't invited to the private outing.
President Barack Obama took a weekend off while First Lady Michelle Obama and his daughters Malia and Sasha were spending a week in Colorado with friends.
Of course, conservatives are livid about the president taking vacations. Even though the president has taken less than 50 vacations, to conservatives one vacation is too many for them.
Limbaugh riled up over the president taking a golf outing. He wasn't invited to the gathering so I guess he concludes that sexual misdeeds are afoot since President Obama is with Tiger Woods. |
Rush Limbaugh, the big voice on the right, and anchor around the neck of the Republican Party has some
choice words for the president.
“By the way, there are some in the Drive-Bys (and we have the evidence coming up) who are not happy that Obama invited Tiger while Moochelle is half a continent away with the children. It’s a guy’s weekend, and there’s Tiger in there, and there are no cameras. So there are some people in the media, particularly over at CNN, who are very, very worried about this.”
“Not us here at the EIB Network. It never crossed our minds. I saw a busload of women when I was out yesterday on 95. I was up as far as Jupiter, and I did see a busload of women heading north on 95. Now, I had no idea where it was going. It was the afternoon. It was after, like, three o’clock. (interruption) No, no, no, Snerdley! I’m not leveling any accusations, but I did see a busload of women. (interruption) No, Clinton’s not there. Well, that’s a good question. I don’t think Clinton’s in town. Anyway, hee-hee, we have the evidence coming up.”
“Tiger’s a one percenter! The fear of the photo op had nothing to do with the fact that Tiger’s had a whole bunch of different girlfriends. [You see] if you are a successful, national-level politician – and Obama claims to be that – then you can’t afford to hang around with people who aren't going to give you money. You must hang around with the wealthy. But you don’t want pictures of it — because that just rams it down the throats of the middle class — that you actually aren't one of them, and that you don’t want to be one of them, and that you don’t want to hang out with them. I think it’s safe to say, folks, that Obama’s now spent more time with Tiger Woods than he has with the Republican leadership.”
In Limbaugh's tirade it's basically a consideration that the president must be cheating on the First Lady since he's associated with Woods.
In 2010, Tiger Woods admitted he had numerous affairs with women while he was married to his wife. Woods is permanently tarnished by the scandal and kept a low profile during the last few years.
After emerging from the shame to reclaiming his glory, Woods is spirited and willing to take another swing.
But conservatives aren't done with him nor the president.
Sean Hannity spent Monday night on his program bashing the president on his golf outing. He claims that the president spent 106 days at the golf course and is spending "our hard earned" tax dollars on the "rock star" life.
So in other words, insert a "racial slur", an Obama name toss and a few Tiger Woods jokes and there you have it! Another conservative themed conspiracy theory about the president.
Tiger Woods meets President Obama at The White House. |
It's often times very funny to see how far they'll go to pull in ratings. Profit rage is helping Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Fox News, Sean Hannity, Michelle Malkin, Herman Cain and Bill O'Reilly get them fat checks.
The continue to profit off of the ignorance of their supporters.
The Republicans really need to put some distance from these individuals.
It's funny that Rush Limbaugh talks the dirty about Tiger Woods. This windbag was married more than four times. His current wife is in her mid thirties and probably cheated on her .
Limbaugh has no room to talk.
But his "stans" will dismiss this as another attempt by the radical liberal elite to tarnish a great man's success as a radio host. A man who spends approximately three hours in a studio somewhere in the basement of his huge mansion.
Yeah, President Barack Obama is entitled to vacations. What he does in his private life isn't the public's business.
He's the President of the United States, and never in my day I've seen such nastiness and racial undertones from this particular person. Barack Obama may have opened Pandora's box of ignorance and hate.
Last month, Rush Limbaugh and Fox News were livid about the president's New Republic interview. He told the writer Chris Hughes that if the Republicans want to continue to lose, follow the strategy of Rush Limbaugh and Fox News. The president wants the Republicans to dismiss these figures in the conservative media.