Thursday, August 15, 2013

Steve King: Black And Brown, There's Criminals Around!

Since Tom Tancredo is gone, Steve King picks up his mantle.

Did you know that legislators Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota), Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), Steve Stockman (R-Texas), and Steve King (R-Iowa) have never accomplish much while in Congress.

These legislators have the least amount of sponsored bills. They rush to the television to attack President Barack Obama. Yet they have nothing to show for it in the long haul.

Why is the conservative junk food media even giving them and senate members Rand Paul (R-Kentucky), Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Marco Rubio (R-Florida) even an ounce of their time?

Because if you're the loudest voice in the Republican Party, you'll get the most donations.

They always seem to be promoted the by the racial extremists in the conservative media.

Louie Gohmert and Steve Stockman are from Texas. They join Palin Da Ass, Mitch McConnell, Michele Bachmann, Rand Paul, Lindsay Graham, John McCain, Ted Cruz, and Steve King in the crowning of idiots within the Republican Party.

These Republicans get more exposure than House Speaker John Boehner and Majority Leader Eric Cantor.

It's a shame that they get media coverage. Because these individuals are hurting the Republicans in general.

The state of Texas has a growing Hispanic population. In twenty years, the state will be the minority-majority by Hispanics. The Hispanic population in Texas is at 32% (Non-White Hispanic).

That's pretty high for one of the biggest states in the nation.

Texas has 36 members of the U.S. House and two senators. It gives the state a total of 38 electoral votes.

The state is heavily Republican but all could change if the impending demographics change and the Republicans stubbornness to immigration reform doom them in the long-term.

Enter Steve King, the Iowa Republican. He has no accomplishments as a legislator but yet he gets plenty of air time to vent off his hatred of Hispanics. He even got into it with a Latina who votes Republican.

Ava Narravo was on Obama News. GOP Sundays have program like Meet The Press. The program is declining in ratings and the network is hoping that David Gregory can muster enough ratings to keep his spot.

Narravo is a Republican strategist. She is trying to debunk the liberal agitators claim that the Republican Party is racist. She has a lot of work ahead of her. Just like those Black Republicans who continue to endorse the White extremists.

She was debating the panel over the president's accomplishments and failures. The president's immigration reform is on the ropes and Republican House members are hoping to kill off the Senate's bill.

The U.S. Senate passed immigration reform a few months back. The House Republicans are grumbling and they're hoping that stalling it would kill it off.

King was a feature on GOP Sundays. He made an offensive comment about the young woman and she got into him.
Ana Narravo takes on Republican congressman who is accused of saying racial slurs about Hispanics.
The Raw Story reports that Narravo took King to task over this.

David Gregory told King that his assertion that many immigrants had “calves the size of cantaloupes because they’ve been hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert” had been debunked.

“My numbers have not been debunked,” King insisted. “My characterization was exclusively to drug smugglers, and anybody that understands the language and the culture should be able to watch that tape and know that.”

“I think that Congressman King should go get himself some therapy for his melon fixation,” Navarro replied. “I think there might be medication for that. I think he’s a mediocre congressman with no legislative record and the only time he makes national press is when he comes out and says something offensive about the undocumented or Hispanics.”

“I spoke only of drug smugglers, and if Ana understands the language she should know that,” King shot back. “I didn’t insult her, I didn’t insult other Republicans and I didn’t violate the 11th Commandment, that Reagan gave to us.”

“I’m not undocumented, Congressman, I vote,” Navarro interrupted.

“We need to secure the border first, restore the rule of law, then we can have this discussion that you want to get to,” King remarked. “And not be insulting people in the process.”

“You’re going to talk to me about insulting people, Congressman?” Navarro asked.

This is who she wants to help win in elections. Ms. Ava Navarro, you're crazy if you still support this party.

Now you tell me if this isn't your modern Republican Party. Because the way their going, they'll eventually prepare themselves for defeat in the next presidential election.

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