Saturday, July 16, 2016

Pondering Thoughts!

Iconic photo of a woman standing in the face of Baton Rouge Swat officers.

Some random thoughts in the wake of the Dallas police shootings. We seen the reactions from both sides of this debate. And one network is there to make the divide even wider.

In the picture, Ieshia Evans, a resident of Baton Rouge got international attention after she stood firm while the Baton Rouge Swat tried to arrest her and the protesters.

President Barack Obama hosted a town hall on ABC, Thursday. The President and the People was a good sit down. The president had to confront the families of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile and the lieutenant governor of Texas, Dan Patrick.

The daughter of Eric Garner, Erica was none too happy about the sitdown. She blamed ABC for not giving her an opportunity to ask the president a question. Her father was brutally taken down by the law and died of a heart attack. The cop who performed a choke hold was not indicted and it sparked protests. A terrorist went to New York to buck two NYPD officers in the wake of this.

D.L. Hughley called out the Fox News and CNN in the past for advocating racism. He went on The Kelly File with Megyn Kelly and they got into it.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxson and Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) had nothing nice to say about the president's speech in Dallas. They believe that the president and Black Lives Matter were responsible for the acts of that terrorist who ambushed five officers in a sniper attack.

Alton Sterling's son went to the junk food media to denounce the conservative lies about his father being affiliated with gangs. He was very emotional when his mother read a statement to the press about how her husband was brutally murdered by two cops while on the ground.

On Friday he was buried. The family held a large funeral and called upon the state and federal government to pass police reform.

DeRay McKesson, the founder of ProjectZero and spokesman for Black Lives Matter was arrested in Baton Rouge. He was detained for two days after he was cited for walking in the street. Of course, he was to appear on CBS's Face The Nation but was detained at the present time.

Fox News is the panderer of extremism. The network, its reporters, commentators, and its boss Roger Ailes have mastered the art of painting the opposition as the enemy.

#BlackLivesMatter is once again in the network's crosshairs and its working overtime to discredit the group and those who support it.

America's most annoying (and possibly hated) conservative agitator Sean "Softball" Hannity along with fellow agitators Bill O'Reilly, Megyn Kelly, Greta Van Susteren have been on the opposite end of a real issue that's bubbled to the surface.

Black America feels like there's no justice when it comes to law enforcement.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Terrorism Hits Nice!

The truck that killed 84 innocent people. A terrorist managed to plow over people watching fireworks in Nice.

There was a tragic event in France. The world is mourning another terrorist attack on the people who were just celebrating French independence. The blame game here in the United States will once again be focused on Muslims, immigrants, Black or Brown men, and of course President Barack Obama.

Will the trolls call the victims crisis actors?

Will the Republicans and their conservative allies blame Obama for this?

Will the Republicans and their conservative allies say things like "radical Islam", "scourge" and "weak" when they describe this attack?

As the French were celebrating Bastille's Day, a terrorist managed to sneak pass the barricades to infiltrate the crowds who were watching fireworks in the city of Nice.

The terrorist was in a semi-truck and he was mowing through the crowds. He managed to cause carnage through a two mile stretch of road.
When the authorities tried to apprehend him, he got out his vehicle and started firing upon the residents and the law.

In this act of terrorism, we have over 80 people and rising. 

Once again, the junk food media takes it's focus off the issues of violence in the United States to focus on the ongoing fight against terrorism.

The Islamic State and al-Qaeda haven't claimed responsibility for the attacks but on social media it's praised. 

The terrorist was a 29 year old man who had minor run-ins with the law. Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlei was a delivery driver who at one point was delivering ice cream. That was a rouse to get through and mow over victims.

The terrorist was a nice guy who had a family. 

There is some disturbing videos circulating through social media. The part where he mows over victims and the law shooting the terrorist.


Okay, as usual Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama offer their thoughts and condolences to the victims. Two Americans were among the dead. A father and son from Austin, Texas were killed.
The terrorist's identification.

President Francois Hollande vows revenge against those involved. He will immediately order military and law enforcement go into the terrorist's home and obtain information and accomplices.

Of course, American conservatives are rehashing "radical Islam" and blaming the president for the attack. The president was in Washington at a town hall about gun violence and racial tensions. It being hosted by ABC when this jumped off.

They seriously believe that the president is weak on terrorism.

Donald Trump held back introducing Indiana governor Mike Pence held was pushed back. Pence declared he's not running for reelection at this time so he'll be the running mate for Trump.

World News Today send our condolences to the family of those lost in this senseless tragedy.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

The Mean Orange And Slick Banana!

Trump love 'em some Hoosier.

Mike Pence is likely going to be the veep for Donald Trump. The Indiana governor has one day to decide on whether he's going to run for reelection or run for Trump's second banana.

News is being floated that the U.S. Secret Service will be heading to Indianapolis soon to give Pence a lift. The vice presidential pick will accompany Donald Trump at the Trump tower in New York.

The Trump campaign has been mum on the speculation of who's going to be the running mate.

Pence, formerly the House Majority Whip who represented the 6th Congressional District which included suburban areas east of Indianapolis and suburban areas west of Cincinnati. He was born in Columbus, Indiana. He is married to Karen and has three children.

He  resigned from Congress to run for governor of Indiana.

 He would win in a landslide.

During his first term, he was marred with scandals and controversy. He signed off a religious freedom law that openly discriminated against LGBT residents. It caused a huge backlash and it forced him to recall portions of the law. The boycott was going to push NCAA men's basketball away from Indy.

Pence said nice things about Donald Trump. He even said that although he'll support Ted Cruz and his running mate Carly Fiorina, Trump has a lot of energy here in Indiana.

Pence will be the safest choice given that the others were more toxic. Pence is a social and fiscal conservative. He is a part of the establishment. He does have experience in government and how to help Trump maneuver moderate Republicans to their campaign.

Will it make a difference?

I don't know. Pence is going to be more of an attack dog to the Trump campaign. It will give conservatives some ease. It will also make the possibility of Republicans finally uniting around a candidate that's credibility is sketchy at best.

The rest of the contenders running for the nomination are extremely flawed. Chris Christie gave President Barack Obama props for Hurricane Sandy. Christie also has the worst record as governor of a state. Jeff Session is too extreme and pro-Confederate. He has said racially ignorant things about Hispanics, Blacks and Muslims. Michael Flynn is an anti-Islamic Democrat who is pro-choice. He is a kookspiracy nut who believes the Muslims are hiding under his bed. Newt Gingrich is a washed up ham. He has more scandals than you can imagine. The Democrats could make the case of hypocrisy given that Trump's married three times and Newt was married three times. They both went after Bill Clinton for his allegations of cheating.

Well it looks like Newt Gingrich is out. Softball Hannity has paid for Newt's trip to Indianapolis to get a little time with Trump.

So far, Trump also got some support after Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg spoke ill of him. She said that Trump being the president is a disaster to human rights and American liberties.

Trump has also canceled his trip to Cincinnati to do the NAACP Convention.

Trump will also appear on Softball Hannity's program with his running mate.

D.L. Hughley: Racism Doesn't Exist With Fox News And The Police Department!

The famed comedian is very passionate about Black Lives Matter. He had a sit down with Megyn Kelly on Fox News this week and it was contentious.

D.L. Hughley singled out the conservative network for its deliberate bias against the group.

“The only place racism doesn’t exist is Fox News and the police department,” Hughley said. “That’s absolutely true.”

“That’s insulting,” Kelly said in response. “You just insulted millions of people watching this channel.”

“And I’m insulted by the things I hear on this network, so we’re even,” Hughley shot back. “I could care less about insulting people that insult me on a daily basis.”
Megyn Kelly spars with D.L. Hughley.
He also mentioned the controversial commentator Mark Fuhrman, the former LAPD detective who got caught up. He helped O.J. Simpson's defensive team by lying under oath about his role in planting evidence on suspects and saying racial slurs about individuals.

Hughley responded by pointing out a 2006 FBI report that sounded a warning regarding infiltration of law enforcement agencies by white supremacist groups.

“I don’t know a black man that hasn’t had a run-in with police,” Hughley said. “From the highest to the lowest.”

“You get backed up on that by many people,” she replied.

“My perspective on this is based on the experience I’ve had, just as yours are,” he continued. “So I am not willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.”

Judge for yourself on this debate.

Today would be the day that Sandra Bland's death occurred. You may remember the incident in Texas where a woman from the Chicago area was pulled over by the law. She would have a verbal altercation with the law and then she would be forced out and placed in the cruiser. As she was being detained, she would end up being dead. The law said that she may have committed suicide. The family didn't buy this excuse and it led to the #SayHerName campaign.

As expected, conservatives were dismissing her death as another example of "rushing to judgment".

Another View!

The junk food media shows the fatal police shooting of Dylan Noble.

The Fresno Police released the disturbing video of the fatal shooting of Dylan Noble. Noble was stopped for speeding and pulled over to a local gas station,

When cops ordered him out the vehicle, he had one hand behind his back, the cops gave numerous warnings before they shot him. When he was on the ground they kept repeating their calls to show hands.

What got the attention of the FBI was the final shots while Dylan was neutralized on the ground.

They shot him when he was gravely wounded. They didn't render aid immediately.


Heighten tensions between Blacks and police picked up full steam after the fatal killing of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile.

There were protests in Fresno. Also it brought out the supporters of the losing side of the Civil War.
The footage shows police fired two rounds at Noble, at least one of which struck him in the stomach, and then shot him twice more as he laid on the ground wounded
They shoot a wounded man.
The U.S. Justice Department is involved in this. The officers were not named. They are in the freezer pending a state and federal investigation. Dylan didn't have weapons on him.

Someone had recorded the encounter and sent the video to the junk food media. That led to Fresno Police providing the dash camera and boy camera footage of the fatal encounter.

Wondering if conservatives are going to start claiming #BlackLivesMatter isn't concerned about Dylan?

Wondering if conservatives will find the criminal records of Dylan?

Will the conservatives start trolling the social media of Dylan to say that his death by the law was justified?

Will conservatives start trolling the officers who shot Dylan?

World News Today send our condolences to the family of Dylan Noble.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

The Definition Of Irony!

TJ Williams and friends get bucked livestreaming.

The price of internet celebrity.

Three men were bucked by a gunman in another callous mass shooting in Norfolk, Virginia. The Hampton Roads community is at a lost of words.

These young men were enjoying life and some terrorist with a firearm shot them.

World News Today send our prayers and condolences to the families of this senseless tragedy.

You know what!

I am tired of giving prayers! I want something done immediately about the epidemic of gun violence not only plaguing the Black community but America as a whole.


Congress assures more massacres to occur because they're lily livered cowards when it comes to gun control. They fear the almighty National Rifle Association and their merry band of kookspiracy nuts and old White extremists.

Republicans and their conservative agitating allies rather see White people have firearms. In the same breathe they concern troll about how many lives were lost to gun violence in Chicago and Black leaders not mentioning it in the junk food media.

Newsflash: The Black community, President Barack Obama, Rev. Al Sharpton, Rev. Jesse Jackson, and Black Lives Matter have addressed these issues many times. It's ignored by conservatives.

They rather bitch and bemoan about how our problems are the reasons to why America in general is fucked up.

They would often find us guilty before innocent. They often judge us for criminals than human beings.
Life was good.
In their glass houses, they can't do no wrong. Hey see a Black man smoking weed on camera, and conservatives say it's "Thugs" and "Niggers".

No one is perfect. But damn, these guys were having a good time and this asshole would take away that freedom that you conservatives all so bitch about!

The only person who deserves the blame for gun crimes is the shooter. The person who decided that my life, and your life doesn't matter. That's why Black Lives Matter formed.

When a Black unarmed teen's killer managed to skirt the system when clearly he should have been convicted, the rage of mistrust and a justice system privileged only towards Whites is often a rally cry for Black men and women. They feel that if the law can't help us when we're in need, who can we really turn to when there's actual criminal activity in our neighborhoods.

And the social media craze is probably one of the culprits in the latest round of shootings.

People are taking a likening to Pokemon Go and Facebook's Livestream function. Nintendo raked in a cool $10 billion after the Pokemon app went live. Over 500,000 downloads in the first hour of the release. It's probably obtained over 32.9 million users surpassing even social media titian Twitter.

Facebook is capitalizing off the daily routine. The livestream app is pickup and people are engaging in doing daily posting of their normal day. They share their normal day with millions of others.

Also giving themselves a beacon. Now I haven't used Facebook's Livestream yet but I can only imagine that it gives a homing beacon to where you live and it could invite criminal activity to your door.

Well the victim who recorded his demise was confirmed as TJ Williams. The men who were aged 27 and 29 respectively were also hit.

Williams is seen smoking and listening to hip-hop music but into five minutes, gunfire. The gunfire landed into the vehicle and they were down.

Within the seconds of the shootings, the residents come to the aid of the victims.

Two of the victims have life-threatening injuries. One has non-life threatening injuries.

This is the edited version of the video. The full video is over 75 minutes long and it details the cries of help from the men and the residents screaming.

This comes a few weeks after another man filmed his tragic demise. A Chicago man was gunned down while livestreaming on Facebook.

The tragic incident in Minneapolis also was livestreamed. The death of Philando Castile also brought attention to alleged police brutality.

Big Suge Might Have A Way Out!

Big Suge has a prayer.

Marion "Big Suge" Knight is facing a murder charge for running over two men at a burger joint near the filming location of the Straight Outta Compton movie. Knight who was former CEO of Death Row Records is a notorious individual. He has ties to the domestic terrorist group The Bloods. He dons the red like it's nothing. He was instrumental in helping Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, and Tupac Shakur obtain multiplatinum albums.

But Big Suge stuck to the g-code and now that code will place his ass in the lockup for the rest of his LIFE.

The LAPD was hoping that Big Suge would slip up. They didn't expect this quickly.

TMZ obtained the gruesome video of Big Suge's Red F150 running over two men.

A jailhouse songbird slammed the LAPD and county prosecutor. He tells the junk food media that he was deliberately placed near

Daniel Timms who was songbird said that prosecutors were coaching him to get Big Suge to show no remorse or say things that could land a conviction.

Now this could be used as defense in the murder trial.

Knowing that Suge has nothing to lose, it's best for him to use this an advantage.

This was one of the many incidents that plagued the controversial media mogul. He and Katt Williams still have to deal with the assault charge for breaking a fan's camera.


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