Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Obama: The American People Deserve A Vote!

The State of The Union.

President Barack Obama delivers his State of The Union address.

It tackles his second term agenda. The agenda covers issues that focus on the middle class. The president lays the groundwork for new proposals to get America working again. He also announced a plan to help young children maintain an education and opportunities to enter college or the job force without hurdles.

The president also acknowledge the issue with minimum wage. He urges Congress to raise the wage amount to $9.00 an hour.

The president tackled immigration reform.

The president tackled gun control.

The president acknowledges voting rights.

The president acknowledges climate change.

The president tackled bipartisanship and urged Congress to pass his job's bill that he presented last year.

The president acknowledge the shooting tragedies that happen to make the news.

The excerpts include:

“A growing economy that creates good, middle-class jobs – that must be the North Star that guides our efforts,” Obama will say. “Every day, we should ask ourselves three questions as a nation: How do we attract more jobs to our shores? How do we equip our people with the skills needed to do those jobs? And how do we make sure that hard work leads to a decent living?”

“Tonight, I’ll lay out additional proposals that are fully paid for and fully consistent with the budget framework both parties agreed to just 18 months ago,” he will say. “Let me repeat – nothing I’m proposing tonight should increase our deficit by a single dime. It’s not a bigger government we need, but a smarter government that sets priorities and invests in broad-based growth.”

A growing economy that creates good, middle-class jobs – that must be the North Star that guides our efforts. Every day, we should ask ourselves three questions as a nation: How do we attract more jobs to our shores? How do we equip our people with the skills needed to do those jobs? And how do we make sure that hard work leads to a decent living?”

“Tonight, I’ll lay out additional proposals that are fully paid for and fully consistent with the budget framework both parties agreed to just 18 months ago. Let me repeat – nothing I’m proposing tonight should increase our deficit by a single dime. It’s not a bigger government we need, but a smarter government that sets priorities and invests in broad-based growth.”

You can listen to the full State of The Union Address.

Boehner Rolls Eyes When Obama Mentions Hadiya Pendleton!

Okay, Congressman John Boehner (R-Ohio). You're the Speaker of House and yet have this utmost disrespect for two Black people the president mentioned in his speech.

Is there a reason for Blacks to vote for Republicans?

First things first, we seen how Boehner looked during the State Of The Union Address.

He look like a bitter old man with a stick up his ass!

The president acknowledges voting rights and gun control and yet the Republicans sat there like a bunch of sour grapes.

The president mentions Hadiya Pendleton and the cameras caught Boehner rolling his eyes. Hadiya Pendleton was a 15 year old girl who was killed by gang violence. Her death hits close to home for the president. The shooting occurred less than one mile from the president's residential home.
d victor
Desiline Victor was the subject of the president's speech in regards to Republican attempts to suppress minority votes. Conservatives attack her for being a Haitian immigrant.
The president mentions Desiline Victor, a 102 year old woman who waited three hours in line for the opportunity to vote in Florida. Boehner didn't stand up and applaud her! All he did was look stupid and stare at the woman. The conservative media attacked Ms. Victor for being a Haitian immigrant.

The president acknowledge that Florida is going to be the catalysis for voting rights reform. The controversial governor Rick Scott eliminated early voting and cut off voting times. Urban residents had to wait for hours to vote.

Here's the part where the president mentions gun violence. See how that fool Boehner rolls his eyes!

Marco Rubio's Water Grab Goes Viral!

The sip heard across the nation. Senator Marco Rubio (R-Florida) grabs the bottle water and the late night comics attention.
The President of The United States is required by the U.S. Constitution to deliver a State of The Union. The opposition can deliver a rebuttal to the president's agenda. Tonight, Barack Obama delivered his address to the nation. The Republicans made it known that they weren't interested in it nor they care about his proposals.

Senator Marco Rubio (R-Florida) is often floated as a potential candidate for the 2016 U.S. presidential election. He was given the honor to deliver the Republican Response to the State of The Union.

Let's say this was a night for water bottles and sips.

Senator Rubio gets tongue tied and rushes for the water and takes a five second sip!

The Republican's response to the nation was a flat line and hopefully a sign of what the nation will face if we nominate or elected him or Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) for president.

Hopefully this gets some airtime because it's was pretty embarrassing for him.

One thing I do agree with Rubio is the fact that Congress does need to work together.

Despite our differences, I know that both Republicans and Democrats love America. I pray we can come together to solve our problems, because the choices before us could not be more important.

If we can get our economy healthy again, our children will be the most prosperous Americans ever.

And if we do not, we will forever be known as the generation responsible for America’s decline.

The Republican Response.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Hunt For Ex-Cop May Be Over!

Chris Dorner may have been killed in firefight with U.S. Marshals and LAPD.

This is a breaking story!

There will be updates frequently.

A brief understanding of what's happen over the past few days.

The Los Angeles Police are searching for a former police officer and Navy reserve officer Christopher Jordan Dorner in the murder of a couple. The national media focused on his disturbing letter (known as a manifesto) about his grievances with the LAPD and their history of racism.

He claimed that he made concerns about police brutality and the supervisors determined he lied and was fired. He blamed his lawyer (a former LAPD captain), those who fired him and the person who caused the police brutality. Los Angeles Police Department is re-opening its investigation into Dorner's dismissal from the LAPD so as to reassure the public that the police were doing everything in their power to capture Dorner.

The extremist went to ambush a college basketball coach named Monica Quan and her fiance. He kills them and went on the loose.

Chris Dorner cabin
Deputies responded to a report of a home invasion and a carjacking at 12:22 PM (PST) and began looking for the vehicle on the ground and from the air. A person believed to be Dorner shot two San Bernardino sheriff's deputies in the area of Big Bear Lake, California. The deputies were airlifted to Loma Linda University Medical Center, where one died and the other was in surgery. The shootout began after deputies responded. The San Bernardino Sheriff's Department said Dorner is barricaded in a cabin and the building is surrounded by law enforcement. The Los Angeles Times has reported that there might be hostages in the cabin with Dorner.

A three-mile perimeter was set up around the cabin and residents were told to remain inside with their doors locked.

According to former assistant director of the FBI Tom Fuentes, tear gas was launched into the cabin. The cabin erupted in flames and one shot was heard. It is unknown if the shot came from inside or outside of the cabin or if Dorner shot himself. As the fire continued, ammunition was exploding from within the cabin.

Officials are not trying to put out the fire and are just waiting to enter.

Updates will occur throughout the night. Until a confirmation of the suspect being captured, we will keep you informed on Journal de la Reyna.

Killer Cop Chris Dorner Found!

Suspect was found in Big Bear.

This is breaking out of Los Angeles.

Christopher Jordan Dorner is cornered by the LAPD.

According to multiple sources, the suspected shooter in the death of three people was holed up in a cabin near the city Big Bear, California. The LAPD suspected that Dorner would be in the mountains.

Some are saying that he may have taken hostages.

There were reports of a fire in the cabin of the suspect.

Members of law enforcement are confirmed that an officer is dead after a shootout with the former LAPD cop who waged a war against his fellow officers.

We will cover a full story if they LAPD confirms that this extremist is dead.

We here at Journal de la Reyna send our condolences to those who were lost in this senseless tragedy.

Gun Nut Ted Nugent Invited To Interrupt President Obama!

Freshman congressman Steve Stockman, Republican of Texas invites aging rocker/gun nut Ted Nugent to the State of The Union in a disrespect of President Barack Obama.

Hey, here's where this jackass Congressman Steve Stockman will be given a label. He's a far right politician that has ties to extremists. Last month this lunatic was sworn in for the newest member of congress. Stockman once represented congress back in the late 1990s before he was defeated by then Democratic congressman Nick Lampson.

Stockman is back in the saddle with the help of the National Rifle Association and the Tea Party movement.

Stockman is already pushing the bar lower for Republicans. Once again giving the Republicans the label of being "The Stupid Party!"

Last month the asshole threaten Articles Of Impeachment against the president. When the president present his ideas to the nation on gun control post Sandy Hook, Stockman took offense to the proposals.

Congressman Steve Stockman (R-Texas)
He has no Republican sponsors to the Articles of Impeachment. Sort of like Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota) and her 38th attempt at trying to repeal Obamacare. This sponsor wasn't endorsed by the Republicans.

So to insult the president and make himself a part of the every hungry news cycle, he invites the Motor City Madman as guest.

Ted Nugent is one dumb ass White conservative extremist. Even though I love his music, I can't stand the man's politics. He's so retarded, it's almost comical.

Nugent ditched on the military draft because "he crapped in his pants"!

Nugent made the infamous comments about then candidates Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. He told an audience that they should suck "his machine gun!" He told the audience that Barack Obama should "shut the fuck up" and stated he's an American hating Communist.

This comes around the time when that annoying conservative agitator Sean Hannity was bitching about Jay-Z and Ludacris and yet praising Nugent.

Nugent was stripped of his military pass last year after he made threats to the president during an appearance at the National Rifle Association conference in St. Louis stating, "If Barack Obama becomes the president in November, again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year." He also compared the Obama administration to coyotes who needed to be shot, and encouraged voters to "chop [Democrats'] heads off in November."

Nugent received a visit from the Secret Service for these remarks.

Following the reelection of President Obama on November 6, 2012, Nugent posted several angry tweets on Twitter:
  • "Pimps whores & welfare brats & their soulless supporters hav a president to destroy America" (Posted November 7, 2012 10:36 am)
  • "What subhuman varmint believes others must pay for their obesity booze cellphones birthcontrol abortions & lives" (Posted November 7, 2012 11:30 am)
  • "Goodluk America u just voted for economic & spiritual suicide. Soulless fools" (Posted November 7, 2012 11:34 am)
Nugent was known to say some offensive themes about Hispanics and Blacks in racial slurs.

But yet, he's invited to the State of The Union.

Okay, here's what I am going to say in terms not so good about the Republican Party and the Tea Party.

Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (Minnesota), Congressman Steve King (Iowa), Congressman Joe Wilson (South Carolina), Congressman Trent Franks (Arizona), Congressman Paul Broun (Georgia), Lynn Westmoreland (Georgia), Virginia Foxx (North Carolina), Ted Poe (Texas), Steve Stockman (Texas), Louie Gohmert (Texas), Vern Buchanan (Florida), Senator Ted Cruz (Texas), Senator Rand Paul (Kentucky), Senator Tim Scott (South Carolina), Senator Jim Inhofe (Oklahoma), Mitch McConnell (Kentucky) and the list goes on and on....

These Republicans are going to push the party to irrelevance. The American people reelected Barack Obama for president. The president won the message war.

The president continues to lay out bobby traps to the Republican Party.

The culture war continue to be a problem within the Republican Party. It's fair for them to express their views about abortion, immigration reform, guns, taxes, entitlement and the like.

You're expressing your freedom of speech to condescending assholes and we continue to elect you over and over again. For what? To race to cameras to make yourselves look like idiots.

I mean how dumb are the American constituents that voted you idiots into the Congress?

Is it fair to say that a handful of Republicans don't rush to the cameras to outcrazy one another.

Having Ted Nugent in the Republican audience already seals up what little respect I have for them. The Republicans would rather allow the extremist wing of the party take control, not the reasonable compassionate conservatives their predecessor George W. Bush once stated when he was the President of The United States.

So a big fuck you to Ted Nugent, Congressman Steve Stockman and any other Republican who runs to the cameras promoting this bullshit masquerading as patriotism!

Two Caught In Hadiya Pendleton's Murder!

First Lady Michelle Obama, personal adviser Valarie Jerrett, and Education secretary Arne Duncan all attended the funeral of slain teenager Hadiya Pendleton.

As she was being laid to rest, a break in the case. The Chicago Tribune and Associated Press report that two men were arrested in the death of the young teenager who was recently a participant in the inauguration of President Barack Obama.

The parents of the Hadiya will be invited as guest on behalf of First Lady Obama. They will be in attendance of the president's state of the union address.

These individuals mistaken her and another group of teenagers as gang members. So they ambushed them.

The Gangster Disciples is a notorious street gang. They're a domestic terrorist group. Besides Hadiya, they've targeted rapper Rick Ross this month in an apparent shooting in Florida.

The two men, Michael Ward, 18, and Kenneth Williams, 20, are charged with first-degree murder, attempted murder and aggravated battery with a firearm in the attack that also left two other teens wounded in Harsh Park late last month, about a mile from President Barack Obama's Kenwood home.

Williams and Ward targeted Hadiya and other teens in the park Jan. 29 because they believed, mistakenly, they were members of the gang responsible for the shooting, he said. Ward fired the gun, police said.

Hours after Hadiya's funeral, attended by first lady Michelle Obama, police stopped Ward and Williams as they were on their way in separate cars to a friend's birthday celebration at a strip club in Harvey Saturday night, McCarthy said at a news conference at Area Central police headquarters this evening.

Hearing news of the charges, Hadiya's father Nathaniel Pendleton said this is the first time since the shooting he's had a "legitimate" smile on his face.

"I'm ecstatic that they found the two guys," he told the Tribune by phone from a Washington, D.C. restaurant, where he was with his wife, Cleopatra Cowley-Pendleton, and other relatives. "(I'm) thanking God that these two guys are off the streets, so that this doesn't happen to another innocent person."

Pendleton and his family were in the nation's capital to be guests of Obama during the State of the Union address Tuesday night.

Still, Pendleton said true closure won't come until the men are convicted. "Right now, I can say to you that the healing can start," he said.
Kenneth Williams, 20, left, and Michael Ward, 18, right, charged in connection with the fatal shooting of 15-year-old Hadiya Pendleton. Charged with first degree murder, 2 counts of attempt first degree murder, 2 counts of aggravated battery/discharge firearm. (CPD handout)
Kenneth Williams and Michael Ward are charged in the killing of Hadiya Pendleton.
Hadiya was shot in Vivian Gordon Harsh Park, about a mile north of President Barack Obama's Kenwood neighborhood home on the South Side. Her slaying took place a little more than a week after the honor student performed with the King College Prep band in Washington during inauguration festivities.

The shooting in the 4400 block of South Oakenwald Avenue happened after classes were dismissed for the day during finals week at King. Hadiya, a sophomore at King, was at the park with a group of teens, primarily other students from the school, when a gunman climbed over a fence, ran to the group and started firing, police have said.

The shooter escaped in what has been described as a white Nissan vehicle, possibly driven by a getaway driver.

While police and neighbors have generally described Harsh Park and its immediate surroundings as safe, there has been an internal gang conflict brewing in the area between factions of the Gangster Disciples, police said.

The playground where Hadiya was shot was the setting for an amateur rap video posted to YouTube. The video, which also highlights the intersection at South Oakenwald and East 44th Place, uses the moniker of a local gang in an opening credit and features a rapper shown leaving the Cook County Jail, then threatening to shoot down his foes.

The video ends at a house party with a smiling teenage girl flashing gang signs at the camera.

Ward and Williams are members of the Gangster Disciples, sources said.

Ward pleaded guilty early last year in a 2011 aggravated unlawful use of a weapon case and was given two years probation, according to court records. After an arrest on criminal trespass to a vehicle last summer, he was held without bond for a few weeks, but was released after a Sept. 9, 2012, hearing.

Williams was arrested on a misdemeanor retail theft charge in October 2011, but the charge was dismissed.

Also reporting that White extremist and aging rocker Ted Nugent on behalf of Republican congressman Steve Stockman of Texas. They will be in attendance. This will be discussed shortly.


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