Friday, November 30, 2012

Juan Cole: Top Ten Differences....

The mass shooter James Holmes is a "WHITE TERRORIST".
The Niggerization of President Barack Obama continues. The right wing is on the attack of UN ambassador Susan Rice. They're doing a Niggerization of her over the five appearance on Sunday news programs over the ongoing (and beating the horse dead) Benghazi tragedy.

Republicans were crowing about the Department of Justice and Homeland Security's crackdown on domestic extremism. The Republicans were upset that a declassified memo about the rise of right wing extremism had conservatives blasting the president and others for singling them out as potential threats to society.

During the Aurora, Colorado shooting, numerous people were killed and injured by James Holmes, a mentally disturbed human being. What Juan Cole points out in this piece is that the media doesn't consider him a White terrorist.

I agree.
Juan Cole wrote the top ten differences between White Terrorist and Others.
1. White terrorists are called “gunmen.” What does that even mean? A person with a gun? Wouldn't that be, like, everyone in the US? Other terrorists are called, like, “terrorists.”

2. White terrorists are “troubled loners.” Other terrorists are always suspected of being part of a global plot, even when they are obviously troubled loners.

3. Doing a study on the danger of white terrorists at the Department of Homeland Security will get you sidelined by angry white Congressmen. Doing studies on other kinds of terrorists is a guaranteed promotion.

4. The family of a white terrorist is interviewed, weeping as they wonder where he went wrong. The families of other terrorists are almost never interviewed.

5. White terrorists are part of a “fringe.” Other terrorists are apparently mainstream.

6. White terrorists are random events, like tornadoes. Other terrorists are long-running conspiracies.

7. White terrorists are never called “white.” But other terrorists are given ethnic affiliations.

8. Nobody thinks white terrorists are typical of white people. But other terrorists are considered paragons of their societies.

9. White terrorists are alcoholics, addicts or mentally ill. Other terrorists are apparently clean-living and perfectly sane.

10. There is nothing you can do about white terrorists. Gun control won’t stop them. No policy you could make, no government program, could possibly have an impact on them. But hundreds of billions of dollars must be spent on police and on the Department of Defense, and on TSA, which must virtually strip search 60 million people a year, to deal with other terrorists.

Conservatives are so sensitive to the issue of being single out at extremists. This toxic environment caused by the likes of Fox News, talk radio and The Drudge Report has many White men becoming unhinged.

How many White people threatened the president?

How many anti-Black, anti-Hispanic, anti-gay, and anti-Muslim websites are out there?

Perennial Loser Romney Continues To Anchor GOP!

Snack: Mitt Romney was seen ordering a McFlurry milkshake at a branch of McDonald'sIt was reported that the perennial loser Mitt Romney was at McDonald's before he decided to head to the White House for his lunch with President Barack Obama.

The Drudge Report is splashing a story about Congress looking to do away with the $1 and $2 bills.

The talk of the fiscal cliff is still an ongoing issue and Republicans aren't going to support the president's plan.

The Republicans are two feet in the manure over taxing the rich. They rather cut Medicare and entitlements.

The president is getting frustrated with the constant gridlock.

Republicans continue their NIGGERIZATION of President Barack Obama and his United Nations ambassador Susan Rice, a potential successor to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Republicans, get this through your thick heads!

You're losing! Big time!

The Blacks, Hispanics and women are trending towards the Democratic Party at a faster rate!

While you fools are stuck on this notion that the Democratic Party is catered to dependency, victimization, and other social norms, the political party is building a ground game of newly registered voters.

The young voters are more liberal! They're accepting gay marriage as a normal theme of life. They believe in government assistance in college loans, birth control and loans to start small businesses. They tend to be more into technology and believe in evolution. They believe in global warming. They are learning second languages to compete in a browner nation.

Blacks and Hispanics are criticized as "thugs" and "illegals" among your Republican fateful. The conservative wing of the Republican Party is trending towards extremism.

The American public wants the rich to pay more in taxes. You may not agree with it, but it's what the majority wants. If you're so invested in smaller government and the like, how about losing your pension, healthcare and your yearly pay as an elected leader.

With all these attempts to gain political power, Republicans maneuvering gerrymandering in political districts to field out moderates and legislators who refuse to toll the party line.

When you Republicans picked Mitt Romney, a rich old man as your presidential nominee, you've sealed your deal as a party for the people!

When Republicans have this ongoing obsession to defeat the president, slash funding for every safety net to help the middle class, the public will eventually reject it and send these fools packing.

Are you getting frustrated with Republicans?

I hope you are!

Because these guys are lining themselves for political defeat in 2014 and 2016.

I promise you this, that the president isn't done with getting his grassroots campaign. He wants to avoid the mistakes of the 2010 Midterm Election.

Now that he's boxed the Republicans in the tax fight, it's now up to the political party itself to get the ball moving.

Cause if the United States goes over the fiscal cliff, it's going to fall on the Republicans.

The Photo!

Who says that President Barack Obama isn't humble to his opponents?

The president meets with perennial loser Mitt Romney at the White House.

It was a private lunch and the public is dying to know what was said between the two!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Teen Is Killed By Man Over Loud Music!

Teen shot and killed over loud music in Jacksonville.

The Trayvon Martin shooting in Florida has spawned many Americans to fight against legislation that agitates firing upon a threat without merits. This controversy in Florida has spawned many other individuals who claim the "Stand Your Ground" as a defense.

A Florida man appeared in court on Wednesday to face charges in the shooting death of an apparently unarmed black teenager in a case putting Florida's controversial "Stand Your Ground" law back under the U.S. media spotlight less than a year after the killing of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.

Michael Dunn, 45, is being held without bail on charges of second-degree murder for the Friday night shooting of Jordan Davis, who was also 17.

According to authorities, Dunn pulled into the parking lot of a Jacksonville, Florida, gas station alongside the SUV where Davis and three friends, all of them young African Americans, were listening to music.

Dunn asked them to turn their music down and, after an apparent exchange of words with Davis, he produced a gun and fired eight or nine shots at the SUV. At least two of the bullets hit Davis, causing his death.

Dunn, who was in Jacksonville for his son's wedding, sped off after the shooting but he was arrested on Saturday in Brevard County, Florida, police said.

Dunn's lawyer, Robin Lemonidis, told reporters that someone in the SUV brandished a shotgun and Dunn opened fire on the vehicle in self-defense.

"It will be very clear that Mr. Dunn acted responsibly, and as any responsible firearms owner would have acted, under these same circumstances," Lemonidis said.

She could not be reached for further comment on Wednesday but appeared to indicate that Dunn will invoke Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law in his defense.
The law gives legal protection to anyone, anywhere, to use deadly force in a case where a person is attacked and believes his life or safety is in danger.

Critics say the law, adopted under former Florida Governor Jeb Bush after a big push by pro-gun advocates, has been used to allow some Floridians to shoot and kill with impunity while also encouraging vigilante justice.

Florida man arrested. Claiming self defense.

The law fell under a firestorm of criticism earlier this year when police in Sanford, Florida, cited it for their initial refusal to arrest George Zimmerman to face murder charges in the killing of Trayvon Martin.

Police say no shotgun or other weapon was found in the SUV where Davis, a high school student, was shot and killed.

Formal charges against Dunn will be filed at a court appearance set for December 19, said Jackie Barnard, a spokeswoman for the State Attorney's office for the Fourth Judicial District of Florida.

"The investigation is ongoing and we're waiting for the sheriff's office to finish their investigation," she said. "We'll review the evidence and the State Attorney's office will make the appropriate charging decision."

This is an ongoing story, and we here at Journal de le Reyna will keep you informed about the latest issues surrounding this and the Trayvon Martin case.

Gun Shop Bans Obama Supporters!

Ad in the White Mountain Independent newspaper
Look here, if I have to deal with one more asshole in the Republican Party, I might just open up my own firearms and accessories store!

Republicans are two feet in the manure over tax increases on the upper income earners, they're scaring White people with talk of guns being confiscated, gays kissing in your face, and that woman who wants her "Obama phone".

They have worked a NIGGERIZATION on President Barack Obama, UN ambasssador Susan Rice, Attorney General Eric Holder, Shirley Sherrod, and Van Jones.

They can't get it through their thick heads that minorities are a growing majority.

They can't get it through their thick heads that women, civil rights activists and the LGBT community are going to push the extremist agenda of the Republicans right out of Washington, DC.

Congress is at 14% job approval. By far one of the worst U.S. Congressional Session ever!

This NIGGERIZATION of President Barack Obama has sponged inside these individuals heads!

I stated this one too many times!



I am really wondering how far these people will go!

With all these mass shootings in the country, one would of have thought that gun control laws were passed and more Americans are restricted from owning a firearm.

President Barack Obama hasn't signed one bill or an issued executive order to restrict ownership of firearms.

But tell that to those fear mongering idiots in the National Rifle Association. The gun lobbyist group has tried to push forth these bulletins to scare up fundraising. They advocate this crap to these gun owners in suburban America.
Cope Reynolds. An idiot with firearm could be dangerous!
A firearm dealer has banned Obama voters (likely Black and Latinos) from his store!

A gun store owner in Arizona has banned people who voted for President Obama from entering his store, even though Democratic voters were a small minority in his town.

Cope Reynolds, owner of the Southwest Shooting Authority in Pinetop-Lakeside, Arizona, published an advertisement in a local newspaper, prohibiting Obama supporters from visiting his business.

“If you voted for Barack Obama, your business is NOT WELCOME at Southwest Shooting Authority. You have proven you are not responsible enough to own a firearm,” reads the ad, which cost the man about $250 to run in the White Mountain Independent newspaper.

Pinetop-Lakeside has a population of 4,280, only 736 of whom voted for Obama. Even though this is a small minority, Reynolds is still outraged by their political choice. He is particularly opposed to Democratic views on entitlements. He also fears that Obama would restrict gun rights.

“It is about the direction this country is going and the direction it’s been going for the last four years, and I feel like the people who voted for him are by and large the ones that are on the many entitlements and free stuff that they've been getting,” Reynolds said in an interview with Huffington Post.

Although Obama has not enacted any serious gun regulations since he became president, his mention of a possible ban on assault weapons during the second presidential debate sparked concern among gun owners.

Reynolds believes the president was waiting to impose tighter regulations once he had the security of re-election.

“There are a lot of people who feel like he’s going to take the guns away and rightly so,” Reynolds said. “I think that he will. I think that our rights will be infringed in a big way and very soon.”

But there’s one major problem with Reynolds’ new policy: it can be impossible to tell how someone voted just by looking at them, and it’s easy for Obama voters to lie. Asked by the Phoenix New Times how he weeded out Obama voters, Reynolds said he was just trying to make a statement.

“Obviously, this is nothing more than a political statement,” he wrote in an e-mailed statement. “Of course, it would be impossible to enforce. If they don’t say anything, we’ll never know. They could purchase whatever they wanted, and they would probably get a big kick out of thinking they are rubbing it in our face as they walk out the door.”

But those who own up to voting for Obama will not be served at the store.

Americans who are stupid make these type of signs!
“I should have as much right to post a sign on my door as those that post ‘No Guns’ on their doors,’” he added.

In 2008, Reynolds also bought an Obama mask on which he put a turban. He displays the mask in his store.

Reynolds said he supports Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain, but only because "he's the lesser of two evils."

Reynolds said his disdain for Obama has nothing to do with race. He would have voted for Alan Keyes or Condoleezza Rice " if they were in the presidential race.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Perennial Loser Romney Will Meet President Obama!

I'm going to the White House! - Mitt Romney.
The talk of the nation is the perennial loser Mitt Romney being GQ Magazine's least influential person.

The president promised that he would take some ideas from the perennial loser. CNN reports that the President Barack Obama will meet with the former Republican nominee at the White House.

They will meet Thursday for their first meeting since the November 6 election, according to a statement from White House Press Secretary Jay Carney.

"On Thursday, Governor Romney will have a private lunch at the White House with President Obama in the Private Dining Room," Carney wrote. "It will be the first opportunity they have had to visit since the election. There will be no press coverage of the meeting."

That's rich!

What will President Barack Obama say to the perennial loser?

I know that Mitt Romney had nothing nice to say about his supporters! And from the last few weeks of chatter, most Republicans would rather see him go away!

And who says that President Barack Obama isn't willing to work with Republicans?

Yeah, we know it's those with the blinders on

No matter what the president does, conservatives will find some major issue with it.

It's part of the NIGGERIZATION of President Barack Obama.

They already acting like it's his "official" second term!

All Boys Club?

Senator Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky, Minority Leader), House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and Congressman Eric Cantor (R-Virginia, Majority Leader). The 113th Congress will begin in January 2013. The Republicans are under fire for having mostly men in their leadership committees.

The Republicans control the House of Representatives. As they begin to shuffle the chairs around, many critics are pointing out that House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) is appointing mostly men to most of the chairmanship committees in the 113th Congress.

Not a single woman will lead any of the major House committees in the 113th Congress.

Republicans still simmering from their trouncing in the presidential election, they are doubling down on their racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic, condescending, pain inducing rants about President Barack Obama and his allies in the Democratic Party.

With Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) running a NIGGERIZATION of UN Ambassador Susan Rice, the Republicans still trying to screw the president.

The Politico reports that the House Republican Steering Committee announced an all-male slate of committee chairs, including 12 returning lawmakers who will head up some of the most important panels in Washington. The chairs for the House Ethics Committee and House Administration Committee have yet to be chosen, so a woman could end up in one of those slots.

The Democratic minority does have leadership post for their members. Besides Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-California) being the Minority Leader, House Democrats are likely to have five women as ranking members committees: Congresswoman Nita Lowey (D- New York) or Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio) on Appropriations, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-California) on Financial Services, Congresswoman Louise Slaughter (D-New York) on Rules, Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-Texas) on Science and Congresswoman Nydia Velazquez (D-New York) on Small Business.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Halle Berry battles ex again over daughter -

Halle Berry battles ex again over daughter - Halle Berry's lawyers returned to court Tuesday to ask a Los Angeles judge to keep her child's father away from their daughter because of a Thanksgiving Day fight with Berry's fiance.

The father, model Gabriel Aubry, claimed in a court filing Monday that the fiance, Olivier Martinez, ambushed him when he was dropping the daughter, 4-year-old Nahla, at Berry's Hollywood Hills home.

Hannity Fires Shots At Jamie Foxx!

Jamie Foxx attracts conservative ire! He praises President Barack Obama as "our lord and savior" and they're upset over this. Seriously, the conservatives are outraged over this!
Sean Hannity can't get over the fact President Barack Obama won reelection. He can't get over it!

Still upset over the president's trouncing of perennial loser Mitt Romney. Sean Hannity and many other conservatives go to The Drudge Report and Newsbusters to find media bias in the mainstream media. What got the conservative agitator's attention was one celebrity praising the president.

Sean Hannity is an Obama obsessed agitator.
"The Obama loving mainstream media", screams Sean Hannity.

Sean Hannity has a panel of White people discuss Oscar award winning actor Jamie Foxx's performance at the Soul Train Music Awards.

Foxx (born Eric Marlon Bishop) is a comedian, singer, talk radio host and producer. The entertainer broke into the national scene as a sketch player in the 1990s comedy show In Living Color.

Foxx hosted the Soul Train Music Awards and made the statement that President Barack Obama was "our lord and savior" and the conservative media went ablaze over it!

Still upset over Blacks turning out in higher numbers, Republican legislators want to eliminate early voting and strip safety nets such as food stamps, welfare and unemployment benefits. White conservatives believe that Blacks are dependent on government and scream that liberal establishments are racists! It's the reasons why people like Newt Gingrich saying "[President Barack Obama] is the most successful food stamp president!"

Sean Hannity wasted a portion of his show to discuss this!

Paul Mercurio and Mary Walter were brought on Hannity's carnival of right wing agitation.

Mediaite reports that Sean Hannity was deeply disturbed by Foxx’s comments, calling them a “reminder of how obsessed left-wing celebrities BLACKS really are with President Obama.”

Cleveland Mom Arrested In Death Of Missing Son!

Emilliano Terry was killed by his own mother. The little boy made national news after it was reported by his mother Camilia Terry that he was abducted by a stranger at a park. 
We here at Journal de la Reyna send our condolences to the young boy Emilliano Terry.

Tragedy in the state of Ohio. In the city of Cleveland, there were reports of a missing young boy. The missing boy made the national news. People were searching around Cuyahoga County for the child. It was reported by the mother, Camilia Terry.

The police were convinced that the statements made by the mother weren't constant with the case.

They had a garbage truck tracked and ordered the company Waste Management to watch for any actions from the mother.

Newsnet 5 Cleveland, ABC affiliate reports the Cleveland mom has been arrested in the death of her 3-year-old son after police found what they believe is the body of the young boy at a waste-treatment plant, according to authorities.

Cleveland police said Monday they're holding Camilia Terry, 20, at Cuyahoga County Jail to await charges in the death of her son, Emilliano Terry.
Camilia Terry, Emilliano Terry, Kossuth Park_20121126115938_JPG
Camilia Terry was arrested in the death of her son. The mother of three misled the public on the whereabouts of her son.
"We come here with heavy hearts, I'm sure you understand. Today, at approximately 4 o'clock, a body of a small child matching the description of Emilliano Terry was discovered at a waste treatment plant in Oakwood Village," Cleveland Police Chief Michael McGrath said, according to ABC News affiliate WEWS-TV.

"So, in other words, right now, currently, we are treating this as a homicide, rather than a missing person or abduction."

An autopsy will be performed later today to determine how Terry died.

Camilia Terry told police her son vanished Sunday just after 5 p.m. as she was pushing one of her other children on a swing in Kossuth Park.

"I'm calling you because I'm at a park and my son is missing," Terry told a 911 dispatcher.

"How long has it been since you last saw him?" a 911 operator asked.

"Fifteen minutes ago. I was looking everywhere for him, I can't find him," the mother of three told the dispatcher while sobbing.

Police and the FBI began searching for the boy Sunday. A volunteer group, the Guardian Angels, searched garages and abounded homes in the area, according to WEWS.

While the authorities where in Terry's neighborhood Monday, they noticed a garbage truck leaving the family's home, Det. Ed Tomba told reporters at a news conference Monday evening.

Police took down the truck's information and contacted Waste Management Inc. FBI agents went to the facility and found a body believed to be Emilliano inside trash bags, according to police.

Cleveland Police Commander Deon McCauley said Camilia Terry's story changed during questioning Monday.
Body found at Waste Management Center in Cleveland.
"Some time during the day, of today, the statements of Miss. Terry became very inconsistent and we decided that we would further investigate her involvement in this situation," he said.

Officers told WEWS that Terry has not admitted to any crime. Her other two children are now with Cuyahoga County Children and Family Services.

Cleveland police said they plan to search the family's home again, according to WEWS.

Earlier, Cleveland police have released the 911 call from Camilia Terry reporting her 3-year-old son missing from Kossuth Park on Sunday.

"I'm calling you because I'm at a park and my son is missing," the 20-year-old mother tells a 911 dispatcher.

Clearly upset, Camilia has trouble explaining which park they're at, with the dispatcher asking her to spell the name of the park that she sees on the sign.

"Kossuth," the woman spells out.

Camilia then describes her 3-year-old son Emilliano Terry to the dispatcher.

"He's wearing a red and black sweater with blue jeans and black and blue tennis shoes. He got a gray coat," Camilia explains.

Dispatcher: How long has it been since you last saw him?

Camilia: 15 minutes ago. I was looking everywhere for him and I can't find him.

The dispatcher tells her to stay at the park until police get there.

Dispatcher: Was there anyone else around?

Camilia: No, it was just me and my two other kids.

Still crying, Camilia hangs up with 911 after they tell her police are en route.

The young boy was reported missing around 5:05 p.m. Sunday. Camilia said she was pushing her 5-year-old in a swing and when she turned around Emilliano was gone.

The FBI is now involved in the search. They, along with Cleveland police, are looking at surveillance videos from nearby businesses to see what the cameras caught and corroborate the story.

This issue contributes to the ongoing coverage of missing people. One in particular is missing white woman syndrome (MWWS). Many critics say that the disproportionate degree of coverage in television, radio, newspaper and magazine reporting of an adversity, most often a missing person case, involving a young, white, upper-middle class (frequently blonde) woman or girl is unbelievable.

This degree of coverage is usually contrasted with cases concerning a missing male, or missing females of other ethnicities, socioeconomic classes or physical attractiveness

Monday, November 26, 2012

Everybody Hates Chris!

Washed up pop singer Chris Brown is up to his head up to water in another controversy. He's not only bringing attention to himself but the people who associate with him.

He and his on-and-off girlfriend fellow pop singer Rihanna have been irking the media for years!

Both celebrities are showing out in the public. Rihanna's topless and nude photos were leaked out.

Chris Brown gets into a heated exchange with a person on Twitter.

Comedian Jenny Johnson and Brown are feuding and it's gotten the attention of most of America.
Pictures leaked online of Rihanna naked.
Chris Brown can't escape his forever etched name in stone with domestic abuse. Since 2009, the pop singer has brought upon himself a whole of negative attention after he assaulted Rihanna (Robyn Fenty) before they were to perform at the Grammy Awards.

Chris Brown was given five years of probation for this incident. Since then, Brown had a few run ins with not only the media but the law.

Brown is currently engaged in a feud with Canadian rapper/singer Drake (Aubrey Graham). Drake dropped a verse about Rihanna and Chris Brown's feud and talked about his experience with her. Brown got into a fight with Drake in a New York club after they exchanged heated words at one another.

Jenny Johnson makes light of Chris Brown's problems. Brown caught wind of it! He first goes after her Jenny Johnson after a nasty Twitter exchange with Brown.

The 23-year-old singer responded to the comedian's tweets, in which she called him a "piece of sh*t," by telling her to perform oral sex on him and then threatened to defecate in her eye.

The Twitter feud resulted in Brown deactivating his Twitter account for a matter of hours, and in his absence some of his fans took it upon themselves to issue death threats to Johnson.

Jenny Johnson.
"Do u wanna know what im gonna do now ? Im gonna kill that Jenny Johnson for making Chris delete his twitter," wrote @NellyBreezy_, who also later deleted her own account."

Her sentiments were echoed by, @NinaBreezy16, who tweeted: "@JennyJohnsonHi5 whore bitch. if chris kill you i will have more respect of him .."

Likewise, anther fan using the handle @_Haineko_ wrote, "super mad right now if i see that jenny johnson i'll stab her to death."

And it's hard to believe, but a fan with the handle @rockykane9 wrote, "@JennyJohnsonHi5 I'M GONNA F*CKING RAPE & KILL YOU OLD WHORE F*CK"

Johnson hasn't been scared off by the numerous replies she's received, which have mostly told her to "eat a dick," but she did tweet that she's "alarmed" by how many death threats she's received and is encouraging everyone, "including @Twitter to look through them. Not cool."

Brown's fans have stuck by him no matter what, and some of the female members of Team Breezy, made headlines for tweeting statements, including " I'd let Chris Brown beat me up anytime ;) #womanbeater," and "Chris brown can beat me any dayyyyy damn he's so sexy," referencing his infamous assault on Rihanna in 2009.

And it's not the first time his fans have threatened someone who criticized him via Twitter. In May, Team Breezy made death threats against John Legend’s fiancée, model Chrissy Teigen, after she made comments about his performance at the Billboard Music Awards -- though to his credit, Brown actually asked his fans to stop sending death threats:

"Team Breezy! Lets stop sending death threats!" Brown tweeted back in May. "I know y'all bout that life but it's the wrong message! Ur turning haters into victims!"

So now his millions of stans are threatening people with death online!

Great. More controversy!

Add on the controversial pictures of a nude Rihanna and we have a real party going on around here.

TMZ reports that Chris Brown and Drake will NOT face criminal charges stemming from their alleged involvement in a massive nightclub brawl this summer in NYC -- law enforcement sources tell TMZ, there just isn't enough evidence to move forward with the case. According to law enforcement sources, the investigation into the bottle-smashing brawl at WIP nightclub on June 14th has been concluded and no criminal charges will be filed against Chris, Drake, or any member of their entourages. There will be no further investigation.

Israeli Defense Spokesperson Mocks Obama In Blackface!

An Israeli spokesman for the Defense Force made himself the butt of ridicule and brokered more hostility between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Barack Obama. Netanyahu, the conservative leader of the country of Israel has been at odds with the president over the tensions with Iran and the recent cease fire of the Palestine territory of Gaza. Hamas, the conservative Islamic faction of government and Israel are at odd once again over blockades and sanctions. The United States declared Hamas, a terrorist organization.

Now you would think that Israeli would respect President Barack Obama. Alas, they don't!

ABC News Report that one of the Israeli military’s most visible spokesmen is under fire for a photo he posted on his Facebook page captioned “Obama style” in which his face is smeared with mud.

Sacha Dratwa posted the photo in late September, but since the furor he has restricted access to his account. A screengrab of the original post circulating online showed that it drew mixed reactions, with one commenter saying, “You know this is racist, yeah?”

In the photo, Dratwa appears to be smeared in mud from the Dead Sea, a popular activity for many visiting and living in Israel. Dratwa responded to a user on Twitter accusing him of racism saying, “I’m not a racist, please stop [spreading] lies about me.” He also posted a response on Facebook saying the firestorm around the photo misrepresents his opinions and is a “cynical use of the information” on his profile.

“I am, and have always been, completely candid about my beliefs and have nothing to hide,” wrote Dratwa on Sunday. “The aforementioned photos do not reflect my beliefs and have no bearing whatsoever on my position in the IDF.”

Dratwa, 26, is originally Belgian and heads the Israeli Defense Forces new media desk, active in engaging Israel’s supporters and critics on social media. The IDF’s Twitter account and various web sites were regularly updated during Israel’s operation “Pillar of Defense” against Hamas in the Gaza Strip last week, distributing the latest numbers and highlighting Israel’s efforts not to kill civilians.

“What we try to do is to be fast and get information out before the old media,” Dratwa told Tablet Magazine last week. “We believe people are getting information from social media platforms and we don’t want them to get it from other sources. We are the ones on the scene, and the old media are not on the scene as are the IDF.”

The IDF declined a request to comment.

When Max Blumenthal did an investigative video about Israeli sentiment of President Barack Obama, some of the people who were interviewed were saying pretty racist and disrespectful things about him.

Israel is the center of most of the Middle East conflict. The Muslim nations are tired of the United States allying with Israel at their expense.


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