Saturday, January 23, 2010

Police brutality charge by African teen disturbs mayor

Mayor Luke Ravenstahl said he is "very
troubled" by claims that a Homewood high school student was beaten by
undercover police. Jordan Miles, 18, was treated at a hospital twice after an arrest
last week by three plainclothes Pittsburgh police officers. Police
suspected he had a concealed gun and -- after a chase and a struggle with the Creative and Performing Arts High School senior -- concluded he was holding a bottle of Mountain Dew instead. He was charged with aggravated assault and resisting arrest, but when officers did not show for a court hearing Thursday, the matter was postponed. Mr. Miles took several blows to the head and face, was Tasered and
had a chunk of hair ripped from his head, his lawyer said. He was
walking between homes owned by his mother and grandmother when police stopped him. Police claimed that they identified themselves to Mr. Miles and
repeatedly tried to subdue the 18 year old after he fled. Read more:

Friday, January 22, 2010

Honour and secrecy for families of gay Muslims

Pink News: Last week, the LGBT homeless charity Albert Kennedy Trust warned it was seeing an increase in the numbers of gay Muslims fleeing from forced marriages and family violence. However, for one gay Muslim, the experiences of gay EastEnders character Syed Masood are closer to home. While I haven't been a fan of the show for quite some time, I was intrigued when I heard that EastEnders was to feature a storyline outlining the struggles faced by gay Muslims. Being someone who is both gay and (quasi)religious in their Islamic faith, I was interested to see how they would cover it. As many people know, the relationship between religious communities and homosexuality can be volatile with both sides often holding open contempt for each other, but nowhere is this shown more than in the families of gay Muslims.

Australia, N.Zealand order review of 'bible' gunsights

Australia, N.Zealand order review of 'bible' gunsights

Yahoo! News: SYDNEY (AFP) – Australia Friday ordered its military to look at removing biblical references from weapons used by troops in Afghanistan, after New Zealand banned the "completely inappropriate" inscriptions.Australia's Defence Minister John Faulkner said the military had been unaware of the meaning of the letters and numbers etched into the US-made gunsights, which refer to passages in the New Testament. I have asked Defence to examine the options available to deal with this matter without compromising the safety of our troops and critically important capabilities," Faulkner said. Faulkner's comments came as neighbouring New Zealand condemned the inscriptions as potentially inflammatory.


image001.jpgSouth Africa: Anarkismo

Press Alert Thursday, 21st January: 14:30

This morning, the NERSA public hearing into ESKOM’s application for tariff increases got underway at Gallagher Estate in Midrand. Both Earthlife and the APF were present, having made written submissions and requests for presentations in opposition to ESKOM’s application. Not long after proceedings began, a small group of Earthlife activists silently placed several posters on the walls inside the venue. Almost immediately, Gallagher Estate’s private security personnel arrived and tore down all the posters, whilst forcibly escorting those activists identified as the ‘perpetrators’, outside the venue. They then locked the doors and when a larger group of APF activists arrived, refused them (alongside the Earthlife activists already outside) entry.

This morning, the NERSA public hearing into ESKOM’s application for tariff increases got underway at Gallagher Estate in Midrand. Both Earthlife and the APF were present, having made written submissions and requests for presentations in opposition to ESKOM’s application. Not long after proceedings began, a small group of Earthlife activists silently placed several posters on the walls inside the venue. Almost immediately, Gallagher Estate’s private security personnel arrived and tore down all the posters, whilst forcibly escorting those activists identified as the ‘perpetrators’, outside the venue. They then locked the doors and when a larger group of APF activists arrived, refused them (alongside the Earthlife activists already outside) entry.

Despite repeated attempts by these activists to point out the public nature of the hearing, and thus their right to attend, the private security personnel continued to lock them out. When the gathered activists then started toyi-toying, the SA Police Services were called. Three of the APF/Earthlife activists tried to reason with the police and to inform them of their democratic right to participate in the public hearing going on inside the building. The police then assaulted, arrested and hauled them off to the Midrand police station where they were charged with public violence and resisting arrest. The names of the three activists are Makoma Lekalakala, Mashao Chauke and Nomaliza Xhoma. At present they are being held at the Midrand police station while a lawyer engaged by Earthlife and the APF continues attempts to get the charges dropped.

For further comment/information contact: Ferrial Adam of Earthlife on 0741813197


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Thursday, January 21, 2010

25 influential black women in business

The Network Journal, an award-winning business magazine providing news and commentaries on issues that affect the growth of businesses and the advancement of professionals in the workplace for an audience of predominantly African-American professionals, corporate executives and small-business owners, announces its 2010 list of “25 Influential Black Women in Business.”. Read the list by using the link below:

Tea Partying with White Supremacists! - White Supremacists and Far Right Militias Mobilizing Anger against President Obama

Al Jazeera Reports: White Power USA - The Rise of White Supremacists In The Age of Barack Obama.

With the election of the Barack Obama, a failing economy and anti-immigrant sentiment on the rise, some activists are calling it the perfect storm for recruitment by racist organisations.

Supremacist groups are reportedly targeting soldiers returning from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as trying to become part of 'mainstream' conservatism by organising around the successful 'Tea Party' movement. 2010 © AlJazeeraEnglish, Inc.

A new report from the Anti-Defamation League© 2009 - 2010 Anti-Defamation League

The Tea Party phenomenon, which began with anti-tax rallies staged across the country on April 15, 2009, will continue as activists in almost every state are planning similar events on July 4. Notably, white supremacists are again planning to participate. As they have done with other political and social issues, for example, promoting the Ron Paul campaign and using the immigration debate, white supremacists and anti-Semites are planning to exploit Tea Parties to disseminate their hateful views and recruit a larger following.
Extremists plan to recruit at Tea Parties
Stormfront, the most popular white supremacist Internet forum, is home to discussion between extremists eager to influence the events. In addition to circulating a list of local organizers and promoting planned rallies, Stormfront members are trying to find ways to involve themselves in the events. In posts to the forum, many voice their intent to attend the Tea parties for the purpose of cultivating an "organized grassroots White mass movement."

Posts to Stormfront:
  • "We need a relevent [sic] transitional envelope-pushing flyer for the masses. Take these Tea Party Americans by the hand and help them go from crawling to standing independently and then walking toward racialism."
  • "We intervene to shape the new pro-White grassroots agenda from within the crowd. We intervene for active effect at the event, for advancement of White racial consciousness and solidarity, and for the growth of the organized grassroots White mass movement and the most perceptive racially aware activist element."
  • "I also agree that spreading the WN message at these events is a good idea-it's time already,we've gotta do it!! Carefully, of course."
  • "A big crowd of irate White folks protesting the government seems like the perfect time and place for us WN's to promote our cause, at least to my way of thinking."
  • "I distributed WN literature at the last Tea Party in Phoenix. I will be doing it again in July. This is the time and the place. For those on a budget, I would suggest printing business cards with the web address of your group or organization. Keep it simple."
  • "I think they'd be ideal for spreading WN literature and gaining recruits in large numbers, more quickly."

Tea Party Americans Coalition
An anti-Semite and white supremacist using the name "Whites Forward" created the Tea Party Americans Coalition (TPAC) as "a working group for serious White racialist ACTIVISTS in the US who want to effectively coordinate our efforts and intervene for effect in Tea Party-type events." Anti-Semitic, racist, and anti-immigrant themes run through the six issues on which the working group is based.
"Whites Forward" is hoping that TPAC will be the "genesis of our new White mass movement and the fertile womb for our pro-White political party." He has called on other white supremacist groups to align themselves with the coalition, "Take these Tea Party Americans by the hand and help them go from crawling to standing independently and then walking toward racialism." —Stormfront member "Whites Forward"including the Council of Conservative Citizens, the Nationalist Coalition, David Duke's EURO organization, and European Americans United.
Currently, 42 individuals have registered as TPAC members, including:
  • Don Black, well-known throughout the white supremacist and anti-Semitic community, both for his role as the founder and operator of Stormfront, and for his appearances and speeches at racist and anti-Semitic gatherings. Based in Florida, Black is a former Grand Dragon in the Ku Klux Klan who served prison time for plotting to invade the Caribbean island of Dominica and overthrow its government.
  • John Ubele, the Florida-based Operations Manager for the neo-Nazi Nationalist Coalition. A former member of the neo-Nazi National Alliance, Ubele was also a founding member of the Sons of Liberty Committee, a group whose stated goal was for "the interests of European Americans…to reign supreme in all deliberations and actions of our government." Ubele also hosted "Radio with John Ubele," a weekly radio program hosted on Stormfront.
National Alliance leader tells followers to spread neo-Nazi message at Tea Parties
Erich Gliebe, who heads the West Virginia-based National Alliance (NA), devoted a May 2009 Internet radio broadcast to recast the purpose of the Tea Parties as opportunities to unite the white race and motivate its members to action. Gliebe argued that white people have simply had enough of what he described as minorities relying on tax dollars to fund government programs. He explained that "middle class White Americans are finally protesting."
Optimistic that recruitment at the Tea Parties could expand his group's membership, Gliebe suggested that "a number of those who turned out on April 15th are ready to embrace the National Alliance's message." He also alleged that the NA had experienced an increase in applications and requests for information as a result of the Tea Parties.
Gliebe encouraged white people to exploit the events to form a movement that will address the "major issues facing White Americans today." Finally, he requested that individuals intending on participating in future tea parties distribute a pamphlet created by deceased National Alliance leader William Pierce.
White supremacist Billy Roper a Tea Party organizer in Arkansas
Billy Roper, who heads the white supremacist White Revolution group, based in Arkansas, is listed as an organizer on a Tea Party movement Web site. In a June 2009 post to the White Revolution blog, Roper claimed to be organizing a Tea Party in Arkansas and sending White Revolution "representatives who will be witnessing and converting lost souls at Tea Parties from North Carolina to Arizona." [emphasis in original]
A May blog post revealed that White Revolution members will attend local Tea Party protests and distribute leaflets and flyers. Their goal will be to "educate, activate, and recruit." The blog post encouraged readers to "plan to attend one to do your part for our race and nation!"

Israeli Hand in Iraq's Abu Ghraib Exposed

palestinefreevoice: The former American military chief of the notorious Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq reiterates the Israeli involvement in the US-run facility, where hundreds of Iraqi suspects were tortured and sexually abused by US soldiers and interrogators. Shedding further light on the scandal that has served as a controversy-magnet for Washington ever since its emergence in 2004, the retired US army colonel Janis Karpinski says that Israeli agents were recruited by the US military at Abu Ghraib to interrogate the prisoners suspected of attacking US forces in Iraq. The report by the Lebanese newspaper Al-Akhbar is set to fuel more debate on the matter as Karpinski had, until recently, refused to expound on the Israeli connection at Abu Ghraib despite admitting earlier to the presence of Israeli interrogators in the US-run compound.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Haiti non ha bisogno di portaerei, ma di riconversione delle spese militari e di reale cooperazione

Fonte: Pax Christi Italia - 20 gennaio 2010

Davanti alla tragedia di Haiti, l’Italia gioca la carta della portaerei Cavour.
Già nel 2001 l’allora presidente di Pax Christi Italia mons. Bona scriveva: “Ne abbiamo proprio bisogno? Certamente i tecnici della lobby industrial–militare adducono tante ragioni per giustificare l’opportunità... Salta agli occhi il collegamento tra l’enorme povertà di tanta parte dell’umanità e le spese militari”. Questa grande portaerei lunga 235 metri (che è costata oltre 1200 milioni di euro pari alla somma raccolta nel mondo dopo la prima settimana dal terremoto di Haiti e che ogni ora di navigazione ad alta velocità consuma 25.000 litri di carburante) porterà aiuto alla vittime del terremoto.
Ci chiediamo: quante sale operatorie od ospedali da campo si potevano e si possono realizzare con una spesa così folle?

Proprio il giorno prima del terremoto, l’11 gennaio 2010, il Papa parlando al Corpo Diplomatico denunciava "l'aumento delle spese militari, nonché il mantenimento o lo sviluppo degli arsenali nucleari". E questo, ha spiegato, "assorbe ingenti risorse che potrebbero, invece, essere destinate allo sviluppo dei popoli, soprattutto di quelli più poveri.” Non possiamo nascondere il timore che questa operazione - sponsorizzata dalle grandi aziende che lavorano con il militare e che hanno realizzato questa nave – diventi più un’operazione di facciata, utile più al mondo militare che alla popolazione di Haiti. Non dimentichiamo che l’Italia oggi è il secondo Paese al mondo per esportazione di armi, con somme da capogiro, rispetto a quelle insignificanti investite nella cooperazione.

Avremo modo di riflettere anche su questo al Convegno sul disarmo del 30 gennaio a Roma presso l’Università Lateranense, mentre cercheremo di essere accanto alle vittime di questo terremoto.

Ma vogliamo anche rilanciare una proposta.

Perchè non fare una scelta politicamente audace e coraggiosa, segno di ri-conversione, motivata dalla grande tragedia di Haiti, e anche del nostro Abruzzo?
Perchè non ridurre-riconvertire gli investimenti (si parla di 15 miliardi di Euro!) per i nuovi aerei F35?

Sarebbe un segno forte di speranza e di ‘difesa della vita’ di cui tanto si parla.
Spendere meno soldi per strumenti bellici, soprattutto in questo momento, potrebbe essere un gesto significativo di alto valore educativo. Un segno di speranza che germoglia dalle macerie di una tragedia.


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Haiti does not have need of aircraft carriers, but of reconversion of military expenses and real cooperation

Source: Pax Christi Italy - 20 January 2010

In front of the tragedy of Haiti, Italy plays the paper of the Cavour aircraft carriers.
Already in the 2001 then president of Pax Christi Italy mons. Bona wrote: “Of it we have own need? Sure the technicians of the industrial-military lobby adduce many reasons in order to justify the opportunity… He jumps to the eyes the connection between the enormous poverty of much part of the humanity and military expenses”. These large aircraft carriers long 235 meters (that it has cost beyond 1200 million equal euro to the sum collection in the world after the first week from the earthquake of Haiti and that every hour of navigation to high speed consumes 25,000 liters of fuel) will carry aid to the victims of the earthquake.
We ask ourselves: how many know them operating or field hospitals could and can be realized with an expense thus crowds?

Own the day before the earthquake, 11 January 2010, the Pope speaking to the Diplomatic corps denounced “the increase of military expenses, let alone the maintenance or the development of the nuclear arsenals”. And this, has explained, “absorbs huge resources that could, instead, to be destined to the development of polulates, above all of those poor ones.” We cannot hide the fear that this operation - sponsored from the great companies that work with the soldier and that they have realized this ship - becomes more an operation than facade, profit more to the military world that to the population of Haiti. We do not forget that Italy today is according to Country to the world for export of crews, with sums from capogiro, regarding those insignificant ones invested in the cooperation.

We will have way to reflect also on this to the Convention on the disarmament of 30 January to Rome near the Lateranense University, while we will try to be beside the victims of this earthquake.

But we want also to throw again a proposal.

Why not to make an audacious and brave choice politicamente, sign of reconversion, motivated from the great tragedy of Haiti, and also of our Abruzzi?
Because reduce-not to reconvert the investments (it is spoken about 15 billions of Euro) for the new F35 airplane?

It would be a sign hard of defended hope and `of the vita' about which a lot it is spoken.
To spend less money for war instruments, above all in this moment, could be a meaningful gesture of high educational value. A sign of hope that sprouts from the ruins of a tragedy.

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Republicans celebrate now, but the victory will be a reminder that you better get your act together. Democrats, now it's time to regroup. We can't allow the defeat down you! Best believe that the "tea party movement" is a thorn in the side. But it's best to line up a strategy.

Democrats lose the seat held by the late senator Ted Kennedy. The Democrats are now scrambling for a massive defensive. Republicans celebrate a strong victory. Scott Brown, now senator-elect, what's next?

President of The United States? Who knows, Drudge? Seriously, I think dude sees the same crystal ball I see!

Conservative activists are gloating now that Scott Brown may be the future of the once disgraced party. Republicans have channeled into the anger of the "angry white male". President Barack Obama ratings according to GALLUP is standing around 50% - 43%. The support among white voters is down significantly. Again, the conservative media, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Michelle Malkin and Matt Drudge want the president to fail!

They'll line up a moderate Republican to defeat President Obama! And once again, the partisan gap increases. Independents are the key to election victories.

Democrats, it's time to step your game up! What's the problem? If I voted for a decent health care reform, I wanted it with the public option! If one thing has taught me about politicians, they are destructive! And to make this clear, Republicans are no better. If they were better, then Senator John McCain and Sarah Palin would run this country.

I seriously believe the Republicans want to continue to push the "angry white male", "concern housewife", "the gun owner who is concerned that President Obama will take his gun", "angry banker who wants to rip me and millions of other off with high deductible loans and foreclose on my home" and follow the "angry guy on the radio who spouts off!"

2012, is coming sooner then we think?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

UN reinforcements sent in to Haiti to crack down on escaped gang leaders

Soldiers from the 82nd Airborne land in Port-au-Prince, HaitiThe Guardian-The UN security council voted unanimously today to approve an additional force of 3,500 police and soldiers for earthquake-devastated Haiti, amid rising concern over outbreaks of looting by desperate survivors and the re-emergence of notorious gang leaders who escaped when the country's prisons collapsed. The extra security forces will bolster the UN stabilisation force of some 7,000 troops who are already in the country. The vote came as relief efforts turned from the search for survivors buried under the rubble to the delivery of much needed food, water, shelter and medical assistance to some 250,000 Haitians in most need, many of them living on the streets ,who have seen little or no aid a week after the catastrophe.• 3,500 more police and soldiers approved, Pressure mounts to distribute food and water

Shock Jock: Martin Luther King, Jr is a "coon"

Controversial talk duo's "accidental" racial slur. Mike Greenberg of The Mike and Mike in The Morning Show called Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. a coon. The firestorm has generated YouTube buzz and the host released a public statement apologizing for his discretion.

I just came home from the Knicks game and found out about the mess that was created by my garbling a sentence on our show this morning; I apologize for not addressing it sooner.
And I'm sorry that my talking too fast - and slurring my words - might have given people who don't know our show the wrong impression about us, and about me.
I feel horrible about that, because nothing could be further away from who I am and what our show is about.
I would never say anything like that, not in public, or in private, or in the silence of my own mind, and neither would anyone associated with our show, and I'm very sorry that my stumble this morning gave so many people the opposite impression.

The video appears on YouTube.

Mike and Mike in The Morning is a part of Hearst Entertainment and ESPN Radio Networks, Incorporated. The Entertainment and Sports Network [ESPN] is under The Walt Disney Company.

Monday, January 18, 2010

'Baby Doc' Speaks

BS Top - Pape Duvalier
In an exclusive email to The Daily Beast, Jean-Claude “Baby Doc” Duvalier, who was exiled to France in 1986, offered quake victims comfort and an $8 million pledge of support. Duvalier’s dramatic departure to France was celebrated all around Haiti, and was seen as the closure of a dark period of terror that began under “Baby Doc’s” father, Francois Duvalier, known as “Papa Doc.” The transition to democracy after his departure has been rough. Reclusive former Haitian ruler Jean-Claude Duvalier has lived in France since he fled his homeland nearly a quarter-century ago. But Duvalier, famously known as “Baby Doc,” emerged from the shadows via email late Friday night. In an exclusive email to The Daily Beast’s Eric Pape, Duvalier offered comforting words in the aftermath of the earthquake that leveled the country he once led, lauding the international “wave of solidarity,” and asking Swiss authorities to direct $8 million to emergency relief efforts.


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