Thursday, January 17, 2013

Nice Try, Drudge!

Drudge using Hitler again! When will they ever get past the 20th Century?

The American left should "out" this fool and expose this bum ass right wing agitator for what he is?

Once again, the race-baiter blows his dog whistle straight outta of his anal cavity!

Here's some obvious questions!
  • When will the Republicans and conservatives drop the 20th Century fear tactics?
  • When will the Republicans and conservatives realize that the NIGGERIZATION of President Barack Obama will energize the Black and Hispanic/Latino voters?
  • When will the Republicans and conservative understand that President Barack Obama laid out the traps and they're falling into them?
  • Did President Barack Obama put the Republicans in a trap by exposing them for their ridiculous culture war?
The liberals need to create more than just a Huffington Post. They really need to get politically dirty in the second term. The Republicans actually believe that President Barack Obama is tearing them apart from the inside. I agree with this! There has never been such obstruction to the progressive agenda of the first Black president. Alot of the obstruction is due to the non-sequestered racism within the Republican Party.

I mean I know that President Barack Obama keeps a cool head on most issues, but it's getting frustrating for me and probably hundreds of others who are tired of blatant profit rage from those in the conservative media!

Matt Drudge, Tucker Carlson, Michael Savage, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Michelle Malkin Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh enjoy making millions off of profit rage!

I am tired of these Republican political novices like Senators John McCain (Arizona), Linsday Graham (South Carolina), Rand Paul (Kentucky), Mitch McConnell (Kentucky) Marco Rubio (Florida), Representatives Louie Gohmert (Texas), Steve King (Iowa), Steve Stockman (Texas), Eric Cantor (Virginia), John Boehner (Ohio), Darrell Issa (California) and Michele Bachmann (Minnesota) rushing to the camera trying to outcrazy one another.
So having kids stand near the president is what Hitler done in the Great War? 
And tonight there's word that Republicans are frustrated over the president's executive orders enacted to curb gun violence. Senator Rand Paul makes the snide comment about the president being a "king".

Another Republican congressman from the state of Florida wants to throw around impeachment. Congressman Trey Radel (R-Florida) is throwing his testicular attitude around thinking that it may be necessary for the Congress to draft articles of impeachment.

Tonight on the race-baiter's page comparisons to Hitler and Lenin. Long and gone 20th Century leaders who the United States considered enemies of humanity.

Under the titles

FLASHBACK: Tyrants Who Have Used Children As Props....

CBS's Schieffer Likens Obama Taking on NRA to 'Defeating the Nazis'...

Knowing that the race-baiter is a reformist Jewish guy, it's almost sad that he would resort to this underhanded nonsense for a little bit of clicks and profit from them.

Matt Drudge and the rest of the conservative agitating media doesn't give a fuck about you!

His job as with the rest is to create a hostile environment in which a political enemy is drawn by the numerous comparisons and blatant rousing! This rousing in turn paints a political opponent as a enemy!

These individuals make up the low information voters that Rush Limbaugh, Neal Boortz and Bill O'Reilly love to talk about while collecting millions off of the profit rage!

Here's some pictures of past presidents with children and members of families.

Now tell me if this if this sounds like a dictator?

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

So Many Nuts In The Tree!

Two nuts! - Alex Jones and the Obama Phone Lady!
Another two-fer!

Alex Jones, the woman who screamed "I've got my Obama phone", rapper Shawty Lo and the conservative media mixing it up in the stupidity tree.

What a bunch of nuts in the tree!

Last year, the woman who took the internet by storm by saying she was voting for President Barack Obama because he gave the woman a free [Lifeline] phone from the government. Alex Jones was very eager to get her on his radio program. He wanted to know how she felt post election.

Of course, those extremists are so happy to hear her shrill voice once again! The woman got famous when Breitbart and The Drudge Report got wind of it. The woman is from Cleveland, Ohio and she was protesting Mitt Romney's arrival in nearby suburb Shaker Heights. A conservative agitator filmed the woman and asked her about the election and why she wanted to vote for the president. The woman lit up the internet with her "NIGGA MOMENT".

What's an "Obama Phone"?

Well it's actually not a phone created by the president or the administration! It's a program created by the federal government to allow poor or lower class Americans access to phones in case of emergencies.

But you couldn't tell that to any Republican or their conservative allies. They're obsessed that the president allows 47% of the nation become broke, lazy, losers who want their "gubmint gibbs mes" and we the American "patriot" will have to pay for this!

WHITE EXTREMISTS (Conservatives and White Supremacists) were up in arms over the video.

The OBAMA PHONE LADY is named Michele Dowrey.

Dowrey will be getting death threats from some deranged individual. This gives conservatives and White supremacists the notion to discount "all Blacks as gubmint dependent gibbs me types!" Rest assure some White supremacists website has linked the article and they're already trying to say that Blacks are always like this!

Listen Republicans! You're going to energize the Black vote the more you and your buddies in the conservative media attack the president or the Black community!

Also a big thank you to Michele Dowrey for all her hard work! You set Black people back 10 years for your obvious attention whoring and stupidity. You gave WHITE EXTREMISTS like Alex Jones, Matt Drudge, Sean Hannity and Ted Nugent the reason to rile up people with mental issues.

Oh, here's the full video of The Alex Jones Radio show if you can stomach two obnoxious human piles of excrement.

Two Rubbas! - Shawty Lo

After all the fuss, Oxygen pulls the plug on Shawty Lo's All My Baby Mamas program.

Shawty Lo is going to get his cut but the show will not air on any television anytime soon. The controversy started when the women's network advocated the rapper's huge family. The rapper has 11 children by ten women.

It was bound to happen! I knew the WHITE EXTREMISTS would rush to either their local racist waterhole! They'll listen to Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Neal Boortz, Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity for outrage. They'll go online to conservative agitating blogs,The Drudge Report, The Blaze and The Daily Caller to toss a word salad of racial slurs and anti-Obama rhetoric.

I knew the Civil Right groups would rush to The Huffington Post, Bossip, SOHH, ThisIs50, WorldStarHipHop and AllHipHop for the news.

What these people failed to realize about this controversy: It's assured somebody's gonna watch it! You keep on mentioning it!

Jersey Shore, Buckwild, The Real World, Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, TI and Tiny: The Family Hustle, Real Housewives, Basketball Wives, The Apprentice, and American Idol are television shows that promote controversy.

Well for the most part, these shows feature White people. It's a shame though that Shawty Lo wanted to talk about his family but the Black community were scared to be labeled by the WHITE EXTREMISTS as a bunch of NIGGERS!

Sabrina Lamb is the person who filed a petition for Oxygen to pull the show. She went on Fox News to rant and rave about this controversy.

She can claim credit. However the damage is done. Expect Shawty Lo to head to G-Unit Radio with DJ Whoo Kid to blast Fox News, Sabrina Lamb and others for messing up his reality show.

These individuals are entitled to shame Shawty Lo (born Carlos Walker). I find no care for it! It's reality television, it's supposed to be chalk full of controversy.

They find it outrage with it because they think liberals promote racism. They figured out since this rapper has "baby mamas" he's automatically an Obama supporter who supports the GUBMINT.

They didn't complain when Jon and Kate Gosselin had promoted their children in the spotlight.

They didn't complain when Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar promoted their 20 children and 2 grandchildren.

They didn't complain too much about Mike and June Thompson promoting their daughter Alana "Honey Boo Boo" for the cameras.

They didn't complain because these people are Republicans.

They complain about The Kardashians, Jersey Shore and Buckwild because these people are young, vibrant and likely liberal supporters of Barack Obama.

But since he's a rapper and the hip-hop slang for "baby mama" was used: Sound the alarms, proof there is such a thing as "liberal racism"!

Since people like Sean Hannity, Neal Boortz, Bill O'Reilly Rush Limbaugh, Matt Drudge, Michelle Malkin and others on television rambling on about Black racism! They'll end riling up Black voters and in turn spark another high turnout against Republicans.

By the way, I stated this before! Rachel Maddow will surpass Sean Hannity in ratings in late 2013. People are getting tired of the right wing carnival. Sean Hannity's ratings are pummeling fast. This is the latest reason for people to change the channel. A middle aged man worrying his ass off about reality television.

Hey America! It's all fake! It's nothing but a ruse to generate ratings! You have a right to change the channel! Quit worrying about people if you're not in the show!

Why Are You Not Mad At These People Sisters???

Obama: We Can't Benefit From Ignorance!

President Barack Obama issues executive orders on the gun control. He will present his proposals to Congress. It's going to be a contentious fight with Republicans and the National Rifle Association.

From the Huffington Post, The New York Times and Associated Press, the president enacted gun control proposals by executive order.

The proposal, which comes at the end of a month-long review process spearheaded by Vice President Joe Biden, is broken down into four key subsections: law enforcement, the availability of dangerous firearms and ammunition, school safety and mental health.

In an effort to touch on all four of those elements, the president recommended requiring criminal background checks for all gun sales; reinstating the assault weapons ban; restoring a 10-round limit on ammunition magazines; eliminating armor-piercing bullets; providing mental health services in schools; allocating funds to hire more police officers; and instituting a federal gun trafficking statute, among other policies. The cost of the package, senior officials estimated, would be roughly $500 million, some of which could come from already budgeted funds.

Because these recommendations require congressional approval, the administration is supplementing its proposal with 23 executive actions that will be taken immediately. Those actions include requiring federal agencies to hand over relevant data for a background check system; providing law enforcement officials, first responders and school officials with better training for active shooting situations; directing the Centers for Disease Control to research the causes and prevention of gun violence; and many more.

"I intend to use whatever weight this office holds to make them a reality," said the president, speaking about his full set of recommendations. "If there's even one life that can be saved, then we've got an obligation to try."

The approach is so sweeping that what would have otherwise been a headline-grabbing announcement received second billing. The president on Wednesday will nominate Byron Todd Jones, the acting director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, to take over the post permanently.

In total, the proposal goes beyond what most gun control advocates were hoping for at the start of Biden's review process, during which he held 22 different meetings with 229 different organizations and 31 elected officials.

"This is a monumental moment. It's a long time coming and we're thrilled the president's putting the full weight of his office behind this," said Josh Horowitz, executive director of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence. "We're ready to push this thing through."

But putting together ideas is the easy part. Selling them on the Hill will take a bit of legislative craft.

The president goes into the forum with determination that he can get this done!

"I will put everything I've got into this and so will Joe [Biden]. But I tell you, the only way we can change is if the American people demand it," said Obama. "We are going to need voices in those areas and congressional districts where the tradition of gun ownership is strong."

"It can't just be the usual suspects," he continued. "This will not happen unless the American people demand it."

The gun-rights lobby has already signaled that it will try to block the administration's effort. A spokesman for the National Rifle Association did not immediately respond to requests for comment on the president's proposal. But the organization has already harshly criticized the Obama administration for overreach.

Ronald Reagan once wrote in the New York Times that he supported the Brady Gun Law. The 40th President Of The United States survived a near assassination. He was shot by John Hinckley, a man with mental issues and obsession with actress/director Jodie Foster.
President Ronald Reagan survived a point blank shooting by John Hinkley in 1981. The president was in Washington when the WHITE terrorist shot him. Reagan's press secretary at the time Jim Brady was severely injured and was left paralyzed.
Shot in March 1981, Ronald Reagan revisits it in the 1991 piece. He stated that 10 years ago a deranged young man standing among reporters and photographers shot a policeman, a Secret Service agent, my press secretary and me on a Washington sidewalk.

I was lucky. The bullet that hit me bounced off a rib and lodged in my lung, an inch from my heart. It was a very close call. Twice they could not find my pulse. But the bullet's missing my heart, the skill of the doctors and nurses at George Washington University Hospital and the steadfast support of my wife, Nancy, saved my life.

Jim Brady, my press secretary, who was standing next to me, wasn't as lucky. A bullet entered the left side of his forehead, near his eye, and passed through the right side of his brain before it exited. The skills of the George Washington University medical team, plus his amazing determination and the grit and spirit of his wife, Sarah, pulled Jim through. His recovery has been remarkable, but he still lives with physical pain every day and must spend much of his time in a wheelchair.
Victims of gun violence. The families of victims lost to the Sandy Hook tragedy in 2012.
Thomas Delahanty, a Washington police officer, took a bullet in his neck. It ricocheted off his spinal cord. Nerve damage to his left arm forced his retirement in November 1981.

Tim McCarthy, a Secret Service agent, was shot in the chest and suffered a lacerated liver. He recovered and returned to duty.

Still, four lives were changed forever, and all by a Saturday-night special -- a cheaply made .22 caliber pistol -- purchased in a Dallas pawnshop by a young man with a history of mental disturbance.

This nightmare might never have happened if legislation that is before Congress now -- the Brady bill -- had been law back in 1981.
Named for Jim Brady, this legislation would establish a national seven-day waiting period before a handgun purchaser could take delivery. It would allow local law enforcement officials to do background checks for criminal records or known histories of mental disturbances. Those with such records would be prohibited from buying the handguns.

The current gaps among states, those that have waiting periods report some success. California, which has a 15-day waiting period that I supported and signed into law while Governor, stopped nearly 1,800 prohibited handgun sales in 1989. New Jersey has had a permit-to-purchase system for more than two decades. During that time, according to the state police, more than 10,000 convicted felons have been caught trying to buy handguns.

Every year, an average of 9,200 Americans are murdered by handguns, according to Department of Justice statistics. This does not include suicides or the tens of thousands of robberies, rapes and assaults committed with handguns.

This level of violence must be stopped. Sarah and Jim Brady are working hard to do that, and I say more power to them. If the passage of the Brady bill were to result in a reduction of only 10 or 15 percent of those numbers (and it could be a good deal greater), it would be well worth making it the law of the land.

President Barack Obama heard the call of the American nation and he decided to work on getting things done! With the power of his pen, the president signed off executive orders to make law enforcement and those in the health industry to look into individuals with mental issues.

The proposal would instead affect the future production and sale of military-style weapons or high-capacity magazines.

"We are not going to go after existing stock of weapons or magazines," said a senior administration official. "We are going to limit it to the manufacturing of assault weapons and clips going forward."

The White House nevertheless insists that its package of proposals has teeth. It would provide law enforcement with the mechanisms needed to go after the illegal transfer of weapons and help prevent those weapons from falling into the wrong hands. It would also stem the use of military-style weapons -- the White House says its proposal would improve on the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban, which was riddled with loopholes -- and give schools and communities resources to address violence when it occurs.
President Barack Obama promised swift action to curb gun violence in the United States. He meets with survivor and gun control advocate Jim Brady.
The question, in some respects, is not what's missing from the set of ideas, but what took the administration so long to get to this point.

"It is not as though we had this whole policy paper sitting on the shelf somewhere," said a senior administration official. "[We worked] 24/7 for the past month. And we met with a lot of groups and we learned a lot of ideas that came as a result of this process. We tried to be as comprehensive as possible. We are hoping that as the process goes on and as the debate goes on, we might come up with some other ideas."

The president also knocked the Republican and Democratic members of Congress still focused on getting "A" ratings from the NRA. The members of Congress who vote against gun control usually are embraced by the NRA.

The president also makes note of the gridlock in Congress and urged the American people to demand representatives and senators to get things done on gun control.

The president also endorsed the NRA's idea of having more school resources and guards in the nation schools. The NRA has maintained that any proposals regardless of what the president does they'll oppose.

Given the opportunity to look into the entertainment industry (i.e. video games, rap music, rock music, movies, television, blogs), the president noted that educators and those who study health in children should look out for warning signs of violence. Also as a parent, the president also noted that no parent wants to lose a child whether at Newtown's Sandy Hook, the Clackamas Town Center, a place of worship such as the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin, the Aurora movie shooting, or the streets of Chicago.

This issue is developing and we here at Journal de la Reyna will keep you informed about the latest news in the president's proposals and the debate over gun control in Congress.

NRA Got The Ringing In Their Ears!

The president will deliver his proposals to the nation today and it's going to have some major gridlock in Congress. President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden will address a group of survivors and their children. The one thing that's riled up the conservatives is the fact the president is using children in his speech to the nation.

The National Rifle Association didn't waste much time to attack the president.

The first thing they've gone after was his children.

Now seriously, he's the freaking President of The United States!

He happens to be the first Black president in a very toxic political environment.

If one thing hasn't soaked in these heads is the fact that many Americans want stricter gun laws! They want the mentally insane and disturbed to not own firearms! They want to close gun show loophole! They want to have reasonable solutions to gun control! That may include limiting how many rounds go into a magazine!

Then these extremists rush to grab more guns! It's almost a shame that even though gun sales are up, Republicans and their conservative allies will spook the Elmer Fudds into believing that Big Ear Jungle Bunny is coming for their guns.
Take a shot at the children of President Barack Obama! - National Rifle Association
The NRA has the nerve to call the president an "ELITIST". Coded language perhaps?

The dog whistle was blowing constantly over four years of President Barack Obama's term.

Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) has the nerve to call President Barack Obama a "KING".

Congressman Steve Stockman (R-Texas) threatens impeachment for proposals and executive orders.

Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Michael Savage, Sean Hannity, and Mark Levin are urging succession on their radio show.

The National Rifle Association is one of the oldest gun rights group. They have over 4 million members and have an operating lobbying arm. Many traditionally RED states have members who advocate for lax gun laws. They scare up fundraising whenever a Democratic president is in office. President Barack Obama is the first Black president to serve under such hostile political warfare.

The NRA and conservative agitators will scream for their gun rights! They want gun rights for WHITE MEN only! GUN CONTROL for BLACKS, HISPANICS/LATINOS, and MUSLIMS!

How Quickly We Forget.....

It's about the mainstream media's attack on Spike Lee.  Thanks Harveyboy222!

Banned Rapper Blast President!

Banned rapper Shyne goes after Obama.

Belize-born New York rapper takes shots at President Barack Obama over gun control and the formal deportation of him. Jamal Barrow, previously known as Shyne now lives his life as Moses Michael Levi. One of the world's most dumbest rappers emerges from the cesspool of failed talents to make noise about how the president ignores the issues of gun violence in his hometown.

The rapper also question the president's "BLACKNESS".

Of course, this story was put on the infamous race-baiter's website. And with the link comes the word salads of blatant racism and Obama name dropping.The Atlanta based WVEE (V103-FM) has the goods of this latest controversy.

Former Diddy protégé Shyne has gone on a Twitter tear against the president. The Belize-born rapper has been calling out President Barack Obama for not doing more to curb the murder rate in the president’s hometown of Chicago.

“If @barackobama doesn’t do something about the genocide in Chicago fast,” he tweeted Monday (January 14), “I’m gonna have an @kanyewest melt down & say Barack Don’t care about?”

The rapper’s reference to a Kanye West moment has to do with the meltdown West had while filming a telethon for Hurricane Katrina victims. ”George Bush don’t care about black people,” West said on the live telecast in 2005.

Shyne’s Twitter tirade began on Sunday when he asked President Obama to call in his celebrity friends for reinforcements.

“Dear @BarackObama, call Jay-Z to fly his private plane Down to Chicago & you fly yours the same way you called in the stars to win Ohio#help”

“@barackobama I forgot you weren’t an impoverished inner city kid! You grew up in Kansas & Hawaii! You only play the ghetto card come election time!”

Along with the request to add some celebrity attention, Shyne demanded that the president call a state of emergency in Chicago.

He pointed to an article that outlined the astounding death rate, including 18 within the first days of the new year.

Shyne expressed his issues with the president well before the recent Chicago murder rant. In October, he called out the president over his policy in Syria.

“How Obama put the hit on Kadafy but Assad murdering tens of thousands of his own people in Syria & nobody doing nothing?,” he tweeted.

While many of his rapper contemporaries have been vocal about their support for the president, Shyne challenged the idea that, as black person, he should support America’s first African-American president.

“Am I obligated to support Barack Obama because he’s half African-American?” he questioned, before making a reference to Chicago rapper Chief Keef‘s hit song. “That’s that ish I don’t like!”

Shyne spent nine years in prison after being charged for discharging a firearm in a New York nightclub. Diddy and Jennifer Lopez were dating at the time and Shyne released his debut album. Many compared the rapper to the late Notorious B.I.G., a slain rapper who released two critically acclaimed albums.

Shyne earned a reputation as an "OG" in gangsta rap. Although many fault Diddy's bodyguards for the shooting in the nightclub, Shyne took the fall. The rapper spent nearly a decade in Riker's Prison for this.

He maintained this ridiculous "NO SNITCHIN'" theme.

Also, he engaged in feuds with Diddy, Jay-Z, 50 Cent, Game, Kendrick Lamar and Rick Ross. His feuds with 50 Cent, Game and Rick Ross is personal. He knocks them for being entertainers and not gangsters. He settled his feud with Diddy. He trashed on Kendrick Lamar's critically acclaimed debut album.

Shyne was permanently booted out of the United States and is not allowed in the United Kingdom, and Italy.

Shyne became an Orthodox Jew in prison and currently lives in Belize with his father, Dean Barrow, the Prime Minister of the country.

Shyne was signed to Bad Boy Records, Def Jam and now currently Cash Money Records.

Although he's banned from the United States, he endorsed perennial loser Mitt Romney for president.


Added bonus, former Bad Boy rapper Mase left the label and became a Christian pastor.

Former Bad Boy rapper and singer Loon is now converted to a Sunni Muslim.

Former Bad Boy rapper G-Dep is sentenced to prison after he confessed to murder.

Former Bad Boy rapper Black Rob was sentenced to prison after botched robberies.

So this makes Mase a pastor, Shyne a Jew, and Loon, a Muslim. G-Dep an inmate. Black Rob an ex-felon.

And Diddy still the million dollar media mogul.

Here's the bonus videos of Mase and Loon.


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

ACORN Pimp James O'Keefe Confronts Anti-Gun Journalists!

The right wing agitator and provocateur of shoddy journalism is back. Still on federal probation, James O'Keefe and his conservative group Project Veritas are confronting people in the media who defended The Journal-News publishing of licensed firearm owners in the New York/New Jersey area.

MSNBC agitator Touré was ambushed by his "undercover" crew. And the exchange was fairly decent at best. The video comes with members of O'Keefe's group going to the homes of anti-gun activists.

O'Keefe is notorious for doctoring video to make the individual seem like they're saying things when they're not! The agitator is a protege of Andrew Breitbart, the late conservative bastard who spent most of his pathetic life trying to race-bait or demonize the person with doctored videos.

O'Keefe is famed for dressing up like a pimp who infiltrated ACORN, a low income housing and voter's rights organization. He managed to get the business shut down after Congress passed legislation cutting aid to the poverty rights group.

Here's the video of the confrontation by Project Veritas

New York is going to pass one of the strictest firearm restrictions! President Barack Obama will address the nation on the proposals from Vice President Joe Biden. The president will address his issues to Congress and then issue executive orders to prevent high capacity firearms from being in the hands of the mentally insane.

Mediaite's Noah Rothman, one of the conservative writers for the liberal-leaning blog has nothing but glee in this story. Rothman wrote O'Keefe's crew asks those journalists if they would display a sign which declares that their home is “proudly gun-free” – the journalists all declined.

One of the people that O’Keefe’s group met up with was MSNBC host Touré . Despite his advocacy for stricter gun laws and his defense of the outing of gun owners, Touré also refused to display the sign.

Touré wasn't happy to have his name in the news! The two feud on the social media website Twitter.

White Extremists Scream At Obama Over Interruption Of The Price Is Right!

Photoshopped image of President Barack Obama being on the CBS game show The Price Is Right. Coming from Free Republic, a conservative blog.

We are truly a fat and stupid nation. I am just as guilty as many here in the online world when it comes to frustration over things we can't control. But nowadays, politics is so toxic, it's almost sad and depressing at the same time.

If I'd of known how bitter these Republican are post election, I almost wished President Barack Obama would have lost this election and just maybe the racism would die down!

Alas, it took the power of me and probably millions of others determined to help the president win this election. Despite all the hate and vitriol from the conservative media, Americans voted for President Barack Obama overwhelming against perennial loser Mitt Romney.

Republicans never cease to amaze me! For the president to interrupt programming to talk about serious issues is enough to drive these idiots crazy. I mean when former president George W. Bush interrupted programming, I just sighed and watched it. Same goes for President Barack Obama.
The Price Is Right host Drew Carey, the models and singer Reba McEntire.
But in this case, we live a digital world where you're anger can reach the masses. Social media once again can put me, you and millions of others in the open fire. Once you put something online, it's there forever.

Thankfully, these extremists here didn't throw around racial slurs like they did during the president's address to the nation post Sandy Hook.

Mediaite obtained these offensive comments from Twitter.

Tee'd Off (Redo)!

The story that I've published a week ago was infected by malware.

Let's just keep it simple and tell you in a short summary.

Republican Senators Tim Scott and Lindsey Graham represent South Carolina. They both advocate the ignorance of the Tea Party. The Tea Party convention in Myrtle Beach, was a dud. They didn't attract the thousands of attendees they've expected.

The previous events carried more than 3,000 attendees. Now this one carried less than thousand.

The talk of the day was the Obama Witch Doctor shirt being sold at the event. The shirts caused a stir. The State reports that the Tea Party was a bust.

The South Carolina Tea Party Convention kicked off Saturday in Myrtle Beach, right as the group in general seems to be losing ground.

There were 600 available seats at the Springmaid Beach Resort conference room, along with an additional 100 in a second-floor overflow room.

State tea party organizer Joe Dugan said it’s the same number they had for the 2012 convention. All 600 people who were invited last year attended, he said, and he was expecting the same number throughout this weekend’s event.

By 10:30 Saturday morning, more than 200 were gathered in the conference room to hear remarks from U.S. Reps. Tom Rice, Mick Mulvaney and Jeff Duncan, as well as others.

Still, there was a definite difference between the 2013 convention and the one held last January. For one thing, that event coincided with weekend activities leading up to the Republican presidential debate held in Myrtle Beach. Many of the Republican presidential hopefuls dropped by the tea party convention, which had significant media coverage from local, national and even international journalists.

On the media sign-in sheet Saturday, only five slots had been filled out within the first two hours. A press room was empty at 11 a.m., except for two unattended laptops.

The smaller interest could be due partly to a lessening of the tea party’s influence.

The movement suffered a major setback in November after President Barack Obama successfully won a second term against Republican Mitt Romney. And a December poll of South Carolinians by Winthrop University showed only 5.7 percent of registered voters considered themselves tea party members.

Among Republicans and independents who lean Republican that voted in the 2012 presidential election, just 9 percent considered themselves tea party members, a drop of about two-thirds from the 30.5 percent who claimed tea party affiliation in 2010.

But the movement’s not dead yet, as the hundreds of attendees on Saturday showed.

“The strength of the tea party has definitely ebbed from the enormous support it enjoyed in the conservative movement and Republican circles back in 2010,” said Scott Huffmon, professor of political science at Winthrop. “While fewer people in S.C. support the principles of the tea party, and fewer S.C. Republicans report that they are actual members of the tea party, the movement is by no means over.”

Huffmon said the group has been weakened and fragmented, most recently by last year’s presidential primary, in which various tea party organizations backed different candidates. Huffmon also blamed some backlash on external groups that tried to impose their own top-down organization on local groups, which didn’t appreciate what they saw as outsiders trying to take over.

“These folks at the convention,” Huffmon said, “are the core of the core of true believers. Their commitment may be strong, but there is no denying that there are simply fewer marginal adherents these days.”
So where does the smaller movement go from here?

Some members say the tea party’s next move is shifting away from national affairs and looking at more local and state issues.

Dugan said that wouldn’t be the theme for the Palmetto State’s 2013 convention. He said they’ll work at state issues all year long, but wanted this weekend’s event to have a focus on national issues.

“We have more of a national focus. That is because we believe we are at a crossroads for the future of America,” Dugan said ahead of the weekend convention.

On Saturday morning, attendees were listening to a seminar on foreign terrorism.

Henry Cooper, chairman of High Frontier, a small nonprofit dedicated to informing the public on ballistic missile defense, warned of the risk of electromagnetic pulse attack.

An EMP attack, Cooper warned, could leave America completely in the dark and send it back into the 18th century, leading to the death of two-thirds of the country’s population within 12 months of an attack.

Terrorist threats wasn’t the only topic attendees heard discussions on. Throughout the weekend event, talks also centered around the economy, religious freedom and President Barack Obama’s health care reform.
There were plenty of takeaway messages from tea party supporters, some of which were written on signs.
One read, “What will get America out of its dilemma is resurrect McCa[r]thy’s hearings.”

For John Steinberger and Kathy Hughes, one way to get America out of its dilemma is to limit government regulations.

Steinberger feels the federal Department of Education, for one, has no constitutional right to meddle in the affairs of local and state schools.

Hughes said many legislators don’t understand that the Constitution is the law of the land.

“How can they make laws for us?” she asked.

Huffmon said the tea party could easily grow once more if the right circumstances fall into place.

“All the elements are still there, just less organized and cohesive,” he said Saturday. “I have likened it to a solution for electroplating. The elements are there, but floating around and disorganized until you put a piece of metal in and run an electrical charge through it. Then those elements rush to glom on to the source of the electrical charge. Conventions like this are important for keeping the core alive until the movement begins to coalesce again.”

“Their best chance to begin making a difference in the meantime will be to remain visible in the election to replace Tim Scott and organize strongly for GOP primaries at every level across the state over the next couple of years.”

Norm Shapp, an 85-year-old from Bluffton, could arguably be on the side of those who say movements like the tea party are coming to an end.

He attended the convention on Saturday to hear what was said, but on the whole doesn’t believe in what most of the movements are about.

Shapp said he’s tired of all the talk without any action. And he’s ready for some action.

The action he’s talking about is a revolution on par with the Revolutionary War and the Civil War. Shapp said it’s time to take up arms, but at his age, he wouldn’t be one to lead the charge.
“I want to see how it ends,” he said.

Monday, January 14, 2013

How The GOP Could Lose An Election!

Republican douche Congressman Steve Stockman (R-Texas) threatens impeachment if President Barack Obama brings forth gun control proposals and an executive order.

Taking on an incumbent who won overwhelmingly against the culture warriors of the Republican Party. Whereas Republicans and their conservative allies once again float impeachment because of a policy disagreement.

In the time of a tragedy, we as nation should stand together. But unfortunately in times of a tragedy, the American public wants political action. Yet political opposition seems to linger around.

President Barack Obama and the Republicans are going to have moment in the ring! The president will introduce proposals for reasonable gun control.

The conservatives are screaming for impeachment and treason when it's necessary!

It's almost funny that the Democratic Party were tempted and it backfired. It never occurred to me that for every thing former President George W. Bush done since he's been in office for eight years, it never merited articles of impeachment. I mean Hurricane Katrina, September 11, 2001, torture memos, firing of U.S. Attorneys, former Vice President Dick Cheney shooting a man in the face, Iraqi war, Valarie Plame, and the Downing Street memo are just another made-up scandal caused by the Democrats and the so-called liberal media.

While it's been a full month since the Sandy Hook shooting and seven months since Aurora, the American media is looking for a controversy to gin up ratings and political fights in Congress.

President Barack Obama does his press conference this morning and gave his ultimatum to the Republicans on the debt ceiling and gun control. He warned them that if Congress fails at accomplishing passage of legislation, then he'll enact an executive order.

This lit up the conservative media. Talk of succession and impeachment flows through the online extremist community. Threats of death and violence seems to crawl through the political threshold as well.

Congressman Steve Stockman (R-Texas), is throwing the "IMPEACH OBAMA" meme!

It's being posted on The Drudge Report as well as Rush Limbaugh saying that the president treats opposition to gun control as an enemy. These two agitators in the conservative media are the Republican Party's last hope for a political comeback!

Yeah right!

They'll just keep push them further to the right!

This buffoon Stockman once held a seat in the late 1990s. He served one term as a congressman. Now over 15 years later, this Republican idiot wants to throw around "I gotta make the news" crap!

“The White House’s recent announcement they will use executive orders and executive actions to infringe on our constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms is an unconstitutional and unconscionable attack on the very founding principles of this republic,” Stockman said.

“The President’s actions are an existential threat to this nation. The right of the people to keep and bear arms is what has kept this nation free and secure for over 200 years.”

The Constitution’s Second Amendment permitting citizens to keep and bear arms provides the citizenry the “means to defend themselves against tyranny,” Stockman said. “Any proposal to abuse executive power and infringe upon gun rights must be repelled with the stiffest legislative force possible.”

Your World, My Views » 4 Whites Rob, Murder Then Dismember 2 Young Black Men!(Video) #HTBBNR

Your World, My Views » 4 Whites Rob, Murder Then Dismember 2 Young Black Men!(Video) #HTBBNR: 4 Whites Rob, Murder Then Dismember 2 Young Black Men!(Video) #HTBBNR

January 14, 2013 | Posted in #HTBBNR, Blog, In The News, Lord Whats Next?, MUST SEE, SotomayorTv, YouTube Videos | No comments

Joliet Strangulation Murders: 4 Young Adults Arrested In Horrific Double Murder

By: Tommy ‘Tj’ Sotomayor III | Published: Monday, Jan 13th , 2012, 8:34 PM (on twitter @tjsotomayor)

La Reyna's view:

Hate crimes against people of Color are getting worse every day, thanks to right-wing conservative agitation and rhetoric from Jared Taylor, Rush Limbaugh, and Political Cesspool host James Edwards.

Our hearts go out to the victims of that vicious hate crime and thank you Tommy Sotomayor for telling the world about this vicious hate crime in Illinois today.


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