Monday, November 28, 2016

Canada Fears Trump Could Ruin Alliance!

My vacation in Niagara Falls. I took a picture of the International Boundary Line at the Rainbow Bridge. Its one of the many border crossings that the United States and Canada share. 

Our future dictator has one of his properties in Toronto.

Our neighbor to the north is concerned about the nationalist stance of your incoming dictator. His surprise win has concerns globally. He is not prepared for the job. The controversial billionaire/racist/sexist/pussy grabbing/reality television star who will become the 1st Dictator of the United States will take office in January along with his running mate the Christian extremist who is the outgoing Indiana governor. They promised that they will make America Great Again.

On his journey he may takedown many allies in his quest.

Canada our most reliable ally in the world is hoping that the incoming leader will not ruin a century's worth of trade and friendship.

If you didn't know this lovely fact, let me inform you about it. The U.S.-Canadian border is one of the longest boundary in the world. It's an invisible line that cuts through two countries and the U.S. Border Patrol and Canadian Border Service Agency monitor it 24/7, everyday. The International Boundary Commission is the agency that deals with maintaining the border. The IBC must cut through forests and mountains to maintain a clear path dividing the countries.

It spreads from Alaska in the extreme northwest with the Yukon and British Columbia. Then it starts from Washington state to Maine. It passes through the Canadian provinces of British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, and New Brunswick.

It pass through the U.S. States of  Alaska, Washington, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota, Michigan (water), Ohio (water), Pennsylvania (water), New York, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine.

It passes through forests, mountains, valleys, and water. However the border is complex. Some of the United States extends into Canadian mainland and vise versa. It's noted that some of the border does pass through buildings such as homes, businesses, and a library.

In the tiny town of Derby Line, Vermont, there is a handful residents who are literally neighbors to the people of the city of Stanstead, Quebec. The town was cut in half and the residents must apply for passports to see their neighbors. So if you live in Derby Line to get a fresh pizza from Stanstead, you better have a passport. If you from Stanstead and want to travel to the nearest Walmart 30 miles down the Interstate 91, better get a passport.

It's even rough for the residents of the tiny village of Estcourt Station, Maine. The town sits at the northernmost point of the United States. You have to drive through Canada to enter the tiny hamlet.

Only five people live there and they have the worst luck of border residents. Their homes are directly on the border. Those who live in the United States must travel through Canada to get back to the town of Fort Kent, Maine. Those who want to get gas from the Gulf station in Estcourt Station and live in the city of Pohenegamook, Quebec have to drive nearly a mile to border patrol before going to the gas station to fill up. That's if they're open. If the U.S. Custom and Border Patrol station isn't open, you're out of luck. Because if you have a home in the Canada but have to get through your driveway in United States, you're pretty much trapped in your home.

If you live in New York, you have the St. Regis Mohawk Reservation. It is a Native American claim that cuts into both countries. Many residents can freely travel through the countries without being stopped. Although both government monitor the area, the area is independent governance.

If you live at the Northwest Angle in Minnesota, you have to travel through Manitoba to get to the area. You must contact the border patrol once you enter the Angle. If you fail to do so, within 30 minutes the border agents and the U.S. Coast Guard will appear and round you up.

If you live in Point Roberts, Washington, you have a rough way to the mainland. The city is part of the United States and it sits on the peninsula of British Columbia. You have only an elementary school in Point Roberts. Many residents who have children who are passed 5th grade have to go to either Canadian schools for education or take the hour ride from Surrey, British Columbia to Blaine, Washington for middle and high school education.

With the Republican Party fixated on building walls and having countries pay for it, I wonder if the Republicans are willing to pay the residents of the United State sand Canada to clear the way for that wall to the north.

The soon-to-be dictator wants to end trade agreements with countries that don't help America first.

But in the same breathe he wants the Keystone XL pipeline and Dakota Access Pipeline to carry forth. Those pipelines will cut through the United States from Canada.

The issues with legalization of marijuana is also divisive. Canada is going to legalize the weed nationwide. In the United States, a handful of states are legalizing the weed. The rest considers it a felony if you possess the weed.

Nonetheless, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will meet with the guy in the coming month as a jester of goodwill. The two will have some tension on issues. His stance on refugees, the poor and the American-Canadian trade agreements are issues that the dictator may have to focus on.

Border security is truly a Republican issue. They want to ban Muslims from coming into the country.

They want to ship immigrants back to their nations (including Canada).

Did you know it's easier to get into Canada than it is the United States. The U.S. takes everything seriously and assured that you'll be banned from entry if you commit a felony in the country of your origin. Matter of fact, if you're an American cause an criminal incident in Canada, you could be banned from entry in the United States. You might have to face Canadian courts or detainment for an indefinite period.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Got Any Cheese?

Richmond area CVS called the law on two Black men.

Welcome to Donald Trump's America. He and Mike Pence are responsible for the actions of bigots, racists and millions of idiots in our country. Three men were embarrassed by the behavior of two nighttime clerks at a Richmond area CVS Store.

Rickey Berry and his roommate head to CVS for some sliced cheese. They ask the clerk if they had any Kraft cheese slices. The clerk would say no and walk away. Well for the next 10 minutes or so, they shop around the CVS. They gather their products and head to the register. They see another man in line waiting.

The man was in the line for at least 5 minutes wondering if they were the workers. Rickey told the man that they were shoppers too and the clerk was nearby.

Well another 10 minutes later, Rickey and the other men were starting to get concerned about the clerk.

So he whips out his phone and records the situation. Well a few minutes later a Richmond Metro Police officer shows up wondering if everything is okay. They ask the officer to help find the clerk.

They looked around the store in Richmond, Virginia for another 30 minutes before a cop showed up. The officer then joined in the search for the missing employees.

"He was laughing with us because, like, this is how weird, apocalyptic movies start," Berry told local TV station WRIC.

Eventually, the clerk and another employee were found in the back of the store hiding in a locked room. After making a few calls, the officer told the customers they had to leave.

In one of the videos he recorded, Berry said, "We're being kicked out because they were scared of us and hiding."

"He just told us that we need to leave premises or else we would be arrested for trespassing and that flipped the script on all of us," Berry told [WRIC] Reporter Jonathan Costen. "We had no idea what was going on."

Well the damage was done. The men were upset. If they decide to take action it certainly could lead to lawsuits and negative publicity. 

The workers were placed in the freezer. The were warned to fly right or face cannon firing. They will be retrained on customer service.

Fusion picked up on the story and I found it interesting. I have co-workers who act like this. They got this "hunch" that some of the people coming into our business are "shady".

Colonel Abrams Passed Away!

1980s R&B singer Colonel Abrams passed away.

When I tuned into SiriusXM's The Groove, one familiar voice was often a fixture on the 24/7 classic R&B and Funk station. It was Colonel Abrams. Tonight we learned that he passed away at the age of 67.

We'll do a Late Thread in honor of Colonel Abrams. says that it was nearly a year ago that they reported that Abrams was suffering badly from diabetes and was financially strapped by the illness.

The Detroit-born, Manhattan raised singer began playing both piano and guitar while still quite young. By the mid 1970s he became part of the band Heavy Impact. But it was nearly a decade later that Abrams really made a name for himself with the big hit “Music Is the Answer.” It began a string of dance hits that capitalized on the electronic sounds that were popular in the mid 80s, and included “The Truth,” “Over and Over,” “I’m Not Gonna Let You,” and his biggest song, the dancelicious international hit, “Trapped.”

Soul Tracks Also writes that Abrams continued to chart on the Dance and R&B charts into the mid-90s, and performed around the world into the new century. He also formed his own Colonel Records and released music sporadically through the early part of this decade.

Unfortunately and tragically, by December of 2015, Abrams was quite ill and homeless, and his friends began a crowdfunding campaign to help him pay for his medical treatments.

Ron Glass Passsd Away!

Tonight we mourn the loss of a familiar face in television. If you grew up in the 1970s and 1990s, you would remember Ron Glass. Ron was the critically acclaimed actor who played Dt. Ron Harris in the classic sitcom Barney Miller. He was a featured player on many shows such as Firefly, Rugrats (including spin-off All Grown Up), Teen Angel, The New Odd Couple and Mr. Rhodes.

The veteran television and film actor died Saturday of respiratory failure at age 71, his agent told NBC News.

"Ron was a private, gentle and caring man," said Jeffrey Leavitt, Glass' agent. "He was an absolute delight to watch on screen. Words cannot adequately express my sorrow."

Any avid TV watcher of the last 35 years or so is likely familiar with Glass' face. He is perhaps best known for his Emmy-nominated role as NYPD Det. Ron Harris on the classic cop sitcom "Barney Miller," which aired from 1975 to 1982 on ABC.

Glass is the second cast member from that critically acclaimed show to have passed away this year. The irascible and iconic Abe Vigoda, who played Det. Phil Fish for part of the sitcom's run, died in January at age 94.

For a younger generation of TV viewers, Glass was a standout as the deeply religious preacher Derrial Brook on the 2002 cult science fiction show "Firefly," which was eventually spun off into 2005 feature film — "Serenity" — co-starring Glass.

In real life, the Indiana-born actor was a devout Buddhist and an active member of the SGI-USA Friendship Center in Los Angeles.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Fidel Castro Passed Away!

The world is mourning the loss of Cuba's former leader Fidel Castro.

Fidel Castro, the legendary leader in the Caribbean nation of Cuba has passed away at the age of 90. World leaders have sent their condolences to the former Cuban president. Born Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz, he led Cuba throughout the Cold War. He was icon in Cuba as well as her in the United States.

Here in the United States, I can only imagine how conservatives are screaming for joy knowing an "enemy" of the country is gone.

Castro was the leader of the 1959 Cuban Revolution. He lead a coalition of Cubans to overthrow U.S.-backed dictator Fulgencio Batista. Castro ruled the island nation for nearly 50 years. His supporters say that he was for the people. His detractors said that he was a dictator and cruel despot who suppressed opposition.

He would test the United States by thumbing his finger in the eye of 10 presidents.

In 2006, Castro would face ill health and couldn't lead the nation. He would pass his legacy to his younger brother Raul. Raul Castro announced the news on state television tonight.

Castro spent his final years in seclusion and made some appearances with foreign dignitaries. He would also take to a blog to talk about the world events. The junk food media over here broke into local programming to express their know nothing opinions.

He was born in Cuba. He was upset over the Batista government and how it was cruelly treating the people of Cuba. Castro was aided by guerrilla war strategist Che Guevara. They fought the Cuban leader and defeated him. Castro would become the prime minister of Cuba.

He would criticize the United States after the CIA-lead Bay of Pigs Invasion. He would ban all Americans propeties from the island. That in turn led to the embargo of Cuba. This is still in effect. President Barack Obama eased tensions with Cuba by lifting sanctions against the island.

Castro would spark the Cold War when he said that the United Socialist Soviet Republic (USSR/Soviet Union/Russia) and their nuclear weapons are welcomed in Cuba.

Castro would be sworn in as president of Cuba in 1976.

Castro played a role in the Elian Gonzalez affair. The Cuban government demanded the U.S. to return the boy to his father. The U.S. rightfully so by force. It was the iconic picture of a frightened boy with U.S. Marshals armed pulling him from a closet. The U.S. and Cuba would negotiate a refugee agreement after that.

Throughout the Cold War, Castro was considered a threat to the U.S.

Expect President Barack Obama and his successor, that controversial billionaire/racist/sexist/pussy grabbing/dictator in waiting Donald J. Trump to respond to the news.

Cubans exiles are cheering the death.

The nation of Cuba uses economic Communism. Castro believed that the government should give the land back to the people and to defend the rights of the poor. Some didn't agree to Communism and opposed him. But all threats were quickly stopped. Some middle class Cubans would flee to Florida to settle after Castro threatened imprisonment and death to people who tried to overthrow him.

Friday, November 25, 2016

Florence Henderson Passed Away!

You probably grew up watching the hit sitcom The Brady Bunch. The carefree and down to earth mom Carol Brady was played by Florence Henderson.

It was confirmed overnight that she passed away. According to the junk food media she had passed away from heart failure. She was 82 years old.

Former co-star and reality television star Maureen McCormick who played Marcia was first to respond to the news that Henderson had passed away.

Henderson is probably the most famous TV mom. She was a single women with three daughters who married a widower with three sons.

She first graced television screens in the 1950s following a role in the musical Carousel in 1949 and other musical theater hits including South Pacific and the title role in Fanny.

The premiere of The Brady Bunch in 1969 made her an icon. The series made its debut and cultural tumult in the United States but remained invariably cheery and avoided controversy during its five seasons on ABC. It ran around the controversial sitcoms like All in the Family, Maude, Sanford and Son.

The Telegraph also noted that she appeared in The Brady Bunch Variety Hour, The Brady Brides, A Very Brady Christmas and The Brady's. She would often appear as a guest star in some shows including The Love Boat, LA Law, and Murder, She Wrote.

She and McCormick were contestants on ABC's Dancing With The Stars.

She made cameo appearance in the 1990s The Brady Bunch Movie and the 2016 movie 50 Shades of Black. She was a host of a cooking show on RLTV before her sudden death.

She will be missed among many including myself. She leaves behind four children.

Thanks to Florence Henderson for the many years of laughs and inspiration.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Steve Harvey Back To Hosting It's Showtime At The Apollo!

Steve Harvey will host a reboot of It's Showtime at The Apollo.

The comedian/game show host/media mogul Steve Harvey hasn't stopped the success. The Original King of Comedy is a busy man. He's taking the title from the disgraced Black everyman Bill Cosby.

Harvey is heading back to hosting duties for special run It's Showtime at The Apollo.

It's a special event on Fox and it's set air on December 5 at 8pm. It will air another hour special in early 2017.

Steve Harvey is the host of Family Feud (and ABC's Celebrity Family Feud). Family Feud is the game show in which two families compete in a series of questions for big prizes. He has hosted the show for six years and still the host. He tapes the shows in Atlanta.

He is the host of Steve Harvey, a daytime syndicated talk show. The show is on many CW and Fox affiliates. He tapes his syndicated show in Chicago.

He is the host of The Steve Harvey Morning Show which is heard on many radio stations across the country. He does his show live from Chicago. He occasionally heads to Atlanta to his radio show when he is doing Family Feud. He has a home in both Chicago and Atlanta.

He is the host of Little Big Shots on NBC. He team up with Ellen DeGeneres to make a youth talent show. It's been greenlight for another season in the summer.

He is the host of Miss Universe pageant. This is the most prestige beauty pageant.  He will continue hosting duties until 2019. The next one will be hosted by the Philippines. The pageant was sponsored by the controversial billionaire/racist/sexist/pussy grabbing/reality television star who will be your next president.

Steve Harvey is the author of wildly popular books Act Like a Lady and Think Like a Man. The books were greenlighted into a motion picture.

The movie Think Like a Man became a successful movie and sequel. A third sequel is in the works.

Will Kiki Sheppard and the Sandman return to give Steve a hand?


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