Saturday, December 29, 2012

My Honest Opinion Of The Tea Party And Republicans!

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky), House Speaker, Congressman John Boehner (R-Ohio) and Majority Leader Congressman Eric Cantor (R-Virginia) are scorned by the public according to most polls. The Republican Party's stubborness and bitterness (likely racist) campaign against President Barack Obama has caught up and people are tired of it! 
As the sequester (fiscal cliff/debt ceiling) debate continues with neither side willing to sacrifice for the sake of the nation, we here at Journal de la Reyna continue to keep you informed! The nation is gripping for a tax hike and possible spending cuts that may eventually take our country into another recession. Gun control is front and center as a result of the Sandy Hook shooting. Each of these important issues are taking either the backseat or thrown inside of the trunk when it comes to Republicans. I want to share my honest opinion of the Republicans and their allies in the conservative movement in general.

I can't stand them. I am very frustrated with Republicans, conservative agitating and the extremism.

By far this 112th Congress is the least productive in history. This is also the first Congress since 1947 in which a member of the Kennedy family has not served, as well as the most politically polarized Congress since Reconstruction, with record low approval ratings. This ties the 80th Congress of 1947 when Republicans took control during the times of President Harry Truman. The 80th Congress was nicknamed the "Do Nothing Congress" by President Harry Truman. The Congress opposed many of the bills passed during the Franklin Roosevelt administration. They also opposed most of Truman's Fair Deal bills. Yet they passed many pro-business bills. During the 1948 election Truman campaigned as much against the "Do Nothing Congress" as against his formal opponent, Thomas Dewey.

The very same thing only 63 years later. The Republicans gridlock Congress in order to sabotage President Barack Obama. When the 2012 election came forth President Barack Obama was at low job approval ratings, but by the end of his term, he ended up winning reelection against perennial loser Mitt Romney.


It doesn't sink in their empty heads that they've lost the presidential election. It doesn't sink in their empty heads that they barely hold control of the House of Representatives and the Senate is still in Democrat control. The Republican leaders are looking even more worse. Senator Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky, Minority Leader) and Congressman John Boehner (R-Ohio, Speaker of The House) are now ranked unfavorably by a majority of Americans. It doesn't sink in their empty heads that most Americans want higher taxes on the rich, Mitt Romney to go away, and the Republicans to work with the president.

The Republicans are more Whiter and less moderate.

As the president wraps up his first term, his second term will begin with the very same idiots who screwed up the country. The president will continue to have his policies or nominees stalled or blocked by constant obstruction. Republicans agitate this debate that it's our current president's fault for the economy tanking.

Clearly wiping away the history of a two termed president who allowed the country to go into two wars. A president who allowed tax cuts for the rich go forth without paying for them. A president who raised the debt ceiling more than 8 times without much obstruction. A president who took us into The Great Recession.

That allow a Democratic senator become the President Of The United States. And during his first term, Republicans seemed willing to work with the new president. This new president allowed members of the House and Senate come to the White House to eat with him, watch movies and travel on his plane. This new president allowed Republicans come to the table on issues to jump start the economy. It took a conservative agitator and a cable news channel determined to see that this new president fails.

They didn't want no part of this new president's agenda.

So what do these Republicans do?

They create this Tea Party movement. This movement is based off of phony patriotism, bitterness and a strong hatred of the first Black president.

Now of course, not all Republicans are racists. There are reasonable members of the national party. But as of today and for the majority of this new 113th Congress, Republicans are by far the most extreme!

This week alone brings us to the finale of the debate.

It's now at least 25% chance of Congress passing a law that stops the fiscal crisis that may loom in the coming month.

As far as the Republicans are concerned, they've stood up for their principles! Their principles will destroy the nation and President Barack Obama is willing to tarnish them for sabotaging the economy.

Republicans aren't willing to support their own ideas. The Tea Party bucked Speaker Boehner last week.

They're trying to invoke fear in the Democrats. The Republicans and their allies are targeting Democrats and Republican members who support gun rights but support legislation that offers reasonable gun control. They are already focused on taking Democrats in politically Republican states.

They want to line up political novices such as Senator Marco Rubio (R-Florida), Senator Tim Scott (R-South Carolina), Congressman Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin), Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky), New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, former governor Jeb Bush and others as the 2016 Republican presidential nominee.

They want to blame President Barack Obama for the mess he inherited from the Bush Administration.

They couldn't give him four years to get things done. Most of his agenda was stalled or caught in gridlock.

Although historical laws were passed and signed by President Barack Obama, the Republicans wasted no time trying to repeal them. They've wasted taxpayer money passing symbolic legislature repealing Obamacare. They've spent a majority of Congressional funds to defend the Defense Of Marriage Act, a controversial law that defines marriage between man and woman, slightly outlawing gay marriage.

There were many reactions to the possible government shutdown with some saying the economy could be hurt during a fragile recovery and others saying the lack of an unnecessary bureaucracy would not be noticed. There was also criticism that while senators and representatives would continue to get paid others such as the police and military personnel would either not be paid for their work or have their payments deferred.


Again I personally don't care what these people do in their private lives. But since these guys promote themselves a family values and upright citizens, one is to believe these guys are serious about family values!

No. Not one bit!

These so-called "family values" members of the Republican Party were partying like rock stars. Recently Senator Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) was arrested for driving while intoxicated in Virginia. Congressman Scott DesJarlais (R-Tennessee) admitted he had an affair on his second wife and the mistress had an abortion after he learned the woman was pregnant. Congressman Ben Quayle (R-Arizona) was defeated in a primary by Congressman David Schweikert (R-Arizona). Quayle and Congressman Kevin Yoder (R-Kansas) have took their clothes off and dived into the Dead Sea in Israel. They created a sex scandal. Republican Arizona sheriff Paul Babeu was caught in a gay scandal with his former boyfriend being an illegal and the sheriff being a hardline extremist on border security.

Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich both natives of Georgia ran for president. Cain, a perennial candidate for higher office and talk show host once ran restaurants. Cain brags about turned around struggling Godfather's Pizza. Gingrich, a former Congressman and later House Speaker now does speaking tours and promoting books. Both are not family value candidates. They've both had numerous affairs on their wives. Gingrich dumping two wives to be with his current wife Republican operative Calista. Cain, a married man himself, kept his wife out the spotlight. His wife is a life-long Democrat and was likely to vote for the president. He had admitted to having an affair with three women, one filing a sexual harassment lawsuit against him.

Arnold Schwarzenegger, a famous actor ran for governor in 2003 as a Republican. Many conservatives and even some Democrats wanted the actor to win. And he won easily. He served the remainder of Democrat Gray Davis' term and easily won reelection. During his time as governor it was revealed that he had an affair with the nanny of Schwarzenagger and wife Maria Shriver's children. The former governor father a child who is about the age of his youngest son. Shriver, a news reporter and reality television celebrity. She is a decedent of the Kennedy family by mother Eunice (nee Kennedy). The couple recently had a divorce.

Mark Sanford, then governor of South Carolina was a hard line family values politician. It was revealed in 2009 that the governor left the United States to have an affair with an Argentina news reporter. His wife, Jenny is trying to rebuilt her tarnished image by running for political office. Sanford, himself wants to claim the seat that Tim Scott held before he was appointed as a senator.

Joe Walsh, an outgoing Illinois congressman is a deadbeat parent. He has the nerve to attack single women such as Sandra Fluke. He speaks ill of Black voters and their overwhelming support of the president. Walsh had the nerve to attack a veteran who is disabled. His opponent Tammy Duckworth is a double amputee combat veteran and Walsh treated her as a some degenerate! He was handed a defeat. He was a defiant in defeat. John Ensign was a Nevada senator. He resigns because he was caught in an affair and had his parents bail him out!


Republicans prop up Black, South Asian and Hispanic members like trophies. Republicans flex their color card with Tim Scott, senator from South Carolina, Herman Cain, South Carolina governor Nikki Haley, Allen West, outgoing congressman from Florida, Marco Rubio, senator from Florida, New Mexico governor Susana Martinez, Raúl Labrador, congressman from Idaho and Ted Cruz, the new senator from Texas.

These extremists prop themselves as "freed" slaves off the "Democrat Plantation".

Republicans online and sometimes in the general public make ridiculous assertions about being the party of Civil Rights legislation in the 1960s. The Republicans were a minority in Congress during the 1960s and they managed to court the conservative Moral Majority! They constantly bothered President John F. Kennedy for being too liberal and meddling in the affairs of White people. After President Kennedy was assassinated, his successor President Lyndon B. Johnson took control of the agenda. They nominated extremist Berry Goldwater, a senator from Arizona to take the helms of the Republican Party. They push forth this narrative that the New Deal was a failure, the Great Society is "big government" run amuck, and the Black Civil Rights leaders were trouble makers!

Republicans didn't want part of Johnson's agenda. In their distorted minds, they claim that without their help, they wouldn't have passed historic laws that ended segregation.  They continue to beat up on former Vice President/media mogul Al Gore's father and the late senator Robert Byrd for stalling Civil Rights laws of the past.

This current Congress managed to stall Civil Rights legislation for Hispanics by refusing to pass the DREAM Act. The Republicans look at Blacks as dependent on welfare, entitlements and vote only on race! Instead of wondering why these growing minorities are supporting Democrats, the Republicans are trying to pass laws that restrict minorities and the poor from voting.


The Defense of Marriage Act was passed in the 1990s after the Republicans pressured President Bill Clinton into signing the law. The law was pushed in with tax increases. The laws is discrimination against same sex couples. The law is on the docket in the Supreme Court.

The Republicans want NPR and PBS to lose public funds. The Republicans want Planned Parenthood to lose funding and women to not have preventive healthcare.

The Republicans want to end labor unions by passing legislation that restrict collective bargaining rights. They want to maintain legislation that keep wages low and productive activity high.

The conservative agenda spreads into businesses like Chick-Fil-A, Hobby Lobby, Papa John's and Denny's want to punish the working class for supporting President Barack Obama.

Fox News, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, The Drudge Report, and Andrew Breitbart worked overtime on culture war issues. They rallied against the Obama administration and had people fired. These ridiculous conservatives grabbed their cameras and ran into the poor neighborhoods of America to find a Black person to make the case against the president. They interviewed a woman in Ohio and she says "I get a Obama phone!" This lit up the internet of hate and Republicans wanted to have this become a rally cry for ending the safety net for poorer Americans.

They were up in arms over Fast & Furious and Benghazi incidents. They tried to damage Attorney General Eric Holder and United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice. They want them marched out of Washington, DC in handcuffs. They want to see the president impeached for tragedies such as these since firearms were used in these tragedies. But when real tragedies occur such as Sandy Hook and Aurora movie shootings, the Republicans rather allow this continue because these infringe on "their rights" as Americans to own firearms.

Even though most want issues to be solved, Republicans are the only ones standing in the way of progress!


The Republicans would rather see the economy tank in order to blame President Barack Obama for the crisis.

The Republicans wrapped their asses around American flag in defense of these silly culture wars.

The Republicans and their allies in the conservative movement are reactionary bigots. These bigots harbor hatred of minorities, the lower class, the middle class, the working class, independent women, and the LGBT community.

The Republicans and their allies in the conservative movement have issues a person's with race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, political and economic standings.

The Republicans are determined to defeat the president at any cost.

The Republicans and their conservative allies are the racist, sexist, Islamophobic, homophobic, condescending, pain inducing morons that the Democrats and liberals paint them out to be.

And today and probably for the most part, I will no longer support Republicans and their conservative allies.

I hope you understand that this time it's personal!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Chi-Town 500+

Chicago reached a grim milestone.

Say what?

Yeah, Chicago, Illinois has lost over 500 members of its beautiful city this year. The city has reached its infamous milestone. Over 500 murders or homicides this year alone.

We're experiencing an epidemic of tragedy because of the rapid gun violence in the third largest city in the nation.

Mayor Rahm Emmanuel can't control the ongoing feuds within infamous street gangs.  

The president has to deal with this domestic terrorism in our communities. 

Gang violence is a danger to young Black and Latino males. Once you become a member of a street gang, you live by their rule or die by their rule. You gotta survive to eat! You got to make it in before you get in!
The Chicago Tribune reports that metro police confirmed that homicides were up 17 percent over last year in Chicago and shootings had increased by 11 percent, according to police statistics. Earlier this fall, Chicago already exceeded the number of homicides that occurred last year, but this is the first time the city has had 500 or more murders since the 512 in 2008.

Largely contributing to the spike was the unusual number of homicides that occurred during the early part of the year, when the city experienced unseasonable warmth. In the first three months of the year, homicides ran about 60 percent ahead of the 2011 rate.

Police stated that gang violence reduction strategies the department adopted this year have slowed the increase in violence.
Chicago mayor Rahm Emmanuel and Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy are trying to curb gang violence.
There's been too much violence by firearms. The Democrats are proposing legislation that may curb high power firearms. The National Rifle Association dismisses this as a threat upon the freedoms of law abiding firearm owners. 

In the wake of the Sandy Hook shooting, many are calling for reasonable gun control. Although the House of Representatives will never allow passage of this bill, President Barack Obama and the Democratic control senate will continue to push the message that Republicans are obstructionists to progress. In the wake of a tragedy, Republicans would rather continue to allow dangerous firearms in the hands of individuals who may capable of carrying out mass shootings.

When things happen in Chicago, Illinois, Republicans and their conservative allies are rooting for Blacks and Hispanics to kill each other off! The Republicans attack President Barack Obama for ignoring a crisis in one of America's cities. They'll find reason to say that this reminds them of the president saying that these gang members are like "[Trayvon Martin] being was one of his sons!'

Gun rights for White people and gun control for Blacks, Hispanics and Muslims. They want control over us, but never control over them. You see how Republicans act when it comes to serious issues like taxes, the sequester and debt ceiling. They portray themselves as the condescending idiots most Americans see them as! And it's not pretty. Republicans aren't focused on issues such as gun control. They worship the ground walked on by assholes like Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Grover Norquist, Matt Drudge. They want to get good fitting on Fox News or standings with the National Rifle Association. 
Conservatives can't understand that the people of Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, Baltimore, Philadelphia, St. Louis, New York, Los Angeles and Atlanta are just as American as they are! They rather react to gun violence when it happens in the suburbs not the cities.

That's probably why it's a long way til we get to the promise land. 

A reminder to those reading, violent street gangs are domestic terrorist. They're no different from the White extremist who contributes to a mass shooting or racially-theme rant on the changing demogrpahics of our nation.

Fashion Bug Closes!

Women's clothing apparel store closing up shop!

Women may find dismay in this story. The nation's low price women's clothing store is going out of business. In 2013, a new company took over and their vision is to stomp on Fashion Bug.

Ascena Retail Group Inc. has completed its buyout of Charming Shoppes Inc., which owns the chain, and now plans to close the remaining several hundred Fashion Bug stores by early next year.

Fashion Bug will join Catherine's, Lane Bryant, Justice and Dress Barn in the new wave of consolidation.

No telling how many jobs will be lost in the acquisition of this retail store.

The New York based firm will begin immediate closing of all stores by early 2013. Fashion Bug is a women's fashion apparel retailer located in strip shopping centers. Fashion Bug offers fashion apparel and accessories in plus and misses.

The Charming Shoppes is a specialty and plus size clothing retail holding company based in Bensalem, Pennsylvania; a suburb of Philadelphia. Its subsidiaries are Lane Bryant, Fashion Bug, Cacique and Catherines Plus. Clothes are sold from over 2300 retail stores in the United States, as well as numerous catalogs and online sites. Charming Shoppes was founded in 1940, went public in 1971, and was ranked 810th on the 2010 Fortune 1000.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

I've Never Seen Barack Obama Eat Watermelon!

Real laugh riot!
But those conservatives once again bring forth their hatred of the nation's first Black president in a negative condescending and practically racist theme.

No surprise that the state of Kentucky is the hub of Appalachia. These poor ignorant ass White people fear the Godless Muslim, Socialist, Commie, Traitor And His Fat Ass Wife That Looks Like A Baboon.

See it's never us that invoke the hate, it's always them. They prove to Blacks, Hispanics and non-White Americans that Republicans aren't focused on the concerns. They're focused on dividing us with class warfare and then turn around and blame President Barack Obama for their own doing.

A Casey County man says the life-sized mannequin in his front yard of President Obama holding a slice of watermelon was meant as a joke and not a racist display.

"The way I look at it, it's freedom of speech," said Danny Hafley. "I don't know how other people will take it."
WHITE EXTREMIST Danny Hafley stands near his statue.
Hafley bought the Obama mask on sale after Halloween and put up the display around the time of November's presidential election.

The mannequin, dressed in a grey suit, clip-on tie and blue-collared shirt, was originally standing in Hafley's yard but the homeowner decided it would look better near the road.

"That's my buddy," Hafley said. "He don't talk. Don't make no smart comments. If I had a dollar for everyone who stopped and took a picture of it I'd be a millionaire."

When asked the reason behind the watermelon, Hafley responded that he thought the figure "might get hungry standing out here."

While several neighbors didn't find anything wrong with the life-sized doll and said Hafley had the right to display it, one anonymous neighbor felt others would find it racist.

"If he wants to place it someplace else that would be fine," said the neighbor. "We don't have black people in this community but I'm sure they travel this road like everybody else does. They could be offended. I don't agree with it."

The neighbor added that the figure originally had a sign asking people to pray that Obama won't destroy America.

This isn't the first time Hafley has made such a display. He pulled off the mask and unbuttoned the suit coat to show a white mannequin with a drawn-on moustache wearing a blue-collared shirt with "Stupidville Police Department' written on the right side. Hafley said he designed it after Hustonville Police Chief Fred McCoy.

"Freddy is what I named him," Hafley said.

Hafley says he doesn't plan on taking down the display until the springtime or whenever it gets him in trouble.

"He's pretty popular," Hafley said. "If he's as popular in Washington as he is here then he's a popular man."

To add insult to this conflict, his daughter took to Facebook to defend her father's blatant racism.

Karen Conley ·  Top Commenter
What an idiot.
Just another toothless, white-trash, redneck that gives Kentucky such a bad reputation.

  • Angie Hafley Stevens · National College of Business & Technology
    This toothless, white-trash, redneck that you are referring to, served his country in the U.S. Army for 18 years and defended millions of strangers in Viet Nam. Therefore , I think that he earned his right to voice his opinions and display anything he wants.

Lou Belton ·  Top Commenter · Auburn University
and you're an ugly hog. Go on a diet fatty. (I earned the right to say that because I served in Iraq)

Angie Hafley Stevens · National College of Business & Technology
Lou Belton Did you loose your eyesight while you were in Iraq? Because I am definitely not ugly or fat. LOL Seriously, is that the best you can come up with?

Angie Hafley Stevens · National College of Business & Technology
And again, he earned his right to defend his "racist" ideas when he defended his country in Viet Nam!

Angie Hafley Stevens · National College of Business & Technology
Mark Preston So they can then force him to remove it???? That is exactly what would happen. This started out as a political statement. He put this on display asking people to pray for America, because 4 more years with Obama as president will destroy America. He removed it a couple of weeks ago because of the holiday season. But someone made the comment that he removed it because he got scared when a car full of African American's stopped and told him to take it down. That's when he put the display back up, but added the watermelon to it.

Brandy Mitchell-Williams · Customer Service Manager at Foam Design, Inc.
What a freaking Moron!!! Angie Hafley, you're a freaking racist moron too. Like father like daughter!!

  • Valerie Smith ·  Top Commenter · Louisville, Kentucky
    Yeah right, cars full of African Americans cruise Casey County all the time! You know it's true, someone made a comment about it.

  • Glen Sault ·  Top Commenter · Naval Opthalmic Support & Training Activity
    Oh, a car full of African Americans stopped by to tell him to take his statue down. Bet they were Black Panthers, too.

  • Randall Russell · Casey County High School
    To know Danny, he wouldnt have taken it down because a car full of black folks stopped by and told him to.

  • Elizabeth Nicole Parlato ·  Top Commenter
    Angie Hafley Stevens oh my god lol. yeah sure youre right, he has the right to make himself look like a racist idiot (just like you do) but we also have the right to call him out on being a piece of human trash. a car full of black people, omg lol. Serving in vietnam doesnt give him some kind of shield that keeps people from calling out what a hateful bigot he is. Are you from that area too?? is everyone there so hopelessly racist?

Steven Eric Richardson · US Navy Electronics Technician School
He's just asking for a brick to be thrown though his window.

  • Angie Hafley Stevens · National College of Business & Technology
    You are probably correct. But you know what? At least he is man enough to stand up for what he believes in. He is prepared to face whatever consequences this may bring him. This was originally displayed during election time with a sign that read, "4 more years of this will destroy America." It wasn't until someone else tried to turn it into something racist, that he added the watermelon. It wasn't racist views that started this whole thing. It was his fear of "Godless" man being elected as our president again. He believes in God and believes that God should be an important part of our government, school, daily lifes, etc. He believes in our constitutional rights (all of them........freedom of speech, freedom of religion, right to bear arms, etc)

It's proven time after time that Americans are so fucking stupid! !t's unbelievable at times. Once again White extremists online and in the general public figure these negative stereotypes of Black people being chicken bone sucking, watermelon eating, purple drank slurping, welfare grabbing, gubmint gibb mes is true! They think the Black people voted for President Barack Obama so they can get their Obama Phones and Obama Money!

They attack hip-hop music for embracing in the gun culture. But when a White mass shooter kills Americans, it's not about the guns it's about the man. They want gun control over Blacks, Hispanics and Muslims. But never the White guy. It's gun rights for them.

That is the reason to why Republicans and their conservative allies are the racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic, condescending idiots liberals paint them out to be!


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